Showing posts with label Biatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biatch. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

Snoop Dogg to Donald Trump: Eff You, Biatch!

This not exactly just in:

Snoop Dogg is not a fan of Donald Trump.

This was made clear in March when the rapper joked about killing the President.

Just a few months later, Snoop Dogg again referenced the death of Trump, earning serious ire from everyone on Twitter who says he or she just wants to Make America Great Again.

Now, the veteran artist has recorded a YouTube video in which he SLAMS the Commander-in-Chief for a pair of recent actions/words/Tweets.

Last week, Trump helped convince the Chinese government to release three UCLA basketball players who had been caught stealing sunglasses from a store prior to the basketball team playing a game in that country.

One of those players was LiAngelo Ball, the son of LeVar Ball, the outspoken father of NBA rookie Lonzo Ball. 

After Trump worked to get Ball sent home, the President demanded that he and his teammates show him some gratitude.

LiAngelo did so. But LeVar basically mocked Trump instead, resulting in the following Tweet from the President:

Shoplifting is a very big deal in China, as it should be (5-10 years in jail), but not to father LaVar. Should have gotten his son out during my next trip to China instead.

China told them why they were released. Very ungrateful!

Yes, the President of the United States said he should have let citizens rot in a foreign prison because he was not properly thanked after doing his duty.

Then, on Sunday, Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch played a game in Mexico City.

Before it began, he sat for the American national anthem… and stood up for the Mexican national anthem.

Trump responded as follows:

Marshawn Lynch of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders stands for the Mexican Anthem and sits down to boos for our National Anthem. Great disrespect! Next time NFL should suspend him for remainder of season.

Attendance and ratings way down.

(Editor"s Note: Attendance is actually up on average for NFL games this season. And America is the land of the free and all that.)

This all brings us back to Snoop Dogg.

In responds to President Trump picking a fight with LeVar Ball and Marshawn Lynch, the rapper makes it very clear in the footage below that he stands with the two sports figures.

And strongly against The Donald.

"F-ck you, Donald Trump, and everything you stand for," Snoop says bluntly.

And then he says A LOT more.

See for yourself:

Snoop dogg to donald trump eff you biatch

Monday, July 24, 2017

Charlize Theron on Tia Mowry: What a Biatch!

In the universe of unexpected celebrity feuds, we may have stumbled upon the most unexpected of them all:

Tia Mowry versus Charlize Theron.


Speaking to In Touch Weekly recently about an SoulCycle class she attended, Mowry said she was shocked to be greeted in such rude fashion by Theron, who simply "wasn"t very nice to me," the former sitcom star said.

She elaborated as follows:

"I said "Hi," and she actually rolled her eyes and said, "Oh my God." I wasn"t over-the-top. I know how to approach another celebrity.

"Charlize was just mean. I"m just being honest."

What could this Oscar-winning beauty possibly have against the random former star of ABC"s Sister, Sister?

We have no idea. And neither does Theron!

"What a bitch!" Theron joked to Andy Cohen when told about this story during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live.

She then sounded confused and sort of apologetic about an incident she says never took place.

"I"m not an eye roller," the actress said, adding that she has no recollection of snubbing Mowry, but she"s "sorry" if Tia got that impression.

"I"m really nice at SoulCycle, actually, because once my endorphins kick in, I"m actually almost too friendly," Theron added. "I"m always touching people, like, "Heyyy.""

What about Gabriel Aubry? Is the Atomic Blonde dating Halle Berry"s ex?

And did she feel tension between Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel on the set of The Fast and the Furious?

Watch the following video to find out!

Charlize theron fires back at tia mowry what did she say

Friday, May 13, 2016

Wendy Williams on Taylor Swift: What a [Biatch]!

Wendy Williams has gone all Wendy Williams on us again.

The talk show host – who loves nothing more than to slam celebrities without having any facts to back up her outlandish opinions – has once again set her sights on Taylor Swift.

Having already bashed Swift as the Queen of Mean last year, Williams delved into the ongoing Selena Gomez-Katy Perry-Orlando Bloom love triangle on Friday morning…

… and somehow blamed the scandal on Swift.

First, a refresher: Earlier in the week, photos surfaced on TMZ of Selena getting quite cozy and comfortable with Bloom at a party in Las Vegas following one of her concerts.

This is interesting for a number of reasons, the main one being that Bloom is dating Perry.

It"s also worth noting that Bloom and Justin Bieber once came to blows because Bieber allegedly hooked up with Bloom"s ex-wife, Miranda Kerr.

And Bieber has quite the dating history with Gomez as well.

So there"s a lot of background here and many dots to connect… and it"s worth mentioning that both Gomez and Perry have denied anything romantic is going on between Selena and Bloom.

Okay, so that brings us back to Williams.

Around the 12:20 mark of the video below, she says "I don’t think Selena really wants Orlando, because in my mind, she’s already been there and done that."

She"s referring to previously (debunked) rumors that Gomez and Bloom have gotten hot and heavy in the past.

But, fine, whatever. That"s a harmless viewpoint to take.

“But Selena is best friends with Taylor Swift," Williams then explains. "And Taylor is low-key mean girl, doesn’t want to see anybody get anything."

Wendy then quickly goes over the much-publicized Swift-Perry feud before somehow determining the following:

"Katy, you need to be looking at your man, and not Selena. Selena was sicced on him by Taylor Swift. Taylor is just a [bitch]."

We put bitch in brackets because Williams basically mouths the word without saying it.

So… just to try and follow this line of reasoning:

According to Wendy Williams, Selena Gomez does not have an interest in Orlando Bloom. She only made out with him because Taylor Swift told her to… because Swift wanted to get back at Perry.

Ignoring the ridiculous and wild speculation at play here, know who this is really insulting? Selena Gomez!!!!

Wendy is making her sound like Taylor"s puppet.

See for yourself:

Wendy williams on taylor swift what a biatch