Showing posts with label Subway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subway. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Extras On "Joker" Movie Locked in Subway Train and Forced to Pee On Tracks

Things got nasty on the set of the upcoming “Joker” movie over the weekend … we’re told extras were locked on a subway car for more than 3 hours, and it got so bad some people started peeing on the tracks.  Sources on set tell TMZ … extras…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Katie Holmes Blends in with New Yorkers on Subway

Katie Holmes’ carbon footprint just shrank a size after she hopped on the subway in NYC, and blended in with the other metro riders. We don’t see celebs riding the subway often, but Holmes looked just like any other New Yorker minding her own…


Katie Holmes Blends in with New Yorkers on Subway

Katie Holmes’ carbon footprint just shrank a size after she hopped on the subway in NYC, and blended in with the other metro riders. We don’t see celebs riding the subway often, but Holmes looked just like any other New Yorker minding her own…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Christina Aguilera & Jimmy Fallon Surprise Fans in NYC Subway Terminal

Christina Aguilera and Jimmy Fallon tried going incognito (keyword: tried) during a surprise show for a throng of fans. Christina and Jimmy showed up in costumes at an NYC subway terminal Wednesday and filmed their surprise performance for a…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Subway Fail: No One Votes in Saddest Twitter Poll

This is either a huge embarrassment or the most unexpected marketing scheme that we"ve seen in a while.

So, the Twitter account for Subway restaurants in Canada tweeted out a pair of polls.

Everybody loves to vote in polls, and people on the internet tend to have strong opinions about anything. Movies, rebooted children"s cartoons, politics, and yes, fast food.

Somehow — and this has stumped quite a few people — this social media account, with 135,000 followers, managed to get zero votes on both polls.

People like to make fun of Subway, even though their food is delicious (it is; maybe you"re just ordering the wrong things). Possibly because their most famous spokesperson turned out to be a monster.

But is their popularity really hurting so badly that no one even noticed a pair of polls untilt he results — 0 votes in all categories — had been posted?

Or is this a new and strangely genius social media marketing scheme?

Take a look:

1. First came the Bread Bae poll

Subway poll sad 01

Though the obvious correct answer is 9-Grain Honey Oat, the poll somehow garnered ZERO responses. From 135,000 followers.

2. They tried it again, this time with greek ingredients

Subway poll sad 02

Since feta is bad and tomatoes are inedible, the obvious answer was tzatziki. And yet, again, they garnered no votes.

3. Followers took notice

Subway poll sad 03

This person appears to have been attempting to … neg … Subway?

4. Others wondered how it could be possible

Subway poll sad 04

We’ll notice that their social media engagement is fine.

5. This person tried to "vote" in a reply

Subway poll sad 05

A reply after the fact is not the same as a vote. For examples, see Brexit and the 2016 American election.

6. While some tried to troll, others showered Subway with compliments

Subway poll sad 06

People who don’t vote SHOULD be shamed.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Adam Sandler Performs Raunchy New Songs in NYC Subway

If you ever wanted to see Adam Sandler sing about his daddy f****ng his eye with his penis … ya shoulda been riding the subway Wednesday night in NYC. Also, you’re a little twisted. TMZ got this video of Sandler doing his thing, kinda…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Florida School Shooter Stopped at Subway, McDonald"s After Rampage Before Capture

Nikolas Cruz — the alleged shooter who killed 17 people at a Florida high school — casually blended in with fleeing students while making his getaway … then stopped at Subway for a drink. Law enforcement says Cruz entered a nearby Walmart…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Philadelphia Eagles Fan Slamming into Subway Train, New Angle

That Philadelphia Eagles fan who ran smack into a pole and bounced off a subway train is in even more pain than you thought … as this new angle of his asinine celebration reveals. The guy was all pumped up underground Sunday on his way to see his…


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Katie Holmes Takes Subway in New York City

Katie Holmes is not above hagin’ with the plebes … she sat scrunched Friday between 2 dudes on a super crowded New York City subway. Kate was solo in Soho, shopping up up a storm … and then she took the R train during rush hour up to her swanky…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ryan Seacrest Gets Sung to on NYC Subway

Ryan Seacrest may have found the next American Idol … on the subway in NYC. The morning talk show co-host was using public transpo Tuesday when a guy busted out a rousing rendition of “Stand by Me” … so he started recording. The presumed host…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jared Fogle Had Sex With 9-Year-Olds, Wife Claims in Subway Lawsuit

It’s been almost one year since Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison on child molestation charges, but new revelations about the former Subway spokesman are still emerging. 

The latest comes from a lawsuit that Fogle’s ex-wife, Katie McLaughlin, recently filed against the Subway corporation.

McLaughlin claims that Subway execs knew about the allegations against Fogle, but instead of investigating, they aided in an effort to conceal his crimes from the public.

