Monday, August 15, 2016

Anthony Weiner Caught in ANOTHER Sexting Scandal!

It’s hard to recall now, but there was a time when Anthony Weiner was one of the rising stars of the Democratic party. 

Sadly, his career came crashing down in what may be the most name-appropriate scandal in the history of American politics.

In case you forgot, Anthony had a bizarre compulsion to show the his wiener to the world.

In 2011, while working as a congressman for New York’s 9th district, Weiner tweeted a sexually explicit photo via his public account. 

After several days of denying that the photo was taken or sent by him, Weiner confessed that he had “exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years”

Shortly thereafter, he resigned from congress.

But these days, the public is quick to forget something as small (no pun!) as a leaked dick pic, and Weiner made his return to the political arena with a 2013 run for mayor of New York City.

Of course, this is a guy who had a cameo in Sharknado 3 (seriously), so he further proved his deep love for sequels no one asked for with yet another sexting scandal, this one involving Sydney Leathers.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Leathers parlayed her 15 minutes of fame into a brief adult film career, and you spend way too much time on YouPorn.

Anyway, all of that is just backstory that brings us up to Weiner’s latest adventure in the world of sex and social media.

It seems that while he was in Los Angeles for a recent appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher, Weiner once again found himself chatting up a young sexy stranger on Twitter.

Fortunately, he didn’t DM any photos of his dong.

Unfortunately, he made some truly cringeworthy puns about his “staff” and boasted that he’s “deceptively strong . . . like a mongoose.”

In comments made to The New York Post, 51-year-old claims he knew he was being he was being toyed with (the eager Cali girl he was chatting with turned out to be a Republican New Yorker) and decided to play along.

“I can confirm that I am indeed deceptively strong like a mongoose,” Weiner told the Post, adding that it was just a “playful joust with an obvious catfish.”

Of course, the timing of all this couldn’t be much worse, as Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a top aide for Hillary Clinton.

Fortunately, she has some experience with enduring penis-related scandals.