Showing posts with label Blanket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blanket. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

United Airlines Shrugs at Perv Going to Town on Himself Under Blanket

Flying on an airplane is already an unpleasant enough experience. You’re rocketing through the clouds in an overcrowded tube.

One woman says that she awoke to find the man beside her masturbating beneath the blanket.

To make matters worse, she says that United took a month and a half to respond to her complaint — and that their response was an insult.

Genevieve FP 01

Her post begins with “*Trigger Warning*”

That is a great reminder that, though the term has been mocked into near-disuse by douchecanoes on the internet, “trigger warning” is a useful warning for people who aren’t eager to relive the worst moments of their lives.

“On June 4th I was on a #unitedairlines flight from Heathrow to Chicago,” her post explains.

“On this flight,” she continues. “The man next to me started masturbating.”


Masturbation in and of itself is a very healthy activity. Masturbating in public in front of a captive audience is absolutely disgusting.

airline man blanket photo july 2018

“I woke up,” she describes. “And saw him touching himself under a blanket.”

That sounds like such an unpleasant experience.

“I woke the woman next to me,” she writes. “And got out of there to tell a flight attendant.”

She then says that “the attendants checked and confirmed that he was masturbating in public.”

What a weird job flight attendants have.

“Once I got up the woman next to me saw and she also got up,” she explains. “They gave us new seats.”

Genevieve FP 02

Unfortunately, she says that the flight crew was insensitive about the issue.

“They then started making jokes about the situation,” she says. “Asking ‘what perfume are you wearing’ and excusing him saying ‘he’s had a bit of wine."”

Obviously, no type of perfume and no amount of alcohol excuses that.

She laments that “no one stopped him.”

“He was allowed to finish,” she writes. And here is where it gets worse.

She alleges that the masturbating passenger did all of this “with a child sitting closely by.”

united airlines reply july 2018

“After exiting the plane first to talk to security,” she writes. “The security guard asked me if I’d like an apology from the offender.”

That sounds … absurd.

She says: “I immediately rejected the request.”

“It took @unitedairlines a month an a half to respond to my complaint,” she reveals. “And I received this email today.”

That email being the above image saying that there’s nothing that they can do.

“I am appalled at the lack of action taken in this situation in which as a woman, I was terrified.”

United Airlines Instagram Snap 04

If you’re wondering why she was frightened rather than merely disgusted, it is important to remember that men who harass women by doing things like flashing or masturbating are sometimes working themselves up to commit assault.

“This man is clearly capable of much more,” she explains.

“So women and men out there,” she says. “Pick an airline that cares about your safety.”

She writes: “#unitedairlines referring to being assaulted on one of your flight as a ‘uncomfortable experience’ is a bit of an understatement.”

“Your lack of action is disgusting,” she says, tagging: “@united #unitedairlines #metoo”


While, going off of her description, the word assault doesn’t look accurate, that is a horrible, harrowing situation that absolutely should never have happened.

We’ve heard stories of women who were physically assaulted on planes, and in some of those cases, the perpetrator was also touching himself.

This definitely sounds like a #MeToo story. And it sounds like some professionals on the plane who should have known better were very insensitive about it.

Needless to say, the presence of a child in proximity to the alleged public masturbator is also alarming.

We understand that flight attendants possibly don’t train for this situation and probably hoped to avoid making an incident worse.

But … one would hope that United would be more apologetic.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Guess Who This Blanket Baby Turned Into!

Before this bundle of joy was famous for growing up in Philadelphia, he was just another cozy cutie snuggled up in his blanket. Can you guess who he is?


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ex-Bulls Player Marquis Teague Kicked Off Plane, Falsely Accused of Stealing Blanket

American Airlines has issued an apology to two professional basketball players — including ex-Chicago Bulls player Marquis Teague — after they were kicked off a plane by a flight attendant who accused them of stealing blankets.  Teague — the…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Blanket Jackson: Spotted! It"s a Christmas Miracle!

Paris Jackson has gained a reputation for sharing unexpected photos.

We didn’t expect her to show off her sideboob tattoo while hugging a tree, for instance.

But now the daughter of legendary singer Michael Jackson has truly taken the Internet by surprise, taking to Instagram on Christmas Day and posting a picture of…


Indeed, it’s the rarest of rare occasions on which we get to see the 15-year old third child of Jackson, as he typically shuns the spotlight and attempts to live a normal life.

