Showing posts with label Commenters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commenters. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Gawker Files For Bankruptcy Following Hulk Hogan Sex Tape Lawsuit; Thousands of Snarky Commenters in Mourning

Following weeks of insolvency rumors, Gawker Media – the sleazy blog network that makes look like a bastion of journalistic integrity – finally filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today.

The move has been anticipated by many ever since a March 18 court ruling in which former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan was awarded $ 115 million in his lawsuit against the site.

That same week, a jury awarded Hogan an additional $ 25 million, thus putting Gawker on the hook for a total of $ 140 million.

Both decisions stemmed from the company’s decision to post portions of Hogan’s sex tape online.

Hogan filed a suit against Gawker for $ 100 million, alleging a violation of his privacy.

The jury saw it his way and then some  – awarding the iconic wrestler $ 15 million more than he asked for, and then slapping on an additional $ 25 million in punitive damages.

It was later revealed that Hogan’s legal expenses had been covered by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.

Thiel has had beef with Gawker since 2007, when the site outed him as gay.

“It’s less about revenge and more about specific deterrence,” Thiel recently told The New York Times.

The good news for Gawker is that the company can now postpone paying Hogan the colossal sum that it owes him.

The bad news is – well, just about everything else. confirmed moments ago that all it’s parent company will be sold to “another entity.”

The official statement adds that the sites under the Gawker Media umbrella will continue normal operations “for the foreseeable future,” but confirms that the suit has resulted in “the most significant change to Gawker’s corporate structure in its 14-year history.”

Digital publisher Ziff Davis has reportedly already placed a bid, with $ 100 million as the opening price.

It’s tough luck for Nick Denton and the other famously unscrupulous powers that be at Gawker, but as the esteemed Hulkster himself so memorably opined, “Whatcha gonna do, brother?”

Friday, September 25, 2015

Robert Pattinson Addresses Racism Against FKA Twigs — Says Commenters Are "Demons Who Live In Basements"

Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs have had plenty of problems with being in the public eye.

The singer has openly mentioned she is not a fan of fame, and she and her fiancé have faced their fair share of relationship rumors — having to shut down stories that their upcoming nuptials are no longer happening.

Related: Robert Worries About His ‘Gut!’

But far and away the worst of all the constant scrutiny comes from those who still harbor racist resentment towards the Twilight star’s lovely lady, and he’s had enough.

Robert was talking to NME magazine about the hateful messages twigs has received in the past, and it’s clear it makes him furious. He said:

“I was talking to my dad about this and I bet him that if he looked up Nelson Mandela‘s funeral on YouTube, the first comment would be a racist one. And it was, with like a million upvotes. What I don’t get is why. I think it’s because most normal people are not commenters – I’ve never met anyone who’s left a comment on anything. It’s just demons who live in basements. You have this weird thing where you end up trying to fight against this faceless blob, where the more you hate it, the bigger it gets, because it’s all in your head.”

While he tries to stay off the internet himself — and avoid all the haters and trolls — the 29-year-old says sometimes the curiosity gets the best of him:

“I go through periods where I don’t do it at all and feel glorious! Then I’ll fall back into this pit. It really does affect you, and it all comes from some moron sitting on a comment board. It’s always that person who’s needling away at you, who you either want to destroy, or convince them to love you.”

But, ever since he moved from LA to London, he says life in the spotlight has become less blinding:

“I had people sitting outside my house every single day, and it drove me crazy. I didn’t go into a supermarket for about six years. But now I can go in and chat to the guy who’s working there about his kids, or where he’s going on holiday, and not be thinking, ‘Is he gonna sell me out?’ I just don’t have to think about that stuff any more.”

Well, we’re glad that Robert feels a little more comfortable leaving the house! And while our heart breaks that people still say such despicable things about his main squeeze, it’s important that they know those haters don’t matter!

After all, they have each other!

[Image via WENN.]