Showing posts with label Snow's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow's. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoilers: Who Dies? What"s Jon Snow"s Real Name?

It feels we’ve waited a dozen Long Nights for the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere, but the summer is finally upon us, children!

Yes, we’re exactly one month away from one of the most highly-anticipated episodes of television since that Happy Days where Fonzie demonstrated to the world that water-skiing in a leather jacket is not only possible, but a good and cool thing to do.

Hopefully there won’t be any shark jumping this time around, but if creators D.B Weiss and David Benioff decide to bring Ramsay Bolton back just to have him devoured by beasts again, we’d be cool with that.

Okay, you’ve sat through the long-winded throat-clearing sesh worthy of GRRM himself, now it’s time for what you really came for:

Yes, we’re talking spoilers, so don’t read any further and then complain in the comments if you don’t want to know what’s in store.

We’re sending up more red flags than a Lannister army here, so you’ll have no one to blame except yourself.

Here goes:

As in years past, the show’s creators have done their damnedest to keep major developments under wraps, and for the most part, they’ve done an impeccable job.

But this is 2017, and online GoT obsessives are like Lord Varys, but with much, much greater interest in porn.

As a result, the little birds have come home to roost, and it looks like we now have several pieces of potentially game-changing information about the upcoming season:

The leaks started back in November, when a Reddit user posted what he claimed was the entire plot of Game of Thrones Season 7.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing if his information is accurate, but the two new details that emerged this week are a little easier to fact-check:

First, bad news for people who like bad dudes:

Word on the web is that Littlefinger’s nefarious deeds finally catch up with him, and he gets iced in Season 7.

Not exactly a stunner, of course, as with all the double-crossing he’s gotten away with, Lord Baelysh has been a marked man for quite some time now.

The most convincing evidence for the theory that Littlefinger is headed for the big brothel in the sky comes from a recent cover of Entertainment Weekly, which shows Arya Stark rocking what appears to be Baelish’s Valyrian steel dagger.

It seems unlikely that he would simply hand it over without a fight, so in all likelihood, either ruthless killing machine Arya takes him out, or someone else does and gives her the blade as a gift.

Either way, RIP, Lord Baelish.

You certainly kept things insteresting.

This week’s other major spoiler concerns the Boy Who Lived (after he died) King in the North Jon Snow:

In the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale, some of our longstanding questions about Jon’s past and parentage were answered.

Now, according to a leaked page from an upcoming issue of Empire magazine, we’re soon to learn a lot more about The Man Who Knows Nothing.

The page reads:

“As we saw in the last episode of season 6, Bran’s psychic time-traveling ‘green sight’ revealed the true nature of Jon’s birth heritage and his real name: Jaehaerys Targaryen.

‘Bran’s now in this precarious situation in which it’s just him and Meera, and he has all of this information that could change the entire story,” said [Bran actor] Isaac Hempstead Wright. And it’s not just about Jon. ‘He knows all about the White Walkers too.’

Jarhaerys Targaryen I, known as “the Old King,” sat atop the Iron Throne longer than any other Targaryen momarch.

He’s remembered in Westeros as a wise and just king who butted heads with the dangerous Faith Militant (the High Sparrow’s be-robed douche bags).

Lyanna Stark naming her son after one of the most revered figures in Targaryen history would support the fan theory that she was in love her supposed kidnapper (and Jon’s father) Rhaegar Targaryen.

All of this, of course, would have huge implications with regard to where the story is headed from here.

So there you have it. 

Two of this season’s biggest surprises effectively ruined.

As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic, to try and puzzle out more spoilers, so as to suck the remaining fun of watching the story as it unfolds.


Monday, October 24, 2016

"Game of Thrones" Set Pics -- Jon Snow"s New Ally Revealed ... Major Spoiler! (PHOTO GALLERY)

**MAJOR “GAME OF THRONES” SPOILER ALERT**  Just in … new photos fresh from the ‘GOT’ set in Spain and they appear to reveal a MAJOR plot point for season 7.  The pics contain shots of Jon Snow reaching out to shake hands with another…


"Game of Thrones" Set Pics -- Jon Snow"s New Ally Revealed ... Major Spoiler! (PHOTO GALLERY)

**MAJOR “GAME OF THRONES” SPOILER ALERT**  Just in … new photos fresh from the ‘GOT’ set in Spain and they appear to reveal a MAJOR plot point for season 7.  The pics contain shots of Jon Snow reaching out to shake hands with another…


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: How Many Episodes Are Left? What"s Jon Snow"s Real Name? And Other Questions

The bad news: another season of Game of Thrones has come and gone.

The good news? The Season 6 finale delivered in a huuuuuge way. (Apologies to the real life Bran the Builder, Donald Trump, for stealing his favorite word.)

Not only did the episode bring in record ratings for HBO, it also delivered one of the show"s highest body counts to date.

