Showing posts with label Desperately. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desperately. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Desperately Trying to Change Ryan Edwards?

If you"ve been paying attention to his life over the course of the past year, then you"re probably aware that Ryan Edwards has had a rough go of it lately.

Granted, many of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but that doesn"t make the situation any less sad for the loved ones who have had to witness his self-destruction.

Currently, Ryan"s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child, and fans believe she"s desperate to help her husband change his ways before she gives birth in October.

Will she be able to turn their situation around in such short time?

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far …

1. The Expectant Parents

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan and Mackenzie both have kids from previous relationships, but the son who’s due next month will be their first as a couple.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards teen mom og picture

Unfortunately, news of Mackenzie’s pregnancy coincided with the start of an extremely difficult time for Ryan.

3. He Fought the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Ryan’s legal troubles have made the most tabloid headlines, and with good reason — the former Teen Mom OG star has been arrested three times in the past 18 months.

4. The Ravages of Addiction

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Most of Ryan’s legal troubles have stemmed from his continued struggles with substance abuse.

5. Slaps on the Wrist

Ryan edwards is mad

Thus far, despite being busted for possession and failing a court-ordered drug test, Ryan has managed to avoid serious jail time.

6. Every Kind of Bad Behavior

Ryan edwards not sober

But believe it or not, despite his many arrests and the severity of his addiction, Ryan has found time to engage in just about every other sort of bad behavior, as well …

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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Suri Cruise: Desperately Reaching Out to Tom Cruise?

As far as we know, Tom Cruise hasn’t seen his daughter Suri in nearly 5 years. 

Suri is now 11 years old. Unless they’ve had secret meetings that no one knows about, that’s about half of her life.

According to one insider’s report, Suri may be reaching a breaking point.

Katie Holmes gave birth to Suri in 2006. Suri lives with her mother and it seems that her famous father has absolutely nothing to do with her. Does Tom Cruise never want to see his daughter?

Suri will turn 12 this year. According to HollywoodLife‘s insider, Suri wants contact with Tom Cruise.

“She’s at an age where she needs her father’s love.”

Obviously, children need love and support, and that doesn’t always come from two parents. (Sometimes it comes from one, sometimes from five)

But we can only imagine what it’s like to see your father on billboards and movie trailers but never to see him in person.

“Any child in her position would naturally begin to question why her father won’t see her.”

We would hope that Katie Holmes has explained the situation — whatever the truth of the matter is — to Suri.

It may be that Suri knows more about it than any of the rest of us do. We hope so.

HollywoodLife’s source says that Suri has “surely” reached out to her absent father, but apparently to no avail.

“It’s enough to make you cry.”

We’ll take that with a grain of salt, since perhaps the source is making some assumptions (and perhaps projecting a little from their own issues?).

But there’s more.

This source claims that Tom Cruise “can’t possibly know his daughter.”

That sounds about right.

What everyone, and perhaps even Tom Cruise, can know is that “she’s doing well in school and loves theater and dance.”

That’s so sweet to hear.

While Suri’s approaching the age where a lot of kids are expected to start deciding what they want to do for a living, she’s also at an age where she’s probably figuring out her interests — if she didn’t know them already.

Like many, HollywoodLife‘s source assumes that Tom’s motives may be religiously motivated.

“I guess Tom would rather isolate himself from his flesh and blood than risk upsetting Scientology.”

The Church of Scientology is a massive and secretive religious organization that the German government classifies as a “predatory business,” 

Tom Cruise is not only a Scientologist — he’s their golden boy. Even though he’s 55. And even though it seems like it’s been a long, long time since he was in a film that performed well at the box office or was even, you know, good.

But he still gets work. Some credit that to the influence of the Church of Scientology.

“His church and his career are the priorities now.”

Ultimately, we don’t know — we can’t know — what is keeping Tom and Suri safe.

It may be that there’s some secret agreement between Tom and Katie. That, for Suri’s good, Katie got Tom to stay out of Suri’s life so that Suri can be free of Scientology. It may be that the trade-off was that Katie’s relationship with Jamie Foxx has to remain secret.

Or it may be just as it appears — that Tom is focused on his career and his role within Scientology.

Maybe Suri understands the situation perfectly. Maybe she doesn’t.

Honestly? Who knows.

What we do know is that Suri has a mother who loves and supports her. Surely, that’s what matters.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

This Teenager Desperately Wants to Look Like Angelina Jolie

You"ve perhaps read about Human Barbie on our website in the past, as a woman has shelled out an insane amount of money to resemble the famous plastic doll.

Now, it"s time to meet Angelina Jolie.

And we know what you"re thinking: isn"t Angelina Jolie already human?

Of course she is. (We think.)

But Sahar Tabar is a 19-year old Iranian who has undergone over 50 procedures in order to look as much like her celebrity idol as possible.

In response, Internet users are concerned. Find out why below…

1. "She Looks Like a Zombie"

Sahar tabar

This is what some Instagram users are saying in response to Tabar’s photos. It’s not hard to understand why.

2. But Tabar is Committed

Sahar tabar picture

She has lost over 60 pounds and gone under the knife over 50 times, simply because she wants people to think she looks like Jolie. Do you think she’s been successful?

3. Is There an End in Sight to Her Surgeries?

Is there an end in sight to her surgeries

It doesn’t sound that way. Tabar has said she’ll “do anything” to look like Jolie. That much, sadly, seems clear.

4. But She Has a Major Internet Presence

But she has a major internet presence

Over 356,000 followers on Instagram, some of whom applaud her, but many of whom criticize her.

5. For Example:

For example

Yvonne_rolandson asks: “But why would anyone do this to themself?” The answer likely has a lot to do with a severe lack of self-esteem.

6. Is She for Real?

Is she for real

Some folks out there think this isa hoax, that the 19-year old is using prosthetics and make-up to achieve this unique look.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Brooke Hogan"s Desperately Trying to Find Lost Dog with Hulk"s Help (PHOTO)

Brooke Hogan is sick with grief … her pooch has gone missing so now her dad has mobilized his troops to hep find her. Hulk put out a call for “HULKAMANIACS” in Van Nuys … where Molly was last seen. Brooke posted the sad news on…


Brooke Hogan"s Desperately Trying to Find Lost Dog with Hulk"s Help (PHOTO)

Brooke Hogan is sick with grief … her pooch has gone missing so now her dad has mobilized his troops to hep find her. Hulk put out a call for “HULKAMANIACS” in Van Nuys … where Molly was last seen. Brooke posted the sad news on…


Monday, February 15, 2016

The Real Housewives of Potomac Recap: Seeking Marriage Desperately

On The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 1 Episode 4, Katie was left reeling from the news that Andrew doesn’t want to get married.

Any time soon, or perhaps even at all. Jarring.

Truly, this was a devastating pill to swallow.

Crushing. You think you know someone.

How did she respond? What did she say?

More broadly, what will the future hold now that she’s been forced to reconcile with such an unexpected, but unavoidable obstacle?

Charrisse, meanwhile, also had a storyline involving marriage … as she told her friends the shocking truth behind her 18-year union.

You’re literally not going to believe this one.

With her daughter about to depart for college, Karen, perhaps motivated by midlife crises to a degree, learned how to fly an airplane.

Could do worse as far as hobbies go.

And finally, lest we forget that Potomac is all about etiquette, Ashley violated the rules HARD by spreading gossip about the women.

ONLINE! We love celebrity gossip like no other, but how do you not think your friends are going to find out and be furious with you…

Anyway, watch The Real Housewives of Potomac online to see the drama unfold on all of these fronts and more from start to finish.