Showing posts with label Pound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pound. Show all posts

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

You know that big ass steer in Australia that went viral for being the biggest freakin’ thing you’ve ever seen?
Major League Eating — the competitive eating org that brought you food-guzzling superstars like Joey Chestnut, Matt Stonie and Takeru Kobayashi — wants to eat...
Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Snoop Dogg Visits Cleveland Browns Practice, Joining the Dawg Pound?

The Dawg Pound turned into the D.O. DOUBLE G. Pound on Wednesday … ‘cause Snoop Dogg was in attendance to watch Baker Mayfield and Co. at Cleveland Browns practice!! Just one tiny issue here — Snoop is a MASSIVE Pittsburgh Steelers fan … and…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jenna Jameson Flaunts Astonishing 57 Pound Weight Loss!

Jenna Jameson has been retired from porn for over ten years now, but she’s still one of the handful household names to emerge from the adult industry in the ’90s and early 2000s.

While she raked in a ton of cash during her career, Jameson’s life has deteriorated recently into the sort of cautionary tale that the porn world produces so consistently.

In the past few years, Jameson has been arrested; she’s been involved in multiple unhealthy relationships; and she’s appeared intoxicated and incoherent in numerous relationships.

She’s been both a victim and a perpetrator of awful behavior.

She’s lied; she’s cheated; she’s said horrible, racist things on television and blamed others when she was called out for her comments.

In other words, she’s what 60 million or so Americans would consider presidential material.

But despite the many times Jenna has let us down, we’re still rooting for her.

We’re mostly rooting for her to stop being racist, but maybe a more positive worldview come more naturally now that she’s taking care of herself.

As you can see, Jenna has shed quite a few pounds in recent months — 57 pounds to be exact.

She posted the before-and-after pics above to her Instagram page this week along with a caption describing her process:

“Thought I’d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weight loss,” Jameson wrote.

“On the right I weight 187. On the left I’m a strong 130. I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli.

“I felt slow mentally and physically. I took the pic on the right for a body positive post I was going to do and decided against it because I felt anything but fucking positive,” she added.

“I’m now a little under 4 months on the #ketodiet and it’s not only given me physical results, I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident.”:

Jameson also posted a second before-and-after pic, this time offering 

This has been a strong week for my Keto lifestyle results. I’m no longer really losing fat, I’m tightening,” she wrote.

“I see and feel the biggest difference in my arms and back.

“When I was out of shape, I felt really thick through my core and trap and arm area. That’s finally starting to go.”

Yes, the keto diet is working wonders for lots of people these days.

But until they invent carb-free french fry sandwiches, it simply won’t be for us.

Anyway, congrats to Jenna on her remarkable transformation.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go bury our shame in an avalanche of empty calories.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Former Celtic Glen "Big Baby" Davis Arrested with Quarter Pound of Weed, $92k in Cash

Former NBA player Glen “Big Baby” Davis — known for his role on the 2008 Boston Celtics team that won the championship — was reportedly arrested last month on 7 counts of drug possession and distribution. Davis — who last played in the league…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Amber Rachdi from My 600 Pound Life: See Her Insane Transformation!

You may not remember Amber Rachdi’s name, but if you watch My 600 Pound Life, you’ll definitely remember her story.

And probably the first thing you’ll remember is how utterly heartbreaking it was.

At just 23 years old, Amber weighed in at 657 pounds — a weight she said made her feel like “a nasty, yucky monster.”

In her episode, she said that she had an eating disorder that made it extremely difficult for her to stop eating, and serious anxiety was the cause of that disorder.

Even though she was disgusted by the amount of food she ate, she didn’t feel like she was able to stop.

When she five years old, she weighed 160 pounds, and the weight just piled on from there.

For some reason, the weight seemed to pile on largely on her legs.

One of her biggest issues was that her legs were too heavy to walk for more than a few minutes at a time, and so the only time she ever left the house was to shop for groceries.

But even though she didn’t have the best support system, Amber managed to lose 20 pounds on her own, her requirement for getting her weight loss surgery.

She got the surgery, and … well, you’ll have to see her latest results for yourselves.

Otherwise there’s a solid chance you won’t believe how far she’s come.

Amber looks absolutely incredible, right?!

She looks happy and healthy, and like she’s in a completely different place than she was during her My 600 Pound Life episode.

A different, much happier place.

She’s lost over 400 pounds since then, and she’s obviously found an amazing sense of style.

These days, she works with a therapist to help her deal with the anxiety issues that caused her to gain so much weight in the first place.

She’s also active on social media, and she seems ready and willing to help out other people with weight loss or confidence or basically any old thing.

One thing she says is that she and the other My 600 Pound Life stars aren’t able to share exactly how much weight they’ve lost, or specific diets or exercises they’ve used to lose the weight.