As normal a life as possible for someone commonly referred to as “Blanket,” that is.

The last time we saw Blanket was back in April when Paris posted a Snapchat update on her sibling, giving us a look at Blanket just chilling with some friends.

For the record, the identity of Blanket biological mother (a surrogate) remains unknown.

But we do know that Blanket was seven years old when his father died on June 25, 2009.

And we also know he hasn’t always been so close to Paris or other members of his famous, occasionally controversial family.

The source of Paris’ beef in the past actually centered around the treatment of her younger brother, specifically by grandmother Katherine Jackson, who has been accused of neglecting poor Blanket.

In October, questions abounded over whether Blanket had been left without a guardian.

Only in high school, the teenager is in need of, you know, someone to actually care for him.

And while Katherine had been placed in legal charge of her grandson, she’s 87 years old and spends a chunk of her time in London.

According to E! News, Katherine has basically retired from caring for Blanket, fearing that she’s no longer up to the task.

As a result, Blanket’s Aunt Rebbie and Uncle T.J. have assumed the bulk of the child-rearing responsibilities.

But fans are understandably concerned.

We therefore appreciate Paris providing Instagram followers with this quick update, even if she only wrote “happy christmas from ours to yours #brahdas” as a caption.

That doesn’t reveal a great deal about Blanket’s well being.

That’s fine, though. We don’t need to know every detail of his life.

It’s probably better for the young man to enjoy as much privacy as he is able to. And we really do wish him the best.

Go ahead and click through the images below to see how Blanket and his siblings have grown over the years:


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Guess Who This Blanket Baby Turned Into!

Before this little Linus was causing a scream as an A-list actress, she was just another baby with a blankie growing up in Rhinebeck, New York. Can you guess who she is?


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Joe Jackson Posts Bizarre Video Message to Blanket Jackson

It"s been a tumultuous few weeks in the life of Blanket Jackson.

The youngest son of Michael Jackson lost his primary guardian when his grandmother, Katherine Jackson, declared that she was physically unable to continue caring for him.

Fortunately, the situation was resolved quickly, and Blanket is currently under the care of his uncle T.J. Jackson.

But fans and loved ones remain concerned for the 15-year-old whose young life has sadly been characterized by tragedy and instability.

One of the concerned parties is Blanket"s controversial grandfather, Joe Jackson.

Joe typically keeps a low profile these days, but he emerged on Twitter last night to post a photo of Blanket, as well as a video message for his grandson.

“Hello, Blanket! This is Joe Jackson,” the 89-year-old says in the clip below.

“Your health is… I don’t know what. You’re like your father. Now I understand why your father had you wear masks all the time ’cause news people was bothering him so much."

Jackson adds:

"I want you to stay healthy and stay off those bikes. Don’t ride, now. But anyway, tell your brothers I said hello and stay clean and healthy."

That portion of the video left some fans confused, as it was Prince Jackson who suffered a motorcycle accident last week, and his Blanket has only one brother and one sister, Paris Jackson.

Obviously, Joe can be forgiven for being a bit disoriented as he approaches the age of 90.

But while Jackson doesn"t seem to be particularly worried in the clip, his remarks about Blanket"s health have prompted concern amongst fans.

Watch Joe"s video message below:

Joe jackson posts bizarre video message to blanket jackson

Michael Jackson"s Father, Joe Jackson, Posts Bizarre Video Addressed to Blanket

Michael Jackson’s father, Joe Jackson, posted a video that was addressed to his grandson, Blanket … but it might’ve been meant for his older brother, Prince.   To my grandson Blanket. A personal video message from me. Love you.…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blanket Jackson: Left Without a Guardian?!

Of all of Michael Jackson’s children, Prince Michael “Blanket” Jackson tends to keep the lowest profile.

Part of the reason, of course, is his age.

Blanket is only 15 and still in high school, which means that while his older siblings are embarking on careers in the media, is attending high school classes.

Obviously, as a result of being the youngest son of one of the most famous musicians of all-time, Blanket’s childhood has been far from typical.

But it’s not just the boy’s wealth and fame that set him apart from his peers.

For one thing, Blanket’s life has been marred by tragedy and instability.

Following his father’s death, Blanket’s family situation was thrown into complete disarray, with various relatives sharing guardianship duties.

