Showing posts with label Airplane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airplane. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Enzo Amore Explains Airplane Incident, I Wasn"t Vaping!

Enzo Amore is telling TMZ Sports what went down when he got kicked off his flight on Thursday … saying he was NOT vaping — he just ain’t a snitch. The ex-WWE superstar was booted off his Delta flight from JFK to LAX yesterday afternoon ……


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Woman Describes Airplane Sex with Ghost, Announces Their Engagement

A British woman who has claimed in the past to have had sexual intercourse with 20 different ghosts now says she has found The One.

Indeed, Amethyst Realm sat down this week with The Sun and explained why a ghost she met several months ago on a trip to Australia is the last apparition with whom she’ll ever be intimate.

a ghost

“I’d not had a phantom fling for a while and as I was away on business, starting a new relationship was the last thing on my mind,” the 30-year old psychic said very seriously to this publication.

But the heart wants what the heart wants.

And you simply can’t fight true love, even when you can’t see the creature you’re in love with.

“One day, while I was walking through the bush, enjoying nature, I suddenly felt this incredible energy. A new lover had arrived,” Realm told The Sun.

Sadly, however, Realm had to head back home to Great Britain, heartbroken over leaving her very spiritual lover behind.

“From experience, I knew spirits tend to stay in one place, but something amazing happened,” she said, detailing how she felt the presence of this ghost on the plane and adding:

“I was happy and excited – so excited that we had to do something about it. So we headed to the plane loo and, well, I am now a member of the Mile High Club.”

brit woman

Realm went viral in December of 2017 when she appeared on ITV This Morning and told the hosts that she had been sleeping with Casper-like individuals since 2005.

It all started when she moved into a haunted house with her boyfriend.

“It started as an energy, then became physical,” she said on this progra, of the first time she banged a ghost.

“There was pressure on my thighs and breath on my neck. I just always felt safe. I had sex with the ghost. You can feel it. It’s difficult to explain.”

Realm continued to sleep with this ghost for three years.

Since they split, she estimates that she’s been with about 20 similar creations and that she’s open to having a ghost baby.

And now she knows who she wants to father this potential child.

After nine months of being with her unnamed ghost lover, Realm told The Sun that he proposed at the Wookey Hole caves tourist attraction in Somerset.

“Halfway through the tour, he told me he wanted to hang back from the group,” she explains.

“That’s when it happened. There was no going down on one knee – he doesn’t have knees! But for the first time, I heard him speak.”

No knees, but vocal cords? Sure, why not?!?

Amethyst Realm snapshot

Amethyst alleges that the question “Will you marry me?” echoed around the cave. 

“It’s hard to explain but, until that point, his words were inside my head. But, on that day, the words were outside. I could actually hear his voice and it was beautiful. Deep, sexy and real.”

Realm adds that nothing she really does or says can “faze” her “alternative” family members, all of whom support her decision to marry a ghost.

The betrothed psychic isn’t sure when she and her fiance will get married, but she can easily explain why she’s drawn to ghosts in the bedroom.

You may prefer to stop reading now, all non-ghosts.

This may be difficult to digest…

“Ghost lovers tend to be more sensual and adept than the average bloke,” she says, adding for all to consider:

“There’s always more of a connection, because the sex goes beyond physical. It’s like any other kind of sex. The main difference is I just can’t see them.

“I feel them, though, their weight against me, their touch, the warmth and energy that just sinks into me.

“Sometimes I get the feeling that I’m being moved. Orgasms I have with my spirit lovers have been way more satisfying than any I’ve had with ordinary men.”


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Jon James McMurray, Canadian Rapper, Dies During Airplane Stunt

Jon James McMurray, a rapper well known and well respected in his native country of Canada, died Saturday while filming a stunt for his latest music video.

He was 34 years old.

The musician’s management team has confirmed the sad news, saying McMurray lost his life after plunging to the ground while walking on the wing of a plane.

“He died filming a project he had been working on for months,” reads this team’s statement, adding:

“His final act included performing an airplane stunt that included rapping while walking on the wing. He had trained intensely for this stunt.

“However, as Jon got further out onto the wing of the plane, it caused the small Cessna to go into a downward spiral that the pilot couldn’t correct.

“Jon held onto the wing until it was too late, and by the time he let go, he didn’t have time to pull his chute. He impacted and died instantly.”

What a tragedy.

team tweet

The incident took place in Vernon, British Columbia.

