Showing posts with label Gain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gain. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Stunning Weight Gain

Note to all Kardashian personal chefs:

Can you please make these women a few cheeseburgers?!?

Maybe a steak? Or at least throw some Caesar dressing on their salads?

Late last week, Kim Kardashian flaunted her body in a new Instagram photo that revealed the mother of three has a 24-inch waist.

Yes, a 24-inch waist.

And this was a woman who once embraced her curves; who could once be seen as a role model for anyone who felt pressure to shed as many pounds as possible in order to fit an accepted standard of beauty in America.

It was the one thing we admired about Kim back in the day.

Over the last few years, though, she has talked incessantly about the need to regain her bikini body after having kids… and even endorsed a ridiculous waist trainer on multiple occasions.

But anyway. That’s Kim.

This story is more about Kourtney.

In a deleted scene from this past Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the 38-year old is about to have a very light lunch when Khloe mentions her weight to a friend.

“You know she’s 97 pounds?” says to Simon Gebrelul in the following video.

“Guess what? I gained a pound,” Kourtney chimes in. “I’m 98 [pounds now].”

She then added: “You know Mason is 62 [pounds]?”

Mason recently turned eight years old.

We aren’t body-shaming here, we’re just thinking of Kourtney’s health when we say the following:


A grown woman should not weight just thirty-six pounds fewer than her eight-year old son.

Just like all her siblings, Kourtney has often made a big deal about her weight.

Shortly after giving birth to her third child, Reign, in late 2014, Kardashian took Instagram followers on her weight loss journey, often sharing photos of her scale as she stood upon it.

This is just a wildly unhealthy way for one to live, both mentally and physically.

“I always try to avoid sugar – especially refined sugar – for so many reasons,” Kourtney said on her website and app last year, explaining:

“First, sugar is addictive and I notice that after I eat it, I need it. Sugar doesn’t sustain you when you actually need energy, like for a workout.

“Also, when I eat sugar, I find that more cellulite appears.”

One, so what?!? Go enjoy a donut, Kourt.

Two, look at the photo below. We’re pretty sure Kardashian need not worry about her appearance:

Perhaps this is our fault, however.

We’re often saying how beautiful Kourtney is and how she ought to keep posting pictures such as the one above.

Should we stop praising Kourtney’s body so that she starts focusing on something else instead?

It’s worth thinking about, we guess.

In the meantime, here are some attractive photos of Kourtney in a bikini:


Friday, December 8, 2017

I Am Jazz: Season 4 Trailer: Jazz Jennings Tackles Dating, Weight Gain, and Haters

Despite Derick Dillard"s worst effortsI Am Jazz returns next month, continuing to document the life of well-spoken trans teen, Jazz Jennings.

We"ve seen a lot about her, her family, and her activism. It looks like this season is going to focus on some personal decisions and struggles: getting a tattoo, dating a girl for the first time, her weight, activism, and being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

In the first trailer, which we have for you below, you"ll see that and more as Jazz 

Jazz jennings at 17

Jazz Jennings" hit reality series is continuing to succeed where Caitlyn Jenner"s failed. Why?

Well, probably because Jazz is a better representative of the LGBT+ community. I Am Cait lost a lot of viewers, and you can"t help but wonder how much her affection for people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump had to do with that.

Also, Jazz is in many ways more relatable to viewers, whether they"re trans or cis. Most of us can"t relate to being a millionaire Olympian. But a teenager with a teenager"s struggles?

We"ve all been there.

So, the first thing that we really get to see in the trailer is Jazz getting a tattoo.

Jazz only turned 17 last October, so we imagine that for at least most of this upcoming season of I Am Jazz, she"ll be 16.

For those of you concerned about a 16-year-old getting a tattoo, Florida law is fine with a 16- or 17-year-old getting a tattoo so long as it is with the permission of a present.

Here"s the tat!

Jazz jennings tattoo

Jazz shared that photo in November, so she may have only gotten it when she was 17 — we"re not sure.

It"s of a mermaid (and it"s beautifully colorful!), and we should note that mermaids — in addition to being, you know, neat in general — are sometimes symbolic for members of the LGBT+ community (particularly for trans folks).

In fact, when Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Little Mermaid, it was apparently symbolic of his desire to transform himself to be with the man whom he loved but did not love him back (Edvard Collin).

