Showing posts with label Joking'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joking'. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Milo Yiannopoulos: I Was Just Joking When I Told You to Shoot Journalists

On Thursday, Americans were saddened — but not terribly surprised — by news of yet another mass shooting, this one at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland.

The incident — which left five dead and two others “gravely injured” — comes on the heels of increased mistrust and disdain directed at the nation’s news media.

Ironically, the seeds of contempt have largely been sown by people who are media figures themselves but have been deemed more trustworthy by certain fringe elements due to the fact that they operate outside of the journalistic mainstream.

No longer content to figuratively take shots at those who disagree with them, many of these self-styled pundits have encouraged their followers to take violent action against the imagined boogeymen who seek to disarm them.

So the Capital Gazette tragedy doesn’t come as much of a shock, not only because it’s the 154th mass shooting of 2018, but also because alt-right provocateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos have been calling for just such just a massacre to take place.

In case you’re unfamiliar, Yiannopoulos is a professional troll turned internet pariah, who recently attempted to weasel his way back into the public consciousness.

Milo was banned from Twitter in 2016 after spewing hate speech at SNL star Leslie Jones.

Shortly thereafter, Yiannopoulos was forced to resign from his post at Breitbart News after seemingly advocating for pedophiliac relationships between grown men and young boys.

When even the hate mongers at Breitbart wash their hands of a fellow bigot, you know that person has stooped to a previously unimagined low.

Now, Yiannopoulos is in hot water yet again, this time as a result of comments in which he seemed to encourage the public to take up arms against journalists in the mainstream media.

In response to outrage over his remark that he “can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists,” Yiannopoulos has issued a statement in which he seeks to deflect blame:

“You’re about to see a raft of news stories claiming that I am responsible for inspiring the deaths of journalists,” Yiannopoulos wrote in a Facebook post.


“The truth, as always, is the opposite of what the media tells you.”

Yiannopoulos goes on to claim that despite the fact that his comments were part of a statement to journalists and he himself posted the exchange on social media, the entire conversation was meant to remain private:

“I sent a troll about ‘vigilante death squads’ as a *private* response to a few hostile journalists who were asking me for comment, basically as a way of saying, ‘F—k off.’ They then published it,” he stated.

“Amazed they were pretending to take my joke as a ‘threat,’ I reposted these stories on Instagram to mock them – and to make it clear that I wasn’t being serious.”

The controversy made “Milo”: a trending topic on Twitter last night.

Which, unfortunately, is probably the exact outcome Yiannopoulos hoped for when he incited others to violence with his trademark brand of blindly hateful rhetoric.


Milo Yiannopoulos: I Was Just Joking When I Told You to Shoot Journalists

On Thursday, Americans were saddened — but not terribly surprised — by news of yet another mass shooting, this one at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland.

The incident — which left five dead and two others “gravely injured” — comes on the heels of increased mistrust and disdain directed at the nation’s news media.

Ironically, the seeds of contempt have largely been sown by people who are media figures themselves but have been deemed more trustworthy by certain fringe elements due to the fact that they operate outside of the journalistic mainstream.

No longer content to figuratively take shots at those who disagree with them, many of these self-styled pundits have encouraged their followers to take violent action against the imagined boogeymen who seek to disarm them.

So the Capital Gazette tragedy doesn’t come as much of a shock, not only because it’s the 154th mass shooting of 2018, but also because alt-right provocateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos have been calling for just such just a massacre to take place.

In case you’re unfamiliar, Yiannopoulos is a professional troll turned internet pariah, who recently attempted to weasel his way back into the public consciousness.

Milo was banned from Twitter in 2016 after spewing hate speech at SNL star Leslie Jones.

Shortly thereafter, Yiannopoulos was forced to resign from his post at Breitbart News after seemingly advocating for pedophiliac relationships between grown men and young boys.

When even the hate mongers at Breitbart wash their hands of a fellow bigot, you know that person has stooped to a previously unimagined low.

Now, Yiannopoulos is in hot water yet again, this time as a result of comments in which he seemed to encourage the public to take up arms against journalists in the mainstream media.

In response to outrage over his remark that he “can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists,” Yiannopoulos has issued a statement in which he seeks to deflect blame:

“You’re about to see a raft of news stories claiming that I am responsible for inspiring the deaths of journalists,” Yiannopoulos wrote in a Facebook post.


