Showing posts with label Episodes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Episodes. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Promo Teases New Episodes, New Struggles

Back in June, MTV gave the green light for more episodes of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant.

Now, the reality series is just weeks away from returning for Season 1b — and we already have a promo video.

Pregnancy was only the prologue for these teens. Their struggles have only bgun.

Teen mom young and pregnant season 1b promo pic 02

"Last season, five moms-to-be literally mommed up," the narrator says, making a slightly awkward play on words.

Like we mentioned, the new episodes are just weeks away.

The voiceover continues: "Now, on Monday, October 15, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant is back."

"The babies have arrived," the voice declares.

Then we get a tease of the challenges to come.

Teen mom young and pregnant cast

"But," the voiceover asks. "How did these moms handle what comes next?"

Obviously, some of these young mothers will handle things better than others. 

That"s how life works — and that"s what draws viewers to the show.

The voiceover repeats: "Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant returns with all new episodes on Monday, October 15 on MTV."

They really don"t want people to miss the premiere date, folks.

Teen mom young and pregnant season 1b promo pic 01

The returning stars are Lexi Tatman, Ashley Jones, Jade Cline, Kayla Sessler, and Brianna Jaramillo.

Obviously, since they"re moms now, we"ll also see their babies again: Tobias, Holly, Kloie, Izaiah, and Braeson.

Viewers expect to see a number of things this season, as Starcasm predicts.

For one thing, Kayla finally breaking up with Stephan.

Will Jade and Sean confirm that they"re back together, as rumor suggests, or will viewers instead see confirmation that they"re over?

Then there"s Lexi and Kyler trying their best to make this work and of course Brianna gettled settled in Oregon.

Ashley jones photo

And then there"s Ashley, easily one of the most memorable and controversial figures we"ve seen on Teen Mom.

Remember that video of her slapping herself beofre accusing Bar of being violent towards her?

Her encounters with Bar"s mother, Shen, eventually drove Shen to quit the series … again.

Ashley joined the ever-growing ranks of reality stars who have feuded with Briana DeJesus even though they"re not even on the same show (and yes, it was over Javi Marroquin).

She also declared on Twitter that people should do their own research into whether the Earth is flat — because she believes that the government and textbooks have warped people"s minds.

Ashley tried to roast people, saying that they thought she was a "dumb b–ch" for her statement. But … nobody"s disputing her self-characterization, there.

Ashley jones pic

Speaking of Ashley, Bar"s life has only been somewhat less dramatic.

He got arrested again. Then there"s the appeal for his brother Troy"s murder conviction. Bar"s foster sister was shot.

On a lighter (and, joking aside, considerably less upsetting) note, Bar released his new rap song. We do not know if, uh, that will be featured on Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant.

But we"ll all find out together in less than three weeks.

Teen mom young and pregnant promo teases new episodes new strugg

Friday, September 7, 2018

Geoffrey Owens Accepts Offer From Tyler Perry and Will Appear on 10 Episodes

Geoffrey Owens is about to get a hell of a lot of screen time thanks to Tyler Perry — he’s accepted the mega producer’s offer for an acting gig — and it’s a big one! Owens, who starred on “The Cosby Show,” was recently photographed working as a…


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Asia Argento Episodes on Anthony Bourdain"s "Parts Unknown" Pulled by CNN

Episodes featuring Asia Argento in any form have been yanked from the late Anthony Bourdain’s hit TV show “Parts Uknown” following accusations of sexual misconduct. CNN confirmed this weekend that it had removed 3 ‘Parts Unknown’ episodes from its…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Big Bang Theory: The 19 Best Episodes of All Time!

The Big Bang Theory may be coming to an end after 12 seasons, but the record-smashing and also controversial comedy series will leave fans with countless episodes to watch and rewatch.

But which episodes are the very best?

Everyone has their own opinions on which episodes are the best, but we took a look at how the episodes are rated on IMDB to figure out which are the most beloved by fans.

There are a lot of holiday episodes.

Also, a lot of episodes with the word "excitation" in the title. Mere correlation or is there a causal factor?

Take a look at 19 of the very best episodes of this legendary series — and get excited about your next rewatch!

19. The Bath Gift Hypothesis

Bbt 01 the bath gift hypothesis

Season 2, Episode 11 — a Christmas episode and also the highest-rated episode. While Sheldon agonizes over what to get for Penny, because he wants to match her thoughtfulness instead of going overboard or giving her less than she deserves, Leonard is preoccupied. See, his buddy David has taken an instant shine to Penny and Leonard is having all kinds of feelings about it.

