Friday, November 20, 2015

Josh Duggar: Visited, Supported in Rehab By Some Family Members

Some members of the Duggar family have visited Josh in rehab recently, according to a new report, and written him notes of encouragement.

Others are not quite as eager to reach out to the disgrace.

The Duggars" messages of encouragement and support are unsurprising in a sense, but equally non-shocking is that others are lukewarm.

Given that he"s a sister-molesting, adulterous, hypocritical embarrassment being sued by a porn star for giving her PTSD and everything.

To say his reputation has taken a hit – and taken the famous TLC family down with him – may be the understatement of all time at this stage.

As for whether Anna Duggar is leaving Josh or will eventually take him back, that"s the single greatest question on everyone"s mind now.

The second biggest question may be how a labor camp like Reformers Unanimous where they must send handwritten notes even exists.

Anyway, it remains to be seen whether the eldest Duggar son will truly recover from his "sex addiction" and what Anna will do next.

The same private plane that dropped him off in Illinois was there again this week, though, according to a report by Entertainment Tonight.

So either he"s leaving or someone cares enough to visit.

Josh duggar visited encouraged in rehab by some family members