Showing posts with label 'Major'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Major'. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

UFC"s Rachael Ostovich Injury Photos Show Major Damage to Face and Body

TMZ Sports has obtained injury photos of UFC fighter Rachael Ostovich — taken in the wake of the domestic violence incident with her MMA fighter husband … and they’re brutal. 
The photos show damage to Rachael’s face, body, arms and head — including a ...
UFC"s Rachael Ostovich Injury Photos Show Major Damage to Face and Body

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

You know that big ass steer in Australia that went viral for being the biggest freakin’ thing you’ve ever seen?
Major League Eating — the competitive eating org that brought you food-guzzling superstars like Joey Chestnut, Matt Stonie and Takeru Kobayashi — wants to eat...
Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Modern Family Kills Off "Major Character" and Fans Are Outraged

Fair warning: this post contains a Modern Family spoiler.

Whether or not it"s a major spoiler is a matter of some debate.

Modern Family"s co-creator promised that, in Season 10, a character of significance would die.

On Wednesday night"s episode, that happened … sort of.

See (and here"s the spoiler), the "major character death" was DeDe, Jack"s ex-wife, the mother of both Mitchell and Claire.

DeDe is not a main character — she"s just related to a bunch of them.

She did not appear in even a guest role in Season 3, Season 5, or Season 6.

Modern Family fans took to Twitter to express their outrage over all of that hype having been built up for nothing.

1. Modern Family killed a character

Modern family generic cover image

Don’t worry — it’s not anyone you know. It’s DeDe.

2. Here is DeDe, in case you forgot

Dede with son and sil

Here she stands beside her son and her son-in-law

3. People did a double take

Modern family death reaction tweet 01

When you hear “major character death,” you expect to AT LEAST recognize the name immediately

4. Fans called bull

Modern family death reaction tweet 02

Of course, we’re glad that the lead actors kept their jobs, but still …

5. This is a great reaction image

Modern family death reaction tweet 05

Nobody has time to get worked up over an occasional guest character’s death

6. This person warned their own followers

Modern family death reaction tweet 03

That’s a spoiler, but maybe not the kind that people cared about

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Michael Jordan Buys Ownership Stake In Major eSports Franchise

Michael Jordan has teamed up with Magic Johnson — buying an ownership stake in aXiomatic … the company that operates the prestigious eSports franchise Team Liquid.  Jordan was part of a new $ 26 million funding round — joining other…


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tekashi69 Making Major Life Changes, Refocused on His Career

Tekashi69 is ready to make his career a top priority and to make it happen … some heads are gonna roll.  Sources close to the rapper tell TMZ … Tekashi and his closest confidants are downsizing his entourage. From here on out, he only wants…


Friday, October 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Throws Major Shade at TLC and Jim Bob Duggar!

Hard to believe, but it’s been almost a full year since Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On.

Fans are mostly of the opinion that the show is better off without D-Dill, though that might have less to do with his camera presence and more to do with the reason he was axed from the show.

Back in November of 2017, Derick went on a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings and was promptly kicked to the curb by his bosses at TLC.

It’s almost like corporations aren’t big on their employees harassing one another on social media. Weird.

Anyway, Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and now the Dillard clan has no real ties to the show that made them famous.

For a while, it looked as though the Jill and Derick were hoping to be invited back to the show, but now it seems they’ve come to terms with the fact that that’s never gonna happen.

Derick is attending law school; Jill is working as a midwife (despite a lack of proper certification), and it looks like they’ll eventually be able to support their two children without much help from Jim Bob and Michelle.

Despite that, it seems Derick is still harboring some bitterness toward the network that both started ended his television career.

During a recent Twitter Q&A Der even went so far as to accuse TLC execs of interfering with his relationship with his in-laws.

“Do you not attend events they film if possible (like Lauren/Josiah’s tea party) or do they just edit around you?” one fan asked.

“TLC is probably not going to invite us if they don’t want us there,” Dillard replied.

Yes, Derick seems to be suggesting that it’s the network — not the Duggars themselves — who decide the guest list for their family events.