Until recently, Katherine Jackson was Blanket’s primary legal guardian.

However, her advanced age and hectic travel schedule (Katherine is 87 and spends much of the year in London), she was often forced to hand off duties to other relatives.

The family generally does a pretty good job of shielding press-shy Blanket from publicity, but this week, several media outlets reported that Katherine has surrendered her guardianship duties.

According to E! News, Katherine has essentially retired from caring for Blanket, fearing that she’s no longer up to the task.

Other adults in the family co-signed, explaining to the court that Katherine is  “no longer needed to fulfill the duties.”

News of the legal developments sparked fears for Blanket’s safety amongst fans.

Even when Katherine was the primary legal guardian, childcare duties were often divided amongst several realtives, with Blanket’s Aunt Rebbie and Uncle T.J. assuming the bulk of the responsibilities.

Unfortunately, there were gaps in the division of labor, and sources say Blanket often spent the night alone or was unable to get to school in the morning due to scheduling confusion.

With Kathering removing herself from the situation, there were concerns that Blanket would be on his own even more than usual.

Fortunately, it seems his older relatives have been able to reach an agreement, and E! is now reporting that at Katherine’s request, T.J. will take over as Blanket’s primary caretaker. 

“[Katherine] feels that TJ is able to assume all necessary responsibilities of the guardianship,” one court document reads.

Obviously, at 15, Blanket is probably able to care for himself for the most part.

But fans on social media are still expressing their gratitude that the boy may be able to experience a modicum of stability during the last few years of his childhood.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Blanket Jackson is Black Belt in Karate!!!

Michael Jackson’s youngest son isn’t a little kid any,ore … and he’s armed and dangerous. Blanket Jackson is now 15, and he’s a black belt in Karate. He was leaving an L.A. martial arts studio Saturday strutting his stuff. FYI … a black belt…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Blanket Jackson: New Name, New Beginning!

For most of his young life, Blanket Jackson has kept a low profile.

At 15, Blanket is the most seldom-seen of Michael Jackson’s three children, and those who know the boy best say that’s no accident.

Like his father, Blanket has often been described as shy and withdrawn, but it appears that these days, he’s taking a page from his older sister Paris’ book and embracing the public’s fascination with his life and family.

As you may have noticed, Paris is everywhere these days.

Insiders say the 19-year-old has a team of 20 full-time employees working around the clock to keep her in the spotlight.

And whether he likes it or not, it looks like Paris is bringing Blanket with her.

Despite not having any known social media accounts of his own, Blanket has been popping up on Snapchat and Instagram in recent weeks.

Blanket sightings on Paris’ pages are often result in the aspiring model’s most “liked” and shared posts.

Naturally, there’s been talk of Paris “exploiting” her press-shy younger brother, but fortunately, those closest to Blanket say he doesn’t mind in the slightest.

In fact, he’s reportedly shaking off his introverted ways and developing into a self-assured and media savvy young man,

Blanket changed his name back in 2015, and insiders say the new moniker, which is finally catching on, is of tremendous symbolic significance to the boy.

Blanket now goes by Bigi, and these days, his family and friends say he’s projecting a much more “confident” image.

Insiders tell People magazine that Blanket/Bigi is still “shy around people he doesn’t know,” but is gradually coming out of his shell/

His inspiration, the sources say, is his father, who didn’t allow his natural shyness to interfere with his career as one of the most iconic pop performers of all time.

“The kids live like Michael is constantly looking down upon them,” a family friend tells People.

The insider goes on to say that Bigi “has had the most problems adjusting after Michael died. He acted very lost and extremely upset.”

However, he adds that Bigi is beginning to overcome the trauma of losing his father so unexpectedly, and is able to instead celebrate Michael’s life.

We wish Bigi all the best.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Paris Jackson Shares Photo of Brother Blanket: He Looks Just Like Michael!

Paris Jackson is in the early stages of launching a career as a high-profile MAW (model/actress/whatever), which means she’s everywhere these days.

Sources say Paris has 20 full-time employees working around the clock to keep her in the spotlight, so it’s not surprising that she’s been successful in her efforts to boost her public profile.

Unfortunately, Paris’ bid to become more famous has led to increased attenion being paid to some of her more camera-shy family members.

