Showing posts with label Terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorist. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Michael Rapaport Says "Dick-Stained Donald Trump" is a Terrorist

Michael Rapaport is not a fan of Donald Trump, we think, because he calls the Prez “Dick-stained Donald Trump,” calls him a terrorist and says we need to make a citizen’s arrest … STAT. Rapaport’s trigger was Trump’s comment Thursday, calling…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

NYC Terrorist Wanted to Fly ISIS Flag in Hospital Room

The terrorist who mowed down a group of people in New York City Tuesday was so strident about what he had done, he told law enforcement he wanted to fly the ISIS flag in his hospital room. According to the criminal complaint, obtained by TMZ,…


Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren Blast Trump for Getting Political Over Terrorist Attack

Nancy Pelosi has a few choice words for President Trump after he blamed Chuck Schumer and the Dems for the recent terrorist attack in NYC … and he’s not going to like them. We got the House Minority Leader on Capitol Hill Wednesday … she…


New York Terrorist Attack: Stars Send Love, Sympathy, Inspiration

On Tuesday afternoon, a truck plowed into pedestrians on a bike path in New York City, prior to slamming into a school bus full of kids.

This horrible incident took place very close to the World Trade Center memorial site.

A suspect has been arrested for killing eight people and injuring 11 more, as celebrities from across the country have taken to social media in order to express their shock, horror and sympathy.

Here"s a look at what many of them had to say:

1. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift

The singer who wrote an entire song about the city posted this photo and message.

2. Sam Smith

Sam smith

New York. My heart is with you always and forever. Devastating news. My soul and heart is with the victims and there loved ones x horrific.

3. Hillary Clinton

Hillary clinton

New York’s resilience is stronger than a cowardly act of terror. Thinking of the victims, their families, & the responders who saved lives.

4. Barack Obama

Barack obama

Michelle and I are thinking of the victims of today’s attack in NYC and everyone who keeps us safe. New Yorkers are as tough as they come.

5. Josh Groban

Josh groban

Oh my god I just heard gun shots and ran with my dog. I hope everyone’s ok. Was half a block from me, didn’t see it but heard 8-19 quick rounds fired off. Be safe with your kids out there.

6. Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin manuel miranda

NY, I love you so much. You are strong and full of everyday heroes and I love you. We’ll get through today and tomorrow and the next one.

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Britney Spears: Canceling Her Las Vegas Show After Terrorist Shooting?

We know that Britney Spears isn’t afraid of crowds or public appearances. She just took her sons to Disneyland for their birthdays, right there among countless other visitors.

Massive tragedies have a way of frightening us to our core, however. The Las Vegas terrorist shooting, which claimed 59 lives and wounded 527, had to be especially rattling to a singer and performer who performs there.

But … is Britney going to end her residency in Vegas?

When that monster Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd at a Jason Aldean concert, he ended dozens of lives, changed hundreds of lives forever, and destroyed his own family.

But following any terrorist shooting, there’s a culture of fear that endures. That’s part of the point of terrorism.

Do you all remember your first trip to a movie theater after the Aurora shooting?

I’ll be honest — I still quickly scan the room for anyone who seems like they might be concealing something. I’ve yet to see someone carrying a large package into the theater, and I don’t know what I’d do if I did, but … it changes you.

The point is to still go, despite the fear — to fly (yeah, I remember what it was like to fly after 9/11, too) and see movies and go to school and take public transportation and do all of the things that you normally do.

Otherwise, the terrorists literally win. To a degree, anyway.

Stephen Paddock was a jerk who demeaned his girlfriend in public, gambled for a living (he may have had an alternative revenue stream — some speculate that he was either a card-counter or did some sort of smuggling on top of his better known fondness for poker), and stockpiled deadly weapons.

But we don’t know what motivated to commit this evil act or what beliefs he holds that were behind it.

Maybe we’ll find out and maybe we won’t, but the impact that this massacre has had upon people is very real.

And it also impacts celebrities.

According to RadarOnline, their source close to Britney Spears says that she is terrified that another shooting might take place.

“Britney is heartbroken, but she is also legitimately scared to go to Las Vegas to finish her show.”

That’s her Piece Of Me residency, which has been running for ages and is actually nearing its end.

“As of right now, she wishes she could get out of the remainder of her contract because she does not feel safe at all going back there and doing a show in front of a large crowd.”

Britney’s not one for stage fright, so it sounds like she’s terrified that her audience members — her fans — could become an appealing target for the next monster.

“In fact, she has been really freaking out about it. She is already a slightly paranoid person, but this whole thing has gotten her and her family extremely concerned for her safety.”

