Showing posts with label Pattinson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pattinson. Show all posts

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kristen Stewart Hasn"t Flipped Back to Team Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart’s showing no signs of flipping back to team Robert Pattinson … at least not yet. We got Kristen and her GF, Stella Maxwell, arriving together at LAX on Tuesday but, despite putting on a united front, Kristen…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry: Spotted! Making Out!!!!!

Into whom Robert Pattinson may or may not be sticking his penis these days is a matter of national debate and discussion.

According to a recent rumor, the British actor is dating Emma Watson, making the dreams of all Harry Potter and Twilight Saga fans into a stunning and incredible reality.

And, trust us, we’d love to believe this story.

We get giddy at the mere thought of Watson and Pattinson procreating beautiful, intelligent children with really cool accents.

But we never really bought this chatter.

It has been clear, however, that Pattinson and Katy Perry have a tight bond.

Neither has been especially tight-lipped about their friendship, with sources claiming Perry was psyched to swoop in and comfort Pattinson after he split from FKA Twigs last fall.

Now, however, comes seemingly legitimate evidence that something romantic is brewing between the artist and the actor.

According to Life & Style insiders, Pattinson and Perry were spotted on January 26 inside Los Angeles restaurant Taix.

And a witness tells this tabloid that the stars didn’t act like two people who had NOT seen each other naked.

“They sat in the corner and were drinking a lot,” an onlooker alleges, adding that the celebrities were all over each other and making out.

Whoa there, right?!?

We added the bold above for emphasis. Because this is a pretty big deal if true.

“They came in together really late and stayed until 2 a.m.” this report continues, with another witness saying Robert and Katy were on hand with a group of friends and:

“They really blended in. People didn’t even recognize them!”

Rumors of a romance between the singer and the stud muffin first went viral in August of last year.

And why not, right?

At the time, there were numerous sightings of the superstars together; both were either single or on breaks from a significant other; and both are very attractive.

You don’t need much more than that for celebrity gossip sites to start writing.

Pattinson, of course, most famous dated Kristen Stewart, prior to getting together with FKA Twigs and even getting engaged to her.

Perry, meanwhile, has dated her fair share of famous men, most notably Russell Brand and Orlando Bloom.

About a month ago, a source told People Magazine that Bloom and Perry were most decidedly not back together, while also acknowledging that they “will continue to see each other when their schedules allow it.”

Which is fine and dandy and which doesn’t discredit the article here at all.

It’s not like we’re saying Pattinson and Perry are getting married or anything.

Just that they are, at the very least, swapping spit; and, most likely, bodily fluids.

We’re talking about sex, readers. Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry are probably having sex.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson Might Be Dating, And the Internet Can"t Handle It

Sit down, readers.

Stop operating all heavy machinery.

And take a very deep breath.

Because a new report is about to knock your socks off, while simultaneously causing your eyeballs to pop out of their sockets and your jaw to hit the floor.

We just want you to be fully prepared. Here we go…

… Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson may be dating!

We don’t have a ton of evidence on which to base this statement, except for an In Touch Weekly source who alleges the British superstars have been making love to each other for several weeks now.

Or at least building themselves up to said love making via a variety of romantic interactions.

“They’ve been texting and enjoying secret dinners together in LA and London,” this insider claims.

The actress and actor have known each other since 2005’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the film in which Pattinson portrayed Cedric Diggory.

(Watson, of course, is best known for having played Hermione Granger in this beloved movie franchise.)

Why might Emma and Robert be drawn to each other?

“They share the same sense of humor and have so much in common. They’ve always had chemistry, but the timing has never been right – until now,” writes the aforementioned tabloid.

It certainly is true that Watson and Pattinson looked like they were having a blast when presenting on stage this past Sunday night at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards.

The mere sight of these young icons together has set the Internet on fire.

Watson has almost never been involved in a high profile romance.

She has been candid in the past about the challenges she faces as a very famous person in this regard, once commenting:

“It’s difficult in my dating life because anyone I get photographed with is automatically my boyfriend. So it just makes it look as if I’ve had, like, 6,000 boyfriends!”