Obviously, this is his way of trash-talking not only TLC, but also his father-in-law.

Jim Bob has repeatedly claimed that despite the massive debt his family owes the network, he retains full autonomy on the Duggar compound.

Derick’s claim that it’s TLC who execs that decide who to invite to family functions pokes a major hole in that idea.

Of course, this is Derick’s M.O.

He throws a little bit of shade and — unless his target is someone as vulnerable as a teenage girl — he then turns tail and refuses to answer any follow-up questions.

Derick seems to live in a fantasy world of his own device, in which his famous father-in-law is an ineffectual nobody, and the decision to leave a cushy reality show gig was his and his alone.

“We were going in a different direction as a family and decided to stop doing filming,” Dillard once claimed in an interview.

“Thank you; we hope you are encouraged in some way by our journey, especially our reliance upon our savior, Jesus Christ.”

Mind you, we know for a fact that Derick was fired, but he’s so used to fans believing everything he says that he has no problem tossing out whatever BS pops into his head.

It’s an interesting and surprisingly effective strategy.

So clearly, the guy has learned a thing or two about public relations and cult mentality in his years as Jim Bob’s son-in-law.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Elon Musk"s SpaceX Launches Rocket And Sticks The Landing in Major Milestone

Another milestone for Elon Musk, as the SpaceX CEO launched a satellite into space and successfully landed the rocket booster on solid ground at its California launch site in a visually stunning mission carried out over Los Angeles.  The…


Friday, September 28, 2018

Luka Sabbat: Causing MAJOR Jealousy Between Kourtney and Kendall?!

Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner may be the hottest in their family, but they have something else in common.

That something is threatening to tear the two of them apart with jealousy.

And his name is Luka Sabbat.

A source revealed to InTouch Weekly magazine that Kendall and Kourtney are in konflict.

“It’s all because of Kourtney’s latest boy toy,” the insider announces.

“Luka<‘ the source shares. “Was into Kendall first.”

(Well, so were a lot of people)

The insider explains that this is something “which Kourtney knew, but she just swooped right in anyway.”

Kendall Jenner and Luka Sabbat

“That’s caused some serious jealousy issues between the sisters,” the source explains.

Sometimes friends or loved ones are happy to share a guy, but the Kardashians and Jenners are a little too traditional for that.

In the insider’s view, Kendall and Luka are a “way better match” than Kourtney and Luka.

There are a lot of reasons for that — the lesser age difference, the fact that both are models, the fact that Kourt is a mom.

The source predicts that “Kourtney will move on from Luka in no time.”

Kourtney’s rumored boy toy is only 20 years old.

In contrast, Kourtney herself is just months away from turning 40.

We’re not saying that Kourtney is “too old.”

If they really are dating, this is just two consenting adults doing consensual adult things.

But you can imagine that some are surprised to see a mother-of-three dating a guy who isn’t old enough to drink.

It’s a little weird. And maybe it’s a little creepy.

That said, if you’re going to date a woman twice your age who is also a mother … you might as well date a mega-MILF, right?

Kourtney may just be dating Luka for fun, or to one-up (well, match) Scott Disick’s 20-year-old model girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

If so, maybe they both will move on soon.

If and when that happens, if Luka needs a shoulder (or other body part) to cry on, well, 23-year-old Kendall is age-appropriate and will probably be available.

We have to admit that we’re unsure of this narrative.

Now, if Kourtney really did swoop in and snatch up Luka in her talons just as Kendall was leaning in for a kiss, sure.

But this would hardly be the first time that sisters in that family had experienced the other’s sloppy seconds.

In fact, before Travis Scott impregnated Kylie last year, he had banged Kendall.

He even made headlines for publicly comparing and contrasting the two sisters on how they are in bed.

(Ugh, don’t get us started on how creepy that was)

Obviously, the sisterly bond should be indelible.

The Kardashians are all about “the power of family,” after all.

We hope that Kendall and Kourtney are too close to be torn apart by the same guy.

