Showing posts with label Aguilera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aguilera. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christina Aguilera Good Genes or Good Docs?

Christina Aguilera‘s is beautiful!
Here’s an 18-year-old version of the New Year’s Rockin’ Eve headliner all dressed up in Los Angeles back in 1998 (left) and 20 years later … The award-winning artist — who turned 38-years-old just last week — at an...
Christina Aguilera Good Genes or Good Docs?

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Christina Aguilera Goes Topless to Promote Her Liberation Album! Get It, Girl!

Christina Aguilera, the legend herself, is back at it again as she promotes her new album, Liberation.

Xtina already stunned with a bare-faced magazine cover. No makeup, no problem.

Now she’s taking it to the next level by posting with a bare breast. Take a look:

Liberation, which debuted on June 15, has been a long time coming.

Christina put much of her musical career on hiatus for the past several years, but now only is she releasing Liberation — she’s also embarking on her first live tour in about a decade.

Part of that hiatus from music was spent on The Voice, which Christina has since blasted as being “like a prison” and fake.

Now she’s feeling free — thus her new album, her first in six years, is Liberation.

So it’s very fitting that even her breast is free in this photo that her photographer shared on Instagram.

Milan Zrnic is the photographer who snapped a short series of photos of Christina.

As you can see, Christina is topless — in that her breast is bare, her nipple only concealed after-the-fact with a little black censorship bar.

She is technically wearing a blazer, yes, but given that she’s not exactly wearing it as intended, “topless” seems like a perfecly good description.

She looks great, from her face to her very visible boob.

She really does look free.

Which, again, is totally appropriate for the title of her album.

Christina has actually been working on Liberation for four years.

The album features multiple collaborations, including 2 Chainz and Ty Dolla Sign.

Her most notable collaborators include Kanye West.

The infamous musician was a producer on multiple songs on Liberation.

Christina also worked with the gorgeous Demi Lovato. The two talented ladies debuted the single “Fall Into Line” at the Billboard Music Awards last month.

Christina Aguilera was shaded over her AMA tribute to Whitney Houston, but people can still agree that she has an incredible voice.

Rather than relying upon a beat or clever lyrics or next-level edits to carry her, Xtina puts her stock in powerful, mesmerizing vocals.

(Though, to be clear, she does some of that other stuff, too)

Liberation is her eighth studio album, so she is no stranger to success.

Some musicians might have been content to remain on The Voice for years to enjoy ridiculous sums of easy money to sit in a chair and listen to others sing.

But Christina is an artist. She wants to perform. And soon, on her tour, she will.

The Liberation Tour begins soon — on September 25.

Fans will pour into the Hard Rock Arena in Hollywood, Florida to hear her sing for the first time in over a decade.

It will be her fifth tour, the last having concluded in 2007.

Fans will need to act fast to jump on this opportunity — because the tour will conclude on November 13, 2018.

She’ll be ending in St. Petersburg, Florida. The tour will include 24 stops across North America.

Honestly, Christina’s big comeback is such an inspiration and so exciting for her fans. With or without her boob.

But everything’s better with a little boob.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Christina Aguilera & Jimmy Fallon Surprise Fans in NYC Subway Terminal

Christina Aguilera and Jimmy Fallon tried going incognito (keyword: tried) during a surprise show for a throng of fans. Christina and Jimmy showed up in costumes at an NYC subway terminal Wednesday and filmed their surprise performance for a…


Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Christina Aguilera Puts The Voice on Major Blast... Again

For the second time in just a few weeks, Christina Aguilera has talked dirty (or should we say… dirrty?) about her time on The Voice.

Earlier this month, the pop star compared working on this singing competition to being on a “hamster wheel,” said the experience was an “energy suck” and said she was “was longing for freedom.”

Harsh, huh?

And yet, Aguilera was apparently only just getting started.

Speaking to W Magazine, Aguilera doubled and tripled down on these remarks, laying even harder into The Voice.

“I signed on to a show where the blind audition element was something interesting, something genuine,” said the singer. “After a while, though, you start to see that everyone is good-looking.”

Aguilera served as a coach from 2011 through 2016.

That’s a long time.

She could have left early on if she really felt like the program was overly focused on the appearance of its contestants,but she stuck around… and has only chosen all these years later to saddle up on a very high horse.

“It wasn’t a comfortable place for me to be, where I’m just part of a money-making machine,” she tells W, adding:

“When I stop believing in something, then it’s like, ‘What am I doing here?’

“I think I did choose to, no pun intended, take a chair for so long and do something very commercial for my little ones.

“But at a certain point I felt like I’m not even doing them a service by cheating myself and what I’m here to do. They should be seeing mommy live her best life.”

