Showing posts with label Teenager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teenager. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Devonte Hart, Teenager in Heartbreaking Viral Photo, Presumed Dead

Horrible news this week out of California:

A couple and its six children are all presumed dead after their car was found at the bottom of a cliff in Mendocino Coast, near a scenic lookout point.

a family

The bodies of Jennifer Hart and her wife, Sarah were discovered on Monday inside of their upside-down SUV, while the bodies of three of their kids were found outside of the car.

The fate of the couple’s other three children were unknown at the outset of this investigation, but Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allmon told reporters on Wednesday he has “every indication to believe” they are also dead.

During this a press conference, Allmon explained that there were still “a lot of unknowns” in the case, but authorities could say with confidence “that an entire family vanished, perished in this tragedy.”

Jennifer and Sarah Hart adopted all of their kids and were known for taking them to various political rallies and events along the West Coast.

Among the missing children is 15-year-old Devonte Hart, who was featured in a photograph that went viral back in 2014.

It depicted Devonte hugging a white police officer during a rally in Portland, Oregon that was organized in the wake of grand jury’s decision not to indict a cop in the shooting of a black man in Ferguson, Missouri.

Perhaps you remember this captivating image:

famous hug

At the time it was snapped, Hart was holding a “Free Hugs” sign, standing alone and crying, according to witnesses on the scene.

A Portland officer saw this sign and asked if he could have a hug, which led to an emotional Hart embracing the stranger a picture that was widely shared on social media.

Wrote Jennifer Hart in response to the image and what led up to this interaction:

My son has a heart of gold, compassion beyond anything I’ve ever experienced, yet struggles with living fearlessly when it comes to the police. …

He wonders if someday when he no longer wears a ‘Free Hugs’ sign around his neck, when he’s a full-grown black male, if his life will be in danger for simply being.

“Devonte was in the vehicle but his body has not been recovered,” Allmon said yesterday of the very young man featured above.

The California Highway Patrol has not determined why the family’s car went off an ocean overlook on a rugged part of coastline.

A specialized team of accident investigators are in the process attempting to figure that out, Allman said, adding that “there were no skid marks, there were no brake marks.”

Answering a journalist’s question about whether foul play was involved, Allmon replied:

“We have no reason to believe, no evidence and no reason to believe, that this was an intentional act.”

Along with Devonte and his parents, those presumed dead as a result of this awful crash are Devonte’s siblings:

Markis Hart, 19; Jeremiah Hart, 14; and Abigail Hart, 14. Hannah Hart, 16; and Sierra Hart, 12.

May they all rest in peace.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

This Teenager Desperately Wants to Look Like Angelina Jolie

You"ve perhaps read about Human Barbie on our website in the past, as a woman has shelled out an insane amount of money to resemble the famous plastic doll.

Now, it"s time to meet Angelina Jolie.

And we know what you"re thinking: isn"t Angelina Jolie already human?

Of course she is. (We think.)

But Sahar Tabar is a 19-year old Iranian who has undergone over 50 procedures in order to look as much like her celebrity idol as possible.

In response, Internet users are concerned. Find out why below…

1. "She Looks Like a Zombie"

Sahar tabar

This is what some Instagram users are saying in response to Tabar’s photos. It’s not hard to understand why.

2. But Tabar is Committed

Sahar tabar picture

She has lost over 60 pounds and gone under the knife over 50 times, simply because she wants people to think she looks like Jolie. Do you think she’s been successful?

3. Is There an End in Sight to Her Surgeries?

Is there an end in sight to her surgeries

It doesn’t sound that way. Tabar has said she’ll “do anything” to look like Jolie. That much, sadly, seems clear.

4. But She Has a Major Internet Presence

But she has a major internet presence

Over 356,000 followers on Instagram, some of whom applaud her, but many of whom criticize her.

5. For Example:

For example

Yvonne_rolandson asks: “But why would anyone do this to themself?” The answer likely has a lot to do with a severe lack of self-esteem.

6. Is She for Real?

Is she for real

Some folks out there think this isa hoax, that the 19-year old is using prosthetics and make-up to achieve this unique look.

View Slideshow

Friday, May 19, 2017

Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty to Sexting Teenager, Cries in Court

Anthony Weiner entered a plea of guilty in a New York City courtroom this morning.