Pattinson, conversely, dated former Twilight Saga star Kristen Stewart for many years. (Perhaps you read about it… absolutely everywhere for about four years.)

He split with the actress a long time ago, but then found himself a subject of the paparazzi during his relationship with FKA Twigs.

There was even chatter that Twigs and Pattinson were engaged, only for the romance to fall apart in October.

Since then, he’s actually been linked to Katy Perry, although most outlets say that singer is merely close friends with the handsome actor.

In other words: he’s single!

And so is Watson!

Which means this rumor may not be complete malarkey.

You may not return to a state of hyperventilation. In fact, we’ll go ahead and join you:



Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Robert Pattinson: Relying on Katy Perry After FKA Twigs Split!

Robert Pattinson is reportedly having a rough time in his relationship. A relationship that’s effectively over. 

And he’s said to have been looking for comfort in the form of a boob … sorry, shoulder … to cry on. Metaphorically.

Well, folks, he’s apparently found that “shoulder.” And it belongs to Katy Perry.

If a married couple separates, they’re still technically married … but only kind of.

If an engaged couple separates, are they still engaged? That’s the question circling around Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs at the moment.

The fact that Robert Pattinson told Howard Stern that he and FKA Twigs are “kind of” engaged is very telling.

And then there’s the story that the beautiful young couple split after three years together.

Reports don’t suggest anything explosive, but that even though they’d bought a house together, things weren’t working out because of their conflicting travel schedules.

(Because they both have busy careers)

So Robert Pattinson is said to have initiated the breakup, and FKA Twigs moved out.

And yet … the split is not yet official in any public capacity.

But while Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ relationship remains in a state of quantum uncertainty, it’s been looking more and more like Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry are dating.

And now we can put their budding relationship in new context.

E! reports that their insider is spilling details on Rob and Katy’s new bond.

They start by describing Rob’s state of mind:

“Rob already feels single. He and FKA have had major distance and tension between them for months now. They really tried to make it work, and it’s not long until the split will be public. They have just been trying to figure out how to sort everything.”

Their source explains why Rob and Katy have seemed to affectionate in recent months.

“No one really understood what he saw in FKA, but they always supported him. As far as Katy goes, they have been good friends for a while. They have many mutual friends and have always kept in touch. They aren’t serious as of now, but Rob has always had an interest in Katy.”

That bit about no one understanding is weird — the two famously bonded over a mutual love of music. And FKA Twigs is really hot. This is not rocket science.

However, the source goes on to claim that Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry aren’t officially an item yet.

“Robert is not dating anyone now.”

Of course, you don’t have to date to be hooking up. Just saying.

“He is just chilling. He is good friends with Katy Perry and talks to her about everything.”

That’s how relationships bloom, isn’t it? But what is their dynamic like at the moment?

E! reports on what their current friendship is like.

“Rob has been leaning a lot on Katy since his split with FKA Twigs.”

All jokes about him resting his weary head on someone’s famously pillowy bosom aside, it’s good to be able to talk to friends after getting out of a long-term relationship.

“They talk on the phone regularly and make sure to see each other when they both aren’t away working. Katy has always been a good friend to Rob over the years and has been there for him emotionally.”

That actually sounds incredibly healthy.

“They have many common interests and also both know how to have fun and party. Although they have been flirtatiously romantic, they have still remained good friends. Rob loves that Katy is a free spirit and she has given him good advice when it comes to relationships.”

That sounds like something that could develop into a more-than-friendship over time. Maybe once the FKA Twigs split is fully resolved.

“Since Katy has been busy on tour, her and Rob will FaceTime and text when possible.”


“She wants to make sure he is doing OK. Rob knows how good of a friend she is and he was also there for her when she was going through her divorce. They lean on each other.”

So it’s mutual!

With Katy being busy — and now working as a judge on the new American Idol — we wonder if they’ll ever date, officially.

If travel schedules really were what put the strain on Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ relationship, wouldn’t it also doom anything that Rob and Katy might one day have?