Yes, this is absolutely true.

If Aguilera felt as if she was setting a poor example for her kids, then she should definitely have walked away.

We’re just wondering what she expected from the reality series. Of course it’s a “money-making machine.” It’s a television show that has to make said money in order to survive.

There are certainly worse ways to sell out than to be a coach on The Voice.

“I found myself in that place where I’m being told what to do, what’s going to be acceptable or unacceptable, what’s okay or not okay,” she said of her run in a red chair.

“It’s like, God, you know, I’m a mother of two now. The genie is out of the bottle.”

All of this said, Aguilera very much wants to put one rumor to rest:

No, she did not depart The Voice due to the romance between Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani.

That’s just plain old malarkey.

“It never had anything to do with any one person at all. And I actually think it’s really cute Blake and Gwen found love in that chaotic environment,” she says now, going down a different feminism path and adding:

“I fought for a long time to get two females in the chairs. And, for a long time, I was just told it wasn’t the demographic.

“But just know that I was a fighter behind the scenes.”

In closing, because all celebrities are now obligated to talk about Kanye West, Christina was asked about the controversial rapper.

(Aguilera did collaborate with Kanye on two upcoming songs, so this topic wasn’t completely random.)

“Kanye, you know, he says things,” Aguilera replied, stating the VERY obvious and adding:

“His mind works in mysterious ways. I’ll just say that. I’ve always been a fan of his music….

“If anything, he gives with his gut. You get the sense, though, that there’s a good guy there. Sometimes we’re all just a little misunderstood.”


Friday, May 4, 2018

Christina Aguilera SLAMS The Voice: It Was Like a Prison! It Was SO Fake!

As fans have seen recently with Christina Aguilera’s stunning bare-faced photo, she is updating her image and stripping away everything that she considers “fake.”

Now she’s telling the world exactly how she feels about her time as a judge on The Voice.

And she is not holding back.

In her interview with Billboard, Christina Aguilera says that being on The Voice felt like a prison.

She describes the experience and the show as an “energy sucker,” and compares churning out episodes to running a “hamster wheel.”

Speaking of that time, she says:

“I was longing for freedom.”

She had a self-care routine when she would get home from the set.

“I would just take everything off — the makeup, all of it — and would blast hip-hop, or Nirvana, ‘Creep,’ Slayer.”

So … rebellious music for old people.

“Anything like that to get me out of that zone, that TV mode.”

Christina says that one of the things that she did not enjoy was the limitations forced upon her.

“I didn’t get into this business to be a television show host and to be given all these [rules].”

Some people find comfort in the clarity that rules provide. Christina is not one of those people.

“Especially as a female: You can’t wear this, can’t say that. I would find myself on that show desperately trying to express myself through clothing or makeup or hair.”

Sometimes, little acts of rebellion go a long way.

“It was my only kind of outlet.”

Hey, whatever works.

She says that her experience on The Voice got worse as time went on.

“It became something that I didn’t feel was what I had signed up for in Season 1.”

Sometimes, shows change.

(And it probably didn’t help that her $ 17 million starting salary got cut down to a paltry $ 12.5 million)

“You realize it’s not about music.”

Well, if it were about the music and not about making a show, then it probably wouldn’t be on television.

“It’s about making good TV moments and massaging a story.”


Christina talks about her own upcoming album, Liberation.

“To me, there’s nothing like an amazing hip-hop beat.”

And she’s not just saying that because hip-hop has really climbed up on the charts since her personal musical heyday.

“At the end of the day, I am a soul singer.”


“When you strip back the words ‘pop star’ and the many things that I’ve done, singing soulfully is where my core, my root and my heart really is.”

Well, some people strongly prefer pop stars. But Christina is her own person and can make whatever kind of music she likes.

“And as you can see, it’s what I’m inspired by.”

She does admit that she finds touring a little daunting.

“Touring is so frightening to me, because I am a mom first. It’s part of why I stayed in the position I was [at The Voice].”

So she’s leaving her comfort zone for her art.

“It’s easy to get comfortable and cushy in the same place and not have to worry about uprooting your kids. I’ve been putting myself on the back burner.”

Plenty of people would have been happy to do The Voice for decades if given the option. But Christina is an artist.

“It needs to happen. I’m looking forward to getting back out and actually showing my kids what Mommy really does!”

That’s so exciting!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Christina Aguilera Stuns Fans with Bare-Faced Paper Magazine Cover

Quick, think of past Paper Magazine issues and tell us what comes to mind…

Nudity, right?

A great deal of nudity, highlighted by Kim Kardashian’s infamous 2014 spread, no?

Same here, don’t worry. You aren’t alone.

