Showing posts with label Sexting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexting. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2017

Anthony Weiner To Begin Serving Prison Sentence for Sexting Minor

Anthony Weiner will begin serving his prison sentence Monday for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner was sentenced to 21 months for the crime of transferring obscene material to a minor. He’ll serve his time at the Federal Medical Center in…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner to Serve Prison Time For Sexting Teen Girl

The strange case of Anthony Weiner has taken yet another shocking turn.

While the consensus amongst legal experts seemed to be that Weiner would be able to avoid jail time by accepting a plea deal and probation, today, the disgraced former congressman was sentenced to 21 months behind bars for exchanging illicit text messages with a minor.

It was around this time last year that news of Weiner “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl went public.

Back in May, Weiner pled guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor and memorably broke down in tears before a judge.

Today, he was back in court to receive a sentence that shocked many.

Prosecutors in the case lobbied hard for prison time, arguing that Weiner’s interactions with the youth go beyond the mere exchange of explicit words.

“Transmitting obscenity to a minor to induce her to engage in sexually explicit conduct by video chat and photo—is far from mere ‘sexting,’” prosecutors wrote.

“Weiner, a grown man, a father, and a former lawmaker, willfully and knowingly asked a 15-year-old girl to display her body and engage in sexually explicit conduct for him online,” they continued.

“Such conduct warrants a meaningful sentence of incarceration.”

Weiner’s downfall began in 2011, when he resigned from Congress after accidentally tweeting a lewd photo that he had apparently intended to send to a woman with whom he was engaged in an affair.

Weiner attempted a political comeback in 2013, running for mayor of New York City in a campaign that was eventually derailed by yet another sexting scandal.

After initially announcing that she had forgiven her husband and hoped to move forward with their marriage, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin filed for divorce from Weiner earlier this year.

Attorneys for Weiner argued that the 53-year-old was a slave to his own compulsive behavior, but no longer presents a threat to others, following several months of intensive therapy.

The judge didn’t see it that way, handing down a sentence only slightly less harsh than the 27 months recommended by prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Weiner’s legal team says they will appeal the sentence.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Eric Bolling: Suspended by Fox News Amidst Lewd Sexting Scandal

Someone has to tell the men at Fox News that it’s really easy NOT to sexually harass your co-workers.

Like, really, incredibly, very, very, very easy.

Apparently this memo has not been circulated around the network’s office, however, because long-time host Eric Bolling is the latest employee to be accused of sexual misconduct.

Fox News has suspended Bolling amidst accusations that he sent unsolicited, X-rated photos to at least a pair of colleagues and one Fox Business Network staffer several years ago.

In short, based on reporting by The Huffington Post, Bolling allegedly sent these women pictures of his penis.

These three women have not been named, but they were included among the 14 sources that spoke to the aforementioned publication about Bolling’s actions.

Fox News has hired the law firm Paul Weiss to oversee its own investigation into what happened and it has released the following statement in light of these serious allegations:

“Eric Bolling has been suspended pending the results of an investigation, which is currently underway.”

Pretty short, simple and uninformative.

According to The Huffington Post, Bolling sent these unwanted images on separate occasions and the women knew they came from his cell phone because they recognized his number.

One woman says she texted Bolling back to never contact her again in such a manner, and he never replied.

Bolling is a former commodities trader who has worked at the Fox News and Fox Business networks since 2007.

He joined the network after a stint at CNBC.

In September of 2014, during a discussion on the program The Five, Bolling stirred up controversy when talking about the first female fighter pilot from the United Arab Emirates leading the bombing of the Islamic State.

On air, Bolling asked if instead of saying “boots on the ground.” it might be more appropriate to say “boobs on the ground.”

He apologized the next day for the immature and unprofessional remark, citing “a look” he received from his wife after he arrived home.

Bolling has filled in on occasions in the past for Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, while he was serving as a co-host on The Specialists at the time of his suspension.

In response to these penis picture allegations, a lawyer for Bolling has said the following:

Mr. Bolling recalls no such inappropriate communications, does not believe he sent any such communications, and will vigorously pursue his legal remedies for any false and defamatory accusations that are made.

That’s a pretty hilarious and transparent statement.

Notice that Bolling does not flatly deny sending these images at any point.

His attorney is careful to use language such as how he doesn’t “recall” doing so and doesn’t “believe” this happened.

You may interpret such word parsing however you see fit.

The accusations against Bolling come fewer than four months after Fox News mainstay O’Reilly was fired following a number of sexual harassment lawsuits.

And his exit followed the July 2016 resignation of Fox Corp. CEO Roger Ailes, who was accused of sexual harassment by ex-Fox and Friends anchor Gretchen Carlson.