Or will they have a different sort of relationship, built up while they can’t always see each other, where FaceTime and emotional intimacy keep their connection strong no matter the distance that separates them?

We have to wonder.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Katy Perry & Robert Pattinson: Dating?!

What’s going on with Robert Pattinson these days?

Well, it’s tough to say.

Some reports have the former Twilight heartthrob engaged to FKA Twigs, while others have him … engaged in a very different sort of activity.

But we’re not here to discuss the possibility that Robert Pattinson jerked off a dog.

No, we’re here to dust off an old tabloid favorite.

Yes, it’s time for another round of rumors that Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson are dating!

If you spend a lot of time with us here in the world of celebrity gossip, then there’s a good chance you’ve heard this one before,

Hell, it seems to pop up every few months, despite the fact that Rob seems to be in a serious, long-term relationship.

This time, the reports are based on photos of the possible couple published by TMZ.

According to the site, Katy and Rob looked “super cozy” during an intimate dinner at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

When you use vague terms like “intimate” and “super cozy,” it sounds like there’s some knocking of boots going on, but by all appearances, Rob and Katy are just friends.

Granted, it’s suspicious that they became close friends (or at least started spending a lot more time together in public) shortly after Perry’s breakup with Orlando Bloom, but this is really a rekindled romance, that means Rob’s been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster lately.

It was just two weeks ago that he confirmed to Howard Stern that he’s planning to marry Twigs.

Then there was the whole dog masturbation thing.

And now he’s hooking up with Katy?

Did Twigs dump him for wanking the dog off?

Was animal lover Katy so moved by the possible dog-jacking that she begged Rob to take her back.

We don’t know, but refuse to give up on the canine-involvement angle.

We’re like  dog with a bone here.

We’d apologize for that joke, but you know it would be insincere.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson Cozy Up Fueling Dating Rumors

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson got super cozy Saturday night … which makes us wonder if the site pooh-poohing a possible hook up have it right. We got this pic of Katy and Rob in WeHo in the restaurant at the Sunset Tower Hotel. The joint is very…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Robert Pattinson: I Was Just Joking About Jerking Off That Dog!

Robert Pattinson … well, he gave us quite the shock yesterday when we heard him tell a disturbing story about a scene featuring a dog in his new movie, Good Time.

Mostly because the disturbing story in question was about him jerking off a real live dog.

He told the sordid tale Thursday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and it sure was something.

He began the story with “Oh, God, I don’t know if I can say this. There’s a lot of things in this movie which really cross the line of legality.”

“It’s not even on the line, it’s way beyond the line.”

Which, you know, isn’t a great start.

Jimmy had to push him a little bit, but eventually he explained that his character in the movie “has this affinity with dogs.”

“He thinks he is a dog in a previous life and he thinks he has control over animals and stuff.

And then he explained that “There’s this one scene we shot. There’s a drug dealer who busts into the room, and I was sleeping with the dog and basically giving the dog a hand job.”

But wait, it gets worse!

Rob said that he asked the dog’s trainer about acting out the scene, because his director told him “Just do it for real, man! Don’t be a pussy!”

The trainer told him that he technically do it, because the dog is a breeder and hadn’t been fixed.

He advised Robert that he just had to “massage the inside of his thighs.”

In the end though, he refused to do it, and so they made “a fake red rocket” for the scene instead.

It’s just a really, sincerely strange story, isn’t it? And it didn’t sit well with a lot of people who heard it.

It sounds a bit like animal abuse, and it also sounds completely inappropriate. Like, there’s no reason whatsoever why a movie needs a scene like that.

But, according to a new statement from Rob himself, it seems like the whole thing was one big misunderstanding.

“The story I told on Jimmy Kimmel last night seems to have spiraled out of control,” he said. “What didn’t come across is that this was supposed to be a joke.”

“No one at all expected or assumed that anything like that would happen on the Good Time set.”

“We are all huge animal lovers and would obviously never do anything to harm animal,” he continued.

