Showing posts with label Reaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reaching. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Marines Have No Record of Thousand Oaks Shooter Reaching Out for PTSD Help

Ian Long — the former Marine who killed 12 people in a country music bar allegedly suffered from severe PTSD, but there’s no record of him ever contacting the Corps for help … so says the military. Long served in Afghanistan from 2010 to 2011…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Suri Cruise: Desperately Reaching Out to Tom Cruise?

As far as we know, Tom Cruise hasn’t seen his daughter Suri in nearly 5 years. 

Suri is now 11 years old. Unless they’ve had secret meetings that no one knows about, that’s about half of her life.

According to one insider’s report, Suri may be reaching a breaking point.

Katie Holmes gave birth to Suri in 2006. Suri lives with her mother and it seems that her famous father has absolutely nothing to do with her. Does Tom Cruise never want to see his daughter?

Suri will turn 12 this year. According to HollywoodLife‘s insider, Suri wants contact with Tom Cruise.

“She’s at an age where she needs her father’s love.”

Obviously, children need love and support, and that doesn’t always come from two parents. (Sometimes it comes from one, sometimes from five)

But we can only imagine what it’s like to see your father on billboards and movie trailers but never to see him in person.

“Any child in her position would naturally begin to question why her father won’t see her.”

We would hope that Katie Holmes has explained the situation — whatever the truth of the matter is — to Suri.

It may be that Suri knows more about it than any of the rest of us do. We hope so.

HollywoodLife’s source says that Suri has “surely” reached out to her absent father, but apparently to no avail.

“It’s enough to make you cry.”

We’ll take that with a grain of salt, since perhaps the source is making some assumptions (and perhaps projecting a little from their own issues?).

But there’s more.

This source claims that Tom Cruise “can’t possibly know his daughter.”

That sounds about right.

What everyone, and perhaps even Tom Cruise, can know is that “she’s doing well in school and loves theater and dance.”

That’s so sweet to hear.

While Suri’s approaching the age where a lot of kids are expected to start deciding what they want to do for a living, she’s also at an age where she’s probably figuring out her interests — if she didn’t know them already.

Like many, HollywoodLife‘s source assumes that Tom’s motives may be religiously motivated.

“I guess Tom would rather isolate himself from his flesh and blood than risk upsetting Scientology.”

The Church of Scientology is a massive and secretive religious organization that the German government classifies as a “predatory business,” 

Tom Cruise is not only a Scientologist — he’s their golden boy. Even though he’s 55. And even though it seems like it’s been a long, long time since he was in a film that performed well at the box office or was even, you know, good.

But he still gets work. Some credit that to the influence of the Church of Scientology.

“His church and his career are the priorities now.”

Ultimately, we don’t know — we can’t know — what is keeping Tom and Suri safe.

It may be that there’s some secret agreement between Tom and Katie. That, for Suri’s good, Katie got Tom to stay out of Suri’s life so that Suri can be free of Scientology. It may be that the trade-off was that Katie’s relationship with Jamie Foxx has to remain secret.

Or it may be just as it appears — that Tom is focused on his career and his role within Scientology.

Maybe Suri understands the situation perfectly. Maybe she doesn’t.

Honestly? Who knows.

What we do know is that Suri has a mother who loves and supports her. Surely, that’s what matters.


Monday, September 25, 2017

AJ McLean"s Reaching Out to Aaron Carter, Hopes to Help Him Get Sober

AJ McLean thinks he’s the guy who can take Aaron Carter under his wing and help him get back on the road to recovery … because he had to do it himself 3 times. We got the Backstreet Boys singer out at The Commons at Calabasas Friday … he tells…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Rob Kardashian to Undergo Gastric Bypass After Reaching 300 Pounds, Source Says

Rob Kardashian’s struggles with his weight have been well-documented, and the reality star has been open about his efforts to shed the extra pounds in recent years.

Just last month Rob was hospitalized after a flare-up in his diabetes symptoms, reportedly brought about by an episode of extreme binge eating.

Now, it seems the incident may have inspired Rob to go under the knife as part of his effort to regain his health.

According to OK! magazine, Rob is planning to undergo gastric bypass surgery after learning that he’s surpassed the 300 pound mark.

“He’s not lost any weight at all and he’s all but given up on it happening the hard way,”  

“He considered a stomach stapling last year, but Chyna talked him out of it and got him in the gym.,”

For a while, the non-surgical approach appeared to be working, but Rob’s weight loss seemed to stall around the same time that he and Blac began experiencing their latest wave of relationship troubles.

Rob’s hospitalization took place just days after he tweeted that Blac had left him and taken their 2-month-old daughter, Dream Kardashian, with her.

Shortly thereafter, sources indicated that the move was preceded by a violent fight, during which Blac drunkenly beat Rob and had to be physically restrained by Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble.

Shockingly, the couple later reconciled, and sources say Blac is not pleased that Rob has decided to go the surgical route.

“She’s disappointed he’s going to do this – it’s a pretty extreme op,” says one source.

The insider claims that Blac is concerned about Rob’s weight, but there’s reason to believe that she wants him to hold off on the procedure for purely selfish reasons.

When they first got together, Blac vowed to help Rob lose weight, and it was rumored she planned to use his transformation as a launch pad for a career as a professional fitness guru.

Obviously, the fact that she was unable to help her own fiance slim down despite daily access might lead many to question Blac’s ability to help others get in shape with a series of overpriced DVDs.

Fortunately, she’ll soon have Rob’s last name to fall back on.

We’ll have updates on Rob’s surgery plans as more information becomes available.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Cast Celebrate Series Reaching 100 Episodes: See the Pics!

It’s hard to imagine that Teen Mom 2 is about to debut Season 8. 

Reality TV shows don’t generally have a long shelf life, but the Teen Mom 2 ladies are proving they are still as relevant as ever. 

With production coming to a close on the most recent season, the ladies felt it was the best time to celebrate the MTV hit reaching 100 episodes

As you probably know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are not really in a good place. 

Since splitting up, they have exchanged jabs in the media, with Kailyn releasing a tell-all novel, which portrayed Javi as not the best man for her. 

Javi made it clear he was annoyed with the book, but he also congratulated his ex. It’s all pretty bizarre, but the two of them managed to be in the same picture together. 

Have a look below:

Who would have thought it? Not us, but it’s good they seem to be getting along. 

Kailyn also had her picture taken with Dr. Drew. 

Yeah, he’s the guy who grills everyone at the reunions about what went down. 

Jenelle Evans was also in attendance at the extravaganza and took to Instagram with a video of the festivities. 

Jenelle is currently heavily pregnant with her third child and is not a fan of the way she is portrayed on the MTV series. She’s not the first one to take issue with the editing and she probably won’t be the last. 

Jenelle’s baby daddy, David Eason was also at the reunion to support his wife-to-be. 

Leah Messer kept fans updated with her day. She started it off by having her hair perfected. 

It definitely looks like everyone had a good time at the bash. There’s been a lot of drama for all of them over the years, but their show reaching 100 episodes is a great accomplishment. 

It has chronicled them through their teens being mothers and now that they’re young adults, it’s making us wonder when the show will actually end. 

The ladies all seem to be moving on with their lives and it kind of feels like the drama is going to fizzle out. Chelsea Houska is married, Jenelle will probably be soon, and Leah seems to be a better person these days. 

Kailyn seemed to confirm the show would be ending soon in her tell-all, but that’s the only report of it so far. 

The ratings are down, but not by much. It’s still up there as one of MTV’s highest rated shows. 

What do you think of the party?

Sound off below!
