Showing posts with label Shrugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shrugs. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

United Airlines Shrugs at Perv Going to Town on Himself Under Blanket

Flying on an airplane is already an unpleasant enough experience. You’re rocketing through the clouds in an overcrowded tube.

One woman says that she awoke to find the man beside her masturbating beneath the blanket.

To make matters worse, she says that United took a month and a half to respond to her complaint — and that their response was an insult.

Genevieve FP 01

Her post begins with “*Trigger Warning*”

That is a great reminder that, though the term has been mocked into near-disuse by douchecanoes on the internet, “trigger warning” is a useful warning for people who aren’t eager to relive the worst moments of their lives.

“On June 4th I was on a #unitedairlines flight from Heathrow to Chicago,” her post explains.

“On this flight,” she continues. “The man next to me started masturbating.”


Masturbation in and of itself is a very healthy activity. Masturbating in public in front of a captive audience is absolutely disgusting.

airline man blanket photo july 2018

“I woke up,” she describes. “And saw him touching himself under a blanket.”

That sounds like such an unpleasant experience.

“I woke the woman next to me,” she writes. “And got out of there to tell a flight attendant.”

She then says that “the attendants checked and confirmed that he was masturbating in public.”

What a weird job flight attendants have.

“Once I got up the woman next to me saw and she also got up,” she explains. “They gave us new seats.”

Genevieve FP 02

Unfortunately, she says that the flight crew was insensitive about the issue.

“They then started making jokes about the situation,” she says. “Asking ‘what perfume are you wearing’ and excusing him saying ‘he’s had a bit of wine."”

Obviously, no type of perfume and no amount of alcohol excuses that.

She laments that “no one stopped him.”

“He was allowed to finish,” she writes. And here is where it gets worse.

She alleges that the masturbating passenger did all of this “with a child sitting closely by.”

united airlines reply july 2018

“After exiting the plane first to talk to security,” she writes. “The security guard asked me if I’d like an apology from the offender.”

That sounds … absurd.

She says: “I immediately rejected the request.”

“It took @unitedairlines a month an a half to respond to my complaint,” she reveals. “And I received this email today.”

That email being the above image saying that there’s nothing that they can do.

“I am appalled at the lack of action taken in this situation in which as a woman, I was terrified.”

United Airlines Instagram Snap 04

If you’re wondering why she was frightened rather than merely disgusted, it is important to remember that men who harass women by doing things like flashing or masturbating are sometimes working themselves up to commit assault.

“This man is clearly capable of much more,” she explains.

“So women and men out there,” she says. “Pick an airline that cares about your safety.”

She writes: “#unitedairlines referring to being assaulted on one of your flight as a ‘uncomfortable experience’ is a bit of an understatement.”

“Your lack of action is disgusting,” she says, tagging: “@united #unitedairlines #metoo”


While, going off of her description, the word assault doesn’t look accurate, that is a horrible, harrowing situation that absolutely should never have happened.

We’ve heard stories of women who were physically assaulted on planes, and in some of those cases, the perpetrator was also touching himself.

This definitely sounds like a #MeToo story. And it sounds like some professionals on the plane who should have known better were very insensitive about it.

Needless to say, the presence of a child in proximity to the alleged public masturbator is also alarming.

We understand that flight attendants possibly don’t train for this situation and probably hoped to avoid making an incident worse.

But … one would hope that United would be more apologetic.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Richard Marx Restrains Passenger on Airplane, Shrugs Off "Hero" Status

Back in 1989, Richard Marx rose to fame by singing that he’ll be “right here waiting for you.”

But we had no idea that the artist was portending an event to come, directing this seemingly romantic lyric at an unruly passenger on board a Korean Air flight.

Confused? Allow us to explain…

Over the weekend, Marx and wife Daisy Fuentes were flying from Vietnam to South Korea when a drunk passenger became violent and actually started attacking those around him

His victims included both flight attendants and other passengers.

As detailed on Fuentes’ Instagram account, the singer wasted no time, jumping in diffuse the scary situation, which the staff seemed both too overwhelmed and confused to handle.

“On our flight from Hanoi to Seoul a guy sitting in the next row from us got crazy & started attacking the flight attendants & passengers. When he started pushing the female staff and pulling them by the hair @therichardmarx was the first to help subdue him,” Fuentes wrote as a caption to the following photo.

It actually depicts Marx in action, along with those on board who apparently decided to snap pictures instead of offer any assistance.

As you can see, a flight attendant is pointing a Taser gun at the passenger in one photo, while Marx is holding him down in another.

There’s also an image of Marx holding white rope, presumably to tie up the inebriated man.

Added Fuentes, a former MTV VJ:

“This went on for FOUR hrs. I feel horrible for the abuse the staff had to endure but no one was prepared for this. They never fully got control of him.

“They didn’t know how to use the taser & they didn’t know how to secure the rope around him (he got loose from their rope restraints 3 times).”

Marx later took to Twitter in order to give fans an update, and also to criticize the training of the Korean Air employees on board.

“Daisy and I are home safe and sound,” he wrote, shrugging off his actions and adding:

“No big “hero” move at all. Just did what I would hope anyone would do in same situation. Tnx 4 concern.”

He then elaborated on Facebook, expounding on what happened and saying flight attendants were “ill-equipped” to deal with this kind of situation:

Pretty crazy, huh?

Not what happened on board the airplane. That’s not all that surprising.

People get drunk all the time on flights, it’s just surprising this time it was a celebrity coming to the rescue instead of getting kicked off (see below).

But Richard Marx is married to Daisy Fuentes?!?

We had no idea. Well done, man!

As for those aforementioned drunken and/or unruly airplane passengers? These famous people can relate to the dude Marx had to hold down…