“Everyone involved in Good Time are amazing professionals and have come together to make a movie that I’m extremely proud of.”

He concluded his statement with “I feel embarrassed that in the moment, I was trying to make Jimmy laugh, only to create confusion and a false impression.”

It’s interesting though, because really his statement is only creating more confusion.

Did none of this actually happen? Did he completely make up the story about the dog for a laugh?

Or is he just trying to do some damage control after it turned out that so many people felt so strongly about jerking off a dog for a movie?

Either way … what a weird time to be alive.


Robert Pattinson Says He Was Joking About Masturbating a Dog

Robert Pattinson now confesses he’s no hero to PETA … turns out he never putting his foot down over an order to masturbate a dog. The actor said on Jimmy Kimmel’s show Thursday the director of his new movie, “Good Time,” asked him to perform the…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Robert Pattinson: Sharing Sex Scene with a Dog in His New Movie?!

Robert Pattinson is so great, right? So adorable and funny and just so, so good.

But there"s no denying that he"s come a long way since he first appeared on our radar as the brooding, creepy, glittery vampire in Twilight.

These days, Rob is in a very different place in his life, and in his career, too.

For instance, instead of doing film adaptations of dumb teenage fantasy books, he"s doing critically acclaimed movies in which he may or may not have sexual relations with dogs.

Confused? It"s OK, so are we.

But good ol" Rob explained the whole sketchy story on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

He was there to promote his new movie, Good Time, which premieres next week, and at one point, Jimmy brought up a story about a dog in the movie.

At first, Rob doesn"t want to get into the story — as he explained, it may not have technically been legal — but later he relents.

And the story sure is a doozy.

As he says, his character in the movie "has this affinity with dogs," and he actually "thinks he is a dog in a previous life and he thinks he has control over animals."

"There"s this one scene we shot," he continued. "There"s a drug dealer who busts into the room, and I was sleeping with the dog and basically giving the dog a hand job."

… And there it is.

It seems like Rob was a little hesitant about actually doing the deed, and thank goodness.

"I asked the trainer because the director was like, "Just do it for real, man! Don"t be a pussy!"" he recalled.

"And the dog"s owner was like, "Well, he"s a breeder. I mean, you can. You just gotta massage the inside of his thighs.""

But in the end, he refused to go through with it, and the crew made a fake dog penis to use for the scene instead.

Because this is the world we live in.

Really, it"s nice that Rob refused to do a scene like this — as he said, it could very well be illegal, but even if it"s not, it"s disgusting and wrong.

We"re proud of him. honestly.

But still, it still feels like it would have been better if no one had ever learned this horrific story.

Here, go ahead and scar yourself by watching the video below:

Robert pattinson sharing sex scene with a dog in his new movie

Robert Pattinson Praised by PETA for Refusing to Masturbate a Dog

Robert Pattinson is a hero to 4-legged friends for refusing to masturbate a dog for a movie scene … so says PETA. The actor told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night the director of his latest flick, “Good Time,” wanted him to shoot a scene in which he…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Robert Pattinson: ENGAGED to FKA Twigs!!!

It’s been almost three years since we first learned that Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs are dating.

At first, the couple was a staple in the tabloids, which makes sense.

Much was made of the fact that this was Rob’s first serious relationship since his breakup with Kristen Stewart, which was one of the ugliest and most high-profile celebrity splits in recent memory.

The couple eventually disappeared from the headlines, as neither is really in pursuit of mainstream fame, and their doesn’t appear to be anything messy about their relationship.

Rob has spent years going to great lengths to protect his privacy and it seems to finally be working.

He and FKA are rarely mentioned in the press these days.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not still going strong … and it certainly doesn’t mean that Twilight obsessives won’t be either thrilled or devaststed by the news that Pattinson and Twigs are engaged.

The news was first broken quite some time ago by an unusual source:

It was the rapper T-Pain who first revealed that Pattinson had proposed to Twigs, and while we’re firm believers that all major news stories should be broken by T-Pain, that doesn’t make it official.