In the latest issue of this iconic publication, however, Christina Aguilera puts a unique twist on this naked theme:

She poses for a handful of extreme close-ups, all of which involve not a hint of makeup on her face.

Yes, that really is Christina Aguilera above and below, revealing almost more of herself in this manner that even Kim did three and a half years ago — or Nicki Minaj did when she got down and dirty in Paper.

Just consider:

How many times have you seen a celebrity’s butt or boobs?

It’s not all that rare, is it?

Okay, now consider: How many times have you seen a celebrity with no lipstick, mascara or eye shadow anywhere on her face?

It’s far less frequent, isn’t it?

Why did Aguilera take this bold step for Paper?

“I’ve always been someone that obviously loves to experiment, loves theatrics, loves to create a storyline and play a character in a video or through stage,” she explained to the magazine, adding:

“I’m a performer, that’s who I am by nature.

“But I’m at the place, even musically, where it’s a liberating feeling to be able to strip it all back and appreciate who you are and your raw beauty.”

Aguilera became known over the years for often changing up her appearance, going from a style that oozed sex appeal when she first struck it big to one that was a lot more retro in the 2010s.

“I can’t stay in a stagnant place for too long, which is why I think the position I was in with television just became very stifling,” she told Paper, referencing her six-season stint on The Voice.

She continued:

“I need movement, I need to go explore, be an artist, create and transform.”

Unlike past Paper cover subjects, Christina isn’t nude and/or hugging a pig for her pictorial.

But that doesn’t mean the artist doesn’t see herself as an innovator.

“Be fearless in breaking new boundaries and don’t be afraid to go against the grain of criticism along the way,” she tells Paper.

Isn’t she afraid of what people are gonna say about her online?

“There’s always gonna be those trolls out there or people that have their own definition and ideals of beauty, but I think we’re progressing to a place of pushback and more people coming out.”

This is an impressive display of self-confidence on Aguilera’s part, both her photos themselves and her affiliated quotes.

The star just hope she pass along similar traits to her three-year old daughter.

“I don’t want to inject too much upon her as to how I’m choosing to live my life and what I’ve done in my career,” Aguilera says, concluding:

“I just hope I can allow what I’m doing to influence her to be her own person. That’s truly what I hope for her.

“I really want to make sure my children are both very confident in the sense that they know who they are and that they won’t be easily swayed by outside opinion.”


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christina Aguilera Drives 272 Feet Instead of Walking

Christina Aguilera can’t be bothered to use her 2 feet when she has 4 perfectly good wheels to get her around … even if she’s only going just 200 feet or so. Christina made the rounds in WeHo Wednesday night, hitting up at least 3 places with her…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Christina Aguilera: Latest Instagram Pic Sparks Plastic Surgery Rumors

Christina Aguilera has sported many different looks over the years.

We’ve seen her Disney days, her regrettable “Xtina” phase, a few seasons of The Voice where she looked so bored we wondered how long she’d be able to continue sitting upright … the list goes on and on.

But it seems Christina still has some tricks up her sleeve, because these days, she’s showing fans a look they’ve definitely never seen before.

Aguilera posted the above pic to Instagram recently, and amidst the usual DM requests from Saudi princes was a slew of comments about the singer’s allegedly altered appearance.

In fact, Christina’s followers basically declared a one-sided roast battle and attempted to outdo one another with the most clever putdown:

“What the actual f–k did #ChristinaAguilera do to her face?!! She looks [like] a blow up doll of Lindsay Lohan!” reads one of the remarks collected by Life & Style.

“Here’s hoping Christina Aguilera’s new album is as big a creative departure as her new face is!” wrote another user.

With followers like these, who needs, um … whatever the opposite of a follower is!

Christina sang at the AMAs over the weekend, and yet again, her so-called fans were not particularly kind.

“OMG POOR XTINA! Girl what did you do to your face??” one fan commented on Twitter.

“Agh! Christina Aguilera’s lips at the #AMAs! She definitely didn’t need any of that.”

A third dropped this painfully back-handed compliment:

“Christina is the last person on the planet who needs plastic surgery. I wish she’d calm down with all the fillers and injections.”

Fortunately, Aguilera still has plenty of defenders in her corner:

“Christina does not deserve your rude comments!” wrote one Chris Crocker-like warrior.

“She is against bullying, This is wrong. You are wrong. It was so heartbreaking to see all the comments on Christina’s latest post.”

That’s an important point but even if, for some bizarre reason, Christina were pro-bullying, she still wouldn’t be a fan of negative comments directed at her.

We’re pretty sure no one enjoys logging into social media to find that a bunch of strangers have a problem with their appearance.

Sadly, it’s not an uncommon experience these days.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Did Pink Throw Shade at Christina Aguilera AMA Performance?

