Showing posts with label Members'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Members'. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Taylor Swift: Squad Members Preparing to Expose Secrets?!

You might think that things can’t get much worse for Taylor Swift’s reputation.

In the past week, several of the singer’s highly-publicized feuds have come to a head in surprising fashion.

First, Calvin Harris slammed Taylor in a Twitter rant that exposed the ugly side of the former couple’s breakup.

The same day, longtime rival Katy Perry seized the opportunity to throw shade at Swift on social media, as her Katy Cat’s reveled in what they perceived to be the singer’s downfall:

And even then it wasn’t over.

Taylor’s hell week continued when Kim Kardashian posted what appeared to be proof that Taylor was lying when she claimed to be blindsided by the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Famous.”

Just when it looked as though the singer was at the lowest point of her history-making career, Swift reportedly found herself facing something her detractors had joked about for years:

A full-blown squad insurrection.

Okay, that may be a bit dramatic, but for whatever reason, Taylor’s squad hasn’t come to her defense the way many expected them to.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the cause of their silence may be that her famous group of friends is fed up with Swift’s diva antics:

“Some in her squad are talking about how relieved they are that the real Taylor is being exposed,” says one insider.

The source adds that many within Swift’s inner-circle view the singer as “a vindictive, manipulative person who runs over anyone who dares to challenge her.”

Apparently, the lack of loyalty from Taylor’s iconic clique has brought the singer to the lowest point of her public life:

“I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor,” the source concludes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Band Members Sell Own Sex Tape For $5 After Some Perv Steals It

The members of YACHT, an L.A. musical duo, are selling their own sex tape after they claim that someone stole it and posted it online.

To be clear, Jona Bechtolt and Claire L. Evans, who are also in a romantic relationship, would prefer no one actually watch the video.

But, if you must, do not watch it via torrent. “We beg of you to download the video, Louis C.K.-style, directly from us,” the duo urges.

The sex tape, they claim, fell into the wrong hands “due to a series of technological missteps and one morally abject person.”

“Claire and I, who have been romantic and artistic partners since 2006, made a ‘sex tape.’ It was intended for us only.”

“We don’t feel the need to justify the reason we made it.”

“Anyone reading this who has been in a long term partnership understands that preserving the relationship is an ever-changing and challenging thing.”

“It’s especially difficult when the lines between career and romance are as merged as ours are.”

“The financial pressures that we’ve been under, which de facto extend into our extracurricular lives, created a circumstance in which we felt like we needed a bit of an escape from the day-to-day.”

“So we turned on a camera, became naked, and had sex.”

“We assumed that we were the only people who would be privy to that video. I guess we were naive. Now you have the option to be privy to that video.”

“For us, that’s a shame.”

“We feel like art is an act of generosity. The art we make for the public is for that expressed purpose.”

“And now we’re in an awkward situation where the art that we made for us and us alone is being viewed by anyone who has the inclination to hit play.”

Following a “true and humiliating blurring of the public and private,” the couple claims it initiated legal proceedings against the person who stole it.

In the meantime, they add, “our hope is that you fundamentally understand that choice and you choose not to view a private act that was inadvertently made public.”

“We hope you understand that this is not a delicious scandal. This is an exploitation.”

Evans and Bechtolt then noted that they posted it themselves, on a site where it’s available for purchase: “This video is out there now.”

“We can’t change that. But we can try to be ‘as YACHT as possible’ about it and take some kind of ownership over what has happened.”

“So we’re asking you one thing: if you feel like you 100% have to see this tape, don’t stream it on some tube site, or download a torrent.”

The site where the video can be purchased reads:

If you’re here, it’s because you want to see a sex tape made by Claire Evans and Jona Bechtolt of the band YACHT.

That’s okay – we’re not here to judge.

A video that we made privately has been released to the public. We have commenced legal proceedings against the individual who made it available without our consent.

That said, we don’t have any illusion that this tape is ever going to vanish completely from the internet. Instead, we’ve created a platform for you to purchase and download the video directly from us.

If you absolutely must see this video, we ask that you refrain from downloading it from a torrent, or streaming it on a tube site.

Controlling how this video is seen, and who profits from it, is the only form of agency we have left over this exploitative situation.

Please do the right thing. Thank you for your support.