Thought T-Pain made his claim over two years ago, neither Pattinson nor Twigs had confirmed the reports until now.

Today, Rob sat for an interview with Howard Stern, and the King of All Media used his incredible ability to get celebrities to bare their souls, asking Pattinson point-blank if he’s engaged.

“Yeah, kind of,” Rob replied.

Stern quipped that Twigs would probably like to hear a bit more enthusiasm, but Pattinson replied that the couple is forced to keep it low-key as a result of Twilight “crazies.”

“It’s one of the most frustrating things in the world, because you want to be able to do that [show PDA], but to get kind of stuck in a position where, like, you have to make the decision … Do you want to let, kind of, crazy people in, because for whatever reason with Twilight, there’s like, a crack troop of crazies who think every decision you’re making is creating some kind of conspiracy,” he said.

“And so you kind of think, to protect it, I want to create a big boundary between it, but then it makes it difficult for your actual relationship.”

So Twigs was probably cool with his answer.

But the Twi-hards, a notoriously volatile lot, are likely pissed.

Anyway, our congrats go out to Rob and FKA.

Y’all might want to lay low for a few days.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Robert Pattinson On Same Flight with Ex Girlfriend Kristen Stewart and Her Girlfriend Stella Maxwell

Robert Pattinson probably had good reason to keep his earbuds close at LAX … he was on the same flight as his ex. Robert arrived Friday after flying with Kristen Stewart and her girlfriend Stella Maxwell from France to the City of Angels.…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Robert Pattinson: I"d Be Down for a Twilight Reboot!

Let’s think back to, oh, let’s say about five years ago.

It was a happier time. A simpler time. A time when Twilight movies were still being released.

It may seem hard to believe, but it really has been that long since we last stepped into that special, sparkly vampire world — the second part of Breaking Dawn was released in 2012.

But these days, Hollywood is all about big franchises and fancy reboots.

Think Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the five-part Harry Potter spin-off series, or the fact that in the past ten years, we’ve had three different Spider-Man series.

So it would make sense that the powers that be would try to bring back Twilight, right?

After all, it was insanely successful, it triggered a huge amount of insane fans ready to buy even the stupidest pieces of merchandise, and nothing has been able to fill that cinematic vampire hole quite as nicely as it did.

Really, it would be strange if there wasn’t a Twilight reboot sometime soon.

But if we were blessed enough to see a return of this series, would the stars of the original be willing to return?

According to Robert Pattinson, the man who brought handsome yet troubled teen heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen to life, there’s a good chance!

In a new interview, Robert was asked a bit about Twilight, including a question about that super crazy, just really insane fan base.

“It’s definitely calmed down in terms of my everyday life,” he said, “but mainly because I spend more time in London, which is totally different.”

“And I’m doing more parts that just sort of interest me, while in a lot of ways taking a little bit of a step back just to learn and get better.”

“I guess I’ve never really acknowledged what the fan base is, or even if I have one,” he laughed.

Oh, Robert. Dear, innocent Robert. If you don’t know if you have a fan base, don’t you dare Google yourself, you sweet summer child.

He was then asked about the possibility of a series reboot, something that’s been talked about for a while now.

“Really, they’re expanding it?” he questioned. “So I’ll get my own spin-off?”

But in all seriousness, if another Twilight movie made its way outside of rumors and into reality, there’s a chance he’d be willing to participate.

“I mean, I’m always kind of curious,” he admitted. “Anything where there’s a mass audience — or seemingly an audience for it — I always like the idea of subverting people’s expectations.”

“So there could be some radical way of doing it, which could be quite fun. It’s always difficult when there’s no source material.”

“But yeah, I’m always curious.”

We’d be curious too, Rob. Super curious.

If there was another movie with any of the original cast, the chances are good that Kristen Stewart wouldn’t return — she’s said as much, and it seems unlikely that she’d be willing to act so closely with Robert after what happened with their personal relationship.

Pretending to be in love with your ex-boyfriend that you infamously cheated on doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, to be fair.