Despite a questionable viral GIF, Pink says she has mad love, not bad blood, for Christina Aguilera‘s Whitney Houston tribute Sunday.

After the above shot of Pink watching Aguilera’s performance at the 2017 American Music Awards went viral, fans jumped all over her.

Many commented that, with z deeply furrowed brow and cringey-grimmace expression, Pink didn’t look impressed with her fellow pop star.

Not the case, she says.

Pink took to Twitter to slam those who live to start drama, saying that her expression was indeed that of disbelief – in a positive sense.

"Yes. THIS. Christina f—ing killed it tonight for one of our favorite singers ever. This about Whitney, and I am in awe of Christina’s talent."

Adding that one GIF doesn"t tell the story, she further admonished the Internet: "Show the clip where I’m in tears, you negative Nancys.”

To be fair, some observers referenced the long-standing drama between the two singers, so there was sort of a basis for the assumption.

Refuting those claims, Pink re-tweeted Fuse TV’s Mark Sundstrom: “@Pink and @Xtina deaded their beef last year and have been FRIENDS since.

"Respecting each other’s amazing talent as grown women. stop creating something out of nothing@TheShadyFacts."

Seriously people. That s–t is deaded.

Although they feuded in their youth, that was ages ago, and they made amends; Pink and Christina teamed up on The Voice in 2016.

“She’s so talented and deep down I’ve had bad days, too,” Pink revealed in October. “She’s a really sweet person. We made up on The Voice."

"I mean, it was funny, I laughed," Pink, 38, said of Christina, 36. "I hadn’t seen her in years and years and years.”

As for how they managed to move on?

“We became moms. We grew up. We hugged it out. It’s that simple. I feel so good about that,” Pink added.

Wow. That"s way too mature for 2017.

Aguilera"s Whitney Houston medley commemorated the 25th anniversary of The Bodyguard was generally well received.

Concerned about only one singer"s opinion, she tweeted, “I hope I did you proud Whitney,” she said. “Love you forever.”

Watch below and see if she did …

Christina aguilera honors whitney houston pink denies throwing s

Friday, October 20, 2017

Pink on Christina Aguilera Beef: She Tried to Punch Me!

There"s so much talk about Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift these days that it"s easy to forget the current queens of pop aren"t the first to wage all-out war against one another.

That honor probably belongs to a couple greasy-haired dudes who got in a fight backstage at The Ed Sullivan Show, but who cares about them?

We want to rewind a bit, but not all the way back to the days when people paid money for music, like freakin" barbarians.

This story takes us back to the early 2000s, a time when many Americans innocently thought we"d elected the biggest jackass president this country would ever know.

In 2001, Pink, Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, and Mya all collaborated on a cover of "Lady Marmalade" for the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge, aka The One Where Nicole Kidman Tried to Sing.

Apparently, the former two got into a disagreement about who would sing what part, and there was very nearly a physical altercation.

Pink has since attained the status of living legend, while Christina spent some time on that show with the spinning chairs.

Anyway, Pink appeared on Watch What Happens Live last night, where she told Andy Cohen about the time that Christina tried to punch her:

“We were super young and super new at the whole thing, and I think I’m an alpha, and she’s an alpha,” she said during the show"s "Plead the Fifth" segment.

“I’m used to taking my altercations physical and she’s used to having them verbal. We’re just very different, we’re very different. And we were very young and new.”

Unable to suppress laughter, Pink added:

"She swung on me in a club. Hilarious … I was like, "What"s happening?""

Pink says she and X-tina are "fine" these days, which is something Aguilera should be very happy about.

That would"ve been a severely one-sided fight.

Pink on christina aguilera beef she tried to punch me

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Christina Aguilera Performs at Star-Studded, Million Dollar Wedding for Real Estate Tycoon

Christina Aguilera was just one of the performers at what may be the most extravagant and expensive L.A. wedding of the year. Kurt Rappaport, who has found and sold homes for a slew of the biggest celebs in town got hitched to Sarah Mutch at his…


Christina Aguilera Performs at Star-Studded, Million Dollar Wedding for Real Estate Tycoon

Christina Aguilera was just one of the performers at what may be the most extravagant and expensive L.A. wedding of the year. Kurt Rappaport, who has found and sold homes for a slew of the biggest celebs in town got hitched to Sarah Mutch at his…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Puts on Christina Aguilera Costume to Kiss Christina (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner played dress up by putting on much LESS clothing, and it was all for Christina Aguilera. Sorry, Tyga. KJ made an encore appearance in her Xtina costume at Aguilera’s 36th birthday party Saturday night. Kylie dressed like Christina from…
