Showing posts with label Enables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enables. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Khloe Enables Rob Kardashian, Throws Him a Party!

It was just last year when Khloe Kardashian was accusing Kris Jenner of being an enabler for helping Rob Kardashian. Really, it seemed like Khloe was just upset that she was losing what was left of her control over Rob. 

Only now that Rob Kardashian has disgraced the family with his social media tantrum over Blac Chyna and made it worse with a vile, transphobic tweet designed to insult Kris Jenner, he"s gone running back to Khloe for support. We have video of their little reunion below.

So who"s the enabler now?

It"s Khloe. Khloe"s the enabler.

Because, again, we don"t think that she was ever unhappy that Kris Jenner was helping Rob move into his new house with Blac Chyna because of the helping part.

We think that Khloe was just upset that she"d no longer have Rob in her clutches where she could try to micromanage his every move, you know?

Some people panic when people go off to live their lives, fearing that they"ll be left behind.

Strangely, we now wish that Khloe had managed to keep Rob under control, because the domestic violence allegations against Rob make it sound like his behavior"s gone from inexcusable to monstrous.

But now that he"s pissed off the entire Kardashian clan, lost countless fans, and made a total enemy of the mother of his child, it looks like Rob"s gone running back to Khloe with his proverbial tail between his legs.

Khloe"s used Snapchat videos to reveal that Rob is staying with her.

Technically, we don"t see him — or Tristan Thompason, whom she also cites as being present — actually appear in the video.

In the first video — we have both for you, below, set to play back-to-back for your convenience — Khloe mentions Tristan and Rob.

(She"s using a filter that not only does weird things to her face, but turns her voice into the high-pitch whines of some beast from our nightmares, but thankfully that"s only in the first part)

She also suggests that it"s going to be some sort of small party.

"Dance party at the house with Tristan and Rob and Koko," she says in a voice that is just barely tolerable to the human ear.

Because, really, when your brother has a restraining order against him and could be facing criminal charges, you respond by throwing him a party!

Her other Snapchat video reminds the world of how Khloe likes to start her days:

Inhumanly early and with exercise.

She"s literally up before the sun by her own choice so that she can exercise.

And, naturally, though she doesn"t show them on camera, she has Rob and Tristan with her.

"Rob, Tristan, and I are up early to get this early morning workout in. Early bird gets the worm."

Sometimes sour gummy worms can make a tasty breakfast, but we somehow don"t think that this is what she meant.

According to E!, there"s more to this than just Rob third-wheeling for a day.

No, it looks like Khloe"s trying to "help" Rob Kardashian by trying to use the situation to get him to do exactly what she wants him to do.

"She is trying to help him. Rob didn"t move in with her, but Khloe and Tristan are encouraging him to come hangout at the house and workout with them hoping it will motivate him to get back on the health grind and take care of himself."

That"s just the first step, right?

"She wants him to get back on track so she is trying to help him."

Family is great and all of that, but there"s a line that you don"t cross and expect people to still support you unconditionally.

We guess that Khloe doesn"t care, so long as she gets to take back some control.

If our sympathy for Rob weren"t even lower than Snoop Dogg"s, we might feel sorry for the guy.

Khloe enables rob kardashian throws him a party

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Heroic Father Enables Daughter to Trick or Treat on Board Airplane

Good news, readers:

Not all flights conclude with a former reality star being taken away in handcuffs.

Some, in fact, end with passengers reduced to tears as the result of an inspiring act by a fellow human being.

This is one such story…

donut girl

An unnamed father on board a Virgin America flight from Boston to Los Angeles on Monday night didn’t want his three-year old daughter to miss out on Halloween.

So he handed out candy to his fellow passengers and also gave them a note along with it.

The note read as follows:

My 3-year old daughter, Molly, was bummed that she wouldn’t be able to go trick-or-treating this year due to this flight… so I decided to bring trick-or-treating to her.

If you are willing, when my little donut comes down the aisle, please drop this in her basket. You’ll be making her Halloween! If you’re unwilling, no worries, just pass the treat back to me.

Thanks so much!

Oh, yes, the little girl was dressed like a donut.

Just in case you thought this tale couldn’t get any cuter.

hero dad

“OMG, my heart is exploding right now. Dad of the year just passed out candy to everyone on the flight so his 3 year old could trick or treat,” wrote a passenger who witnessed the act and then talked about it on Twitter.

“He started handing out the treats… He handed them out mostly to folks in the aisle and middle seats,” this Twitter user, Stephanie, told BuzzFeed News.

She added:

“When I first got on the plane, I overheard the little girl talking about how she was excited to trick or treat. I felt sad because I was thinking about how when we landed in San Francisco it would be way too late to trick or treat.”

Also making this story even better?

The father did not want to be identified or quoted by Buzzfeed.

He just wanted to make his little girl happy. That was it.

“The father said that he had this planned for a while with her as a special treat,” said Stephanie, who was sitting in front of the loved ones.

“The few rows around me were really into it and thought it was absolutely adorable.”

How could they not?!?

Stephanie told the dad that she Tweeted about him during the flight and the story had bee re-Tweeted 5,000 times already.

“I could tell he was pretty humbled hearing that what he did caused such a positive reaction,” she said.

“He obviously wasn’t doing it for the reaction he just was genuinely doing it for his daughter.”
