Showing posts with label Masturbate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Masturbate. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sarah Silverman: I Let Louis C.K. Masturbate in Front of Me

Sorry, Sarah Silverman, but…

… cum again?

(Okay, truthfully, we’re sorry to our readers here.)

The comedian has made some very gross headlines by appearing Monday morning on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show and speaking on her friendship with Louis C.K.

Back in November, of course, C.K. was accused of five women of sexual misconduct.

They all said that the famous stand-up jerked off in their presence, an allegation that C.K. later acknowledged as true.

Talking to Stern, Silverman sort of defended her friend’s actions (or at least his mindset at the time of these actions) by telling a personal and disgusting story:

“I don’t know if I’m going to regret saying this,” she said. “I’ve known Louis forever, I’m not making excuses for him, so please don’t take this that way. We are peers. We are equals.

“When we were kids, and he asked if he could masturbate in front of me, sometimes I’d go, ‘F-c yeah I want to see that!’ …

“It’s not analogous to the other women that are talking about what he did to them. He could offer me nothing. We were only just friends.

“So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazing. Sometimes I would say, ‘F-cking no, gross,’ and we got pizza.”

Well… okay then.

Not sure what else to say about that.

C.K. pleasuring himself in front of a woman who admittedly wants him to do so is fine of course. 

Especially, as Silverman notes here, when the two people involved are peers.

But C.K. pleasuring himself in front of women who did not give their consent and over whom he held power is unethical and wildly inappropriate.

Silverman’s point here, however, is that C.K. may not have realized this upon yanking out his junk in front of his victims.

“I’m not saying what he did was okay,” she said to Stern, explaining:

“I’m just saying at a certain point, when he became influential, not even famous, but influential in the world of comedy, it changes.

“He felt like he was the same person, but the dynamic was different and it was not okay.”

It was definitely not okay.

“I’m not saying everyone should embrace Louis again,” Silverman continued.

“I believe he has remorse. I just want him to talk about it on stage. He’s going to have to find his way or not find his way.”

Louis, of course, has now returned to the stage, despite many people thinking he hasn’t learned any lessons; suffered any consequences; or taking any steps to make anyone believe he regrets his actions.

Said C.K. in a statement after the aforementioned five women came forward:

These stories are true.

At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true.

But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.

The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. I have been remorseful of my actions. And I’ve tried to learn from them. And run from them.

Now I’m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions.

One of the women who sat and watched C.K. masturbate said the experience discouraged her from pursuing a career in comedy.

It ruined the entire entertainment industry for her.

Concluded C.K. in his statement:

I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.

I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn’t want to hear it..

There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.

I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.

The hardest regret to live with is what you’ve done to hurt someone else. And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them…

I’ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.

I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Michael Douglas: I Did Not Masturbate in Front of That Woman!

Michael Douglas would like to make something very clear.

In an interview with Deadline, the veteran actor has responded to accusations of sexual harassment with a definitive statement that can best be summed up with these words:

No. Not me too.

The 73-year old The Oscar winner decided to come forward preemptively after being contacted by The Hollywood Reporter and Variety regarding allegations of misconduct made by an employee who worked for him more 32 years ago.

This employee claims Douglas once dropped his pants and masturbated in front of her.

The woman worked for Douglas’ production company in New York, the actor says, adding:

“I don’t know where to begin. This is a complete lie, fabrication, no truth to it whatsoever.”

Having been in the entertainment industry for over 50 years, both as an actor and producer, the two-time Academy Award winner went into further detail about why he’s speaking out.

“I felt the need to get ahead of this,” Douglas explains, adding:

“It pertains to me but I’m also getting a sense of how it reflects in our culture, and what is going on today. I see it as a cautionary tale.”

Douglas says he remembers the woman in question and says he fired her based on her work.

He also denies her claims that he proceeded to blackball her from Hollywood.

“I support the #metoo movement with all my heart,” Douglas continued.

“I have always supported women, along the way. This is the kind of step that can set that movement back….

“I’m just happy to be able to present my story. I’m grateful to have the support of my wife and my kids who’ve had to share this with me.

“It has been a complete nightmare.”

The actor is married to Catherine Zeta-Jones.

As readers are likely well aware, Hollywood continues to reel from accusations against a variety of men of sexual harassment and misconduct.

The issue took on a new life of its own last year after producer Harvey Weinstein was accused of some horrible acts against the opposite sex.

Since then, victims have been empowered to go public, with accusations taking down the careers of such major stars as Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer and Louis C.K.

The latter was also accused of jerking off in front of women, but he actually confessed to these misdeeds.

The Hollywood Reporter, meanwhile, has not yet commented on Douglas’ statement and/or the article he says the publication called him about in December.

As of late Tuesday, there were no stories containing allegations against Douglas on its website.