McMurray, who was also an accomplished skier, pursued music after a back injury prevented him from continuing his ski career.

He released an album titled Rex Leo in 2016.

Jon was an incredibly passionate person and was always smiling. He filled everyone around him with positivity, and never spoke poorly about another person. He truly had a heart of gold,” the statement continues.

“Jon would want to be remembered as a beacon of light to follow your dreams, and would want everyone to continue to be inspired through his music and life message.”

According to Newsweek, McMurray’s previous stunt performances involved numerous serious injuries — including seven surgeries, two of which were for a fractured neck and broken back.


Rory Wayne Bushfield, a skier who was featured in McMurray’s video, paid tribute to the late rapper on Instagram Monday.

He wrote the following:

The sun is not as bright today as it was yesterday when it was shinning on my homies last moments.

Jon James Mcmurray, my very best, dearest and oldest friend passed yesterday evening in a skydiving accident.

He was living his ultimate dream, free and full. May he Rest In Peace. I’m gonna miss him so much.

Thanks for all the lessons over the years fee. You where such a good man, you brought up everyone around you and I promise to try my best to live as free as you did.


Jon is survived by his parents, Doug McMurray and Jen McMurray, his wife, Kali James, and his brother Jarred McMurray.

A GoFundMe account has been set up in the rapper’s honor to help fund his celebration of life, as well as to help get his material “out there to the world in the right way.”

“We lost Jon James McMurray yesterday,” the page reads.

“He touched and lifted so many people in his brief stay here. He also documented everything he did relentlessly.

“His close friends and family want to make something incredible with what fee left us. It’s what he would have wanted most of all.”


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tara Reid Flies Into Rage, Gets Booted from Airplane

Tara Reid may have resurrected her career by starring in the Sharknado franchise.

But the actress has now proven once again that there"s something far scarier out there than the combination of a shark and tornado.

And that something is Tara Reid herself.

According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, Reid flew into a rage prior to a recent Delta Airlines flight taking off, forcing the caption to give the boot to both her and her precious little dog.

(We guess it failed to offer much in the way of emotional support, huh?)

The viral incident took place on a flight bound for Las Angeles from New York City.

Onlookers told TMZ that Reid was upset and loudly complained because she was given the wrong seat.

From there, she whined a lot about not getting a pillow. 

Donning a black coat, a red beanie and carrying her dog in one arm, the footage featured on this page featured Reid being asked to leave the plane.

She"s relatively calm, which is a stark contrast to how many witnesses claimed she was acting just before this camera started to roll.

The plane was apparently rolling toward takeoff when the caption turned it around at the last minute and told everyone on board that a passenger had been asked to depart due to a "disturbance."

“Delta apologizes to the remaining customers for the inconvenience and appreciates their patience as the situation was resolved,” spokesman Ashton Kang said, adding:

“The flight re-departed for New York following a short delay.”

Reid, of course, has run into her fait share of trouble over the years.

She"s better known for her scandals and her seemingly odd behavior than nearly any role she"s ever had.

Remember this drunk rant, for example?

Or the weird way she once showed up bruised and battered on Instagram?

Reid tells TMZ that she was angry because the woman in front of her reclined her seat and because she was under the impression that she had been assigned a window seat.

We"ve all been in those situations, of course.

But few of us have reacted so poorly that we got kicked off a frickin plane.

Check out the video here to see that fate befall Tara Reid.

Tara reid flies into rage gets booted from airplane

Friday, September 28, 2018

Jefferson Airplane Co-Founder Marty Balin Dies at 76

Marty Balin — one of the founding members of Jefferson Airplane — died Thursday, according to his rep. The legendary Bay Area musician’s family confirmed his passing, but isn’t releasing a cause of death. Balin’s best known for forming the…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Gretchen Wilson Arrested for Disturbance on Airplane (See Her Unusual Mug Shot!)

Gretchen Wilson, the country artist likely best known for the 2004 hit “Redneck Woman,” was arrested after an incident on an airplane, Tuesday, multiple outlets have confirmed.

And she’s now responsible for one of the most memorable celebrity mug shots of all-time as a result.

Before we get to that, however, consider the details of what allegedly transpired…

Connecticut State Police have confirmed that the 45-year old singer was taken into custody on Tuesday night about 7:15 p.m.

Wilson was on a flight landing at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut when she allegedly created some kind of “minor disturbance” aboard the plane.