“As early as 2004, Subway’s then Senior Vice President of Marketing received a complaint that Jared had approached a young girl at a promotional event for a Las Vegas Subway franchise for a sex act,” reads a portion of the suit, obtained by Radar Online.

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations.”

McLaughlin alleges that Subway questioned Fogle, but refused to have any contact with his victims, for fear of legitimizing their claims.

“A responsible corporation would take immediate action when hearing of this behavior,” McLaughlin reportedly said in a recent deposition.

Four years after the corporation first learned of the accusations, McLaughlin alleges, Fogle sent shocking text messages to a Florida Subway franchisee, who in turn alerted the company’s CEO, Jeff Moody.

The franchise owner reportedly informed Moody “that Jared had had sex with minors from age 9 to 16.”

 Moody allegedly replied:

“Please don’t tell me any more. Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will keep him grounded.”

“Subway exploited his family despite knowing of allegations that Jared was a pedophile and failing to properly investigate those allegations,” McLaughlin’s lawyers claim.

McLaughlin is seeking an unspecified amount in damages.

And if her claims hold up in court, Subway could find itself coping with a PR nightmare that it may never recover from.


Jared Fogle -- Ex-Wife Sues Subway ... They Knew He Was a Pedophile

Subway knew Jared Fogle was a pedophile more than a decade before he was arrested … so claims his ex-wife in a new lawsuit. Kathleen McLaughlin says in new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — back in 2004, a senior exec at Subway received a complaint…


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

This Couple is Totally Having Sex at a Subway Station

What would you do if you saw a man and woman drop their pants and just start going at it in public?

Like, if the woman were sitting on a bench and the man were standing in front of her? 

Just thrusting away? Total penetration going on? No cares or apparent worries about who might be wandering by and see them in full porking action?

These were more than just hypothetical questions for residents and tourists in Barcelona, Spain earlier this week because an unnamed man and his unnamed partner really did go at it in public.

We"re not kidding. 

You can see the NSFW action for yourself in the video below.

According to The Huffington Post, this incomprehensible action took place on Saturday.

As you can see, some folks walked by the nearly-naked twosome, oblivious to what they were doing.

Others walked by and were quite aware of what was going on.

And one person, of course, stopped and filmed the unexpected railing.

Authorities in Spain are supposedly trying to track the couple down because it’s illegal to fornicate in public and they could face incivility charges, an official told El Huffington Post.

This could be the case even if they were just pretending to have sex.

Which seems silly, right? Once you"re going as far as these two are going, you might as well complete the deal, don"t you think?

Who would have guessed that Jared Fogle would only be the second biggest sex offender related to Subway, huh?

You"re right. We take that back. He"s still the biggest.

But go ahead and watch this racy, ridiculous sex video for yourself… if you dare:

This couple is totally having sex at a subway station

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jared Fogle Blames Sex Drive On Subway Diet

The filth that is Jared Fogle will do anything for a lower sentence.

The ex-Subway spokesman and accused pedophile is looking at 12 1/2 years behind bars, which his lawyers are trying to get reduced with a new excuse.

According to TMZ, lawyers brought in a sexual behavior expert to testify that prior to his Subway deal, Fogel had a “compulsive eating disorder.”

The lawyers believe that when Fogle lost the weight, he developed compulsive hypersexuality disorder.

First of all, 12 1/2 years is not nearly long enough.  

Second of all, the judge had better not put him in solitary confinement, but instead leave him to the other inmates.

And how does compulsive hypersexuality disorder have anything to do pedophilia?  

It’s a weak excuse, but one that the lawyers must think might work in trying for five years in prison instead of 12 1/2.

Fogle released a statement to the court today, claiming that he’s learned his lesson from keeping child pornography and having sex with minors, and won’t commit such crimes again.

“I owe a huge apology to the people who supported me and my positive messages the last 15 years,” Fogle said.

Fogle has been ordered to pay $ 1.4 million to 14 victims after being arrested in August.  

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#BurritoRat Drags Mexican Meal Into Subway Lair

Sit down, Pizza Rat. Back away for a moment, Milkshake Squirrel.

It"s time for users of the Internet to be introduced to Burrito Rat!

Keeping up with one of the stranger, more unexpected viral traditions that has broken out over the past several weeks, a New York City resident has captured footage of a rat dragging a giant piece of Mexican food deep into the depths of the subway system.

It’s unclear what sort of burrito is featured here (chicken? Steak? Did the animal pay extra for guacamole?), but it"s very clear that the rat can"t wait to go scarf it down away from the chaos of the train platform.

And this much is also clear: we are NOT following this rat down there to watch any further. Gross.

Number burritorat drags mexican meal into subway lair