They could do a movie of Edward’s vampire origins, though they’d have to do it soon, what with that whole rule about vampires not aging and Robert being decidedly human.

Hey, maybe they could do a movie about Jacob the werewolf falling in love with Edward and Bella’s newborn baby! Remember that mess?

The possibilities are endless, and whether or not Robert is involved, you know it will be a hit.

A messy, embarrassing, ridiculously entertaining hit.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Robert Pattinson: Caught Cheating on FKA Twigs?!

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs have thus far done a pretty solid job of keeping their relationship private, but that hasn’t stopped the tabloid press from prying.

Unfortunately, the combination of Twigbert’s secrecy and the media’s interest in their lives has led to a ton of conflicting rumors.

In October, several outlets reported that Pattinson and Twigs had broken up.

Shortly thereafter, insiders claimed that Rob and FKA had called off their engagement, but were still together as a couple.

Now, In Touch is claiming that Pattinson and Twigs are still together – but they’re having trouble as a result of Rob’s wandering eye.

In fact, witnesses claim they recently spotted Rob getting handsy with an unidentified woman at a pary in LA:

“Rob couldn’t keep his hands off this one girl. He was kissing her and putting his arms around her all night,” says one onlooker. “Rob looked like he was totally into this girl.

“They seemed to have a lot to talk about and were really enjoying each other’s company.Rob was having a great time. He looked really happy.”

Yeah, it sounds like he’s really happy. FKA on the other hand…not so much:

“She and Rob have been having issues for some time now and she’s been worrying that he might have interest in someone else,” says a source.

“That’s why Rob’s flirty night out could be the beginning of the end for the couple. Friends have been in Rob’s ear telling him it may be time to walk away from the relationship. It’s really not looking great.”

You’d think Rob would’ve learned something from getting cheated on by Kristen Stewart, but it seems that like the rest of us, he’s pretty much forgotten they were ever a couple.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Soko: Kristen Stewart"s Girlfriend Dated Robert Pattinson?!

Earlier this month, we reported that Kristen Stewart is dating Soko, a female French singer whom Stewart apparently met shortly after her recent breakup with Alicia Cargile.

Of course, Kristen’s most famous breakup remains her very public split with Robert Pattinson, and now it looks as though because of that painful chapter in her past, she and Soko may have more in common than just their shared love of cigarettes and looking sullen.

Yes, it seems that during an interview with a random music blog last year, the singer revealed that she too once engaged in a romantic dalliance with the man they call R-Pattz:

“Three nights in, I went out and met a girl who was like ‘Hey, I like your music, I work for a label and we would love to sign you,” Soko said of her first week living in LA.

“Where are you staying, do you need a place to stay?’ and I was like ‘Yeah I do.’ That same night I had a blind date with Robert Pattinson!"”

Wow. Most people would probably lead with that last part.

Anyway, it may seem oddly coincidental that two women from different continents banged the same sparkly vampire before hooking up with one another, but Soko is French, and she takes an expectedly French view of sex, fate, and fashionable sulking:

“Sex for so long was such a taboo thing. You couldn’t be free with your sexuality and say that you like it. But it’s one of the biggest joys of life. If you find one partner who you love having sex with, it’s the best!” SoKo recenly told W magazine.

“This new generation is a lot more liquid with sexuality and it’s really refreshing.”

Sounds like these two have more in common than just their shared love for lower-lip biting.

We’re talking about Kristen’s signature mannerism! Get your mind out of the gutter!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Robert Pattinson Goes Blue Steel for Dior Homme

According to a new report, one that we cannot verify, the engagement between Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs is off.

Along similar, segue-based lines, meanwhile, the former Twilight Saga hunk stars in a new campaign for Dior Homme Intense cologne and we"re pretty sure most females who watch it will subsequently be getting themselves off.

Sorry. Did we go too far there?

We"re just saying that Pattinson looks mighty fine while promoting this global brand.

The latest commercial for the men’s fragrance is set to the singe “All I Need” by L’Orange & Jeremiah Jae and it features Pattinson traveling the streets of Manhattan while messages materialize on multiple New York skyscrapers and landmarks.

