Showing posts with label Pedophile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pedophile. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Drops Pedophile Prank, Roy Moore Threatens Lawsuit

Roy Moore played right into Sacha Baron Cohen’s hands as the comedian pulled off a prank that seemed to label Moore a pedophile … and the whole mess could be headed for court. The skit aired on Sunday night’s episode of “Who Is America?” — Moore…


R. Kelly Should "Admit" He"s a Pedophile, Says Father of Alleged Sex Slave

R. Kelly’s new song fell way short of living up to its name, because he didn’t admit he’s a pedophile and a deadbeat dad … so says the father of one of his alleged sex slaves. Angelo Clary — father of Azriel Clary – tells TMZ … Kelly took…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Elon Musk Apologizes for Calling Thailand Rescuer a Pedophile

Elon Musk has fallen on the sword after lashing out in anger … calling one of the Thailand rescuers a pedo. Musk says he made the comment in anger, after British diver Vern Unsworth said Musk was guilty of a “PR stunt” by bringing a mini-submarine…


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Michael Steele says Republicans are Funding a Pedophile

Michael Steele didn’t hold back … he blamed President Trump for forcing the RNC’s hand to resume funding to what Steele calls a pedophile’s campaign for U.S. Senate. We got the former RNC chief on Capitol Hill Friday and asked…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Anthony Weiner Frightened of Prison Beatdown Because of Pedophile Label

Anthony Weiner will probably be viewed as a pedophile and therefore a major target for violence by other inmates … and THAT’S why he wants to avoid serving time in a hardcore Brooklyn prison. Weiner’s lawyer damn near begged the judge NOT to…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Josh Duggar: Fans Slam "Pedophile" Reality Star on Facebook!

Last week, we reported on the news that Josh and Anna Duggar have welcomed their fifth child, a boy named Mason.

The news that a healthy baby has entered the world is typically met with universal congratulatory sentiments, and certainly no one wishes any harm upon the mother or child.

But feelings toward the father are a bit more complex …

As you’re probably aware, Josh molested five young women, four of whom were his sisters, while he was still in his teens.

His family has built a wildly lucrative media empire by projecting an image of wholesomeness and unflappable piety, so naturally, the Duggars have done everything in their power to put Josh’s sex scandal behind them.

Incredibly, following the cancelation of their reality show, 19 Kids and Counting, the Duggars were given a second shot television at stardom on the same network.

But while the narrative pitched by the Duggars and TLC is one of redemption, many former fans have not been so quick to forgive Josh’s horrendous transgressions.

Part of the problem, of course, is that Josh was never punished for his crimes, as his parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, helped him to avoid prosecution.

That means there’s been no real effort toward rehabilitation.

And that in turn means that the possibility of Josh repeating his past behaviors remains disturbingly high.

As a result of this troubling scenario, fans have flooded the Duggars’ official Facebook page with comments condemning Josh and urging his family to vigilantly protect the children who are under his care:

“I pray that God blesses everyone but it should be illegal for an admitted child molester to procreate and create children,” wrote one follower.

“Josh admitted to molesting 4 different sisters so it did not happen just once; it happened multiple times. Any woman that would have children with an admitted child molester and pedophile I would have to recommend an intensive psychological examination.”

Another detractor addresses the fact that Josh went to rehab for sex addiction after it was revealed that he used an Ashley Madison account to try and cheat on Anna. 

A mother of four, the commenter points out that a few months in an un-accredited, faith-based rehabilitation facility of his own choosing is hardly a guarantee that Josh won’t subject his children to the same abuse suffered by his sisters.

“People say Josh went to rehab and I will be honest here,” the follower wrote. “I have 4 children. If my son molested his siblings I don’t care what therapy he received I would never trust him again.”

She added:

“My kids mental and physical well-being comes first. Once you decide to be a child molester and pedophile I never want to see you again. I was molested as a child so I know the severe damage it does.”

Since Josh was never charged with a crime, there’s no action that concerned parties can take from a legal perspective.