So a mermaid is an appropriate symbol for her.

And speaking of romantic feelings, the next item covered in the trailer is Jazz Jennings" love life.

In the video below, you"ll see her get set up with another girl and even go on what looks like a double-date.

Though Jazz came out as pansexual in 2014, revealing that she"s attracted to people regardless of their gender, she"s previously dated boys. This will be a big, exciting step for her!

Jazz jennings for tlc

(There is an awkward line about "now is a good time to experiment with bisexuality." While some people use bi and pan as interchangeable labels, it"s rude to use one label for someone who prefers another. Common courtesy, folks)

The next topic is a little tricky, because it"s Jazz"s weight.

It looks like she"s put on a few pounds (really just a few!); you"ll have to see for yourself in the video below if you agree with some of the voices describing Jazz as "fat."

While weight fluctuation is normal, especially for teens, it"s not a bad time to start getting into the habit of a daily exercise routine (we know that it"s hard at first and it"s never fun, but life is full of suffering anyway so you might at least be healthy while you suffer).

The line about Jazz"s unhealthy relationship with food is going to be almost painfully relatable to some viewers.

It looks like the brief montage of exercises that we see in the trailer are going to pay off, because recent photos of her show her having shed weight.

Jazz jennings 00

Her exercise isn"t just for the sake of a trim figure, however.

We see her nervously discussing gender confirmation surgery with her doctor. And apparently she needed to lose a few pounds in preparation for that.

It sounds like the doctors are discussing top surgery — what Jazz does or does not do to her genitals is absolutely none of our business (even if she weren"t a minor!).

After the surgery talk, we get to a much less comfortable subject: transphobes.

Facing bigots who think that you shouldn"t exist cannot be an easy task, but we"re glad that Jazz has a support system in place of family and medical experts.

Also, we should remember that Jazz first became famous at an extremely young age for being so well-spoken about her gender in an interview with Barbara Walters.

At 16 and 17, she"s been answering questions — some of them hateful — for almost all of her life. She shouldn"t have to face this kind of hate, but she"s totally got this.

Jazz jennings with caitlyn jenner candis cayne

The final portion of the trailer deals with Jazz dealing with her entire family being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

Jazz lives in Florida, folks. (Shall we joke and say that it"s her one big shortcoming, or is Florida too easy of a target?)

With all of the devastation in Puerto Rico — from which they are still recovering — and with fires raging in and around L.A. right at this very moment, you might almost forget about the damage and destruction wrought by hurricanes like Irma and Harvey.

It looks like we"re going to see the toll that Irma took, up close and personally.

At least we know that Jazz herself is okay.

I am jazz season 4 trailer released jazz jennings tackles dating

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Ashamed of Weight Gain? Planning Emergency Surgery?!?

Kylie Jenner has scarcely been seen in public since numerous outlets confirmed she’s pregnant.

The reality star has shared the occasional photo on social media, but rarely of her belly.

And she certainly hasn’t confirmed the VERY strong rumor at any point, either.

Will we even see Kylie again before she gives birth to her first child?

One would have to imagine so, although recent reports have suggested Jenner really is going to lay as low as possible until she becomes a mother.

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness,” an insider recently told People Magazine, claiming Jenner won’t even “address her pregnancy” until it’s over with.

For what reason?

Multiple sources have said Kylie thinks she’s an ugly pregnant person.

Considering she’s sky-rocketed to Instagram fame largely due to her revealing pictures, it’s not hard to understand why a new, significantly larger figure may be difficult for the star to digest.

This is why Kylie supposedly has a master plan to get rid of said figure as quickly as she can.

According to Radar Online, the 20-year old is “very insecure with her weight gain” and, as a result, her loved ones are “trying to make her feel better.”

But to no avail.

The pregnant star has been asking “if it’s possible get [liposuction] immediately” after giving birth, this same report alleges.

This, of course, is frowned upon in the United States. Or in nearly any first world country, really.

It’s dangerous to go under the knife after your body goes through some as traumatic as squeezing a human being out of your vagina.

Having had her request denied, Radar writes that Kylie “asked if she could to another country” for the weight loss procedure.

Thankfully, there are apparently a few voices of reason here.

