Showing posts with label Jerking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerking. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Woman Gets Very Annoyed Over Man Jerking It on Airplane

In a word? YIKES!

In another two words? EWWWW! GROSS!

Elly Shariat, the head of a PR agency, has gone viral for the nightmare she recently lived through while flying from Las Vegas to Philadelphia on board a Southwest airline.

The poor woman says the next to her was not only viewing adult entertainment while jetting through the apparently VERY friendly skies…

… he was also pleasuring himself to it.

For real!

Shariat live-Tweeted this nauseating scenario, including the response of Southwest when she made the company aware of what was taking place.

You may not want to, but you know you have to scroll down to read all about this incident:

1. Down with Southwest?


It hasn’t been the best run of late for Southwest, as one of the company’s planes nearly killed everyone on board in April of 2018.

2. And Remember This Incident?

Swp lane

The airline once gave the bootto a famous musician for the type of pants he was wearing.

3. But This? This May Take the Really Terrible Cake

Gross schmudt

We just wanted to give you proper warning. Okay? Here we go…

4. One Man’s Orgasmic Bliss…


… is another woman’s biggest nightmare. Yes, we’d agree this is “an issue.”

5. Maybe If He Had a Nice Eggplant?


But that thing is tiny AF, Southwest. I don’t want to be looking at it.

6. Come On Now!


No way this happened, right? You know what that emoji stands for, right?

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Robert Pattinson: I Was Just Joking About Jerking Off That Dog!

Robert Pattinson … well, he gave us quite the shock yesterday when we heard him tell a disturbing story about a scene featuring a dog in his new movie, Good Time.

Mostly because the disturbing story in question was about him jerking off a real live dog.

He told the sordid tale Thursday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and it sure was something.

He began the story with “Oh, God, I don’t know if I can say this. There’s a lot of things in this movie which really cross the line of legality.”

“It’s not even on the line, it’s way beyond the line.”

Which, you know, isn’t a great start.

Jimmy had to push him a little bit, but eventually he explained that his character in the movie “has this affinity with dogs.”

“He thinks he is a dog in a previous life and he thinks he has control over animals and stuff.

And then he explained that “There’s this one scene we shot. There’s a drug dealer who busts into the room, and I was sleeping with the dog and basically giving the dog a hand job.”

But wait, it gets worse!

Rob said that he asked the dog’s trainer about acting out the scene, because his director told him “Just do it for real, man! Don’t be a pussy!”

The trainer told him that he technically do it, because the dog is a breeder and hadn’t been fixed.

He advised Robert that he just had to “massage the inside of his thighs.”

In the end though, he refused to do it, and so they made “a fake red rocket” for the scene instead.

It’s just a really, sincerely strange story, isn’t it? And it didn’t sit well with a lot of people who heard it.

It sounds a bit like animal abuse, and it also sounds completely inappropriate. Like, there’s no reason whatsoever why a movie needs a scene like that.

But, according to a new statement from Rob himself, it seems like the whole thing was one big misunderstanding.

“The story I told on Jimmy Kimmel last night seems to have spiraled out of control,” he said. “What didn’t come across is that this was supposed to be a joke.”

“No one at all expected or assumed that anything like that would happen on the Good Time set.”

“We are all huge animal lovers and would obviously never do anything to harm animal,” he continued.

“Everyone involved in Good Time are amazing professionals and have come together to make a movie that I’m extremely proud of.”

He concluded his statement with “I feel embarrassed that in the moment, I was trying to make Jimmy laugh, only to create confusion and a false impression.”

It’s interesting though, because really his statement is only creating more confusion.

Did none of this actually happen? Did he completely make up the story about the dog for a laugh?

Or is he just trying to do some damage control after it turned out that so many people felt so strongly about jerking off a dog for a movie?

Either way … what a weird time to be alive.