The best any of us can do is hope that Josh’s family will heed the call to keep a close watch on Josh’s wife and children and report anything even remotely suspicious to the proper authorities.

Perhaps there’s some comfort to be taken in the fact that the Duggars live their lives under a constant microscope, and the world knows to be on the lookout when it comes to Josh.

Watch Counting On online for a closer look at reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Jared Fogle Prison Attacker: The Pedophile Deserved It!

Approximately one year after he beat Jared Fogle nearly to death, the man responsible for bludgeoning this disgraced former Subway spokesman has finally spoken out.

In the following letter, he explains why Fogle deserved what happened to him.

First, however, a refresher:

In November of 2015, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after an investigation determined that he often partook in some truly reprehensible behavior.

According to authorities, Fogle texted over a dozen victims (all of them minors), offering to pay them money for various sex acts, often receiving illicit photos from several of the young girls.  

A raid of his home turned up child pornography on Fogle’s computer, while court documents stated he had traveled between Indiana and New York City several times between 2010 and 2013 to pay for sex with teenage girls.

Like we said: truly reprehensible behavior.

With such strong evidence against him, Fogle didn’t even go to trial.

He pleaded guilty in late 2015, hoping to reach a deal with prosecutors that would result in only five years in jail.

But a judge saw things differently. Hence the 15-year punishment.

Fast forward to January of last year and reports that Fogle was savagely beaten in the prison yard.

According to a TMZ report in March, James Nigg – a 60-year-old serving numerous year on a weapons charge – reportedly pushed Fogle while outside with him and then repeatedly punched him in the face.

Shortly after news of this assault went viral, family members of Nigg’s said they were not surprised by the confrontation.

Nigg had reportedly been complaining about the presence of child molesters in the minimum security prison for awhile… and he simply could not handle such a famous one being in his presence.

Now, in a letter obtained by TMZ, Nigg has basically confirmed this assertion.

In the message, Nigg says “Jared is [a] hero” to other pedophiles in prison, writing in disgust:

“You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.”

This perception was altered, briefly at least, when Nigg left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck early last year.

Following his pummeling of Fogle, Nigg was moved to an Oklahoma prison.

He says he’s since “lost good times [that is, time off his sentence] and spent many months in the hole, plus the loss of commissary and email” due to the actions he took against Fogle.

Still, “I have no regrets,” Nigg concludes.

We don’t want to ever encourage violence and we never want to take the side of someone in jail on a weapons charge.

So we’ll just stop writing words now in that case.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jared Fogle -- Ex-Wife Sues Subway ... They Knew He Was a Pedophile

Subway knew Jared Fogle was a pedophile more than a decade before he was arrested … so claims his ex-wife in a new lawsuit. Kathleen McLaughlin says in new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — back in 2004, a senior exec at Subway received a complaint…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Simon Saran: Matt Baier is a Pedophile!

Unexpected Teen Mom dude feud alert!

Yes, it’s usually the ladies kicking up drama on MTV’s most bonkers reality series, but this week it’s been Farrah Abraham’s unhinged boyfriend Simon Saran stirring the pot.

Saran must be starved for attention, because he’s been posting controversial content to social media for several days straight.

Earlier this week Saran posted a nude photo of Farrah Abraham on Snapchat.

Prior to that, Saran slammed his Teen Mom: OG co-stars in a series of bizarre Twitter rants.

At first, Maci Bookout was the primary target of Saran’s ridicule:

“How can you talk about balance when you can’t even balance walking a straight line cause you’re too f–ked up?” Saran tweeted, apparently in reference to rumors that Bookout drank while she was pregnant.

Shortly thereafter, Saran turned his attention to Amber Portwood and her fiance, Matt Baier.

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you’re probably aware that Baier makes quite the easy target.

It’s been rumored that Baier fathered nine children with seven different women and spent several years on the run from child support payments.

Baier denies the reports, but they haven’t exactly endeared him to fans of the show.