Remember that Britney is also a mother. Jayden and Sean Preston don’t want to lose their mom.

“Several of Britney’s dancers are just ready to quit now. No one on her show really feels that secure about resuming the residency after what happened.”

That kind of thinking is normal after a tragedy.

“She is in talks right now with the casino to see if there is a solution. If she doesn’t postpone the show then she is going to require quadruple the security, at least.”

More security never hurts. You can’t plan for everything, but you can do your best.

That is so sad to hear.

If true, Britney isn’t the only one who feels that way.

Jason Aldean has canceled shows following the massacre.

And so has Jennifer Lopez.

While Jason Aldean’s audience was the target, Jennifer Lopez is clearly concerned about what many people are concerned about right now:


They say that the safest time to fly is right after a well-publicized plane crash.

This is when pilots and everyone responsible for plane safety are at their most alert.

In some ways, people are at their most alert for a shooting after a mass shooting.

But that additional caution also comes with the risk of a copycat trying to enact something similar, having been “inspired” by an existing massacre.

We understand Britney’s fears.

Her shows are legendary and incredible, but it’s always smart to put safety first.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Las Vegas Shooting: Celebrities React to Terrorist Attack

Early this morning, news broke of a horrifying mass shooting in Las Vegas, one that is now the largest mass shooting in modern American history.

Current estimates list more than 50 dead victims and more than 400 people injured by the gunman, who opened fire from his hotel room and unleashed terror and death upon the innocents below.

We still know only a limited amount of information about 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, the shooter who has been identified as having committed this terrorist act before reportedly taking his own life.

But you don"t need to know why people were massacred to reach out and share prayers and condolences.

Some people, celebrities included, went to bed before the news broke. Some of them still haven"t awoken to learn what has happened.

We"ve seen people tweeting about this as soon as they awoke this morning.

Some tweeted last night, when this was still an active shooter situation. Social media spreads information very, very quickly.

A lot of celebrities have spoken out, even so early in the morning. Including Jason Aldean, whose show has been playing so very close to where the shooting took place.


1. Barack Obama

Vegas reaction 01

President Obama may no longer be in office, but he uses his voice and his platform to lend sympathy for those who deserve it.

2. Jason Aldean

Vegas reaction 00

The shooting almost immediately followed Jason Aldean’s music.

3. Chloe Grace Moretz

Vegas reaction 02

Chloe Grace Moretz may be young, but she’s active in politics and also full of compassion, as you can see.

4. Kourtney Kardashian

Vegas reaction 03

Even the Kardashians have feelings. This terrible act affects us all.

5. Paris Jackson

Vegas reaction 04

We don’t need to tell you that Michael Jackson’s daughter is famously spiritual or that she cares about people.

6. Celine Dion

Vegas reaction 05

You don’t have to be American for this to cut you to your core

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Mariah Carey Awkwardly Responds to Las Vegas Terrorist Attack

Mariah Carey is no stranger to awkward situations.

Typically, however, the singer herself is the cause of these incidents, such as the time she forgot the words to her own song during a performance on New Year"s Eve last year.

On Monday morning, however, Carey could not be blamed for the unfortunate circumstance in which she found herself.

The singer was speaking to Good Morning Britain hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about her upcoming tour when news of the awful Las Vegas shooting broke.

As previously reported, this terrorist act took place at a Jason Aldean concert and took the lives of at least 50 people.

It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Morgan and Reid heard about it during the live interview and immediately turned to Carey for a response, despite the artist obviously not having been privy at all to the same information.

She sat silent and stunned at first after Morgan asked for her comment.

But after hearing about what transpired, Carey said it was "awful" and added:

"I pray for the victims and hope all these can stop as soon as possible. You know, I have spent a lot of time in Vegas and this type of thing happening anywhere is a huge tragedy. I continue to pray for the victims.

"I hope we have an end to this as soon as possible."

It didn"t help that Carey was lying on a sofa, in front of a Christmas tree, wearing a fancy gown.

This wasn"t her fault, of course, she was appearing on the program to promote a holiday tour. But Twitter took note of the terrible optics.

"So tasteless breaking the Vegas news to Mariah Carey live on TV, shame on you," wrote one critic, while another added:

"How could Mariah Carey or any of her team not know about Las Vegas b4 goin live on @GMB ?? Not fair on her or anyone to be told live on tv!"

Shortly after the Q&A aired, Carey wrote the following on Twitter:

"Horrified to hear about the shooting in #LasVegas. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Praying for everyone"s safety."

