Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Scott Disick: Watch Sofia Richie Dancing in Her Underwear!

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are still together, folks. And they"re looking positively domestic.

The self-described Lord filmed a video of Sofia dancing in panties in his kitchen, as you"ll see below. And she"s dancing to her dad"s music, which adds a whole other complicated layer to this.

You"ll have to decide — is the video fun and festive and playful, or is it creepy?

Your opinion of the video will probably be based on what you think of Scott Disick himself.

Is Scott Disick a creepy older man taking advantage of a teenager … or is he just living out the fantasy of most straight men?

Or, quite frankly, is it both?

(It might be both)

We"ve heard that Lionel Richie hopes that Sofia and Scott split, so we know what side her dad takes in all of this.

Let"s just hope that he misses this particular video.

There"s no questioning that Sofia Richie looks gorgeous.

She"s a 19-year-old model.

Also, she"s dancing around in a santa top and she"s not wearing any pants. But hey, a red top and white panties makes for a festive Christmas color scheme, right?

Scott Disick might be genuinely in love with Sofia … or she might unwittingly be some sort of revenge for Kourtney finding happiness with Younes Bendjima.

In the first part of this video, which Scott decided to share with the world, he appears to be tossing ice cubes, which Sofia is catching and tossing into the sink.

They"re just goofily messing around. If you forget about their huge age gap or how Scott spent most of 2017 before settling on Sofia, you"d think that it"s just a cute video of a girlfriend and boyfriend.

Which is what it is. It"s just that the girlfriend is 19 and the boyfriend is 34.

If you don"t feel like doing math, 19 x 2 is 38, which means that Sofia is literally half the age of Scott"s ex and baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian.

At the same time, though, Sofia"s an adult. Are critics of the relationship infantalizing an adult woman who can make her own decisions?

It"s the second part of the video — where the dancing puts her panties on full display for the camera and therefore for Scott"s many, many followers — that really has people talking.

Sofia"s dancing looks great, don"t get us wrong. And she has very muscular legs.

But she"s dancing to her dad"s music — when Lionel Richie is scared to death by her current relationship.

A little awkward, even if she claims that her dad totally supports her relationship choices.

The creepiness level — Scott filming a teenager"s sexy dance while her father"s voice sings — may be more unnerving than their age gap, quite frankly.

Scott Disick is a complicated man. More complicated than you"d imagine for a dude who drank and banged his way through 2017 in order to try to get over a breakup.

And Sofia, despite her youth, is an adult. She has actual thoughts and feelings and desires of her own, and perhaps shouldn"t be reduced to "Scott Disick"s hapless girl-toy."

When you watch this video below, which version of their relationship do you see?

A cute couple celebrating the holidays or a man showing off his nubile young conquest, flaunting her in the faces of everyone he dislikes?

And, again, might it be both?

Scott disick look at sofia richie dancing in her underwear