For all the issues one could understandably take with Kim, Khloe or Kim Kardashian, this Radar source says the sisters advised Kylie against such a terrible idea.

They told her she would have to shed the weight “naturally,” as Kim blogged about non-stop shortly after giving birth to her two kids.

Why cutting pounds so darn important to this family?

We wish we knew.

The sisters are setting a pretty terrible example by so constantly bringing up their bodies and their work out routines and their supposed need to weigh a certain amount.

We mean…come on now!

Kylie Jenner is about to be a mother!

She ought to be excited about the bundle of joy that’s about to enter her life, not what she looks like when she steps in front of a mirror.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Shannon Beador: My Weight Gain Is A Struggle!

We think it’s fair to say Shannon Beador had a terrible time of it during The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11. 

She was bickering with Vicki Gunvalson on a weekly basis, and there were some crazy rumors flying around that that Shannon’s husband, David Beador was abusing her. 

These stories, of course, came from Vicki, who was intent on causing a lot of drama for her co-stars. It made for first-class reality TV, but it took its toll on Shannon. 

So much so that she has gained around forty pounds from last season. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will already know that she felt some of the blame had to go on Vicki. 

“I knew an allegation was put out there about my husband,” she said on the show’s Season 12 premiere. Yes, it’s crazy to think the show has been on the air for so long. 

However, it looks like the drama is showing no signs of fatigue, so we’re all strapped in and ready for another wild ride with these crazy ladies. 

Shannon continued to open up about her weight gain on the premiere.

“That stress caused me to eat more, caused me to drink more and that’s a huge part of why I gained my weight.” It’s such a horrible situation to be in, and we feel for Shannon. 

If the rumors are fiction, then it’s such an awful thing for her. Her husband’s name is being dragged through the mud, and she’s helpless. We can’t even begin to imagine how David feels about the whole thing. 

Shannon has even been opening up about her weight gain on Instagram, and you can tell she’s really hurting. 

She released the following statement just a few days ago:

So let’s just get to it. Yes, I have gained weight. A lot of weight. About 40 pounds to be exact. I have not had plastic surgery or fillers, it’s just plain and simple weight gain.

There are multiple factors that have contributed to my size and it will be addressed this season on the show. To those people who intend to write cruel or derogatory comments to me, I want to let you know you will be blocked and the comment deleted.

Gaining weight and trying to take it off is a struggle that most women will face at some point in their lives. I am hopeful that my fans and viewers of the show will be supportive of my journey.

I am very grateful and thankful to those people that have already reached out to me with their kind thoughts. ❤️ Let the season begin…

She also shared a before, and after picture in which it was visible, she had gained some weight. However, she still looks very healthy. 

“Five years ago almost to the day. Same cabana. Same amazing friend. Not the same body,” she captioned. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, March 31, 2017

Amber Portwood: Struggling with Weight Gain and Mental Illness?

Sometimes it seems like Amber Portwood just can’t catch a break.

Between her issues with addiction, the hard reality that comes with being a teen mom (and a Teen Mom), and, you know, Matt Baier, things have always looked kind of rough for her.

To add onto her pile of hardships, she’s also got a number of mental illnesses: she’s been open about her anxiety and her bipolar disorder, and more recently she’s been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

It’s a lot to deal with, and as Amber reveals in a new interview with Women’s Health, she doesn’t deal with it all that well at times.

She says that she spent a good part of 2015 losing weight that she’d steadily gained after getting sober, and she got down to 130 pounds, which was a good weight for her.

But then, in 2016, she found herself profoundly depressed, so much that Matt had to drag her out of bed. She went to see a psychiatrist, which is when she received the borderline personality diagnosis.

“When I got the diagnosis,” she says, “I wanted to keep it a secret. While everyone knew about my other diagnoses — I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid, for as long as I can remember — I guess it was tragic to think I had another mental disorder.”

For a while, Matt was the only person who knew, and he actually accompanied her to one of her appointments so her doctor could talk to him.

When Amber was told that she’d most likely be on medications to deal with her mental disorders for the rest of her life, she broke down, but she says Matt was there to hold her hand.

Matt Baier, doing something sweet and not completely creepy? The mind boggles.

Amber was put on some new medications, including a mood stabilizer. She says she’s happy with what she’s on because she feels “amazing and normal” now, and her meds aren’t ones she can get addicted to.

