Saturday, April 29, 2017

Leah Messer: Is She Getting Back with Jeremy Calvert?!

Leah Messer has been raising a whole lot of eyebrows lately.

And right now, we’re not even talking about the persistent rumors that she’s currently pregnant with her fourth child.

No, today the issue in question is that last night, she celebrated her 25th birthday at a nightclub … and her second ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert was there.

And not only was he in attendance, but they also posed for a few intimate photos together.

“Good times,” she captioned one photo, and for another she wrote “Just a little fun, that’s all!!!”

It does look like she’s having a good time, and quite a bit of fun — and hey, let’s be honest, she looks drunk, too — but this is just a little surprising.

For one, the last we heard Leah and Jeremy weren’t on good terms. On the last season of Teen Mom 2, she complained that he wasn’t stepping up enough in taking care of their daughter.

She even told him that marrying him was the biggest mistake of her life.

And for two, they’re not simply just getting along in these photos. They look pretty darn close.

Like, if you’re at a club with your ex, pressed up against him with your hands in your hair, that’s not just a “we’re putting our differences aside for your child” pose.

But still, that’s the story they’re going with.

Early this morning, Jeremy posted a meme that read “Being friends with your ex shows you two are mature enough to get over the fact that you weren’t meant to be together.”

He added the caption “Before everyone freaks the f-ck out Jesus Christ….”, along with some hashtags about putting their daughter first.

Interestingly enough, he then posted another meme, this one reading “Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone who has none. Let them have the gutter. You take the high road.”

In that caption, he wrote “This is so true, I’m for sure going to start doing this, time to wise up and get my head out of my ass….. so glad I didn’t mess up again and rolled out timing was perfect….. give her the unfollow button everyone thanks.”

Some internet sleuths revealed in the comments that his former fiancee, Brooke Wehr, had shared a photo of herself in bed with a guy around the same time the photos of Jeremy with Leah hit Instagram, so that’s what he was responding to.

What does it all mean? It’s hard to tell.

But we do know that Leah liked both of Jeremy’s catty memes, so it seems like the two are now on the same team.

Are they back together? Have they been back together for a while, and is Leah’s rumored new baby actually Jeremy’s?

Hey, there’s always a chance.

And these people are so messy, it won’t be too long before we hear about it.