With love and respect, Claire and Jona

While profiting from amateur porn is not new – see the Kim Kardashian sex tape – the band’s tactic reflects an understanding of the marketplace.

It’s also refreshingly honest compared to, say, certain people trying to tell us that the Farrah Abraham sex tape was “leaked” unintentionally.

Plus, these two are totes in love! Kind of makes you want to download the thing and open a nice bottle of wine with your partner, doesn’t it?

Wait, was that out loud?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio Dissed Lady Gaga, Flipped Off Academy Members at the Oscars?

Unless you turned off the Oscars after Stacey Dash’s awkward cameo and spent the days since in a semi-comatose state of stunned disbelief, then you know that one of Hollywood’s most beloved talents finally got recognized by the Academy on Sunday night.  

Yes, Chris Jenkins finally took home the top prize for his many years of outstanding sound editing.

We kid! The big buzz of the night (and the months leading up to the awards) was Leonardo DiCaprio’s all-but-guaranteed win for his work as Grunty McBeardo in The Revenant.

But just because Leo took center stage for the night (He even stole the spotlight from Spotlight! We’re very sorry for that joke.), that doesn’t mean he was in a forgiving mood.

You may remember that DiCaprio and Lady Gaga butted heads (literally, her butt almost hit his head) at the Golden Globes back in January.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Gaga tried to make nice at an Oscars after-party, but “Leo was not having any of it.”

According to the insider, once you piss off DiCaprio, it’s hard to come back-rio (sorry again!):

“Gaga has been shut out of several big projects this month, and she believes that Leo is the reason why,” says the source. 

“She said that he is sabotaging her chances at a real career in acting and she is freaking out!”

But Gaga wasn’t the only one who found herself an unexpected target of Oscar-Winner Leonardo DiCaprio’s wrath:

Leonardo DiCaprio Middle Finger

The above photo of DiCaprio appearing to flip a subtle bird to the Academy has been making the rounds online, and many feel the finger placement was no accident.

After-party attendees say the 41-year-old was also spotted “howling like a wolf” in celebration and his group of assembled bros (formerly known as “the P-ssy Posse”) chanted “wolf pack” in response.

It seems like Leo may have decided to let his douche flag fly now that he’s finally won Hollywood’s top prize, and as long as he keeps being this entertaining about it, that’s fine by us.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Viola Beach Members ALL Killed in Horrific Car Crash

Tragedy has struck the world of music.

All four members of the British band Viola Beach were killed in a car accident on Saturday, according to The Associated Press.

Viola Beach Image

The musicians – Kris Leonard, River Reeves, Tomas Lowe and Jack Dakin, all aged between 19 and 32 – were traveling in a rental car near Stockholm, Sweden when they crashed through a barrier set up to prevent vehicles from crossing an opening drawbridge.

The vehicle reportedly fell more than 80 feet into a canal, killing all four group members and manager Craig Tarry.

It was Tarry’s family, via Britain’s Foreign Office, that confirmed this horrible news.

“Craig was a warm, loving person who had worked tirelessly to achieve success and follow his dreams within the music industry,” their statement reads.

The band itself had performed at the Where is the Music? festival on Friday and was traveling back to Guildford, England when the crash took place.

“Our deepest sympathy to the family’s and friends of #ViolaBeach today. So so sad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you,” Tweeted The Script in response to the news.

A spokeswoman for the U.K.’s Foreign Office tells CNN that British officials are “in contact with Swedish authorities and supporting the families at this very difficult time,” while trying to get to the bottom of what happened.

We send our condolences to the loved ones of Viola Beach.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Duggar Family Members RANKED: Who"s #1? Who"s Persona Non Grata?

Who"s your favorite Duggar family member? We all have our opinions, but we"ve ranked them all – including in-laws – from top to bottom.

Behold, the first-ever edition of THG"s official Duggar Power Rankings, with our consensus, #1 Duggar draft pick leading off at the top.

At the bottom? You can probably guess … 

1. Jana


Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. That old cliche is destined to apply literally to Jana Duggar, 26, the eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle and one dubbed “Cinderella” due to her natural beauty, loving personality, and perpetual servitude. While her other siblings marry and have kids of their own, Jana is essentially forced to stay home and take care of her siblings … and nieces and nephews. And yet, she does it with a smile on her face, a sense of humor and the patience of a saint. No wonder she’s said to be prominently featured in new TLC footage featuring the famous family. #FreeJana!