But when she started the meds, she got “cravings like crazy,” and she also got “very tired.”

And neither of those things are good for weight loss.

In that time, she gained back all the weight she’d worked so hard to lose months before. She tried a no-carb, no-sugar diet — the diet that helped her lose the weight in the first place — but it didn’t work for her.

As of now, she’s lost 10 pounds, and though there’s “extra pressure” to lose more weight for her wedding in October (gag), “I’m using that as motivation.”

The whole point of sharing her story, she says, is because so many medications for mental illnesses cause weight gain.

“For women who are suffering from mental health issues, I want them to know that other people are going through the same thing,” she explains, “and you don’t have to do this alone.”

You’re a gem, Amber. You really are.

Now drop Matt Baier and own it.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ali Vincent Breaks Down Over Biggest Loser Weight Gain

Ali Vincent, The Biggest Loser winner in 2008 — also the show"s first female winner — packed on nearly all of the weight she lost for the fitness reality show. 

In an interview with TD Jakes, Vincent admitted, "The Biggest Loser gave me the opportunity to believe in myself, and I don"t know that I ever really did," she wept.  

"Do I really deserve to have everything that I dream of?" she asked, tearfully, explaining that she had results, and everyone was rooting for her. 

Visibly shaken, the recently married Ali Vincent rambled on and pondered that happiness isn"t deserved, but that happiness is given instead. 

Jakes finally cut to the chase and asked the former show contestant why she thought she didn"t deserve to be happy, and whether or not she was sabotaging her own happiness. 

Her answer? 

"I don"t know. I know that I am." 

"I"m 41 years old," Vincent said. "When am I just gonna own my own stuff?"

"It has nothing to do with age," the pastor interrupted, shutting Ali"s sad self-deprecation down. 

"You could be 91," he continued. 

"Until you confront whatever it is that"s eating at you, it will live forever." 

"You gotta go get that thing," he concluded," and you gotta confront it." 

Perhaps the most poignant bit of advice Jakes offered Vincent was, "You cannot allow what happened to you to control what is possible for you." 

"I may have been through that," he concluded, "but I am not that."  

Earlier this year, Vincent wrote a lengthy Facebook post about her shame over gaining the weight back.

She said, "On April 16th I did one of the hardest things in my life."

"I joined Weight Watchers and weighed in close to the weight I started at on The Biggest Loser, " she continued.

"I swore I would never be there again, be here again."

"I couldn"t imagine a day again that I would weigh over 200 pounds," Vincent admitted.

"I feel ashamed. I feel embarrassed. I feel overwhelmed."

"I feel like failure," she sadly revealed. 

Vincent asserted that a sexual assault helped trigger the weight gain.  

In October, she told Oprah that she"d been molested during a massage. 

"I haven"t talked about it because it"s not something you just talk about," she revealed.

"A lot of things have changed over the last couple of years in my life."

"I moved … to Northern California; my routine completely changed," Vincent reasoned.

"I"ve realized, over the last year, as I"ve gained this weight, it was so much of my life slowed down, that a lot of stuff came up that I just hadn"t dealt with."

Check out the emotional video with TD Jakes below.  

Poor thing. 

Ali vincent regains most of the weight she lost on the biggest l

Friday, October 28, 2016

Charlize Theron Talks 30 Pound Weight Gain: I Am Very Fat Right Now

It can be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs pretend they have to work hard in order to maintain their figures.

Of course, it can also be obnoxious when naturally svelte celebs boast about being able to eat whatever they want without gaining a pound.

Hey, maybe naturally svelte people are just obnoxious no matter what they do.

Whatever the case, Charlize Theron is cutting through that BS by openly discussing her recent weight gain.

Theron says she’s out on 30 pounds in recent weeks, and she discussed her changing shape at the amfAR Inspiration Gala in los Angeles last night.

“Yes, I am very fat right now,” Theron said after Chelsea Handler reportedly joked about her dress size.

We’re left to assume that Chelsea and Charlize are very close friends, because joking about anyone’s weight is a good way to get your teeth loosened up.

As is often the case when a famous actor openly discusses their weight gain, however, Charlize packed on pounds for a film role.

She’ll play a harried mom in the upcoming Jason Reitman-Diablo Cody comedy Tully.

