Friday, April 14, 2017

Blanket Jackson Makes Rare Appearance on Snapchat!

Earlier this week, we learned that Paris Jackson fears for her brother Blanket, as she believes the 15-year-old lacks proper supervision.

Sources close to the Jackson family say that while Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, is Blanket’s guardian, she’s rarely at home with the boy, and his day-to-day care is mostly left up to an absentee aunt.

Last night, perhaps to assure fans that all is well in her family, Paris Snapchatted a photo of her seldom-seen little brother:

That’s Blanket and Paris at what appears to be a family party.

It’s an encouraging sign, as Paris has had falling outs with her family in the past, and she’s reportedly been extremely irate over what she perceives as the neglect and mistreatment of Blanket.

Sources close to the family say Katherine Jackson hasn’t been to the Calabasas home where she lives with Blanket since January of this year.

In her absence, Blanket’s care has fallen to his aunt Rebbie Jackson, who is also rarely at home.

As a result, the boy’s uncle T.J. Jackson frequently stays at the house, but Paris reportedly feels that one part-time caretaker can’t provide nearly enough structure or supervision.

Insiders say that as a legal adult, Paris would happily assume the role of Blanket’s legal guardian, but there are barriers in place that will likely prevent that from ever happening.

For one thing, Paris is in the early stages of building a modeling career for herself, and she’s launched a full-blown media blitz in order to help make herself a household name.

She works long hours, travels constantly, and has a staff of 20 full-time employees tasked with making sure her name stays in the headlines.

Needless to say, it’s not a lifestyle that’s conducive to raising a teenager.

On top of that, there are lingering concerns about Paris’ mental health, and a family court judge would likely have to take a hard look at the 19-year-old’s past before granting her custody of her brother.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and in the years since she’s been open about her struggles with depression and substance abuse.

While her candidness is admirable, it would likely work against her at a custody hearing.

In all likelihood, Blanket will remain under the care of his grandmother and aunt for his remaining years as a minor.

While the situation may not be ideal, sources close to the teen say he’s getting good grades and making lots of friends at school, and his family is extremely optimistic about his future.