2. Jinger

Jinger duggar image

The spelling of her name is cause for major side-eye, but if you can get past that, what’s not to love about Jinger Duggar? Silly, sassy and (relatively) independent, she’s been a fan favorite for years, and if there were ever a Duggar set to break the mold, Jinger seems like the most likely candidate.

3. Amy

Amy duggar people magazine cover

Cousin Amy Duggar – the daughter of Jim Bob’s sister – is only rebellious by Duggar standards. In any other family she would have this #badass label she possesses. Still, the fact that Amy D. isn’t brainwashed, and is actually her own person who speaks her mind gives her automatic entry into the top tier.

4. Joy-Anna

Joy anna

She’s smart. She’s well-rounded. She can dead lift her own weight. She wears shorts (yes, actual shorts)! She’s a well-rounded young woman with a bright future … or at least she could be if she were truly allowed to spread her wings. We’re still holding out home for that (along with Jinger and Joy-Anna).

5. John David

Jana and john david duggar

John David, the twin brother of Jana (pictured), is a firefighter and pilot. Also single, he earned major points for disavowing Josh’s actions on Jill & Jessa: Counting On. He’s been in charge of transporting Anna back and forth to see him in rehab, as well.

6. Joseph

Joseph duggar

Joseph Duggar, 20, is now a student at Crown Bible College in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has also been tied to one of the Bates girls from Bringing Up Bates. Seems like a nice fella.

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Monday, February 1, 2016

High School Dodgeball Team Appears to Dress Like KKK Members

This really isn’t very complicated, high school students of America:

Do your best not to spell out really racist words at a class event and never the sport the kind of attire made famous by the country’s most infamous hate group.


Unfortunately, seven boys at Mound Westonka High School in Minnesota were unable to abide by this second recommendation last Wednesday, as they donned garb for a dodgeball match that looked an awful lot like the sort of thing worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan.

This may not have been their intention… but just take a look at the shirts and white bandanas being worn in the photos above and below.

Dodgeball team

“I turned around, and the team behind me looked like they came in with a Ku Klux Klan uniform, or an interpretation of it,” senior Ryan Anderson told WCCO, the local CBS affiliate.

“It was something to say the least.”

The event was supervised by teachers and administrators, none of whom took any action during the game.

But the district then received complaints after images were shared on social media.

“Anybody who is well-versed in history can know that anyone with a pointed white hat is trying to symbolize the KKK,” a parent who asked to remain anonymous told KMSP.

“There are not a lot of other organizations that can be confused with.”

We’d have to agree.

The district says that “appropriate action will be taken in accordance with district policy” if its investigation turns up anything worthy of punishment.

For whatever it may be worth, the school’s population is 93 percent white, 3 percent Hispanic, 2 percent African-American and 2 percent Asian, according to The Washington Post.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian"s New Girl Squad: Check Out the Members!

Now that Kourtney Kardashian had shed her douchey ex Scott Disick, the girl seems to be having the time of her life.

She was recently rumored to be hooking up with Justin Bieber, and now we’ve got pics of her whooping it up on a girl’s night with some very famous friends.

Kourtney’s hot new girl squad appears to include Chrissy Teigen, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Kelly Rowland (see pic below), Minka Kelly and hairstylist Jen Atkin.

It seems we can say goodbye to the old Kourtney:

The gal pals were hanging out at a birthday party for DJ and producer Balthazar Getty at The Nice Guy restaurant in Los Angeles.

Kourt posted a series of pics with the ladies to Instagram, captioning one of them “GNO” (that’s girl’s night out, for those not in the know), in which they appear to be enjoying libations and food.

“Girl’s night out and crashing parties,” wrote Jenna on a photo of the ladies posted to her account.

“This feels like an ad for a new sitcom called ‘Just Kourt’ where @kourtneykardash moves to a new city and meets a zany cast of characters!” wrote Jen (Atkin) alongside the same photo.

We’d SO watch that. Get on it, E! 

Chrissy, Kelly and Minka also joined in on the Insta-party, all posting pics of their turnt up night together.