It’s unclear if the role called for added padding, or if that was just a creative choice Charlize made.

Theron has famously transformed herself for roles in the past. 

She was unrecognizable as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in 2003’s Monster, and her performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress.

Will she have the same sort of success with Tully?

No, because it’s a comedy, and no one in the Academy has laughed at anything since Bob Hope died.

That’s a fact; you can look it up.

Anyway, we’re sure Charlize will have no trouble shedding the weight once she completes filming,

She already proved she can drop 180 pounds with ease when she dumped Sean Penn last year.

And hey if she feels compelled to continue binge eating, she can always just stick her foot in her mouth like that time she complained about how hard it is to be hot.

Or that time she compared Internet gossip to rape.

Damn, is it just us, or is Charlize Theron messy AF?

Maybe we’re just being hard on her because she’s got that naturally svelte thing going on.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Using Recent National Tragedies For Personal Gain?

The people have spoken, and they think her words are as fake as several of her body parts.

Farrah Abraham has been trying very hard to connect with others after the shootings in Dallas, Louisiana and Minnesota made headlines.

“#HappySunday & all of our love & prayers go out to the families that were effected by the police, guns, protestors, riots, and all the hurt, confusion & lack of control,” she wrote.

“History I hope can stop repeating it’s self as we all strive to make a positive change for our futures. #rip #free #sunday.”

The Instagram featured a made-up Sophia Abraham donning a flower crown, looking straight at the camera without a trace of expression on her face.

The photo was likely taken from Sophia’s modeling portfolio, and followers smelled a rat.

“ROFL what the hell do [sic] your daughter have to do with this?!?! This bitch!,” one user wrote.

“How do you start with “Happy Sunday"”!!! And follow it by what she stated!!!” read another comment.

The thing is, nothing Abraham says or does ever feels sincere.  Whether she’s hawking a new product (furniture, frozen yogurt) or attempting to stand up for herself, it just feels so calculated.

And whenever she hits back at another celeb – Dr. Drew or Nicki Minaj, for example – it hits way below the belt.

The best part? Afterwards, she’ll turn around and say how disappointed she is in the sisterhood, and how sad it is that we ladies don’t support one another.

At last year’s MTV Movie Awards, Abraham said that she was “really disappointed in a woman acting like that.

“My God,” she went on.  There’s just been so many disappointments, not just with me but other public figures, other artists, and it’s just f–king shady to do that sh-t.”

Hokay Farrah.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Blac Chyna Shows Underboob, Defends Pregnancy Weight Gain

You do you, sister.

Blac Chyna’s baby bump keeps on growing, but she’s going to continue to wear figure-hugging clothes BECAUSE SHE CAN.

Rob Kardashian’s fiance posted two photos of herself in a pink bodycon dress, one of which showed some major underboob.

“Why should I watch my weight when I’m pregnant,” she captioned the photo.

In early June, Chyna proudly declared that she was going to pile on the pounds,.

“My goal is to gain, like, 100 pounds this pregnancy. Imma tear it up, then Imma snap back,” she said in a Snapchat.

When the internet got mad and told her that gaining too much weight while pregnant is a horrible idea, Chyna fought back.

To all you people out here with negative comments and insecure words (obviously because you have nothing else to do but criticize the next) I AM HAVING A BABY!” Chyna wrote on a now-deleted Instagram.

 “Exactly what do you expect to see?!”

Two days ago, Chyna shared an Instagram of Kardashian cuddling with her tummy.  A few days before that, Kardashian told Instagram fans that he “felt” his baby move.”

“Awww,” Chyna said in the background.

The couple are expecting their first child together at the end of the year.  

It’s unconfirmed how far along Chyna is, but some fans speculate that she got pregnant pretty early on in their relationship, which was believed to have started in January.

On Tuesday, Chyna and Kardashian were seen filming their new reality show, Rob & Chyna during a trip to Washington D.C.  

The couple toured Chyna’s old high school, according to People Magazine.

It looks as though Kardashian’s family has embraced Chyna. 

“She’s not a bad girl, she’s really loyal,” Kardashian told his sister’s on the most recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

“Obviously I want you all a part of it. It’s going to happen.

“There obviously needs to be a talk between all of you guys, because she’s not going anywhere. I don’t want it to be like you don’t all have a relationship.”