These quotes include Life is short, Break the rules, Never regret anything, and Live as if you will die today.

So aside from looking very good, Pattinson is offering up helpful life advice. That"s why we love him!

Pattinson became the face of Dior cologne in June of 2013.

Since then he has appeared in numerous campaigns for the product, all of which makes us want to swoon.

There was the sultry short film in which the actor got quite amorous with model Camille Rowe in such places as a bathtub and elevator, as well as the one where he was smoking, snuggling and sizzling.

Feast your eyes on the latest Robert Pattinson ad below. (But be warned: you may need to take a cold shower afterward!)

Robert pattinson sizzles for dior homme

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs: It"s OVER!?

The news we all knew was coming has arrived.  Of course we aren’t happy about it, but we knew it was going to happen.

Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs have reportedly pulled the plug and called off their wedding!!

According to Life and Style Magazine, Pattinson and Twigs have “been on the outs” for quite some time.  The unraveling of their relationship began when Pattinson started filming The Lost City of Z.

Rumors claim Robert and FKA officially broke up yesterday, October 28.

A source told the magazine, “FKA called Rob on his first day of filming to tell him that she couldn’t visit because of her busy schedule.”

“[He] let her know he wasn’t happy about it,” and FKA allegedly “lost her temper,” and “yelled at him to stop complaining and hung up on him,” the source dished.

The fight didn’t settle well for either Pattinson or FKA.  As a result, the disagreement carried on for weeks.

Allegedly, the couple “went into a long period of not speaking to each other.”  Between the fight and the cold shoulder treatment, they decided it was time to break up.

The couple has been together since August 2014, and Robert is devastated over the breakup.  

However, Robert’s family is far from heartbroken.  According to the source, “They don’t think she’s right for Rob.”  This is certainly no surprise. Robert’s family did not approve of Twigs from the start.

In January of this year, a source told Radar Online, “Although they are happy for their son, they were actually quite disapproving. The Pattinsons are a very traditional family and they thought [Twigs] was a very sweet girl, just not the one they want for their son to end up with.”

It’s unclear at this time how Twigs feels.  But we can assume she is having a rough time.  Just recently she exposed her desires for marriage and motherhood:

In an interview with Paper Magazine, she said, “I’m quite traditional. You know that saying, ‘You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl’? I grew up in Gloucestershire, and there’s a certain format that people fit into.”

“I’m actually quite happy with the format. I’m quite happy to say, ‘Go to school, work hard on your GCSEs, do your A-Levels, get married, have children. Send your kids to a nice school. Make sure you’re in the right catchment area,’” she said sentimentally.

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this rumor.  In August, reports claimed Robert and FKA broke up.  At the time, sources claimed the couple was waiting until the end of the year to officially announce it.

It looks like that announcement might be coming sooner rather than later.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Robert Pattinson Addresses Racism Against FKA Twigs — Says Commenters Are "Demons Who Live In Basements"

Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs have had plenty of problems with being in the public eye.

The singer has openly mentioned she is not a fan of fame, and she and her fiancé have faced their fair share of relationship rumors — having to shut down stories that their upcoming nuptials are no longer happening.

Related: Robert Worries About His ‘Gut!’

But far and away the worst of all the constant scrutiny comes from those who still harbor racist resentment towards the Twilight star’s lovely lady, and he’s had enough.

Robert was talking to NME magazine about the hateful messages twigs has received in the past, and it’s clear it makes him furious. He said:

“I was talking to my dad about this and I bet him that if he looked up Nelson Mandela‘s funeral on YouTube, the first comment would be a racist one. And it was, with like a million upvotes. What I don’t get is why. I think it’s because most normal people are not commenters – I’ve never met anyone who’s left a comment on anything. It’s just demons who live in basements. You have this weird thing where you end up trying to fight against this faceless blob, where the more you hate it, the bigger it gets, because it’s all in your head.”