“The truth, as always, is the opposite of what the media tells you.”

Yiannopoulos goes on to claim that despite the fact that his comments were part of a statement to journalists and he himself posted the exchange on social media, the entire conversation was meant to remain private:

“I sent a troll about ‘vigilante death squads’ as a *private* response to a few hostile journalists who were asking me for comment, basically as a way of saying, ‘F—k off.’ They then published it,” he stated.

“Amazed they were pretending to take my joke as a ‘threat,’ I reposted these stories on Instagram to mock them – and to make it clear that I wasn’t being serious.”

The controversy made “Milo”: a trending topic on Twitter last night.

Which, unfortunately, is probably the exact outcome Yiannopoulos hoped for when he incited others to violence with his trademark brand of blindly hateful rhetoric.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed: Sorry About the Controversy! We Were Joking!

Ian Somerhalder isn’t just our fancast to play the titular character in a Captain Planet movie that absolutely needs to happen. He and his wife, Nikki Reed, are both very environmentally conscious.

So they were natural choices to present at the 2017 Environmental Media Association Awards.

But this came on the back of a huge controversy about the couple.

We didn’t really get into this last week, and that’s our bad. We blame our distraction on Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy.

Nikki Reed gave birth to the couple’s first child back in August.

That’s a happy and wonderful occasion, but retroactively marred by a comment made by Ian on Dr. Berlin’s Informed Pregnancy podcast.

“We decided that we wanted to have children together, and it was just time. But unbeknownst to poor Nikki, she didn’t realize that I was going to go in her purse and take out her birth control.”

That is just … not an acceptable thing to say.

Now Ian has since clarified that this was a joke (and we have his statement below), but we need to talk about this.

What Ian jokingly described there is called reproductive coercion.

A woman poking holes in her condoms, a man “stealthing” by sliding off his condom without his partner’s knowledge so that they can go bareback without his partner’s consent, a man replacing a womans’ birth-control pills with placebos?

Those are all despicable acts by despicable people.

And it happens all of the time.

There’s nothing funny or cute about saying that as a joke.

The backlash was understandable and immediate, and Ian Somerhalder posted a clarifying message to Instagram.

“We never expect a lighthearted interview we did poking fun at EACH OTHER and how WE chose together to get pregnant, a goofy moment in Barcelona with our two best friends and the anticipation of the start of our journey together as we went from two to three, to turn into something representing a very serious matter.”

Do we believe that they mutually decided to have children? Yes.

But he should have been clearer with his words.

“However, if this somehow sheds a light on a topic that definitely needs mainstream attention, then we are grateful for the unintended consequence.”

It is important for people to have this conversation.

“It’s a shame that outlets chose this as their way into a very serious discussion, as we are certainly not qualified to be the faces of this topic.”

Nobody ‘chose this;” it’s a thing that people needed to discuss. Especially when it sounded like Ian had just confessed to a serious offense.

“We are two happily married people who chose TOGETHER to have a baby. The end.”

As we said, we do totally believe that.

Guys, we understand that “edgy” humor is a big thing and we get that Ian wasn’t even trying for that.

It’s easy to joke about things without realizing that they are things that really happen to real people.

It would also have been inappropriate for Ian Somerhalder to joke about, say, marital rape.

To anyone who knows him or Nikki, it might be obvious that it’s not something that happens in their marriage, but it’s a real thing that really happens.

The same is true of reproductive coercion.

We have to keep in mind that when a person who does terrible things hears a joke about it, they are likely to see it not as a joke in poor taste but as an endorsement of their actions.

Words have power, folks.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Robert Pattinson: I Was Just Joking About Jerking Off That Dog!

Robert Pattinson … well, he gave us quite the shock yesterday when we heard him tell a disturbing story about a scene featuring a dog in his new movie, Good Time.

Mostly because the disturbing story in question was about him jerking off a real live dog.

He told the sordid tale Thursday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and it sure was something.

He began the story with “Oh, God, I don’t know if I can say this. There’s a lot of things in this movie which really cross the line of legality.”

“It’s not even on the line, it’s way beyond the line.”

Which, you know, isn’t a great start.

Jimmy had to push him a little bit, but eventually he explained that his character in the movie “has this affinity with dogs.”

“He thinks he is a dog in a previous life and he thinks he has control over animals and stuff.