Last month, fans flipped when Paris shared a photo of Blanket Jackson, as Michael’s 15-year-old son is rarely spotted in public or on social media. 

Yesterday, he popped up again, in the Instagram story screen-grabbed above.

Again, longtime Jackson family fans were pleased to see that the most low-key of Michael’s kids looks to be happy and healthy.

And obviously, many commented on Blanket’s resemblance to the King of Pop.

But there are still many who are concerned about the boy’s well-being.

And it seems that Paris might be one of them.

Sources say Paris is frightened for Blanket’s future, but when she expresses her concerns to other family members, they apparently fall on deaf ears.

Currently, it seems there’s disagreement with regard to who should be caring for Blanket and to what degree.

Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, is the boy’s legal guardian, but insiders say she’s rarely home, and often not up to the task of caring for a teenager.

As a result, much of Blanket’s day-to-day care is left up to Paris’ Aunt Rebbie, who many family members reportedly feel has been negligent in her duties.

So the boy has been passed along to a third relative, T.J. Jackson, who frequently stays with him at a home formerly owned by Michael, but it seems T.J. isn’t able to live with Blanket full-time.

On top of everything else, some fans now believe that Paris is exploiting Blanket by posting images of him on social media.

In short, it’s a whole lot more drama for the Jackson family.

We’re sure they’re somewhat used to it by now.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Richard Simmons Covers Face with Blanket After Arriving Home from Hospital (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Richard Simmons was playing with the paparazzi Thursday, with a lot of help from the LAPD. TMZ broke the story, Simmons returned home after spending 3 days in the hospital for gastrointestinal issues. As Richard sat in his garage waiting for cops,…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Blanket Jackson Makes Rare Appearance on Snapchat!

Earlier this week, we learned that Paris Jackson fears for her brother Blanket, as she believes the 15-year-old lacks proper supervision.

Sources close to the Jackson family say that while Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, is Blanket’s guardian, she’s rarely at home with the boy, and his day-to-day care is mostly left up to an absentee aunt.

Last night, perhaps to assure fans that all is well in her family, Paris Snapchatted a photo of her seldom-seen little brother:

That’s Blanket and Paris at what appears to be a family party.

It’s an encouraging sign, as Paris has had falling outs with her family in the past, and she’s reportedly been extremely irate over what she perceives as the neglect and mistreatment of Blanket.

Sources close to the family say Katherine Jackson hasn’t been to the Calabasas home where she lives with Blanket since January of this year.

In her absence, Blanket’s care has fallen to his aunt Rebbie Jackson, who is also rarely at home.

As a result, the boy’s uncle T.J. Jackson frequently stays at the house, but Paris reportedly feels that one part-time caretaker can’t provide nearly enough structure or supervision.

Insiders say that as a legal adult, Paris would happily assume the role of Blanket’s legal guardian, but there are barriers in place that will likely prevent that from ever happening.

For one thing, Paris is in the early stages of building a modeling career for herself, and she’s launched a full-blown media blitz in order to help make herself a household name.

She works long hours, travels constantly, and has a staff of 20 full-time employees tasked with making sure her name stays in the headlines.

Needless to say, it’s not a lifestyle that’s conducive to raising a teenager.

On top of that, there are lingering concerns about Paris’ mental health, and a family court judge would likely have to take a hard look at the 19-year-old’s past before granting her custody of her brother.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and in the years since she’s been open about her struggles with depression and substance abuse.

While her candidness is admirable, it would likely work against her at a custody hearing.

In all likelihood, Blanket will remain under the care of his grandmother and aunt for his remaining years as a minor.

While the situation may not be ideal, sources close to the teen say he’s getting good grades and making lots of friends at school, and his family is extremely optimistic about his future.


Paris Jackson Has Family Dinner with Brother Blanket (PHOTOS)

Paris Jackson took matters into her own hands … breaking bread with little bro Blanket as grandma Katherine remains MIA. TMZ broke the story, Paris has been upset that Blanket is without his grandmother, and she doesn’t think this is Katherine’s…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Paris Jackson Worried Blanket is Living Without the Guardian Michael Wanted

Paris Jackson is deeply concerned her little brother, Blanket, is essentially living alone without the guardian Michael Jackson wanted in the event he died. Multiple Jackson family sources tell us, Paris is especially upset with her aunt Rebbie,…