Monday, June 6, 2016

Blac Chyna Reveals Insane Pregnancy Goal, Wants To Gain HOW Much Weight?

We think she’s joking, we’re just not sure.

Blac Chyna has found fame on Snapchat, and uses it to share with followers her healthy recipe.

In between cooking an egg and cheese sandwich and grilling Cornish hen, Chyna claimed she had a new goal in mind during her second pregnancy, which she and fiance Rob Kardashian announced earlier this month.

“My goal is to gain, like, 100 pounds this pregnancy. Imma tear it up, then Imma snap back,” she said.

In another Snapchat, Chyna let fans watch as she stepped on the scale to show that she had gained over 26 pounds in a few month.

And if you dare criticize her weight gain, then there’s no room for you at her table.

“To all you people out here with negative comments and insecure words (obviously because you have nothing else to do but criticize the next) I AM HAVING A BABY!” Chyna wrote on Instagram (which has since been deleted, according to Hollywood Life).

“Exactly what do you expect to see?!” she continued.

“If I walked out in makeup and heels everyday to be beautiful to your means I WOULD BE MISERABLE & UNHAPPY which are two vibes I refuse to transfer to my little one.”

“If I comment on y’all pics and go in on them tired ass weaves or unblended ass contours I’ll be wrong right? It’ll be tragic! So stop playing & Put Some Respeck on my name.”

A few days ago, Chyna shared an Instagram of herself on camera, which we presume is her Keeping Up With the Kardashians debut.  

Kris Jenner allowed Chyna on the show so long as she remains married to Rob Kardashian for at least three years, according to Radar Online.

Even more incentive for Chyna to stick around?  She and Rob landed their own reality show, Rob & Chyna, which will document their relationship, as well as the birth of their first child.

Do you think Chyna and Rob’s marriage will last beyond three years? 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Christina Aguilera Responds to Absurd Weight Gain Rumor

Christina Aguilera has been the subject of some pretty vicious rumors with regard to her weight in recent years, but the latest from The National Enquirer might be the most brutal yet.

The tabloid claims that Christina’s size has ballooned to the point that she’s no longer interested in sex with her fiance, Matt Rutler, and has instructed The Voice producers to only shoot her from certain angles. 

“Matt’s bummed because she’s so down on herself she’s barely in the mood for sex these days,” a source told the tabloid.

“Christina’s confidence is so low right now that she’s begged her Voice bosses not to focus the camera on her lower half,” the probably made-up “insider” added.

Considering the last time we saw the couple, Matt was lifting Christina in the air something about this entire story smacked of BS to us, and sure enough, Gossip Cop has come along to clear the air.

The site says the report about Christina being “too big for sex” is complete nonsense, and a rep for Christina laughed off the claim as “ridiculous.”

We believe her PR team and all, but if Christina really wants to prove these jerks wrong she should probably just post another topless selfie. Just sayin’.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Kim Kardashian Reveals Second Pregnancy Weight Gain

Here is something you don’t see or hear about very often:

Kim Kardashian talking about her weight gain, as opposed to focusing on her desired weight loss.

Just a few days after saying she misses her skinny days, however, the pregnant reality star has taken to Twitter and made it clear:

For the moment, at least, they are VERY far behind her.

“Ok I’m 52 lbs up today….and I still have 6 weeks to go! I got my work cut out for me!!!!” the Keeping up with the Kardashians star tweeted yesterday, once again proving to be a terrible role model.

No, Kim, you do not have any work cut out for you.

You’re about to have your second child. Your body will likely never be the same… and that’s okay!

Why must you publicize a return to your former figure as some kind of grand goal?

It’s fine if you wish to work out and lose some pounds again after giving birth, but you set a very poor example by constantly touching on this issue, making other recent moms feel badly about their figure in the process.

Okay, there. Sorry. We can get off our soapbox now.

Kardashian, of course, is already mother to two-year-old North West.

She’s expecting a son in December and admitted last month that she loved motherhood… but not necessarily the path to motherhood.

“I’m gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! LOL,” the 35-year-old wrote on her website and app.

“I just always feel like I’m not in my own skin.”

Well… soon enough, you’ll have some smooth newborn skin to make you feel better about life. Hang in there, Kim.