Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tara Reid Flies Into Rage, Gets Booted from Airplane

Tara Reid may have resurrected her career by starring in the Sharknado franchise.

But the actress has now proven once again that there"s something far scarier out there than the combination of a shark and tornado.

And that something is Tara Reid herself.

According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, Reid flew into a rage prior to a recent Delta Airlines flight taking off, forcing the caption to give the boot to both her and her precious little dog.

(We guess it failed to offer much in the way of emotional support, huh?)

The viral incident took place on a flight bound for Las Angeles from New York City.

Onlookers told TMZ that Reid was upset and loudly complained because she was given the wrong seat.

From there, she whined a lot about not getting a pillow. 

Donning a black coat, a red beanie and carrying her dog in one arm, the footage featured on this page featured Reid being asked to leave the plane.

She"s relatively calm, which is a stark contrast to how many witnesses claimed she was acting just before this camera started to roll.

The plane was apparently rolling toward takeoff when the caption turned it around at the last minute and told everyone on board that a passenger had been asked to depart due to a "disturbance."

“Delta apologizes to the remaining customers for the inconvenience and appreciates their patience as the situation was resolved,” spokesman Ashton Kang said, adding:

“The flight re-departed for New York following a short delay.”

Reid, of course, has run into her fait share of trouble over the years.

She"s better known for her scandals and her seemingly odd behavior than nearly any role she"s ever had.

Remember this drunk rant, for example?

Or the weird way she once showed up bruised and battered on Instagram?

Reid tells TMZ that she was angry because the woman in front of her reclined her seat and because she was under the impression that she had been assigned a window seat.

We"ve all been in those situations, of course.

But few of us have reacted so poorly that we got kicked off a frickin plane.

Check out the video here to see that fate befall Tara Reid.

Tara reid flies into rage gets booted from airplane