18. The Opening Night Excitation

Bbt 02 the opening night excitation

Season 9, Episode 11 — in a truly preposterous turn of events, Sheldon has only just now realized that Amy’s birthday is on the same day as the Star Wars premiere, as if everyone doesn’t spend the three months before any new Star Wars film worrying and stressing over it. Sheldon does confide in Penny and Bernadette that he’s ready to get physical with Amy.

17. The Staircase Implementation

Bbt 03 the staircase implementation

Season 3, Episode 22 — honestly, this one is a lot of people’s all-time favorite episodes. Leonard tells the story of how he ended up living with Sheldon and while he overlooked Sheldon’s personality quirks, as if Sheldon’s friendship weren’t an absolute gift. Also, fans finally learn why the elevator doesn’t work.

16. The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

Bbt 04 the adhesive duck deficiency

Season 3, Episode 8 — Leonard is with Raj and Woolowitz in the desert to witness a meteor shower. Sheldon stays home, but ends up bonding with Penny, who is sick. He accidentally touches her in a way that neither of them had intended. This was all leading up to fanservice, however, because he sings a new version of “Soft Kitty” to her.

15. The Maternal Capacitance

Bbt 05 the maternal capacitance

Season 2, Episode 15 — Christine Baranski is love, Christine Baranski is life, and she play’s Leonard’s mom. You know how you sometimes really bond with a friend’s parent? That happens with her and Sheldon, while she’s very critical of Leonard … and just about everyone else. Leonard and Penny get a little closer as a result of her visit, though.

14. The Thanksgiving Decoupling

Bbt 06 the thanksgiving decoupling

Season 7, Episode 9 — in yet another holiday episode on this list, awkwardness abounds at Thanksgiving. Sheldon is awkward around Bernadette, but her dad takes to Sheldon (and not to Howard Woolowitz) right away). In the mean time, Leonard does not love learning that Penny accidentally married her beautiful idiot boyfriend Zack years ago in Vegas. Whoops.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Ronda Rousey: "Blindspot" Role Was Awesome ... Wants More Episodes (VIDEO)

Ronda Rousey had a blast shooting her episode on “Blindspot”and wants to continue her role on the show into next season … this according to Ronda and Dana White.  We spoke (briefly) with the UFC legend — who shot her scenes for the NBC show…


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Cast Celebrate Series Reaching 100 Episodes: See the Pics!

It’s hard to imagine that Teen Mom 2 is about to debut Season 8. 

Reality TV shows don’t generally have a long shelf life, but the Teen Mom 2 ladies are proving they are still as relevant as ever. 

With production coming to a close on the most recent season, the ladies felt it was the best time to celebrate the MTV hit reaching 100 episodes

As you probably know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are not really in a good place. 

Since splitting up, they have exchanged jabs in the media, with Kailyn releasing a tell-all novel, which portrayed Javi as not the best man for her. 

Javi made it clear he was annoyed with the book, but he also congratulated his ex. It’s all pretty bizarre, but the two of them managed to be in the same picture together. 

Have a look below:

Who would have thought it? Not us, but it’s good they seem to be getting along. 

Kailyn also had her picture taken with Dr. Drew. 

Yeah, he’s the guy who grills everyone at the reunions about what went down. 

Jenelle Evans was also in attendance at the extravaganza and took to Instagram with a video of the festivities. 

Jenelle is currently heavily pregnant with her third child and is not a fan of the way she is portrayed on the MTV series. She’s not the first one to take issue with the editing and she probably won’t be the last. 

Jenelle’s baby daddy, David Eason was also at the reunion to support his wife-to-be. 

Leah Messer kept fans updated with her day. She started it off by having her hair perfected. 

It definitely looks like everyone had a good time at the bash. There’s been a lot of drama for all of them over the years, but their show reaching 100 episodes is a great accomplishment. 

It has chronicled them through their teens being mothers and now that they’re young adults, it’s making us wonder when the show will actually end. 

The ladies all seem to be moving on with their lives and it kind of feels like the drama is going to fizzle out. Chelsea Houska is married, Jenelle will probably be soon, and Leah seems to be a better person these days. 

Kailyn seemed to confirm the show would be ending soon in her tell-all, but that’s the only report of it so far. 

The ratings are down, but not by much. It’s still up there as one of MTV’s highest rated shows. 

What do you think of the party?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: How Many Episodes Are Left? What"s Jon Snow"s Real Name? And Other Questions

The bad news: another season of Game of Thrones has come and gone.