We’re taking this to mean a great time was had by all.

We also couldn’t be happier for Kourtney. Being stuck in a sucky relationship and bringing up three small children likely left little time for friends in the past.

She deserves to blow off some steam with her girlfriends, and these ladies together most certainly make for one ultra cool bunch.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Josh Duggar: Visited, Supported in Rehab By Some Family Members

Some members of the Duggar family have visited Josh in rehab recently, according to a new report, and written him notes of encouragement.

Others are not quite as eager to reach out to the disgrace.

The Duggars" messages of encouragement and support are unsurprising in a sense, but equally non-shocking is that others are lukewarm.

Given that he"s a sister-molesting, adulterous, hypocritical embarrassment being sued by a porn star for giving her PTSD and everything.

To say his reputation has taken a hit – and taken the famous TLC family down with him – may be the understatement of all time at this stage.

As for whether Anna Duggar is leaving Josh or will eventually take him back, that"s the single greatest question on everyone"s mind now.

The second biggest question may be how a labor camp like Reformers Unanimous where they must send handwritten notes even exists.

Anyway, it remains to be seen whether the eldest Duggar son will truly recover from his "sex addiction" and what Anna will do next.

The same private plane that dropped him off in Illinois was there again this week, though, according to a report by Entertainment Tonight.

So either he"s leaving or someone cares enough to visit.

Josh duggar visited encouraged in rehab by some family members

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lance Bass Reveals "Pedophile" Molested N SYNC Members

Lance Bass appeared on Meredith Viera’s talk show today and revealed that he and other members of ‘N SYNC were inappropriately touched by an older man when they were still in their teens.

The panel was discussing Ashley Judd’s claim that she was sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein when Bass opened up and revealed that he’d suffered similar abuse:

“This also happens to men, too,” he said. “It has happened to me. When I was 16, 17 years old, and we started, there was someone that we worked with that was inappropriately touching us.

“I was even aware then, at 16, that this guy was a pedophile. He was touching me oddly.”

Bass added that he and the other members of the band  – which included pop mega-star Justin Timberlake – would cope with the harassment by talking about the incidents of abuse with one another.

“With the guys we would kind of talk about it, joke about, but it’s not a joking thing…I’m glad that we were aware of it and we didn’t feel victimized at the time,” Bass said.

Many in the media have speculated that the man responsible for the abuse is disgraced ‘N SYNC manager Lou Pearlman.

Though Bass didn’t mention Pearlman by name today, the 61-year-old boy band impresario has been accused of child molestation in the past. 

Pearlman is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence on unrelated charges.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

13 Stars Who Look Just Like Royal Family Members

Are you ready to be Royally confused?

We"ve scoured the Internet and come up with a handful of unexpected dopplegangers, as the following celebrities look eerily like various members of Great Britain"s elite.

Who would have ever guessed that the The Duchess of Cambridge looks so similar to one of the first real stars of reality television?!? But here you have it…

1. Kate Middleton and Lauren Conrad

Kate middleton and lauren conrad

One may be the most universally beloved young woman on the planet. The other read scripted lines for years on The Hills and has really nice hair. It’s easy to see the similarities between Middleton and Conrad, right?

2. Princess Eugenie and Kate Mara

Princess eugenie and kate mara

Fantastic Four was a terrible movie. But one of its stars bears a fantastic resemblance to Princess Eugenie.

3. Princess Charlene of Monaco and Charlize Theron

Princess charlene of monaco and charlize theron

This is likely the biggest compliment the Princess of Monaco will ever receive. You’re welcome, Charlene!

4. Pierre Casiraghi of Monaco and Jude Law

Pierre casiraghi of monaco and jude law

To be clear, we are not accusing Pierre Casiraghi of sleeping with his children’s nanny. We are just saying he LOOKS like Jude Law.

5. Prince Carl Philip and Jamie Dornan

Prince carl philip and jamie dornan

Fifty Shades of Obvious, right? Prince Carl Philip of Sweden bears and uncanny resemblance to actor Jamie Dornan.

6. Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco and Sara Sampaio

Charlotte casiraghi of monaco and sara sampaio

We can’t be the first ones to point out that Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco looks so similar to model Sara Sampaio, can we?

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