Showing posts with label Perv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perv. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

United Airlines Shrugs at Perv Going to Town on Himself Under Blanket

Flying on an airplane is already an unpleasant enough experience. You’re rocketing through the clouds in an overcrowded tube.

One woman says that she awoke to find the man beside her masturbating beneath the blanket.

To make matters worse, she says that United took a month and a half to respond to her complaint — and that their response was an insult.

Genevieve FP 01

Her post begins with “*Trigger Warning*”

That is a great reminder that, though the term has been mocked into near-disuse by douchecanoes on the internet, “trigger warning” is a useful warning for people who aren’t eager to relive the worst moments of their lives.

“On June 4th I was on a #unitedairlines flight from Heathrow to Chicago,” her post explains.

“On this flight,” she continues. “The man next to me started masturbating.”


Masturbation in and of itself is a very healthy activity. Masturbating in public in front of a captive audience is absolutely disgusting.

airline man blanket photo july 2018

“I woke up,” she describes. “And saw him touching himself under a blanket.”

That sounds like such an unpleasant experience.

“I woke the woman next to me,” she writes. “And got out of there to tell a flight attendant.”

She then says that “the attendants checked and confirmed that he was masturbating in public.”

What a weird job flight attendants have.

“Once I got up the woman next to me saw and she also got up,” she explains. “They gave us new seats.”

Genevieve FP 02

Unfortunately, she says that the flight crew was insensitive about the issue.

“They then started making jokes about the situation,” she says. “Asking ‘what perfume are you wearing’ and excusing him saying ‘he’s had a bit of wine."”

Obviously, no type of perfume and no amount of alcohol excuses that.

She laments that “no one stopped him.”

“He was allowed to finish,” she writes. And here is where it gets worse.

She alleges that the masturbating passenger did all of this “with a child sitting closely by.”

united airlines reply july 2018

“After exiting the plane first to talk to security,” she writes. “The security guard asked me if I’d like an apology from the offender.”

That sounds … absurd.

She says: “I immediately rejected the request.”

“It took @unitedairlines a month an a half to respond to my complaint,” she reveals. “And I received this email today.”

That email being the above image saying that there’s nothing that they can do.

“I am appalled at the lack of action taken in this situation in which as a woman, I was terrified.”

United Airlines Instagram Snap 04

If you’re wondering why she was frightened rather than merely disgusted, it is important to remember that men who harass women by doing things like flashing or masturbating are sometimes working themselves up to commit assault.

“This man is clearly capable of much more,” she explains.

“So women and men out there,” she says. “Pick an airline that cares about your safety.”

She writes: “#unitedairlines referring to being assaulted on one of your flight as a ‘uncomfortable experience’ is a bit of an understatement.”

“Your lack of action is disgusting,” she says, tagging: “@united #unitedairlines #metoo”


While, going off of her description, the word assault doesn’t look accurate, that is a horrible, harrowing situation that absolutely should never have happened.

We’ve heard stories of women who were physically assaulted on planes, and in some of those cases, the perpetrator was also touching himself.

This definitely sounds like a #MeToo story. And it sounds like some professionals on the plane who should have known better were very insensitive about it.

Needless to say, the presence of a child in proximity to the alleged public masturbator is also alarming.

We understand that flight attendants possibly don’t train for this situation and probably hoped to avoid making an incident worse.

But … one would hope that United would be more apologetic.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Duggar Fans Stunned By Josh"s Appearance: Get Off the Internet, You Greasy Perv!

We don’t need to tell you that Josh Duggar is one of the most hated people on the internet.

But unlike the yodeling Wal-Mart kid or Mark Zuckerberg Josh definitely deserves all of the vitriol that’s being directed his way.

As you’ll likely recall, Josh molested five of young girls – four of whom were his sisters – while he was still in his teens.

At the time, it was widely assumed that that would be the end of the Duggar media empire.

However, the rest of the family was permitted to return to television on the condition that Josh would not be allowed on their new show.

Thus far, the arrangement seems to be working out for Josh’s siblings.

Unfortunately, their parents insist on gradually re-introducing Josh to the general public, seemingly in hopes of re-building his reputation.

Needless to say, their efforts aren’t going over terribly well.

The Duggars recently traveled to San Antonio, and they shared photos of themselves visiting the city’s famous landmarks, including the Alamo.

Unfortunately, they decided to include Josh in their outings.

As In Touch Weekly points out, fans were downright brutal in their assessment of Josh’s appearance.

Yes, as you can see, Josh looks a bit rumpled and out-of-sorts in the photo above.

And Facebook commenters were more than happy to call attention to the father of five’s disheveled look.

“He looks downright terrible,” wrote one fan, adding that Josh looks “greasy” in the pic.

 “And like he spends his days at a computer watching porn and drinking cheap beer wearing a stained wife-beater, eating Cheetos,” another chimed in.

“Nice rack Josh. He looks like a bloated, full blown alcoholic,” another follower commented.

“Hope the extra pounds diminished his sex appeal in his own mind. Gag. Keep fattening him up Anna, he looks worse and that’s not saying much.”

Like we said, the people of Facebook definitely didn’t hold back here, and we applaud their candor.

Although this is one of those Chris Christie situations where we’ll hesitantly point out that the man has given us so very much to mock and revile that there’s really no need to get into his appearance.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nicole Arbour: Alan Thicke Was an Ass-Grabbing Perv!