While he tries to stay off the internet himself — and avoid all the haters and trolls — the 29-year-old says sometimes the curiosity gets the best of him:

“I go through periods where I don’t do it at all and feel glorious! Then I’ll fall back into this pit. It really does affect you, and it all comes from some moron sitting on a comment board. It’s always that person who’s needling away at you, who you either want to destroy, or convince them to love you.”

But, ever since he moved from LA to London, he says life in the spotlight has become less blinding:

“I had people sitting outside my house every single day, and it drove me crazy. I didn’t go into a supermarket for about six years. But now I can go in and chat to the guy who’s working there about his kids, or where he’s going on holiday, and not be thinking, ‘Is he gonna sell me out?’ I just don’t have to think about that stuff any more.”

Well, we’re glad that Robert feels a little more comfortable leaving the house! And while our heart breaks that people still say such despicable things about his main squeeze, it’s important that they know those haters don’t matter!

After all, they have each other!

[Image via WENN.]

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kristen Stewart Talks Overcoming Heartbreak From Robert Pattinson Split & Thoughts On LGBT Rights — See What She Said HERE!

At one point we thought Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson‘s love would last forever!

So it shouldn’t be shocking that it took the Twilight actress quite a while to get over her breakup to the British cutie.

Earlier this week, the starlet opened up about her past relationship and how she used the heartache as inspiration for her new film Equals with Nicholas Hoult. The film is about a futuristic world where emotions are outlawed. Whoa!

In case you forgot, the brunette beauty was caught cheating on her on-screen (and former off-screen) love with Rupert Sanders back in 2012. Whomp, whomp.

[ Related: Kristen Stewart Is Going To Play THIS Legendary Fashion Designer ]

In regards to the scandal, she shared:

“It was incredibly painful. Ugh, f**king kill me.”

Tell us how you really feel. WE KID.

However, KStew wasn’t the only star to channel heartbreak for this movie. In fact, Nicholas had split from Jennifer Lawrence back in August 2014 and started filming the movie at the same time. We can only imagine how emotional that set must’ve been.

She continued:

“Not all of my friends have been through what I’ve been through. Everything that we did was explorative, and a meditation on what we already knew. We all felt akin by how much we’ve been through, and to utilize that is so scary. And to acknowledge it, reassess, and jump back into it? Usually you want to move on. But at least we could use some of that for some good.”

Wow! What a beautifully honest answer.

Nonetheless, it seems Miz Stewart wants her fans to view her new film and remember that it is possible to love again.

She noted:

“If you’ve been hurt—you know when you’ve broken up with someone and you look at someone walking down the street holding hands and think, ‘Ugh, give it a f**kin’ year. Let me know how you feel in a year, ugh, I don’t’ believe in that.’

Well if we did our jobs right, then it would be to remind you that you can definitely get back to that, and how hard, amazing, and life-fulfilling those feelings were in the very beginning."”

Tissues, anyone?!

The Still Alice star went onto explain that she never used anti-depressants to aid in the rough two years following her split from RPatz.

She explained:

“As far as we know, you have one shot at this and it can be so f**king beautiful, so why lessen the feeling of anything? Why numb yourself? I’m not on antidepressants. I think it’s bizarre.”

Talk about a truth bomb!

Regardless, Kristen has certainly moved on from her former flame and seems over the moon with her rumored girlfriend Alicia Cargile.

The alleged couple still haven’t confirmed their current #RelationshipStatus, but Kristen is not hiding her opinions about same-sex relationships. She even commented on the recent controversy surrounding Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who STILL refuses to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

She stated:

“Honestly, it makes me so deeply uncomfortable. I feel really bad for her. Anyone who’s so closed off to things that are so apparent? Imagine what else she’s missing out on in life. I’m not making any grand statements about her personally, but if something so glaringly obvious… That fear of the unknown cripples people, breeds hate, and it’s just very sad.”

Here’s hoping that statements like these hint that Alicia and Kristen will make a red carpet debut sooner than later! Fingers crossed.

[Image via Dominic Chan/WENN.]