The good news? The Season 6 finale delivered in a huuuuuge way. (Apologies to the real life Bran the Builder, Donald Trump, for stealing his favorite word.)

Not only did the episode bring in record ratings for HBO, it also delivered one of the show"s highest body counts to date.

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss answered plenty of long-lingering questions (Take a bow, R + L = J theorists!), but they may have raised just as many new ones in the process.

So like the Maesters at the Citadel in Oldtown, we"ve taken it upon ourselves to solve Westeros" mysteries.

Obviously, this post is dark and full of spoilers, so go watch Game of Thrones online if you"re not caught up.

If you"ve already seen the wildfire-fueled finale jump right into the gallery below. (RIP Tommen, the Swan Dive King):

1. Jon Snow: Who’s Your Daddy?

Jon snow ready for battle

The Tower of Joy confirmed the long-held fan theory that Jon Snow is the son of Ned Stark’s sister, Lyanna. They didn’t mention the father by name, but fans know Lyanna disappeared with Rhaegar Targaryen not long before she got knocked up. Yes, that makes him a relative to the Khaleesi. More on that later…

2. Is the End Near For Mad Queen Cersei?

Queen cersei

In the season finale, we saw Cersei take the Iron Throne after her massacre at the Sept of Baelor drove her son, King Tommen, to suicide. We didn’t see how Jaime took the news, but there’s a prophecy that Cersei will be killed by her brother (Most assumed it would be Tyrion.) and Jaime has a history of slaying monarchs. Make of that what you will.

3. Where is Daenerys Headed?

Tyrion and daenerys

The last we saw of Dany, she was setting sail in the company of Tyrion, the Greyjoys, three dragons, and a bajillion ships. Obviously she’s headed to Westeros, but where exactly? We can’t imagine the writers will have her storm King’s Landing and clash with Cersei right off the bat.

4. What Happened to the Night’s King?

Bran and the nights king

The Night’s King gave us one of this season’s most talked-about scenes (RIP, Hodor), then disappeared. Many fans have pointed out that Bran’s uncle Benjen said he can’t go south of the Wall, as he’s not among the living. So it’s safe to assume that the King and his Walkers are limited in their movements. Presumably they were able to attack the Three-Eyed Raven’s home only because Bran allowed one to touch him.

5. A Civil War in House Stark?

Sansa and jon

Jon is officially the King in the North (and the White Wolf, badass nickname). But Sansa played a huge role in helping him reclaim Winterfell, and he has yet to acknowledge his debt to her. With Littlefinger influencing her at every turn, expect Mrs. Baratheon-Bolton to make a bid for what’s hers.

6. Sam at the Citadel: What’s the Big Deal?

Sam at the citadel whats the big deal

In the Season 6 finale, Sam and Gilly arrived at the Citadel, and Sam got to ckeck out its epic library. It was a strange tonal shift from the rest of the episode, and many fans are no doubt wondering what it was doing in such an eventful episode. Well, as you can see, the globe-y thing hanging from the scene is similar to the sun sphere featured in the opening credits. We don’t know what this means yet, but we can be sure it’s no coincidence.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

19 Kids and Counting: Return Episode"s Storyline Revealed!

Get ready Duggar fans, it looks like 19 Kids and Counting is coming back to TV!

After the testing the waters with the limited-run Jill & Jessa: Counting On last month, TLC has apparently decided to give the entire Duggar clan another chance at reality stardom.

As we previously reported, a camera crew followed the Duggars on a recent family outing to a lumberyard. 

That may not seem like a very big deal on its own, but add to that the fact that the Duggar girls were spotted filming at a thrift store, and it seems pretty clear that the family is preparing for a comeback.

Now, enough pieces have fallen into place that we’re able to reveal a bit about the storyline for their first episode back:

“John David sent over a list of things they needed to build a tree house,” says the owner of the lumberyard where the family was filming.

“He wanted to make sure we have the stuff. We got it all together. Jana was really the one in charge. We asked her if she needed 4* grooves or 8″ grooves and she knew the answer. She was the one giving all the instructions.”

So we know we’ll be seeing the construction of a (probably humongous) tree house, but what will the older Duggar girls be up to?

Well, apparently the network was thrilled with the viewer response to Jana Duggar, and the 26-year-old will be a majot focus of the first episode.

Jana was spotted filming with her sisters at the thrift shop, and production sources say the show will delve into her feelings about still being single while her younger sisters are getting married and starting families.

As Jana is pretty much the most beloved Duggar, that certainly sounds like a formula for success.

Sounds like both the family and the network are eager to leave the past behind them with a successful new series.