Showing posts with label Flies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flies. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian West Flies Over Wildfires, Evacuates Right After Landing

Kim Kardashian West and her family are fleeing California’s latest devastating wildfires — but she got an overhead view of the massive inferno before she left. Kim’s flight back to L.A. Thursday night went right over the Woolsey fire which is…


Monday, November 5, 2018

Rihanna Flies to Barbados to Celebrate Grandfather"s 90th Birthday

Rihanna wasn’t about to miss her grandfather’s birthday — be it in Barbados or elsewhere — and he wasn’t about to let her take the lead on the dance floor … even at age 90.  RiRi flew down to her native homeland this weekend, where she and…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tara Reid Flies Into Rage, Gets Booted from Airplane

Tara Reid may have resurrected her career by starring in the Sharknado franchise.

But the actress has now proven once again that there"s something far scarier out there than the combination of a shark and tornado.

And that something is Tara Reid herself.

According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, Reid flew into a rage prior to a recent Delta Airlines flight taking off, forcing the caption to give the boot to both her and her precious little dog.

(We guess it failed to offer much in the way of emotional support, huh?)

The viral incident took place on a flight bound for Las Angeles from New York City.

Onlookers told TMZ that Reid was upset and loudly complained because she was given the wrong seat.

From there, she whined a lot about not getting a pillow. 

Donning a black coat, a red beanie and carrying her dog in one arm, the footage featured on this page featured Reid being asked to leave the plane.

She"s relatively calm, which is a stark contrast to how many witnesses claimed she was acting just before this camera started to roll.

The plane was apparently rolling toward takeoff when the caption turned it around at the last minute and told everyone on board that a passenger had been asked to depart due to a "disturbance."

“Delta apologizes to the remaining customers for the inconvenience and appreciates their patience as the situation was resolved,” spokesman Ashton Kang said, adding:

“The flight re-departed for New York following a short delay.”

Reid, of course, has run into her fait share of trouble over the years.

She"s better known for her scandals and her seemingly odd behavior than nearly any role she"s ever had.

Remember this drunk rant, for example?

Or the weird way she once showed up bruised and battered on Instagram?

Reid tells TMZ that she was angry because the woman in front of her reclined her seat and because she was under the impression that she had been assigned a window seat.

We"ve all been in those situations, of course.

But few of us have reacted so poorly that we got kicked off a frickin plane.

Check out the video here to see that fate befall Tara Reid.

Tara reid flies into rage gets booted from airplane

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Meghan Markle Flies Into Chicago to Complete UK Visa Application

Meghan Markle was back in the States this week to take a major step in becoming a permanent UK citizen ahead of her wedding to Prince Harry. Eyewitnesses tell us Meghan attempted to be as incognito as possible — with 4 bodyguards in tow — when she…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

LaVar Ball Flies to Lithuania, "I Might Buy a Mansion There"

… And they’re off!  LaVar Ball and his 2 youngest sons boarded a plane bound for Lithuania Tuesday — but LaVar says they’ll be back soon … to join Lonzo on the Lakers.  19-year-old LiAngelo and 16-year-old LaMelo were quiet at the…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Kenya Moore Flies to Barbados for IVF Treatment

Kenya Moore and her husband, Marc Daly, are down in the Caribbean doing everything they can to get pregnant through IVF treatments.  The Atlanta ‘Housewife’ was seen earlier this week in Barbados entering a building that houses the…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tyrese"s Baby Mama Goes to Cops After He Flies Banner Over Daughter"s School

Tyrese’s baby mama filed a police report against him after he hired a plane to fly a banner over his daughter’s school and sent her various gifts. The banner reading, “No matter what, Daddy loves you Shayla” flew over the 10-year-old’s elementary…


Monday, September 4, 2017

"Pan" Star Levi Miller Flies into Another $150K for "A Wrinkle in Time" Role

Levi Miller’s star has been on the rise since he landed the lead role of Peter in “Pan” … and so has the kid’s bank account — we just learned he’s bankin’ some serious cash for his new flick. The 14-year-old actor scored at least $ 150,000 to play…


"Pan" Star Levi Miller Flies into Another $150K for "A Wrinkle in Time" Role

Levi Miller’s star has been on the rise since he landed the lead role of Peter in “Pan” … and so has the kid’s bank account — we just learned he’s bankin’ some serious cash for his new flick. The 14-year-old actor scored at least $ 150,000 to play…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Dad Flies to L.A. for Quality Time On Heels of Major Life Decisions

Justin Bieber’s blood father is back on the scene … just days after some huge events in his son’s life, and word he had been leaning on Pastor Carl Lentz for fatherly guidance. Bieber’s pops, Jeremy, flew to L.A. from Ontario, Canada over the…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Stands by Alex Rodriguez, Flies with Him Too (PHOTO)