She wouldn’t want to do that anyway, she says — she’s not a professional, and what’s worked for her may not work for others.

But it’s clear that whatever she did, it really, really worked for her.

Seriously, how gorgeous is she?


Friday, February 10, 2017

NFL"s Mark Ingram Shoots Gigantic 600 POUND Boar In Tennesee (PHOTO)

Saints RB Mark Ingram won the Super Bowl of hunting this week, popping a GIGANTIC 600 LB BOAR during a hunt in Tennessee … and his NFL pals were definitely impressed.  Ingram bagged the beast at the Spartan Hunting Preserve in Grandview,…


NFL"s Mark Ingram Shoots Gigantic 600 POUND Boar In Tennesee (Photo)

Saints RB Mark Ingram won the Super Bowl of hunting this week, popping a GIGANTIC 600 LB BOAR during a hunt in Tennessee … and his NFL pals were definitely impressed.  Ingram bagged the beast at the Spartan Hunting Preserve in Grandview,…


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Blac Chyna to Wendy Williams: You"re a 400 Pound Ass Bitch!

We’ve got a brand new feud, y’all.

And it sure is a nasty one.

It all started when Wendy Williams made the decision to talk about Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna on her show.

She said that when the Kardashian family first made their way into the public eye, Rob was “smarter” and he had “more confidence.”

But now, she theorized Rob has “given up.”

“Chyna comes from the world of the pole,” she said, referring to Chyna’s stripper past.

“I feel like this [relationship] is a great come up for Chyna,” she said, “and her come up is that she ran into this guy, and she’s taking advantage of everything.”

“She and her mom Tokyo Toni come up off the backs of people who don’t see through their ruse.”

“She’s not attracted to him,” Wendy insisted, not because of his appearance, but because of his lack of confidence.

So to recap, Wendy’s theory is that Chyna saw in Rob a man she could use for money and fame, and she controls his every move because he’s not confident enough to think he deserves better.

And Chyna most certainly did not appreciate that theory.

She went off on Instagram, and … here, just check it out for yourself.

“Wendy.. Wendy.. Wendy….you lost your motherf-ckin mind how? How dare you speak on me, my fiance, and my mom like you were at the Christmas table with us?!”

“I find it so funny how you love to talk about Rob and his insecurities like at a point in time you wasn’t a fat 400 pound ass bitch on the radio!”

“You telling him to put some bass in his voice? You want him to be like Kevin?”

(Kevin is Wendy’s husband.)

“Right you want Rob to put some bass in his voice and a fist upside my head next right? You want him to be like your husband?”

“Rob is MY MAN! MINE! I love him for who he is which is why we are together.”

“Therefore it doesn’t f-cking matter what you ‘Think’ or ‘Want’ him to be he’s not for you Bitch!”

“Then let’s not talk about this Lil vendetta you have with my mom. Wendy Bitch you’re cruisin’ Honestly, truly.”

“You go out there talking about my family like you just hit the pipe backstage!”

“When I decided to do this show I knew I would be letting the world see us.”

“But your horse face ass woke up on the wrong side of the stable and decide to go overboard with your f-ck boy comments.”

“Bitch f-ck you ! ‘P’ body ass hoe.”

Boy, she really told her, huh?

This is very mature and obviously well thought out, and it’s not at all embarrassing.

Good on you, Chyna.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Charlize Theron Talks 30 Pound Weight Gain: I Am Very Fat Right Now

It can be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs pretend they have to work hard in order to maintain their figures.

Of course, it can also be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs boast about being able to eat whatever they want without gaining a pound.

Hey, maybe naturally svelte people are just obnoxious no matter what they do.

Whatever the case, Charlize Theron is cutting through that BS by openly discussing her recent weight gain.

Theron says she’s out on 30 pounds in recent weeks, and she discussed her changing shape at the amfAR Inspiration Gala in los Angeles last night.

“Yes, I am very fat right now,” Theron said after Chelsea Handler reportedly joked about her dress size.

We’re left to assume that Chelsea and Charlize are very close friends, because joking about anyone’s weight is a good way to get your teeth loosened up.

As is often the case when a famous actor openly discusses their weight gain, however, Charlize packed on pounds for a film role.

She’ll play a harried mom in the upcoming Jason Reitman-Diablo Cody comedy Tully.

It’s unclear if the role called for added padding, or if that was just a creative choice Charlize made.

Theron has famously transformed herself for roles in the past. 

She was unrecognizable as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in 2003’s Monster, and her performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Will she have the same sort of success with Tully?

No, because it’s a comedy, and no one in the Academy has laughed at anything since Bob Hope died.

That’s a fact; you can look it up.