(Megyn Kelly made similar accusations against Ailes last year.)

Carlson’s former co-host, Steve Doocy, has also been accused of sexist, inappropriate behavior in the work place.

At this point, it may be easier to list male Fox News employees who have NOT been accused of sexual harassment than to rundown all who have been.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty to Sexting Teenager, Cries in Court

Anthony Weiner entered a plea of guilty in a New York City courtroom this morning.

He also broke down into a puddle of tears.

The totally and completely disgraced congressman agreed to serve prison time today and also to register as a sex offender after admitting to a judge that he sent lewd and seductive text messages to a 15-year old girl.

Officially, Weiner was charged with transferring obscene material to a minor.

Multiple sources have confirmed that the ex-politician cried and apologized, throwing himself on the mercy of the court as much as he possibly could.

According to the terms of Weiner’s plea deal, he will serve 21 to 27 months in jail… surrender his iPhone … and pay a fine of up to $ 350,000.

A judge will determine at a later date precisely what the sentence will be.

Back in November, Weiner checked into sex rehab after he once again ended up in the news because the FBI flagged numerous references to Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s computer.

These references were brought to the attention of authorities because Weiner was married at the time to Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

This was merely the latest chapter in what has been a very long and extremely sordid history for Anthony Weiner.

In 2011, Weiner resigned from Congress after inadvertently tweeting a sexually explicit photo of himself.

Well, he texted it on purpose to a young girl who was not his wife.

He just didn’t mean for it to go viral.

In 2013, Weiner returned to the political arena via a failed campaign for mayor of New York City.

It was cut short when it was revealed that Weiner had been sexting Sydney Leathers, a young woman who went on to anchor an adult film based on her involvement with the disgraced politician.

We’re not making any of that up.

In September, it started to become clear that Weiner really might spend time in prison.

And now it appears as if that really will be the case.

In court today, Weiner admitted his “destructive impulses” had destroyed his professional and personal lives.

He said he has a sickness “but I do not have an excuse” – and acknowledged to the judge that he’d hit “rock bottom.”

The pathetic excuse for a human being added he’s “committed to making amends to all those I have harmed.”

We’re pretty sure it’s too late when it comes to his ex-wife and the entire Democratic party.

But, hey, you never know!

Good luck with that Anthony.


Anthony Weiner Weeps in Court, Pleads Guilty to Sexting 15-Year-Old Girl

Anthony Weiner shed tears in federal court as he entered a guilty plea for sexting a 15-year-old girl, and agreed to serve prison time, and will also have to register as a sex offender. The oft-disgraced Congressman appeared before the judge…


Monday, August 15, 2016

Anthony Weiner Caught in ANOTHER Sexting Scandal!

It’s hard to recall now, but there was a time when Anthony Weiner was one of the rising stars of the Democratic party. 

Sadly, his career came crashing down in what may be the most name-appropriate scandal in the history of American politics.

In case you forgot, Anthony had a bizarre compulsion to show the his wiener to the world.

In 2011, while working as a congressman for New York’s 9th district, Weiner tweeted a sexually explicit photo via his public account. 

After several days of denying that the photo was taken or sent by him, Weiner confessed that he had “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years”

Shortly thereafter, he resigned from congress.

But these days, the public is quick to forget something as small (no pun!) as a leaked dick pic, and Weiner made his return to the political arena with a 2013 run for mayor of New York City.

Of course, this is a guy who had a cameo in Sharknado 3 (seriously), so he further proved his deep love for sequels no one asked for with yet another sexting scandal, this one involving Sydney Leathers.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Leathers parlayed her 15 minutes of fame into a brief adult film career, and you spend way too much time on YouPorn.

Anyway, all of that is just backstory that brings us up to Weiner’s latest adventure in the world of sex and social media.

It seems that while he was in Los Angeles for a recent appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher, Weiner once again found himself chatting up a young sexy stranger on Twitter.

Fortunately, he didn’t DM any photos of his dong.

Unfortunately, he made some truly cringeworthy puns about his “staff” and boasted that he’s “deceptively strong . . . like a mongoose.”

In comments made to The New York Post, 51-year-old claims he knew he was being he was being toyed with (the eager Cali girl he was chatting with turned out to be a Republican New Yorker) and decided to play along.

“I can confirm that I am indeed deceptively strong like a mongoose,” Weiner told the Post, adding that it was just a “playful joust with an obvious catfish.”

Of course, the timing of all this couldn’t be much worse, as Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a top aide for Hillary Clinton.

Fortunately, she has some experience with enduring penis-related scandals.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ray J: I’m Not Sexting Malia Obama!

There are certain things Ray J won"t do, and sexting First Daughter Malia Obama is one of them.