Watch the very awkward interview segment below:

Las vegas shooting news interrupts mariah carey interview hosts

Thursday, August 24, 2017

"Straight Outta Compton" Actor R. Marcos Taylor Arrested For Terrorist Threats

“Straight Outta Compton” actor R. Marcos Taylor — who played Suge Knight in the flick – allegedly went on a rampage at a New Jersey bank, threatening to kill employees and lunging at police. Cops say they were called to a TD Bank…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Barcelona Terrorist Recently Ranted Against Israel On Facebook

The man who drove a van into a crowd of people in Barcelona, killing as many as 13, was recently railing over the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Driss Oukabir, who has been arrested in connection with the attack, shared a post on July 21 showing…


Barcelona Terrorist Attack: Fatalities and Injuries After Van Plows Through Crowd

As many as 13 people are reportedly dead after a van plowed through a crowd in Barcelona … and officials are calling it a terrorist attack. Injured lay on #Ramblas street #Barcelona Spain after terrorist attack with rental van, others attend to…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

LAPD"s Patrol Cars to Block Terrorist Vehicles from Charlottesville-Type Attacks

The LAPD’s not going to let someone use their vehicle as a weapon to mow down innocent people, even if it means creating a barricade of cop cars  … seriously. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … recent attacks in Charlottesville and France…


Ariana Grande Concert: Manchester Terrorist Bombing Victims" Families Each Getting $324k

The “We Love Manchester Emergency Fund” will distribute $ 324k to each of the families of the 22 people killed in a terrorist attack at Ariana Grande’s concert. Approximately $ 24.5 million was raised following the horrific attack on May 22 at…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Terrorist James Alex Fields, Mom Repeatedly Called 911 Over Violent Behavior

James Alex Fields was so threatening and violent his own mother repeatedly called 911 on him. TMZ has obtained 911 records from a police agency in Kentucky from 2010 and 2011, when Fields was 13 and 14 years old. In one incident, a friend of…


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ariana Grande Still Playing Benefit Concert After Last Night"s Terrorist Attack

As you’ve surely heard by now, the UK was hit by yet another terrorist attack last night.

Three men men drove a van onto London Bridge, hitting pedestrians before they jumped out and began stabbing people.

Seven people were killed and 48 were injured. The terrorists were shot and killed by police when they arrived on the scene.

It sounds absolutely horrifying, and it’s especially scary considering the Manchester attack that happened less than two weeks ago.

On May 22nd, a suicide bomber entered an Ariana Grande concert, setting off a nail bomb that killed 22 people. Countless others were injured.

Ariana was understandably devastated by what happened, but she still managed to pull together, along with her team, to plan a benefit concert for the victims and their families.

The concert will take place back in Manchester, and Ariana will perform, along with Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Take That, Coldplay, Niall Horan, Usher, Robbie Williams, Little Mix, the Black Eyed Peas, and Pharrell Williams.

Anyone who attended her original Manchester concert can get in for free, and all proceeds will go to a fund set up for the people who were injured and the families of the people who were killed.

The concert was scheduled for tonight … but will it go on in light of last night’s attack in London?

According to Ariana’s manager, Scooter Braun, absolutely it will.

Here’s the statement he released in full:

After the events last night in London, and those in Manchester just two weeks ago, we feel a sense of responsibility to honor those lost, injured, and affected.

We plan to honor them with courage, bravery, and defiance in the face of fear. Today’s One Love Manchester benefit concert will not only continue, but will do so with greater purpose.

We must not be afraid and in tribute to all those affected here and around the world, we will bring our voices and sing loudly.

I am pleased to say we have the full support of Greater Manchester Police and the government and are assured the safety of all those attending is the highest priority.

All artists involved have been unwavering in their support this morning and are determined to carry on with the show.

We ask the strong city of Manchester and the world to join us in making the statement that hatred and fear will never win. Today we stand together.

Thank you.

For their part, Manchester police have said that they’ll be thoroughly searching everyone coming into the concert.

Ariana, meanwhile, has been in Manchester for a few days, visiting her fans who were injured during the original attack.

Last night, she tweeted that she was “praying for London,” and this morning she’s been promoting tonight’s show.

The concert will be televised in several countries, and any money earned from this will also go to the victims.

It’s an amazing thing that Ariana and all these people are doing, and a very brave thing as well.

Will you be watching?