In the mean time, high five to them both for having great taste. Luka’s one handsome dude.

And with the other hand, high five to Luka for attracting the interest of not one but two of the most beautiful women on the planet.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Tom Ford"s Doing Major Renovations to $40 Million Compound

Tom Ford’s got high standards … so high, his $ 40 million crib isn’t quite up to snuff, but that’s about to change. The famed designer bought this incredible estate in L.A.’s tony Holmby Hills hood nearly 2 years ago, and according to building…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Frank Gore"s Son Gets Major College Offer, I"m Better Than My Dad!

The football genes run in the Gore family … because Frank Gore’s son just got his first major NCAA scholarship offer to Kentucky — and the high school star tells us he’s on track to be better than his dad!  Okay, he’s joking around … but…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Amy Roloff Takes Major Step in Romance with Chris Marek

If you close your eyes and listen closely, you can hear them.

The sound is not overpowering just yet. It remains somewhat faint.

But make no mistake: When it comes to Amy Roloff and her long-time boyfriend Chris Marek, they are very much there.

We write, of course, about wedding bells.

More specifically, about the sound of them ringing and how we’re more convinced than ever before that they will be doing precisely this for the Little People, Big World star some time in the near future.

This is not a new sentiment, really.

Roloff and Marek have been very serious for awhile now.

However, they took a rather major step over this past weekend when Amy took Chris to her native state of Michigan.

(As all fans of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette know well, such hometown visits often preclude a proposal.)

“So happy I got to show Chris my favorite place to go to in Michigan, besides my folks cabin,” wrote the TLC personality as a caption to the image above, adding:

“Had the best time and made such a memory together. We’ll be back! #puremichigan #homestate #amyrandchrism #amyssecondactcontinues.”

You’ll be back, huh?

Like… for a wedding?!?

After not featuring Chris in a few Instagram photos for a bit, Amy was forced to address break-up rumors recently.

In short, her response was simple: the couple is anything but broken up. They are very much together.

For whatever reason, however, many Little People, Big World fans refuse to accept this relationship for what it is.

They think Marek has sinister motives; that he’s only dating Amy for her fame and her fortune, even though:

  1. He has never given us any reason to think this.

  2. Let’s face it: she isn’t that rich or that famous.

But irrational social media users do not care.

They continue to warn Roloff about how Marek is a “wolf” and how his interest in her is all about “[money.]”

To wit:

marek slams

Amy and ex-husband Matt Roloff divorced well over two years ago, following about 27 years of marriage.

They still star on Little People, Big World together, however, and still run their family business together.

Matt is dating Caryn Chandler and may also soon get engaged and the tension between exes is obvious at times.

But they remain pretty darn amicable, all relationships and awkward situations considering.

“I never thought I’d be dating as a grandma,” Amy said during the most recent season of her TLC reality series, adding that while she’d love a “lifetime” relationship, she wasn’t looking to make things so permanent with Marek just yet.

She is in no rush to walk down the aisle again.

It’s certainly possible that day never comes.

That doesn’t mean Amy won’t stick it to Marek haters, though, when their clams come out and it doesn’t mean she won’t rule put the possibility of getting hitched again.

But why worry a lot about the future?

Why not just enjoy the present as much as one can?

And, for the record, Amy’s kids approve.

“Chris seems like a good guy,” son Zach said on a Little People, Big World episode this spring, adding:

“He seems pretty straight, level-headed, not fake. That’s why I like him, because he doesn’t try to be my best friend. He’s not overly aggressive. He’s cordial, and he’s just a normal dude.”

We concur.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Kate Major Lohan Arrested for Allegedly Throwing Glass Candle Holder at Michael

Kate Major was arrested again Thursday night … for allegedly attacking Michael Lohan — again. Kate got into an argument with Michael at their home in Boca Raton, FL and allegedly threw a candle with a glass base at the hubby with whom she has…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tim Tebow"s Mom Thinks He"s Ready for the Major Leagues!