As a resukt, cops actually her near the vehicle after it hit the ground.

“While interviewing the accused on the jetway, she became belligerent “toward officers and caused a ‘disturbance,’” according to the arrest report.

The star was “ultimately taken into custody for Breach of Peace,” the report adds.

Shortly thereafter, she managed to close her eyes, look down and somehow NOT be centered for her mug shot.

You don’t see that combination very often…

Wilson is expected in court on Wednesday.

A resident of Lebanon, Tennessee, Wilson was scheduled to perform at the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut on Wednesday, hence why she was touching down in the area on Tuesday evening.

We can’t say for certain, but it seems unlikely at this point that she’ll hit that stage as planned.

The 2005 Grammy Award winner’s latest album, Ready to Get Rowdy, was release in June 2017.

She famously crooned, “I ain’t no high-class broad” in her aforementioned hit track, and has established a reputation for herself as being somewhat of a rebel.

So we guess this act fits.

“Redneck Woman” was the lead single off Wilson’s debut album, “Here for the Party.”

It climbed all the way to number-one on the country charts.

Her second album, “All Jacked Up,” came out a year later — and the title track became the highest-debuting song for a female country artist.

Away from the microphone, the singer has also been known for the time, effort and money she gives to various charities, including being an advocate for adult education.

In 2008, she completed her GED and has since testified before Congress about the importance of support for adult learners.

Her bail has been set at $ 1,000.


Wilson’s troubles allegedly began when she tried to use the airplane’s restroom.

Per WFSB, the artist grew impatient while waiting in line and knocked on the bathroom door.

Other passengers have stated that this appeared to irritate the woman who was inside… as proven by the door being swung open and nearly colliding with Wilson.

The two then had a brief verbal spat.


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Mechanic Steals Airplane, Crashes to Death In Puget Sound

A bizarre and tragic story unfolded on Friday night in and around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

According to various outlets, as well as footage captured by stunned pedestrians, an airport mechanic hijacked a plane around 8 p.m., flew it around for about an hour…

… and then crashed into the Puget Sound in Washington, killing himself in the process.

an airport

The man, who was referred to as Rich by air traffic control personnel in various exchanges that have been made public, worked for Alaska Air Horizon and allegedly stole a Horizon Air Q400, shutting down the airport for a brief period of time.

In a statement released on Twitter last night, Sea-Tac Airport officials confirmed the reports of an “unauthorized takeoff,” saying in full:

“An airline employee conducted an unauthorized takeoff without permission at Sea-Tac; aircraft has crashed in south Puget Sound. Normal operations at Sea-Tac Airport have resumed.”

The incident is not considered to have been a terrorist act of any kind.

Instead, based on the aforementioned traffic control exchanges, it appears to have been a suicidal act by a troubled individual.

“Male is confirmed a suicidal male. Acted alone he is 29-year-old Pierce county residence [sic],” the Pierce County Sheriff Department Tweeted late Friday.

plane in sky

The drama actually played out live over air traffic control monitoring sites.

In audio recordings of the incident posted on Broadcastify, Rich can be heard talking to air traffic controllers as they try to guide him to land the plane.

“I’ve got a lot of people that care about me, and it’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this,” the man says.

“I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess. Never really knew it until now.”

It’s terrifying and upsetting to listen to.

air traffic exchange

Earlier in the flight, the man says: “This is probably like jail time for life, huh? I mean, I would hope it is, for a guy like me.”

“Well,” a controller replies, “we’re not going to worry or think about that. But could you start a left-hand turn, please?”

Throughout the back-and-forths, controllers are calmly trying to steer the man away from any place where he could cause damage by landing or crashing the plane.

They are trying to save his life and also the lives of everyone underneath his flight path.

“Let’s get you on the ground so you don’t hurt anyone,” someone identified as Captain Bill tells Rich.

As Rich flew over the water, a pair of F-15 fighter jets were dispatched to intercept the plane; neither were involved in the eventual crash landing.

The plane was seen by a number of witnesses doing stunts before crashing, as witnesses shared videos of the low-flying aircraft on social media.

“Some dude stole a plane from #Seatac (Allegedly),” Tweeted one witness, adding:

“did a loop-the-loop, ALMOST crashed into #ChambersBay, then crossed in front of our party, chased by fighter jets and subsequently crashed. Weird times.”

air tweet

Weird times, but mostly sad and tragic times in this case.

