Showing posts with label Charlize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlize. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Charlize Theron Trades Punches, Kisses with Boxing Champ Chris van Heerden

Charlize Theron surprised a boxing champ on his birthday — threw punches at him and then kissed his face … and we’ve got footage of the whole thing! The man on the receiving end is Chris van Heerden — a former IBO Welterweight…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Charlize Theron on Tia Mowry: What a Biatch!

In the universe of unexpected celebrity feuds, we may have stumbled upon the most unexpected of them all:

Tia Mowry versus Charlize Theron.


Speaking to In Touch Weekly recently about an SoulCycle class she attended, Mowry said she was shocked to be greeted in such rude fashion by Theron, who simply "wasn"t very nice to me," the former sitcom star said.

She elaborated as follows:

"I said "Hi," and she actually rolled her eyes and said, "Oh my God." I wasn"t over-the-top. I know how to approach another celebrity.

"Charlize was just mean. I"m just being honest."

What could this Oscar-winning beauty possibly have against the random former star of ABC"s Sister, Sister?

We have no idea. And neither does Theron!

"What a bitch!" Theron joked to Andy Cohen when told about this story during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live.

She then sounded confused and sort of apologetic about an incident she says never took place.

"I"m not an eye roller," the actress said, adding that she has no recollection of snubbing Mowry, but she"s "sorry" if Tia got that impression.

"I"m really nice at SoulCycle, actually, because once my endorphins kick in, I"m actually almost too friendly," Theron added. "I"m always touching people, like, "Heyyy.""

What about Gabriel Aubry? Is the Atomic Blonde dating Halle Berry"s ex?

And did she feel tension between Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel on the set of The Fast and the Furious?

Watch the following video to find out!

Charlize theron fires back at tia mowry what did she say

Friday, October 28, 2016

Charlize Theron Talks 30 Pound Weight Gain: I Am Very Fat Right Now

It can be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs pretend they have to work hard in order to maintain their figures.

Of course, it can also be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs boast about being able to eat whatever they want without gaining a pound.

Hey, maybe naturally svelte people are just obnoxious no matter what they do.

Whatever the case, Charlize Theron is cutting through that BS by openly discussing her recent weight gain.

Theron says she’s out on 30 pounds in recent weeks, and she discussed her changing shape at the amfAR Inspiration Gala in los Angeles last night.

“Yes, I am very fat right now,” Theron said after Chelsea Handler reportedly joked about her dress size.

We’re left to assume that Chelsea and Charlize are very close friends, because joking about anyone’s weight is a good way to get your teeth loosened up.

As is often the case when a famous actor openly discusses their weight gain, however, Charlize packed on pounds for a film role.

She’ll play a harried mom in the upcoming Jason Reitman-Diablo Cody comedy Tully.

It’s unclear if the role called for added padding, or if that was just a creative choice Charlize made.

Theron has famously transformed herself for roles in the past. 

She was unrecognizable as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in 2003’s Monster, and her performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Will she have the same sort of success with Tully?

No, because it’s a comedy, and no one in the Academy has laughed at anything since Bob Hope died.

That’s a fact; you can look it up.

Anyway, we’re sure Charlize will have no trouble shedding the weight once she completes filming,

She already proved she can drop 180 pounds with ease when she dumped Sean Penn last year.

And hey if she feels compelled to continue binge eating, she can always just stick her foot in her mouth like that time she complained about how hard it is to be hot.

Or that time she compared Internet gossip to rape.

Damn, is it just us, or is Charlize Theron messy AF?

Maybe we’re just being hard on her because she’s got that naturally svelte thing going on.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Charlize Theron: It"s So Hard Being This Hot!

Break out the violins, people.

Charlize Theron has a very sad story to tell…

The actress graces the latest cover of GQ and opens up to that publication about her struggles in the entertainment world, blaming a lack of recent roles on her tremendous looks.

Really. She says this.

“Jobs with real gravitas go to people that are physically right for them and that’s the end of the story,” Theron explains.

“How many roles are out there for the gorgeous, f–king, gown-wearing eight-foot model? When meaty roles come through, I’ve been in the room and pretty people get turned away first.”

This may be true.

But does Theron really think she has it worse off than actresses who are not as sexy as she is?

We’re talking about one of Esquire’s Sexiest Women in the World here.

This is one of those times when Theron probably should have just kept her opinion to herself.

Added Theron:

“We live in a society where women wilt and men age like fine wine. And, for a long time, women accepted it.

“We were waiting for society to change, but now we’re taking leadership. It would be a lie to say there is less worry for women as they get older than there is for men…

“It feels there’s this unrealistic standard of what a woman is supposed to look like when she’s over 40.”

Again, there is a lot of truth to this statement.

Older women definitely have more trouble remaining relevant in the entertainment industry than their male counterparts.

But the person behind this message should maybe not be a 40-year old, coming off a starring role in one of 2015’s best-reviewed movies, who is unquestionably one of the best looking people on the planet.