WE GOT TIM TEBOW’S MOM!!!! How cool is this?! Tim Tebow’s mother, Pamela, tells TMZ Sports her son is ready to play in the Big Leagues … and she couldn’t be more proud of the way he’s playing!  FYI, Tim’s been raking down in the minor…


Tim Tebow"s Mom Thinks He"s Ready for the Major Leagues!

WE GOT TIM TEBOW’S MOM!!!! How cool is this?! Tim Tebow’s mother, Pamela, tells TMZ Sports her son is ready to play in the Big Leagues … and she couldn’t be more proud of the way he’s playing!  FYI, Tim’s been raking down in the minor…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Maci Bookout Struggles on Naked and Afraid, Receives Major Support From Fans

Teen Mom OG fans spent several months anticipating Maci Bookout"s appearance on Naked and Afraid.

And we think it"s safe to say they didn"t quite get what they were hoping for.

Maci"s wilderness adventure was a short one, as the mother of three struggled mightily during her time in Nicaragua.

Some viewers stated that they had hoped to see more of Ms. Bookout, but most applauded her courage in taking on such a challenge.

And as a bonus, her happy-go-lucky partner definitely earned some new fans!

1. Maci Bookout: Both Naked and Afraid

Maci bookout naked and afraid

Maci spent the past week hyping her appearance on the show, and she was clearly excited to share the experience with fans.

2. TV’s Toughest Show

Maci bookout appears on naked and afraid

No show on television tests the limits of human endurance quite like Naked and Afraid, and very few contestants last the full 21 days. So Maci certainly isn’t alone in not completing the challenge.

3. Badass Attitude

Maci bookout naked and afraid intro

In her intro video, Maci referred to herself as a badass, a word that’s often used by TMOG fans when describing the tough-as-nails mother of three.

4. Firestarter


She described her preparations for the show, revealing that she spent a lot of time working on starting fires without the aid of matches or a lighter. At first, it seemed that all that hard work paid off.

5. Early Success

Maci bookout on naked and afraid

Maci and her partner — an ICU nurse named Justin — managed to build a fire on their first day in the wilderness — a rare accomplishment on Naked and Afraid.

6. No Match For Nicaragua

No match for nicaragua

Unfortunately, that would prove to be Maci’s final triumph in the jungles of Nicaragua.

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Saturday, June 9, 2018

Anthony Bourdan Suicide: Major New Detail Revealed

While the world continues to come to grips with the loss of Anthony Bourdan, a key new detail regarding the celebrity chef’s death has been made official.

Bourdain, of course, tragically took his own life on Friday.

His body was discovered in a French hotel room by close friend Eric Ripert, who had been filming a new episode of CNN’s Parts Unknown with Bourdan in Ripert’s native country.

Those who have followed this sad story closely already knew that Bourdain killed himself via hanging, and they already knew his death took place in the aforementioned hotel room.

But French officials have now confirmed two more critical pieces of information:

  1. Bourdain hanged himself in the hotel room’s bathroom.

  2. He used the belt from his bathrobe to do so.

Prosecutor Christian de Rocquigny also says that there are no signs of foul play.

There are no indications anyone had entered Bourdain’s room at the luxury Le Chambard Hotel any time close to the beloved star’s passing.

This should effectively end all official inquiries into Bourdain’s death.

Questions will continue to be asked about Bourdain’s state of mind and mental history and what could have possibly caused him to make such a heartbreaking decision.

But there are not many more practical details related to his suicide that remain uncovered.

The French prosecutor did add in his report that toxicology tests were being carried out, including urine tests, to determine if Bourdain was on any medications at the time of his hanging.

Said CNN in a statement yesterday morning:

It is with extraordinary sadness we can confirm the death of our friend and colleague, Anthony Bourdains.

His love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller.

His talents never ceased to amaze us and we will miss him very much.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and family at this incredibly difficult time.

Bourdain had premiered Parts Unknown on the networkin 2013 and won a Peabody Award shortly thereafter.

He was widely respected for the way he paid tribute on his show to a wide variety of cultures and countries.