Anyway, we’re sure Charlize will have no trouble shedding the weight once she completes filming,

She already proved she can drop 180 pounds with ease when she dumped Sean Penn last year.

And hey if she feels compelled to continue binge eating, she can always just stick her foot in her mouth like that time she complained about how hard it is to be hot.

Or that time she compared Internet gossip to rape.

Damn, is it just us, or is Charlize Theron messy AF?

Maybe we’re just being hard on her because she’s got that naturally svelte thing going on.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mo"Nique Flaunts 100 POUND Weight Loss in New Swimsuit Pic!

If you ever wonder what happened to Mo"Nique, she"s working her butt off. 

And her waist and her thighs and her arms.


The actress recently shared a swimsuit pic to Instagram, showcasing a staggering 100 pound weight loss – and she looks incredible.

She posted the pic above, posing with two friends in a black one-piece with a cinched waist.


How"d she do it?

Duh, she"s a celebrity and has means and resources.

But her determination is something money can"t buy.

She"s been working out in high intensity dance routines with dance and fitness instructor Dwight Holt, and it actually looks pretty fun.

The Oscar-winning actress shared the video below of one of her workouts, along with an inspiring message:

"Hey my babies. To think that me and @the_takehomestylist wanted to not play today. We were complaining how hot it was and trying our best to be LAZY.

"Baby @dwightholtjr was not having it. PUSH YOURSELF TO A SURPRISE. WOW. I feel amazing that I didn"t quit today. WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T QUIT."

In 2013, Mo"Nique flaunted a weight loss milestone when she whittled her physique down from 300 to 218 pounds.

Keep it up, girl!

Monique flaunts 100 pound weight loss in new swimsuit pic

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sam Claflin Reveals 40 Pound Weight Loss, Shares Shirtless Selfie

Move over, Kim Kardashian. We’ve got a far more compelling weight loss story than yours.

Hunger Games star Sam Claflin revealed he shed 40 pounds for his role as Will Traynor in the new movie Me Before You.

In the film, Claflin plays a wealthy young banker who becomes paralyzed in a tragic accident.

The actor has been pumping up the movie through his Instagram account by sharing stories and behind-the-scenes shots for the past several weeks.

In yesterday’s post, prefaced with “49/50 final thought,” he shared the shirtless pic above and talked about getting into the physicality of his character and how everyday people deal with tragedy:

“I had to get myself in peak physical condition to play Will before the accident, and that came along with at least one long and hard daily session in the gym and a very strict diet, with little sleep.

“It was important for me to show the distinct differences between him before and after the accident, not only emotionally and mentally, but physically too.

“I shed over 3 stone in the three months I was training, and honestly pushed my personal limits.

“A lot of people struggle with every day life, and do it alone, I was fortunate to have a wonderful support network around me, guiding me through the process step by step.

“I’m not saying I’m a hero. I’m merely saying I found it tough and therefore appreciate what other people go through.

“I’m an actor. I do what I can to make each part I play as believable as I can. To play it honestly. And truthfully. And hope people invest within that character.

“The two sides of Will, are of course just one person, but I believe we are all made up of many different versions of ourselves.

“A lot of us haven’t been tested the way Will has, but something as life-changing as that, will affect people differently.

“Every person is different. Everyone deals with circumstance and situation differently. And everyone should be able to make choices in life without judgement or comment.

“This film is Wills journey. Enjoy your journey. #liveboldly”

Me Before You also stars Emilia Clarke and is in theaters now.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Melissa McCarthy Shows Off 50 POUND Weight Loss on Set of New Movie!

Melissa McCarthy is widely agreed to be one of the funniest women working in Hollywood today, and yet despite her tremendous success, it seems every interview and magazine proifile has to make at least a passing reference to her weight.

We doubt that was Melissa’s motivation to drop over 50 pounds recently, but as an added bonus, all those insipid columnists and red carpet blowhards will now have to come up with something else to talk about.

That’s a photo of the 45-year-old actress showing off her amazing body transformation on the set of her new movie, The Boss, co-starring Kristen Bell and Peter Dinklage.

The film is directed by McCarthy’s husband, Ben Falcone, who also played her love interest in Bridesmaids.

In a review for McCarthy’s 2013 comedy Identity Thief, critic Rex Reed slammed McCarthy as a” tractor-sized hippo.”

Fortunately, it doesn’t seem that that review motivated McCarthy to change anything about herself, but did provide thousands of readers with plenty of incentive to give Reed a satisfying backhand right across his smug, hateful mouth.

Anyway, the last laugh belongs to McCarthy, as she now has the opportunity to prove that she’s not a “gimmick comedian” who relies on her physique for laughs, as Reed claimed.

But don’t worry: Melissa may have slimmed down, but her fashion line will still include items for women of every shape – sizes 4 to 28.