Showing posts with label 'Absurd'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Absurd'. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2016

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega Announce Absurd Baby Name

Alexa and Carlos PenaVega are one of the cutest celebrity couples. 

Alexa and Carlos recently revealed the news that they are expecting their first child together. 

It’s such an exciting time for them. So much so that Alexa felt the need to take to Instagram to reveal some new details on her little bundle of joy. 

For a start, she confirmed she and Carlos are expecting a little boy. 

She went one step further and unveiled the baby name. 

Ocean King PenaVega. 

It sounds like a very supreme name, but pretty stupid at the same time. 

Might they be thinking about the potential google searches for their child down the line?

That’s a name that isn’t going to get muddled up with other people on the internet. 

It’s odd, but maybe they’re thinking about the potential career of their little one, too. 

Celebrities sure have a knack for choosing crazy names for their kids. Right?!

Alexa also revealed a picture of the sonogram for the baby. 

If you’ve never seen a sonogram before, they look a little like this:

Alexa PenaVega Sonogram

In another recent Instagram post, Alexa revealed that she couldn’t wait for her son to wear mini bathing suits. 

Alexa PenaVega Insta 1

What do you think of the name?

Is it just another crazy name to set their child apart from others?

Hit the comments below!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Christina Aguilera Responds to Absurd Weight Gain Rumor

Christina Aguilera has been the subject of some pretty vicious rumors with regard to her weight in recent years, but the latest from The National Enquirer might be the most brutal yet.

The tabloid claims that Christina’s size has ballooned to the point that she’s no longer interested in sex with her fiance, Matt Rutler, and has instructed The Voice producers to only shoot her from certain angles. 

“Matt’s bummed because she’s so down on herself she’s barely in the mood for sex these days,” a source told the tabloid.

“Christina’s confidence is so low right now that she’s begged her Voice bosses not to focus the camera on her lower half,” the probably made-up “insider” added.

Considering the last time we saw the couple, Matt was lifting Christina in the air something about this entire story smacked of BS to us, and sure enough, Gossip Cop has come along to clear the air.

The site says the report about Christina being “too big for sex” is complete nonsense, and a rep for Christina laughed off the claim as “ridiculous.”

We believe her PR team and all, but if Christina really wants to prove these jerks wrong she should probably just post another topless selfie. Just sayin’.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

25 Most Absurd Celebrity Baby Names: Get in Line, Spurge!

From Apple to North to Spurgeon and many, many others compiled here, celebrities sure pick out some seriously hilarious names for their kids.

Not all of them, obvi. But in Hollywood, there sure as heck are a disproportionate percentage of little kid names that are straight up ridic.

Check out the 25 most absurd ones given by the most absurd people.

1. North West

Kimye and daughter

North West. The spawn of Kimye being named after a direction may be the dumbest thing in human history. At the same time, if she doesn’t grow up to have a signature fragrance called North by North West, this is not a planet we wanna be living on.

2. Kyd

David duchovny and tea leoni

Yes, Kyd. David Duchovny mailed that one in worse than his alleged acting on Californication.

3. Kal-El Cage

Nicolas cage mug shot

Nicolas Cage named one of his kids Kal-El, a fact not related to him being wasted out of his mind in this mug shot … although that could explain a lot of things.

4. Spurgeon

Spurgeon seewald photo

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald’s baby son Spurgeon is named after Charles Spurgeon, an influential Baptist preacher from the 19th Century. It also is the subject of an awesome page on Urban Dictionary, and will probably make lil’ Spurge glad he’s home schooled later in life.

5. Reign Aston Disick

Kourtney kardashian and scott disick instagram

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick went relatively conventional with their first two children Mason and Penelope. For the third, however, they opted for a name fit for a Lord: REIGN Aston Disick. If only his dad weren’t the deadbeat Lord of six different rehab centers.

6. Royalty

Nia chris browns baby photo

Also going the regal route (and the unmarried one): Chris Brown has a baby with a model named Nia Amey. Her name is Royalty. Yes, #ROYALTY.

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Plays Truth Or Dare With Her Hunger Games Costars — And Fits An Absurd Amount Of Marshmallows In Her Mouth! Watch HERE!

Oh Jennifer Lawrence, how we love you!

J.Law’s last turn as Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games franchise is right around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited!

In celebration of this, MTV Newsgot J-Law — along with her co-stars Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth — together for a good old-fashioned campfire talk!

Related: The New Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2 Trailer Is All About Sisterhood! Better Get A Tissue!

And let’s be real, no campfire is complete without a rousing game of truth or dare!

Not only do we learn about Josh’s disgusting habits and that Jennifer likes to pee in sinks — but the 25-year-old actress can stuff a TON of marshmallows in her mouth!

Ch-ch-check out her wild and weird talent (below) and learn some dirty secrets about the Hunger Games stars!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kendra Wilkinson SLAMS Holly Madison For Her "Absurd" Memoir — Says The Girls Next Door Weren"t Friends, They "Just F*cked The Same Man"!

We guess Kendra Wilkinson finally picked up Holly Madison‘s book — and she did NOT like what she read!

Earlier this year, the former Playboy model released her memoir Down the Rabbit Hole, which painted Kendra star in an “absurd” way, according to the reality star!

Related: Kendra Calls Out Holly For Lack Of Appreciation Of Playboy Past!

In the new Kendra On Top sneak peek, the 30-year-old sits down with a friend and reveals her thoughts on her frenemy’s tell-all book, saying:

“We were never friends. At the end of the day, what we did was we just f*cked the same man. That’s not friends.”

But they seemed so close on Girls Next Door! We guess sneaky reality TV editing is the real culprit here?

Though Miz Wilkinson-Baskett has a right to be hurt. In the book, Holly referred to Kendra as “the fakest person I’ve ever met,” to which she responded:

“Obviously, she’s trying to get the public to think different of me, which I am who I am. I’ve never faked sh*t a minute of my life.”

Sounds like the two have VERY different perceptions of what really went down in that mansion!

Check out the clip below to hear Kendra go OFF on her former housemate, and watch Kendra On Top Friday at 9pm ET on WEtv!

[Image via WEtv.]