To conclude his chat with Deadline, Douglas said the following:

I’m upset… I’m having a hard time understanding it. I’m very grateful to my family and business associates around me.

I’m fearful, I have jobs going with studios who all seem to be supportive at this time.

I’m hurt, really hurt and offended and I wonder if people realize when you do something like this, it hurts a lot more than just one person.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Robert Pattinson Praised by PETA for Refusing to Masturbate a Dog

Robert Pattinson is a hero to 4-legged friends for refusing to masturbate a dog for a movie scene … so says PETA. The actor told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night the director of his latest flick, “Good Time,” wanted him to shoot a scene in which he…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Texas Lawmaker Proposes $100 Fine For Men Who Masturbate

A Texas lawmaker is proposing a bill that would require men to be masters of their own domain … or be prepared to unload $ 100 in fines. Jessica Farrar, a Democratic state representative, reportedly filed House Bill 4260 … which proposes that in…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Amber Rose Doesn"t Need to Masturbate So Hard Anymore

Amber Rose is hooking up with the brother of her former Dancing With the Stars partner, Val Chmerkovskiy, and the details surrounding their relationship are … surprisingly sweet. 

Though she’s been pretty outspoken in the past about her relationships, we have a sneaking suspicion that she’s gonna play this one close to the vest, since Chmerkovskiy is probably the “classiest” dude she’s ever been with

If she’s, you know, smart. 

E! reported that the two were spotted out on a cozy date at L.A. hotspot, Delilah, and that the entire evening was “flirty.” 

The scandal. 


The source told E!, “They were sitting at a big booth and it was just the two of them, sitting very close together in the middle.” 

“As they were sitting next to each other, their hands intertwined – definitely a date night.” 

So their “hands intertwined,” huh? 

In layman’s terms, we call that “hand-holding.” 

Novel concept, we know.

Previously, Chmerkovskiy played it coy when he was asked about a possible hookup with Amber. 

He told Entertainment Tonight, “I can’t control what people think.” 

“I live my life and I try to live it, you know, the way I want to live it.” 

When asked outright if he thought that he and Amber would make a “cute couple,” he said … well, he said this. 

“I’d make a cute couple with a lot of people.” 

Gosh, this guy just sounds like an utter genius, don’t you think? 

Ding, ding, ding, Amber – you snagged a winner! 

Recently, we’ve been examining Rose with a fine-toothed comb, as it looks like she might’ve undergone a boob job

About her milk-makers, she previously told Terry Dubrow of Botched that she was unsure about getting the girls done, because she kind of liked them the way they are. 

We do, too, girl, and we’re sure Val wanted to hold more than just your hands. 

The good thing is, however, that Amber probably won’t have to endure solo sex much longer, though she claimed that masturbation does wonders for her face

About rubbing one out, Amber told Glamour, “I wish I had time to masturbate every day in reality, but I don’t.” 

Girl, you make time for the important things, so don’t even play. 


Friday, April 22, 2016

Kanye West: I Try Not to Wake Kris Jenner When I Masturbate

We’ve known for quite some time that Kanye West is a fan of the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

But now that he’s married to his favorite porn star, it would be a little weird for him to watch her gettin’ it on with Ray J, right? Sure, he was like 18 boyfriends ago, but Yeezy strikes us the jealous type.

So what kind of porn does The Greatest Artist to Ever Walk God’s Green Earth (according to himself) go in for these days?

Well, according to the clip above ‘Ye enjoys just about any kind of smut…as long as it’s silent.

We don’t mean the guy is in possession of the world’s only copy of the Charlie Chaplin sex tape. No, apparently, Kanye just always turns the sound down when he’s watching porn.

The rapper and noted tantrum-thrower made that baffling revelation during the final episode of Kocktails With Khloe this week after fellow guest Chrissy Teigen admitted to watching Japanese anime porn.

“I’ve never watched porn with the sound on,” said Kanye with wife Kim Kardashian by his side.

“I lived with my mom in high school, then I lived in my mother-in-law’s house. There’s kids next door and stuff.”

Kim, clearly accustomed to her husband’s odd behavior at this point, just smiled placidly as he revealed to the world that he tries not to wake Kris Jenner up when he takes little Yeezy out for a joy ride.

“He probably watches Japanese anime porn,” Kim speculated at one point.

Obviously, she knows more about what the man is into sexually than we do, but we have to disagree with her on that point.

Kanye probably burned out on Asian cartoon porn years ago, and now he wanks it to stuff so artsy and out-there you wouldn’t even recognize it as porn.

Either that, or he just watches a video of himself interrupting Taylor Swift.

Whatever it is, you can rest assured that the whole scene would be terrifying if you walked in on it.

Someone should really get this man a pair of headphones ASAP.