And then he explained that “There’s this one scene we shot. There’s a drug dealer who busts into the room, and I was sleeping with the dog and basically giving the dog a hand job.”

But wait, it gets worse!

Rob said that he asked the dog’s trainer about acting out the scene, because his director told him “Just do it for real, man! Don’t be a pussy!”

The trainer told him that he technically do it, because the dog is a breeder and hadn’t been fixed.

He advised Robert that he just had to “massage the inside of his thighs.”

In the end though, he refused to do it, and so they made “a fake red rocket” for the scene instead.

It’s just a really, sincerely strange story, isn’t it? And it didn’t sit well with a lot of people who heard it.

It sounds a bit like animal abuse, and it also sounds completely inappropriate. Like, there’s no reason whatsoever why a movie needs a scene like that.

But, according to a new statement from Rob himself, it seems like the whole thing was one big misunderstanding.

“The story I told on Jimmy Kimmel last night seems to have spiraled out of control,” he said. “What didn’t come across is that this was supposed to be a joke.”

“No one at all expected or assumed that anything like that would happen on the Good Time set.”

“We are all huge animal lovers and would obviously never do anything to harm animal,” he continued.

“Everyone involved in Good Time are amazing professionals and have come together to make a movie that I’m extremely proud of.”

He concluded his statement with “I feel embarrassed that in the moment, I was trying to make Jimmy laugh, only to create confusion and a false impression.”

It’s interesting though, because really his statement is only creating more confusion.

Did none of this actually happen? Did he completely make up the story about the dog for a laugh?

Or is he just trying to do some damage control after it turned out that so many people felt so strongly about jerking off a dog for a movie?

Either way … what a weird time to be alive.


Robert Pattinson Says He Was Joking About Masturbating a Dog

Robert Pattinson now confesses he’s no hero to PETA … turns out he never putting his foot down over an order to masturbate a dog. The actor said on Jimmy Kimmel’s show Thursday the director of his new movie, “Good Time,” asked him to perform the…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Trump Supporter Gets Dave Chappelle Joking Again (VIDEO)

Dave Chappelle almost pulled the plug on his stand-up set in L.A. … that is, until a Donald Trump supporter got him back in the joking mood. Dave was performing Monday night at The Savoy in Inglewood, where he threatened to shut down the…


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lena Dunham NOT Moving To Canada: I Was Joking!

Before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, a string of celebrities made it pretty clear they would flee to Canada if the unthinkable happened. 

As you are probably already aware, the unthinkable happened, but did any of the celebrities stick to their plan to move to Canada?

One celebrity who is not sticking to their original plan is Lena Dunham. Lena was very vocal about her intentions to bid adieu to her home country, but it appears that she is staying put

Dunham took to Instagram to life the lid on her reasons for staying and they may well surprise you. 

“Today I received a letter (yes, on paper) that read “don’t let the door hit you on the ass when you cross the border into Canada,” the Girls star wrote.

“This is actually on of the more polite notes I’ve gotten recently, and I’ll survive it just fine.”

“And you know what else I’ve realized I can survive, as a Jewish pro-choice sexual assault survivor with a queer family member and a belief that we are all exactly & beautifully equal? I can survive staying in this country, MY country, to flight and love and use my embarrassment of blessings to do what’s right.”

Lena Dunham Is Not Leaving The USA!

“It’s easy to joke about moving to Canada. It’s harder to see, and to love, the people who fill your mailbox with hate. It’s harder to see what needs to be done and do it it. It’s harder to live, fully and painfully aware of the injustice surrounding us, to cherish and fear your country all at once. But I’m willing to try. Will you try with me?”

Now, you may be thinking that this is a complete 180 from what she was saying previously. 

“I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there,” she told The Hollywood Reporter.

“I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will”.

It is VERY easy to say things in the heat of the moment, but passing them of as a joke is pretty damn crazy. We get that she probably thought there was no chance in hell of Trump being elected President. 

Heck, we’re still shocked at the result. It’s not often a reality TV star becomes President. 

Either way, Lena is staying the United States of America. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sofia Richie & Paris Hilton -- Me and Tobey? ... "Are You F****** Joking??" (VIDEO)

Sofia Richie bobbed and weaved her way around “dumb questions” Wednesday night — specifically whether she’s a homewrecker in the breakup of Tobey Maguire’s marriage — with an assist from new coach Paris Hilton. We got Sofia and Paris…