Interestingly, Saran decided to ignore all that and take a different tack when attacking Baier online, insisting that the 45-year-old is a pedophile who shouldn’t be trusted around women.

Commenting on a scene in which Amber’s daughter Leah seemed nervous in Baier’s presence, Saran snapped:

“I would be nervous too sweetheart. You don’t want to sit on that man’s lap.” 

Saran later added:

“He’s a red dot in the community,” an apparent reference to online sex offender registry maps.

Not surprisingly, Portwood was less than amused by Saran’s trash talk.

She engaged Saran in an online war of words that went down like this:

AMBER: Simon your a little bitch who lets a girl talk mad sh!t to you. Your weak and irrelevant. Your a little boy toy puppet.

SIMON: @AmberLPortwood you let a pedophile into your house congratulations

AMBER: how is he a pedophile lol.. Where does that even come from? Stfu and be the little boy toy weak ass person you are.

SIMON: lol you win!!

Needless to say, the dude is taking the art of savagery to new and exciting places these days.

Saran says that as a thanks for the traffic generated by his online burns, he’ll donate $ 10,000 to the Ronald McDonald House.

We’re not sure how that makes sense, but it has us feelingl slightly less guilty for laughing about all this, so we’ll take it!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Paris Jackson Defends Dad Michael Jackson: He Is Not a Pedophile!

He was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, but recent records pertaining to Michael Jackson’s secret life appear to be very incriminating.

“The documents collected by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department paint a dark and frightening picture of Jackson,” one investigator explained to Radar Online of the 2003 raid inside Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.

“The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will.

“He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.”  

Understandably, Jackson’s 18-year-old daughter, Paris refuses to believe that her father was involved in such things.

“Unfortunately negativity will always sell,” Paris tweeted on June 21st.

“I urge you all to ignore the trash & the parasites who make a career trying to slander my father.

“The most pure people are always torn down…It will continue to be proven that my beloved dad has always been and forever will be innocent.”

The material uncovered at both the ranch and a Santa Barbara storage unit paint a very ugly image of the King of Pop, who left behind three children.

“There were also photos and videos featuring sadomasochistic sex, bondage, transsexuals — ‘chicks with d–ks,"” a source told Radar.

“Michael Jackson had truly perverse sexual appetites, and the twisted photos tell a sadistic side of him that nobody really knew.”

District attorneys brought several felony charges against the singer after the first alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo came forward.

They included 7 counts of child molestation and two counts of providing “an intoxicant to a minor under the age of 14 in order to seduce him.”

At the time District Attorney Tom Sneddon stated that “The materials described … are relevant to the issues of the defendant’s intent and his method of ‘grooming’ young boys to satisfy his lewd desires.”

It’s almost impossible to determine who is telling the truth about Jackson and his personal life.  

One thing is for certain – no kid wants to read such allegations against their parents, especially if he’s not here to defend himself.

Paris Jackson Defends Dad Michael Jackson: He Is Not a Pedophile!

He was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, but recent records pertaining to Michael Jackson’s secret life appear to be very incriminating.

“The documents collected by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department paint a dark and frightening picture of Jackson,” one investigator explained to Radar Online of the 2003 raid inside Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.

“The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will.

“He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.”  

Understandably, Jackson’s 18-year-old daughter, Paris refuses to believe that her father was involved in such things.

“Unfortunately negativity will always sell,” Paris tweeted on June 21st.

“I urge you all to ignore the trash & the parasites who make a career trying to slander my father.

“The most pure people are always torn down…It will continue to be proven that my beloved dad has always been and forever will be innocent.”

The material uncovered at both the ranch and a Santa Barbara storage unit paint a very ugly image of the King of Pop, who left behind three children.

“There were also photos and videos featuring sadomasochistic sex, bondage, transsexuals — ‘chicks with d–ks,"” a source told Radar.

“Michael Jackson had truly perverse sexual appetites, and the twisted photos tell a sadistic side of him that nobody really knew.”

District attorneys brought several felony charges against the singer after the first alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo came forward.