The plane was taken from a maintenance position and was not scheduled for a passenger flight, said Gary Beck, Horizon Air’s president and chief executive officer.

An investigation is underway to determine more, but it is not believed that anyone outside of the pilot/mechanic was harmed.

“Our hearts are with the families of the individual aboard as well as all of our Alaska Air and Horizon Air employees,” said Constance von Muehlen, the airline’s chief operating officer.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Harlem Globetrotters Hit Trick Shot From Airplane!!!

The Harlem Globetrotters did it again — hitting an insane trick shot from a FLYING AIRPLANE!!! Globetrotters star Bull Bullard strapped into a yellow monoplane in Wildwood, New Jersey (where the guys are playing 4 games next week) and took aim at…


Harlem Globetrotters Hit Trick Shot From Airplane!!!

The Harlem Globetrotters did it again — hitting an insane trick shot from a FLYING AIRPLANE!!! Globetrotters star Bull Bullard strapped into a yellow monoplane in Wildwood, New Jersey (where the guys are playing 4 games next week) and took aim at…


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Josh Flagg Wears Turban During Charades and Makes Airplane Bombing Joke

“Million Dollar Listing L.A.” star Josh Flagg made a terrible joke at a hotel in the South of France, but he says there were Muslims, Jews, Arabs and others at the table … all playing what he says was an innocent game of charades. Josh says he…


Josh Flagg Wears Turban During Charades and Makes Airplane Bombing Joke

“Million Dollar Listing L.A.” star Josh Flagg made a terrible joke at a hotel in the South of France, but he says there were Muslims, Jews, Arabs and others at the table … all playing what he says was an innocent game of charades. Josh says he…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Couple Caught Very Clearly Having Sex on Board Airplane

We never thought we"d need to say this, but here we go:

There"s a big difference between getting married on board an airplane and having sexual intercourse on board an airplane.

The former arrangement can be pretty romantic, despite its unusual setting, as evidenced by the following video:

The latter, though? It"s just weird and gross and dirty, despite being sort of admirable.

We say this because a man and a woman were recently videotaped while very clearly getting it on while flying about 35,000 feet over the ground.

This isn"t the first time a couple has joined what society has deemed The Mile High Club, but it"s gotta be one of the first times they have dared to do so without going into the bathroom first.


These two just starting humping on their seats!

“My mom and dad were just trying to have a peaceful trip to Mexico and then they sent me this……..” Twitter user @kileytully wrote alongside the borderline NSFW footage, which was filmed by her mother.

The video has been viewed over 4.2 million times since it went live — and it"s easy to see why.

How often do you see a woman just straddle a man mid-flight and thrust all around?

Here"s the thing, though: these two nearly got away with it!

At one point in the video, the mother of the aforementioned Twitter user pans around to the rest of the cabin, showing happily unaware fellow travelers.

Granted, we assume, if someone had gotten up to use the restroom, he or she would have seen what was going on.

But we almost can"t blame the horny couple in question for trying to get away with their lewd act.

It"s not like any nudity is showing!

NOTE: Silver Airways has confirmed the video was taken on one of its flights, according to the Daily Mail, and also told the outlet it is working to confirm its authenticity … but did not condone the type of behavior.

We guess we understand what it has to say that.

But check out the footage above for yourself.

We"ve seen more naked action on the Instagram account of Kim Kardashian.

Couple caught very clearly having sex on board airplane

Friday, June 1, 2018

Woman Gets Very Annoyed Over Man Jerking It on Airplane

In a word? YIKES!

In another two words? EWWWW! GROSS!

Elly Shariat, the head of a PR agency, has gone viral for the nightmare she recently lived through while flying from Las Vegas to Philadelphia on board a Southwest airline.

The poor woman says the next to her was not only viewing adult entertainment while jetting through the apparently VERY friendly skies…

… he was also pleasuring himself to it.

For real!

Shariat live-Tweeted this nauseating scenario, including the response of Southwest when she made the company aware of what was taking place.

You may not want to, but you know you have to scroll down to read all about this incident:

1. Down with Southwest?


It hasn’t been the best run of late for Southwest, as one of the company’s planes nearly killed everyone on board in April of 2018.

2. And Remember This Incident?

Swp lane

The airline once gave the bootto a famous musician for the type of pants he was wearing.