TMZ Hip Hop first reported that Ray J was sending the 18-year-old lewd text messages, which the "CIA"s top internet security team" intercepted.

"You"re a star in the making…hit me up when you turn 18…there"s more out there than twerking," Ray J allegedly wrote.

President Obama went into dad mode, according to the site, and responded directly to Kim Kardashian"s former co-star.  In caps, apparently.


Starcasm pointed out that TMZ Hip Hop may be responsible for the caps, but if we"re suspending reality for a moment, it"s not difficult to imagine that Mr. President would respond in all caps.  

Can you blame him?

Ray J couldn"t stay silent on the rumor, so he posted a video on Instagram yesterday putting to rest any rumors about messaging Malia.

"Come on, man. Why y’all always trying to bring me down?" he said

"I’m positive; I’m gettin’ married on Friday; like, what the hell would I be doin doin’ anything like that? Anything reckless, anything stupid; like, please. Anything y’all read like that, it ain’t true. Let me be positive; you know; lemme just, you know, be with my girl…."

You know what?  We believe him.

"I addressed this ’cause I didn’t want any other dumb stuff comin’ up at the same time we’re tryin’ to get married….I mean, we good. It’s all love, but….All that extra sh!t, please, man. I ain’t on that. Love!"

The Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Star will marry fiancee Princess in Los Angeles tomorrow, with the ceremony being broadcast on VH1.  Malia will be on Martha"s Vineyard trying to forget that this story even exists.

Ray j im not sexting malia obama

Friday, July 1, 2016

Joe Giudice: Sexting Teresa Giudice From Behind Bars?!

Without giving too much away (We know not everyone binge-watches at our pace.), we can say that Season 4 of Orange is the New Black features a storyline that revolves around a cell phone being smuggled into Litchfield prison in order to photograph a famous inmate.

The celebrity convict plot was clearly inspired by Martha Stewart’s legal woes, but it also brought to mind our favorite celebrity jailbird couple of the moment.

Yes, Teresa Giudice got out of prison late last year, but the clink is still very much on her mind these days, as her husband is now behind bars.

Joe Giudice began his serving 41-month sentence back in March, and needless to say, he still has a quite a ways to go.

But that doesn’t mean he’s been neglecting his husbandly duties.

Asked about how Juicy Joe is holding up, Teresa kept it positive.

She says her troubled husband is eating well, staying sober (like he has a choice) … and emailing her racy erotica worthy of Time Hump by Crazy Eyes.

“He’s doing good,” Teresa told E! News in a recent interview. “You know, being positive and we’re just both taking one day at a time.”

“He’s eating right … because you know, it’s good. He said it’s good. He’s getting his mind focused and he’s not drinking. I guess he was drinking a lot, so …”

Teresa added that Joe emails her as often as he can.

Asked about the contents of the emails, she played it coy:

“No, I’m not going to say what the emails say,” Mrs. Giudice said.

Asked about the best part of the three month period between her and Joe’s prison sentences, Teresa kept the desperate Housewife theme going:

“Being with Joe, yeah, being with my honey … in bed,” she laughed. “That was the best.”

It’s gonna be a long few years for Joe – but from the sound of things, it might be even harder on Teresa.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to see Joe and Teresa in happier times.

Or at least less sex-deprived times.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Liam Hemsworth: Did He DUMP Miley Cyrus After Sexting Scandal??

Oh, Miley. We knew she wasn’t ready for marriage, anyway.

And now it seems she doesn’t have a choice, because alleged fiance Liam Hemsworth allegedly called off their engagement after he caught Miley sexting an ex, according to InTouch.

How’d he find out? Well, it was the old send-a-naughty-pic-to-the-wrong-person snafu that did her in.

Yep, Miley wasn’t so wily when she accidently sent a naked photo with a sexy message to Liam that was clearly meant for her ex Stella Maxwell

While Miley and the Victoria’s Secret model broke up last year, the two evidently have a “really strong connection” that isn’t so easily broken.

“[Miley’s] been texting Stella for a few weeks — they stay up all night sending messages,” a source told the magazine.

Nevertheless, the singer is still trying to hold on to Liam and doesn’t want her indiscretion to affect their engagement. She reportedly apologized to the Hunger Games star and promised to do whatever it takes to win him back.

“Miley also admitted to meeting up with Stella, but she swore to Liam that it was just innocent flirting,” continued the source.

Unfortunately for Miley, Liam’s not so gullible.

“Liam didn’t believe her. They fought and he told her to take the ring off. After only a few months of being back together, it’s already coming to an end.”

Such a shame. Miley is said to have completely changed her personality and ditch her kooky ways in order to become Liam’s wifey, but it looks like this leopard’s spots are pretty steadfast.