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss answered plenty of long-lingering questions (Take a bow, R + L = J theorists!), but they may have raised just as many new ones in the process.

So like the Maesters at the Citadel in Oldtown, we"ve taken it upon ourselves to solve Westeros" mysteries.

Obviously, this post is dark and full of spoilers, so go watch Game of Thrones online if you"re not caught up.

If you"ve already seen the wildfire-fueled finale jump right into the gallery below. (RIP Tommen, the Swan Dive King):

1. Jon Snow: Who’s Your Daddy?

Jon snow ready for battle

The Tower of Joy confirmed the long-held fan theory that Jon Snow is the son of Ned Stark’s sister, Lyanna. They didn’t mention the father by name, but fans know Lyanna disappeared with Rhaegar Targaryen not long before she got knocked up. Yes, that makes him a relative to the Khaleesi. More on that later…

2. Is the End Near For Mad Queen Cersei?

Queen cersei

In the season finale, we saw Cersei take the Iron Throne after her massacre at the Sept of Baelor drove her son, King Tommen, to suicide. We didn’t see how Jaime took the news, but there’s a prophecy that Cersei will be killed by her brother (Most assumed it would be Tyrion.) and Jaime has a history of slaying monarchs. Make of that what you will.

3. Where is Daenerys Headed?

Tyrion and daenerys

The last we saw of Dany, she was setting sail in the company of Tyrion, the Greyjoys, three dragons, and a bajillion ships. Obviously she’s headed to Westeros, but where exactly? We can’t imagine the writers will have her storm King’s Landing and clash with Cersei right off the bat.

4. What Happened to the Night’s King?

Bran and the nights king

The Night’s King gave us one of this season’s most talked-about scenes (RIP, Hodor), then disappeared. Many fans have pointed out that Bran’s uncle Benjen said he can’t go south of the Wall, as he’s not among the living. So it’s safe to assume that the King and his Walkers are limited in their movements. Presumably they were able to attack the Three-Eyed Raven’s home only because Bran allowed one to touch him.

5. A Civil War in House Stark?

Sansa and jon

Jon is officially the King in the North (and the White Wolf, badass nickname). But Sansa played a huge role in helping him reclaim Winterfell, and he has yet to acknowledge his debt to her. With Littlefinger influencing her at every turn, expect Mrs. Baratheon-Bolton to make a bid for what’s hers.

6. Sam at the Citadel: What’s the Big Deal?

Sam at the citadel whats the big deal

In the Season 6 finale, Sam and Gilly arrived at the Citadel, and Sam got to ckeck out its epic library. It was a strange tonal shift from the rest of the episode, and many fans are no doubt wondering what it was doing in such an eventful episode. Well, as you can see, the globe-y thing hanging from the scene is similar to the sun sphere featured in the opening credits. We don’t know what this means yet, but we can be sure it’s no coincidence.

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Monday, May 2, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Preview: Jon Snow"s Mother Revealed?!

If you watched Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 last night, then you know the episode was positively packed with stunning twists.

Unfortunately, the long-awaited resurrection of Jon Snow was not one of those surprises.

As many fans pointed out on social media, the show kind of wrote itself into a corner with that one, as there was really no other way it could"ve played out, and there was nothing surprising about the moment when it inevitably occurred.

Still, it"s nice to have it done with so that we can get on with the rest of Season 6, which is already progressing at a breakneck speed.

Last night"s episode advanced the storylines of Tyrion, Ramsay, Theon/Reek, Bran, Sansa and Arya by leaps and bounds.

Are we leaving anyone out?

It"s entirely possible considering how much showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss managed to cram into one of the most taut and tightly-constructed installments in the show"s history.

It"s hard to believe the GoT could keep up such a breakneck pace, but next week"s episode – ominously titled "Oathbreaker" – may contain the answers to some of the most important questions in the show"s universe.

One of them: Where the hell are the Dothraki taking Daenerys? reflects a relatively new concern, while the other has been a matter of debate amongst George R.R. Martin devotees for two decades:

Who is the mother of Jon Snow, bastard of Winterfell and Lord Commander of the Night"s Watch?

It"s a question that may turn out to have far-reaching consequences in Westeros, and after years of fan theories and online speculation, we may be on the verge of a definitive answer.

The preview released last night promises a flashback (via one of Bran"s mental trips through time with the Three-Eyed Raven) to the time when a young Ned Stark fought a member of Aerys II Targaryen"s Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy.

The location is significant, as it"s the spot where Daenerys" brother Rhaegar Targaryen took Ned"s "kidnapped" sister, Lyanna Stark.

Fans have long theorized that Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon"s true parents, and this could be the episode where the hypothesis is confirmed.

If we have to tell you why it"s significant that Jon may be a royal-blooded Targaryen, then it"s possible that like Mr. Snow himself, you know nothing, dear reader.

Game of thrones season 6 episode 3 preview jon snows mother reve