3. But This? This May Take the Really Terrible Cake

Gross schmudt

We just wanted to give you proper warning. Okay? Here we go…

4. One Man’s Orgasmic Bliss…


… is another woman’s biggest nightmare. Yes, we’d agree this is “an issue.”

5. Maybe If He Had a Nice Eggplant?


But that thing is tiny AF, Southwest. I don’t want to be looking at it.

6. Come On Now!


No way this happened, right? You know what that emoji stands for, right?

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kevin Durant Has Massive 50-Foot Wingspan on New Airplane

Kevin Durant will never have to fly coach again … ‘cause the NBA superstar’s riding on the OUTSIDE of this plane from now on!! The Golden State Warriors baller got a massive 560 square foot decal on the side of a plane as part of his…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Emotional Support Peacock Gets Denied Seat on Airplane

We could all use a little emotional support at times.

But this is getting ridiculous.

As frequent travelers are likely aware, animals deemed to provide this sort of comfort to airline passengers have become more and more popular over recent years.

There"s a small dog on nearly every flight these days.

But a conceptual artist with the name "Ventiko" on Instagram recently took the program one step further: she tried to take her "emotional support" peacock, Dexter, on board a cross country flight from Newark to Los Angeles.

This is the story of that bird"s thwarted flight and the Internet"s response to it…

1. This is Dexter

This is dexter

His owner had been warned three times by United Airlines that he would not be permitted to travel with her. Nevertheless, she persisted in trying to get him on board.

2. And We Mean… PERSISTED!

And we mean persisted

She did not take no for an answer, not for awhile. Dexter has his own Instagram page and “wrote” the following as a caption to the photo above: “Spent 6 hours trying to get on my flight to LA (after following all required protocol) Tomorrow my human friends are going to drive me cross country! Keep an [eye] out for us!”

3. What? I’ll Pay for His Seat!

What ill pay for his seat

Even an offer to pay for Dexter’s seat by his owner did not earn the bird a spot on the flight.

4. The Internet Reacts!

The internet reacts

Not everyone thought the idea of an emotional support peacock was all that outlandish, not when compared to some other animals in airports.

5. Down with Dogs!

Down with dogs

Not all dogs, of course. But many users seem to prefer Dexter over the canines they’ve encountered on trips.

6. No One is Allergic to Peacocks

No one is allergic to peacocks

Think about it, airlines.

View Slideshow

Friday, March 17, 2017

Colin Kaepernick Gets AIRPLANE to Ship Food, Water to Somalia

Big victory for Colin Kaepernick … the NFL quarterback — along with other activists — was able to convince Turkish Airlines to donate a plane for a much needed humanitarian mission to Somalia.  Kaep made his initial plea to the airline on…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

BJ Penn"s Brother Arrested In Airplane Bender ... "I Won"t Get Off Without a Fight"

The younger brother of UFC star BJ Penn was arrested Tuesday after a crazy incident on an airplane in which he allegedly yelled, “I won’t get off the plane without a fight.” Reagan Penn — a former MMA fighter himself — was on a Delta plane at LAX…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Richard Marx Restrains Passenger on Airplane, Shrugs Off "Hero" Status

Back in 1989, Richard Marx rose to fame by singing that he’ll be “right here waiting for you.”

But we had no idea that the artist was portending an event to come, directing this seemingly romantic lyric at an unruly passenger on board a Korean Air flight.

Confused? Allow us to explain…

Over the weekend, Marx and wife Daisy Fuentes were flying from Vietnam to South Korea when a drunk passenger became violent and actually started attacking those around him

His victims included both flight attendants and other passengers.

As detailed on Fuentes’ Instagram account, the singer wasted no time, jumping in diffuse the scary situation, which the staff seemed both too overwhelmed and confused to handle.

“On our flight from Hanoi to Seoul a guy sitting in the next row from us got crazy & started attacking the flight attendants & passengers. When he started pushing the female staff and pulling them by the hair @therichardmarx was the first to help subdue him,” Fuentes wrote as a caption to the following photo.

It actually depicts Marx in action, along with those on board who apparently decided to snap pictures instead of offer any assistance.

As you can see, a flight attendant is pointing a Taser gun at the passenger in one photo, while Marx is holding him down in another.

There’s also an image of Marx holding white rope, presumably to tie up the inebriated man.