They included 7 counts of child molestation and two counts of providing “an intoxicant to a minor under the age of 14 in order to seduce him.”

At the time District Attorney Tom Sneddon stated that “The materials described … are relevant to the issues of the defendant’s intent and his method of ‘grooming’ young boys to satisfy his lewd desires.”

It’s almost impossible to determine who is telling the truth about Jackson and his personal life.  

One thing is for certain – no kid wants to read such allegations against their parents, especially if he’s not here to defend himself.

Michael Jackson: Shocking New Reports May Prove King Of Pop A Pedophile

Even after his death, Michael Jackson can’t escape his demons.

Inside the singer’s Neverland Ranch in Los Olivos, CA, authorities (who carried search warrants) uncovered “filthy photos and videos of men, women, boys and girls in perverted positions, drugs to treat sex addiction, with multiple prescriptions written by a variety of physicians for people close to the star,” according to Radar Online.

The raid took place in November 2003, nearly six years before his fatal overdose.  

“The detectives’ report cites Michael even used sexy photos of his own nephews, who were in the band 3T, in their underwear to excite young boys,” one private investigator revealed.

A witness tipped off the cops to a storage unit, where even more “materials” were moved once the investigation launched.

Inside the unit, the report reads were “notes, diaries, documents, photographs, audiotapes and videotapes.

“The documents collected by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department paint a dark and frightening picture of Jackson,” another investigator told the site.

“The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will.

“He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.” 

The reports are prettying harrowing; authorities had to record the types of photos they came across, which reportedly included images of children “bleeding, in pain and tormented.”

 Jackson also had a book titled Room To Play, which contained a “deeply disturbing photo of a “JonBenet Ramsey look-alike with a noose around her neck,” the source said.

“There were also photos and videos featuring sadomasochistic sex, bondage, transsexuals — ‘chicks with d–ks,"” the source added.

“Michael Jackson had truly perverse sexual appetites, and the twisted photos tell a sadistic side of him that nobody really knew.”

After Gavin Arvizo came forward to accuse the pop star, Jackson was charged with 7 counts of child molestation and two counts of providing “an intoxicant to a minor under the age of 14 in order to seduce him,” all felonies.

When the charges were brought against Jackson, District Attorney Tom Sneddon noted that “The materials described … are relevant to the issues of the defendant’s intent and his method of ‘grooming’ young boys to satisfy his lewd desires.” 

Ron Zonen, former Santa Barbara Senior Assistant District Attorney was involved in the case and told Radar, “A lot of this stuff was used to desensitize the children, and Michael admitted taking one child after another into bed with him for long periods of time.

“We identified five different boys, who all made allegations of sexual abuse.  There’s not much question in my mind that Michael was guilty of child molestation.” 

Jackson was acquitted of all charges in June 2005, and allegedly paid out around $ 200 million worth of “hush money” to his victims.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lance Bass Reveals "Pedophile" Molested N SYNC Members

Lance Bass appeared on Meredith Viera’s talk show today and revealed that he and other members of ‘N SYNC were inappropriately touched by an older man when they were still in their teens.

The panel was discussing Ashley Judd’s claim that she was sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein when Bass opened up and revealed that he’d suffered similar abuse:

“This also happens to men, too,” he said. “It has happened to me. When I was 16, 17 years old, and we started, there was someone that we worked with that was inappropriately touching us.

“I was even aware then, at 16, that this guy was a pedophile. He was touching me oddly.”

Bass added that he and the other members of the band  – which included pop mega-star Justin Timberlake – would cope with the harassment by talking about the incidents of abuse with one another.

“With the guys we would kind of talk about it, joke about, but it’s not a joking thing…I’m glad that we were aware of it and we didn’t feel victimized at the time,” Bass said.

Many in the media have speculated that the man responsible for the abuse is disgraced ‘N SYNC manager Lou Pearlman.

Though Bass didn’t mention Pearlman by name today, the 61-year-old boy band impresario has been accused of child molestation in the past. 

Pearlman is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence on unrelated charges.