Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian Posts Underwear Selfie, Gets Slut AND Mom Shamed!

In many ways, Kim Kardashian is the embodiment of the American dream.

Now, before you go hurling rotten produce at your computer screen or tossing your mobile device into a dumpster and then lighting the dumpster on fire, hear us out:

Kim came from a reasonably well-off family, it’s true, but who could have ever predicted she would grow up to be one of the most famous women on the planet?

In her early twenties, Kim was basically Paris Hilton’s errand girl.

By the time she reached her thirties, Kim had not only eclipsed Paris in terms of fame and fortune, she’d become a bonafide international icon and a one-woman media empire.

These days, she continues to rise to new levels of fame, all while raising three children and remaining in flawless physical condition.

We point all of this out only to highlight how absurd it is that Kim still gets ragged on by basement-dwelling trolls every time she posts a pic that they deem too risqué.

Kim posted the above photo to Instagram this week, along with a caption reading:

“Found this pic I took in the bathroom on set of My @calvinklein shoot #MyCalvins #ad”

Now, in terms of Kim Kardashian underwear selfies, this one is pretty tame.

Nevertheless, the trolls and haters came out in full force to 

Mom-shaming Kim is one of the internet’s favorite activities, but this pic seemed to bring out all manner of trash-talkers.

There were the plastic surgery-shamers, who said things like:

“She looks a bit more natural here. Is this an old pic?”

And then there were the classic body-shamers who like to pretend that 1. Kim would ever show any interest in them, and 2. They would totally pass if she did.

“If u still looked like this id crash but u garbage now,” wrote one such troglodyte.

And then there are those who seem to completely misunderstand the nature of Kim’s career and social media presence:

“Will your thirst ever be quenched?” these people ask, ironically quenching their own thirst in the process.

Folks, allow us to explain something important:

It’s not called “thirst” when you’re just carrying out the basic requirements of your job.

This is what Kim does for a living.

She identified the pic as an ad, which means she got paid (probably a staggering sum of money) to post it.

On top of that, this is how she’s amassed the following of tens of millions of fans that allows her continue cashing in on this sort of thing.

But please, continue telling us how taking a selfie in front of a mirror makes her a bad mom.