Added Fuentes, a former MTV VJ:

“This went on for FOUR hrs. I feel horrible for the abuse the staff had to endure but no one was prepared for this. They never fully got control of him.

“They didn’t know how to use the taser & they didn’t know how to secure the rope around him (he got loose from their rope restraints 3 times).”

Marx later took to Twitter in order to give fans an update, and also to criticize the training of the Korean Air employees on board.

“Daisy and I are home safe and sound,” he wrote, shrugging off his actions and adding:

“No big “hero” move at all. Just did what I would hope anyone would do in same situation. Tnx 4 concern.”

He then elaborated on Facebook, expounding on what happened and saying flight attendants were “ill-equipped” to deal with this kind of situation:

Pretty crazy, huh?

Not what happened on board the airplane. That’s not all that surprising.

People get drunk all the time on flights, it’s just surprising this time it was a celebrity coming to the rescue instead of getting kicked off (see below).

But Richard Marx is married to Daisy Fuentes?!?

We had no idea. Well done, man!

As for those aforementioned drunken and/or unruly airplane passengers? These famous people can relate to the dude Marx had to hold down…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Heroic Father Enables Daughter to Trick or Treat on Board Airplane

Good news, readers:

Not all flights conclude with a former reality star being taken away in handcuffs.

Some, in fact, end with passengers reduced to tears as the result of an inspiring act by a fellow human being.

This is one such story…

donut girl

An unnamed father on board a Virgin America flight from Boston to Los Angeles on Monday night didn’t want his three-year old daughter to miss out on Halloween.

So he handed out candy to his fellow passengers and also gave them a note along with it.

The note read as follows:

My 3-year old daughter, Molly, was bummed that she wouldn’t be able to go trick-or-treating this year due to this flight… so I decided to bring trick-or-treating to her.

If you are willing, when my little donut comes down the aisle, please drop this in her basket. You’ll be making her Halloween! If you’re unwilling, no worries, just pass the treat back to me.

Thanks so much!

Oh, yes, the little girl was dressed like a donut.

Just in case you thought this tale couldn’t get any cuter.

hero dad

“OMG, my heart is exploding right now. Dad of the year just passed out candy to everyone on the flight so his 3 year old could trick or treat,” wrote a passenger who witnessed the act and then talked about it on Twitter.

“He started handing out the treats… He handed them out mostly to folks in the aisle and middle seats,” this Twitter user, Stephanie, told BuzzFeed News.

She added:

“When I first got on the plane, I overheard the little girl talking about how she was excited to trick or treat. I felt sad because I was thinking about how when we landed in San Francisco it would be way too late to trick or treat.”

Also making this story even better?

The father did not want to be identified or quoted by Buzzfeed.

He just wanted to make his little girl happy. That was it.

“The father said that he had this planned for a while with her as a special treat,” said Stephanie, who was sitting in front of the loved ones.

“The few rows around me were really into it and thought it was absolutely adorable.”

How could they not?!?

Stephanie told the dad that she Tweeted about him during the flight and the story had bee re-Tweeted 5,000 times already.

“I could tell he was pretty humbled hearing that what he did caused such a positive reaction,” she said.

“He obviously wasn’t doing it for the reaction he just was genuinely doing it for his daughter.”


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Paul Kantner Dies; Jefferson Airplane Co-Founder Was 74

Paul Kantner, a legendary guitarist and singer and a founding member of beloved band Jefferson Airplane, died Thursday of multiple organ failure.

He was 74 years old.

Paul Kantner

Kantner’s publicist confirmed the sad news to The San Francisco Chronicle, also confirming that Kanter had suffered a heart attack earlier in the week.

Between 1965 and 1972, Jefferson Airplane rose to prominence in California, specifically the Bay Area counterculture psychedelic rock scene, helping to define what became known as the “San Francisco sound.”

Along with Marty Balin, Kantner formed the group in a bar.

They evolved from a folk group into something far more unique amidst the area’s ongoing experimentation with drugs at the time.

The band’s second album, “Surrealistic Pillow,” climbed to number-three on the Billboard 200 with the help of singles “Somebody to Love” and “White Rabbit.

Kantner is survived by sons Gareth and Alexander and daughter China.

He is the first member of the group to pass away, with Jack Casady, Grace Slick, Balin and Jorma Kaukonen still alive and kicking.

Kantner was also a founding member of the band’s spin-off project Jefferson Starship. 

We send our condolences to his family members, friends and loved ones.