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Donnie Wahlberg Tells "NKOTB" Fans Be Fearless in Face of Terrorist Attacks (VIDEO)

Donnie Wahlberg’s not afraid of terrorists … and he’s doing his best to get fans on the same page. Donnie and the rest of “New Kids on the Block” performed Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, and Wahlberg took a moment to spread a message of…


Donnie Wahlberg Tells "NKOTB" Fans Be Fearless in Face of Terrorist Attacks (VIDEO)

Donnie Wahlberg’s not afraid of terrorists … and he’s doing his best to get fans on the same page. Donnie and the rest of “New Kids on the Block” performed Friday night at the Hollywood Bowl, and Wahlberg took a moment to spread a message of…


Saturday, May 27, 2017

OKC Thunder"s Nick Collison is Adamant Enes Kanter"s Not a Terrorist (VIDEO)

Nick Collison’s got his teammate Enes Kanter’s back and wants to make it perfectly clear — Enes is definitely NOT a terrorist. We got the Oklahoma City Thunder power forward out at Catch in Weho Friday night … he tells us Kanter’s an awesome…


Friday, May 26, 2017

NBA"s Enes Kanter Reportedly Wanted in Turkey Over Alleged Terrorist Ties

NBA star Enes Kanter is reportedly a wanted man in Turkey — where government officials have accused him of being a member of an anti-government “terror group.” But Kanter doesn’t appear to be worried — and is reportedly mocking his…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Royal Family Addresses Manchester Terrorist Attack, Sends Prayers

Mere days after the marriage of Pippa Middleton to James Matthews, members of the Royal Family have been forced to go from celebratory to melancholy.

On Monday night, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive inside Manchester Arena that took the lives of 22 people.

Among the victims was this eight-year old girl.

The attack took place toward the end of an Ariana Grande concert in Great Britain, causing 59 other people to be injured and mass panic to take over the country.

In response to the tragedy, Grande has Tweeted that she’s “broken” over what transpired, while countless other celebrities have also spoken out.

President Donald Trump called out the bomber, as well as ISIS members associated with him, as a total “loser” and British Prime Minister Theresa May referred to the mass murder as an “appalling terrorist attack.”

Now, with her nation scared and on edge, Queen Elizbaeth II has also issued a statement.

“I know I speak for everyone in expressing my deepest sympathy to all who have been affected by this dreadful event and especially to the families and friends of those who have died or were injured,” says the 91-year old Monarch, adding:

“I want to thank all the members of the emergency services, who have responded with such professionalism and care.

“And I would like to express my admiration for the way the people of Manchester have responded, with humanity and compassion, to this act of barbarity.”

Soon after these words were expressed, Prince William spoke on behalf of himself, his wife, Kate Middleton and his brother, Prince Harry.

“Like everyone, Catherine, Harry and I are left shocked and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded in Manchester overnight,” he said.

“Hundreds of friends, parents, children and partners are confronting unimaginable grief today, and we send our thoughts to them all.

“We also send our thanks to the people of Manchester for their display of strength, decency and community that is an example to the world.”

Authorities have confirmed that the attacker died in his own blast, but ISIS has claimed responsibility for the incident and a 23-year old has been arrested in conjunction with the killings.

One of the fans who was killed, meanwhile, recently shared on social media a photo she snapped Grande two years ago.

Here it is:

Among the most outspoken stars in the wake of these deaths was James Corden, who hails from London and did the best he could on air last night to offer hope to those affected by this tragedy.

“If it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening,” he said, concluding as follows:

“My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Manchester tonight – all of the staff at the [Manchester Arena], all of the security teams, all of the emergency services, Ariana and her team, and all of those families affected by tonight.

“We’ll all go to bed holding our little ones even tighter this evening.”

You can watch Corden’s full speech below:

Elsewhere, a spokesperson for Manchester Arena issued an update and shared it via Twitter Tuesday morning.

Last night, our community suffered a senseless tragedy. Our entire team’s thoughts and focus are now on supporting the people affected and their families.

We are assisting the police in any way we can. We cannot praise the emergency services enough for their response and have been inspired by the way the people of this great city of Manchester rallied round last night and continued to respond today. It shows the very best of this city.

Again, our thoughts and deepest condolences are with all those affected by last night’s tragedy.

Grande, and the two artists who opened for her on Monday, are both okay. Physically, at least.

The young star has postponed the remaining European dates on her tour, however.

After initially sending a short and heartfelt Tweet, Grande and her team posted a longer message later in the day on Tuesday.

It reads:

“Tonight, our hearts are broken. Words cannot express our sorrow for the victims and families harmed in this senseless attack. We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act.

“We are thankful for the selfless service tonight of Manchester’s first responders who rushed towards danger to help save lives.

“We ask all of you to hold the victims, their families and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.”

We will continue to update this story as more news breaks.


Terrorist Manchester Concert Explosion Photo Shows Gruesome Aftermath (PHOTO)

The scope of the tragedy in Manchester is apparent from this picture. Bodies were strewn in the rotunda outside the seating area where Ariana Grande had just finished her performance at the Manchester Arena. As we reported, at least 22 people were…