Last night, the world received news that beloved sitcom star Alan Thicke had passed away after suffering a heart attack while playing  ice hockey with his son.

Millions have mourned Thicke on social media, many of them celebrities who knew the actor personally and shared firsthand of accounts of his warmth and generosity.

Nicole Arbour was not one of those celebrities.

You might remember Arbour from her vile attempt at viral fame, “Dear Fat People“, which earned her the title of “deplorable” months before racists in red baseball caps brought the word back into fashion.

Arbour has spent the past year doing everything in her power to claw her way up from Z-list obscurity, including trash-talking actual celebrities and forming unintentionally hilarious hip hop groups with obscure reality stars.

She’s never one to let a trending hashtag slip through her fingers, so it’s not surprising that she tweeted about the passing of Alan Thicke.

What is surprising is the alleged nature of her sole encounter with Thicke:

Nicole Arbour Tweet

This morning, Arbour tweeted and deleted the above allegation that Thicke sexually harassed while she was working as a model.

Obviously, this is a complex issue.

Matters of sexual assault and harassment should always be brought to light, but maybe leveling an accusation via hashtag less than 24 hours after the alleged perpetrator’s death isn’t the best way to handle the situation?

Of course, Arbour’s ongoing attempts to make a career out of online trolling and harassment likely won’t help her case in the court of public opinion.

But should the timing of the tweet and Arbour’s past have any impact on her right to share her experience? 

Absolutely not.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re victim-shaming if Arbour’s need to hashtag Thicke’s name and level the charge while he’s still a trending topic leaves a bit of a bad taste in your mouth.

Given her well-established desire for online fame, it’s likely that many will question Arbour’s motives in going public with allegations against Thicke.

We’d like to caution against that, as it’s an extremely slippery slope that leads to the sort of disgusting incentive-questioning we saw in the cases of Bill Cosby and Donald Trump.


Instead, we prefer to think that Arbour quickly realized there was something vaguely skeevy about the tweet, hence why she quickly deleted it.

Again, it’s her right to  state her case however she sees fit.

But we can’t help but think there are better ways for Arbour to make her accusation.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Band Members Sell Own Sex Tape For $5 After Some Perv Steals It

The members of YACHT, an L.A. musical duo, are selling their own sex tape after they claim that someone stole it and posted it online.

To be clear, Jona Bechtolt and Claire L. Evans, who are also in a romantic relationship, would prefer no one actually watch the video.

But, if you must, do not watch it via torrent. “We beg of you to download the video, Louis C.K.-style, directly from us,” the duo urges.

The sex tape, they claim, fell into the wrong hands “due to a series of technological missteps and one morally abject person.”

“Claire and I, who have been romantic and artistic partners since 2006, made a ‘sex tape.’ It was intended for us only.”

“We don’t feel the need to justify the reason we made it.”

“Anyone reading this who has been in a long term partnership understands that preserving the relationship is an ever-changing and challenging thing.”

“It’s especially difficult when the lines between career and romance are as merged as ours are.”

“The financial pressures that we’ve been under, which de facto extend into our extracurricular lives, created a circumstance in which we felt like we needed a bit of an escape from the day-to-day.”

“So we turned on a camera, became naked, and had sex.”

“We assumed that we were the only people who would be privy to that video. I guess we were naive. Now you have the option to be privy to that video.”

“For us, that’s a shame.”

“We feel like art is an act of generosity. The art we make for the public is for that expressed purpose.”

“And now we’re in an awkward situation where the art that we made for us and us alone is being viewed by anyone who has the inclination to hit play.”

Following a “true and humiliating blurring of the public and private,” the couple claims it initiated legal proceedings against the person who stole it.

In the meantime, they add, “our hope is that you fundamentally understand that choice and you choose not to view a private act that was inadvertently made public.”

“We hope you understand that this is not a delicious scandal. This is an exploitation.”

Evans and Bechtolt then noted that they posted it themselves, on a site where it’s available for purchase: “This video is out there now.”

“We can’t change that. But we can try to be ‘as YACHT as possible’ about it and take some kind of ownership over what has happened.”

“So we’re asking you one thing: if you feel like you 100% have to see this tape, don’t stream it on some tube site, or download a torrent.”

The site where the video can be purchased reads:

If you’re here, it’s because you want to see a sex tape made by Claire Evans and Jona Bechtolt of the band YACHT.

That’s okay – we’re not here to judge.

A video that we made privately has been released to the public. We have commenced legal proceedings against the individual who made it available without our consent.

That said, we don’t have any illusion that this tape is ever going to vanish completely from the internet. Instead, we’ve created a platform for you to purchase and download the video directly from us.

If you absolutely must see this video, we ask that you refrain from downloading it from a torrent, or streaming it on a tube site.

Controlling how this video is seen, and who profits from it, is the only form of agency we have left over this exploitative situation.

Please do the right thing. Thank you for your support.

With love and respect, Claire and Jona

While profiting from amateur porn is not new – see the Kim Kardashian sex tape – the band’s tactic reflects an understanding of the marketplace.

It’s also refreshingly honest compared to, say, certain people trying to tell us that the Farrah Abraham sex tape was “leaked” unintentionally.

Plus, these two are totes in love! Kind of makes you want to download the thing and open a nice bottle of wine with your partner, doesn’t it?

Wait, was that out loud?