Tweeted Italian actress Asia Argento, Bourdain’s girlfriend of about a year, hours after news of the chef’s death went viral:

“Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did. His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds.

He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated.

My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.”

Bourdain leaves behind an 11-year old daughter from his second marriage.

He was 61 years old at the time of his death.

His final act came three days after fashion designer Kate Spade also killed herself; she did so by hanging herself in her New York City apartment.

In response to these developments, the Mental Health Association of New York tells TMZ that its hotline has experienced a 25% increase in call volume compared to this time last week.

The number has been shared by number of celebrities on social media, which the organization says has resulted in more people “being aware of the resource and calling the Lifeline to get help.”

It’s simply awful that it took the suicides of two respected global figures for this to happen.

But perhaps some solace can be found in the silver lining that people with mental health struggles are taking the necerssary measures to make sure they don’t end up like Bourdain, Spade and so many others.


"Roseanne" Reboot Has a Major Hang-up ... Roseanne Barr

ABC is still all-in on moving forward with a second “Roseanne” reboot — this one revolving around Sara Gilbert’s character — but there’s a major issue to resolve … ownership. Sources close to the production tell TMZ … because Roseanne Barr…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Bella Hadid Shows Off Major Underboob in NYC

Bella Hadid’s lunch runs are more fun than yours … probably a lot sexier, too. The supermodel was grabbing food to-go with friends in NYC Saturday when her boob nearly fell out the bottom of her crop top. It’s hot in the city, so Bella’s tiny…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Earnest Byner tells J.R. Smith How to Come Back from Major Blunder

Earnest Byner knows what it’s like to make a major mistake with the game on the line (remember the ’87 AFC Championship?) … so, he’s got some advice for J.R. Smith.  Byner is a legend in his own right — he’s a 2-time Pro Bowler and won…


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Blac Chyna Drops Major Kardashians Bombshell: They Threatened to Do WHAT?!?

According to Blac Chyna, the Kardashian family really had it out for her last year.

To the extemt that they were willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to make sure she was decapated completely.

Allow us to explain…

As detailed back in October, Chyna is suing the world’s most famous reality show family, alleging that Kris Jenner and company conspired in the past to ruin her career.

(Go ahead and take a few moments to laugh out loud over the concept of Chyna having a “career.” We’ll wait…)

In legal documents filed by Blac’s lawyer, the mother of two says that Kris and her daughters used their “power and influence over the E! network to kill the second season” of Rob & Chyna.

It is true, of course, that there was no second season of Rob & Chyna.

But it’s also true that the series garnered VERY low ratings, and that was before Chyna and her baby daddy had one explosive argument after another prior to breaking up over a year ago.

So… did the Kardashian really plot to destroy Chyna’s reputation and make it hard for her to earn money, as she claims?

Or did a cable network abide by the demands of its biggest stars and shut down Rob & Chyna because it feared repercussions from Kris if it failed to do so?

The latter, Chyna and her legal team claim.

In new court papers, Chyna actually says that Kim Kardashian and her loved ones issued the ultimate threat to E! executives:

Cancel Rob & Chyna… or we’ll stop filming Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

TMZ has all the details.

This celebrity gossip website writes that scenes for Season 2 of Rob & Chyna had already been filmed when E! pulled the plug.

And why did this happen?

Chyna claims the axe fell in January of 2017 after a “key meeting” took place between E! higher-ups and the Kardashian clan.

During this meeting, Kim, Kris and everyone said they would yank the network’s highest-rated program off the air if E! didn’t say goodbye to Chyna.

Blac goes on to allege a significant factor for her show’s cancelation was because the Kardashians “falsely claimed” she was being physically abusive toward Rob.

Rob and Chyna are on decent terms these days actually.

They co-parent daughter Dream and they haven’thad a public blow-up in months, which is remarkable for these two stars.

Did the Kardashians truly blackmail E! to guarantee the end of Chyna’s reality show career on that network?

We really don’t know. We mostly doubt it.

But Chyna may have more pressing concerns to worry about these days anyway.

Such as the entire Internet thinking she sucks at oral sex…