J Lo and A-Rod didn’t look the least bit shaken by his looming legal battle with an ex — as they boarded a private jet together. Jennifer couldn’t look more chill — rocking sweats and Tims — with her wingman, Alex. The couple’s flying from Miami…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

James Comey Flies Out of LAX on a Private Jet (VIDEO)

Former FBI Director James Comey may have been canned by President Trump, but he got to take advantage of one final perk of the job — a private jet ride back home. Comey skipped his scheduled speaking engagement at the Director’s Guild of…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Katherine Jackson Flies Back to U.S. for Court Showdown with Nephew Trent Jackson

Katherine Jackson hopped a flight from London to L.A. to make sure she’s in court for her elder abuse case against Trent Jackson … TMZ has learned. Sources connected to the Jacksons tell us Katherine jetted back because the judge has said her…


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Harrison Ford Flies Wife and Son in Jet After "Schmuck" Taxiway Landing (PHOTOS)

Harrison Ford proved you can be a “schmuck” one day and a jet pilot another. His wife, Calista Flockhart, and son, Liam, were passengers in the twin engine jet Harrison lifted off Saturday from Santa Monica Airport. TMZ broke the story of a recorded…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ivanka Trump "Attacked" Aboard Flight, Apparently Flies Jet Blue

You can’t help who your parents are, but you do have a say in who you help get elected president, which may be why the sight of Donald Trump’s children elicits such a visceral reaction of disgust from so many Americans.

Ivanka Trump may not be looked down upon with the sort of disdain reserved for noted Patrick Bateman lookalikes Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump, but she’s not exactly beloved at the moment.

So while it’s not all that surprising that Ivanka got an earful when she deigned to fly commercial this morning.

Several media outlets are claiming that Ivanka was “attacked” aboard a Jet Blue flight from 

Now, before you get too upset, you should know that this was a “verbal attack” and later reports clarified that Ivanka was “harassed” by an “out of control passenger.”

Still decidedly not cool, especially since Ivanka was with her kids, and everything is approximately 800 times scarier aboard an airplane.

But obviously, no as severe as we were initially led to believe.

The passenger was removed from the plane, but not before giving Ivanka an unwelcome piece of his mind.

And what did the guy have to say?

Well, nothing Ivanka hasn’t heard before.

He followed that (valid) observation with another solid point, asking:

“Why is she on our flight? She should be riding private.:

Yeah – why is Ivanka on a Jet Blue flight?

Like, no offense to JB – we dig the seat-back TVs and the on-brand blue tortilla chips – but did Ivanka forget her last name when she booked this flight?

Not only does Donald Trump own a private jet and talk it about freakin’ constantly, one of his first duties as president would be to brag about his insider knowledge of the air travel industry.

So the news that his daughter and her kids are sipping Dunkin’ Donuts coffee aboard a discount airline flight is more surprising than the news that other passengers aren’t crazy about Ivanka.

Interestingly, this isn’t even the first Trump-related midair kerfuffle since the election.

Last month Delta banned a Trump supporter for life after he was caught on video berating female passengers for voting for Hillary Clinton.

Fortunately, Ivanka is moving to Washington, D.C., despite her earlier promise to remain in New York City, so she won’t have to do get harassed by airborne plebes every time she wants to participate in the upcoming 4-year sh-tshow of a presidency.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Rande Gerber Flies Casamigos Staff to Mexico, Feliz Navidad! (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Rande Gerber and George Clooney just locked up their Boss of The Year awards with a booze-filled trip to Mexico for their Casamigos employees.  The tequila jefes flew about 50 staffers down south for the company’s holiday party at El…


Rande Gerber Flies Casamigos Staff to Mexico, Feliz Navidad! (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Rande Gerber and George Clooney just locked up their Boss of The Year awards with a booze-filled trip to Mexico for their Casamigos employees.  The tequila jefes flew about 50 staffers down south for the company’s holiday party at El…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Kardashian Family -- The Brood Flies The Coop For Kanye, Kim (PHOTOS)

Kanye West has more Kardashian reinforcements coming his way … Khloe, Kourtney and Kris have taken to the skies. The 3 family members boarded a private jet Tuesday afternoon leaving NYC, after staying behind Monday to honor the late Robert…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian -- Flies Under The Radar at Kanye"s L.A. Concert (PHOTOS)

Kim Kardashian caught hubby Kanye’s first in an installment of L.A. concerts Tuesday night … with no fanfare. Kim was carted quickly inside after driving up to The Forum. It’s the second night we’ve seen her out since her Parisian jewel…