He also broke down into a puddle of tears.

The totally and completely disgraced congressman agreed to serve prison time today and also to register as a sex offender after admitting to a judge that he sent lewd and seductive text messages to a 15-year old girl.

Officially, Weiner was charged with transferring obscene material to a minor.

Multiple sources have confirmed that the ex-politician cried and apologized, throwing himself on the mercy of the court as much as he possibly could.

According to the terms of Weiner’s plea deal, he will serve 21 to 27 months in jail… surrender his iPhone … and pay a fine of up to $ 350,000.

A judge will determine at a later date precisely what the sentence will be.

Back in November, Weiner checked into sex rehab after he once again ended up in the news because the FBI flagged numerous references to Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s computer.

These references were brought to the attention of authorities because Weiner was married at the time to Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

This was merely the latest chapter in what has been a very long and extremely sordid history for Anthony Weiner.

In 2011, Weiner resigned from Congress after inadvertently tweeting a sexually explicit photo of himself.

Well, he texted it on purpose to a young girl who was not his wife.

He just didn’t mean for it to go viral.

In 2013, Weiner returned to the political arena via a failed campaign for mayor of New York City.

It was cut short when it was revealed that Weiner had been sexting Sydney Leathers, a young woman who went on to anchor an adult film based on her involvement with the disgraced politician.

We’re not making any of that up.

In September, it started to become clear that Weiner really might spend time in prison.

And now it appears as if that really will be the case.

In court today, Weiner admitted his “destructive impulses” had destroyed his professional and personal lives.

He said he has a sickness “but I do not have an excuse” – and acknowledged to the judge that he’d hit “rock bottom.”

The pathetic excuse for a human being added he’s “committed to making amends to all those I have harmed.”

We’re pretty sure it’s too late when it comes to his ex-wife and the entire Democratic party.

But, hey, you never know!

Good luck with that Anthony.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Paris Jackson Celebrates 19th Birthday Like Regular Teenager (PHOTO)

Paris Jackson’s birthday looked like a typical teen’s Monday — eating Mickey D’s, smoking cigs, hanging with friends — which is a full 180 from when she was a kid. She celebrated 19 by chillin’ outside a friend’s apartment … possibly the…


Monday, July 25, 2016

Teenager Attends Special Prom Ahead of Assisted Suicide

Jerika Bolen is a 14-year old girl who is braver than we"ll ever be.

A resident of Wisconsin, Bolen suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. This is a disease that has basically left her immobile after damaging the muscles all around her body.

The condition does not have a cure.

In pain and unable to do anything on her own, Bolen has decided to enter hospice care in August.

However, before she teams with physicians to take her own life, Bolen attended a prom thrown by her community in her honor on Friday.

According to The New York Daily News, Bolen showed up to the special event in a turquoise mermaid gown with “her usually purple hair dyed a similar shade.”

She was escorted in a stretch limo by local first responders.

Earlier this summer, Jerika told her mother, Jen Bolen, that she was ready to die.

She explained to the The Post-Crescent over the weekend that she’s at peace with her decision, but is “heartbroken” for her close friends and family member who will grieve her passing.

"When I decided, I felt extremely happy and sad at the same time,” Bolen told to the local newspaper, adding:

“There were a lot of tears, but then I realized I’m going to be in a better place, and I’m not going to be in this terrible pain. I’ve been working on it and thinking about it for way longer than anyone else has.”

In June, Jerika and her mother made arrangements for hospice care in the area.

Toward the end of August, the ventilator she relies on for 12 hours a day to assist her breathing will be pulled and she’ll be placed on morphine.

The 14-year says she is nearly in constant chronic pain in her hips and back, along with getting nerve spasms and having very weak bones.

For now, though, Bolen is contest. Thanks to Friday"s prom.

“I’m super happy and I don’t have to think about anything bad at the moment,” she told The Post-Crescent of the celebration, where she later won the title of prom queen.

We can"t think of a more deserving individual.

“I try to be as happy as possible,” Jerika said yesterday.

“I know I can’t always be happy every day. I still wonder why God picked me to have this disease and I know I can never know the reason. Maybe because I’m strong, I guess.”

Teen with incurable disease hosts prom ahead of assisted suicide