Monday, October 2, 2017

Mariah Carey Awkwardly Responds to Las Vegas Terrorist Attack

Mariah Carey is no stranger to awkward situations.

Typically, however, the singer herself is the cause of these incidents, such as the time she forgot the words to her own song during a performance on New Year"s Eve last year.

On Monday morning, however, Carey could not be blamed for the unfortunate circumstance in which she found herself.

The singer was speaking to Good Morning Britain hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about her upcoming tour when news of the awful Las Vegas shooting broke.

As previously reported, this terrorist act took place at a Jason Aldean concert and took the lives of at least 50 people.

It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Morgan and Reid heard about it during the live interview and immediately turned to Carey for a response, despite the artist obviously not having been privy at all to the same information.

She sat silent and stunned at first after Morgan asked for her comment.

But after hearing about what transpired, Carey said it was "awful" and added:

"I pray for the victims and hope all these can stop as soon as possible. You know, I have spent a lot of time in Vegas and this type of thing happening anywhere is a huge tragedy. I continue to pray for the victims.

"I hope we have an end to this as soon as possible."

It didn"t help that Carey was lying on a sofa, in front of a Christmas tree, wearing a fancy gown.

This wasn"t her fault, of course, she was appearing on the program to promote a holiday tour. But Twitter took note of the terrible optics.

"So tasteless breaking the Vegas news to Mariah Carey live on TV, shame on you," wrote one critic, while another added:

"How could Mariah Carey or any of her team not know about Las Vegas b4 goin live on @GMB ?? Not fair on her or anyone to be told live on tv!"

Shortly after the Q&A aired, Carey wrote the following on Twitter:

"Horrified to hear about the shooting in #LasVegas. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Praying for everyone"s safety."

Watch the very awkward interview segment below:

Las vegas shooting news interrupts mariah carey interview hosts