Showing posts with label Flipped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flipped. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Anthony Kiedis Flipped Off, Cussed Out Rockets Staffer During Lakers Brawl

Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis LOST HIS DAMN MIND at the Lakers game on Saturday — cussing out a Rockets staffer following the brawl on the court … and TMZ Sports has the video.  As Chris Paul was being escorted off the…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Will Ferrell Involved in Serious Two-Car Accident, SUV Flipped Over

Will Ferrell was riding in an SUV that got flipped over in a 2-car accident Thursday night, and he — along with 2 others — were rushed to a hospital for treatment. The wreck happened in Orange County on the I-5 freeway around 11 PM. Will was…


Will Ferrell Involved in Serious Two-Car Accident, SUV Flipped Over

Will Ferrell was riding in an SUV that got flipped over in a 2-car accident Thursday night, and he — along with 2 others — were rushed to a hospital for treatment. The wreck happened in Orange County on the I-5 freeway around 11 PM. Will was…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kristen Stewart Hasn"t Flipped Back to Team Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart’s showing no signs of flipping back to team Robert Pattinson … at least not yet. We got Kristen and her GF, Stella Maxwell, arriving together at LAX on Tuesday but, despite putting on a united front, Kristen…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vanessa Trump FLIPPED OUT at Aubrey O"Day: Report

According to multiple recent reports, Aubrey O’Day often lay down for Donald Trump Jr.

That is, the singer carried on a months-long affair with the businessman between 2011 and 2012.

Now, however, a new report alleges that Vanessa Trump did NOT just lie down and cower when confronted with this news about her husband.

Quite the opposite, Us Weekly writes: she fought back!

The magazine alleges that Vanessa discovered a number of emails between Donald Jr. and O’Day that led her to believe the pair were sleeping together behind her back.

Upon learning this troubling information, she actually called up O’Day and confronted the artist, telling her to leave her husband alone.

But that’s not all:

“She called Aubrey with her kids on the phone,” an insider actually says, explaining that Vanessa’s intent was to shame O’Day away from Donald Jr.

Adds another source:

“Vanessa went crazy and was super jealous.”

If this report is true, and if our timeline is accurate, then Vanessa called Aubrey with two kids on the phone because she was pregnant with her third at the time.

Neither O’Day nor either of the Trumps has spoken out on the strong rumor of this affair.

But the story went viral just a few days after Vanessa filed for divorce from Donald Trump Jr.

The son of President Donald Trump, Junior served as an “Adviser” on Season 5 of Celebrity Apprentice, which is where and how he met O’Day.

Don Jr. “pursued [Aubrey]. It was him who chased her,” an insider told The New York Post this week, adding:

“He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”

This same newspaper wrote that the affair finally ended after The Donald himself told his son, very simply, to knock it the heck off.

Again, no one involved in this scandal has confirmed or denied its existence.

HOWEVER, O’Day actually released a song in 2013 titled “DJT.”

Those are Donald Trump’s initials.

Moreover, the lyrics read very much like someone scorned about a former romance, with the hook, for example, going as follows:

I hate me for loving you, hate you for letting our love die.

Take a listen below:

Speaking on the romance to Us Weekly, another source says:

“When it started, he and Aubrey were very serious all of a sudden. He told her it was over with his wife, that they were separated and he didn’t love her – all of that stuff.”

And the former Danity Kane singer bought in, hook, line, sinker, heart and penis.

“Aubrey fell for him hard,” adds this insider. “She thought they were going to be together for real.”

That would explain the bitter single above, we guess.

Following her separation from Trump, Vanessa has only said the following, as part of a joint statement with her estranged shady husband:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways.

We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority.

We ask for your privacy during this time.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

William Shatner Flipped Over in Horse and Buggy Show, But Not Injured

William Shatner had a buck of a scare when his horse got spooked, and tossed him from the cart it was pulling.   Shatner was participating in a horse and buggy competition Wednesday at the Mercer County Fair & Horse Show in…


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio Dissed Lady Gaga, Flipped Off Academy Members at the Oscars?

Unless you turned off the Oscars after Stacey Dash’s awkward cameo and spent the days since in a semi-comatose state of stunned disbelief, then you know that one of Hollywood’s most beloved talents finally got recognized by the Academy on Sunday night.  

Yes, Chris Jenkins finally took home the top prize for his many years of outstanding sound editing.

We kid! The big buzz of the night (and the months leading up to the awards) was Leonardo DiCaprio’s all-but-guaranteed win for his work as Grunty McBeardo in The Revenant.

But just because Leo took center stage for the night (He even stole the spotlight from Spotlight! We’re very sorry for that joke.), that doesn’t mean he was in a forgiving mood.

You may remember that DiCaprio and Lady Gaga butted heads (literally, her butt almost hit his head) at the Golden Globes back in January.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Gaga tried to make nice at an Oscars after-party, but “Leo was not having any of it.”

According to the insider, once you piss off DiCaprio, it’s hard to come back-rio (sorry again!):

“Gaga has been shut out of several big projects this month, and she believes that Leo is the reason why,” says the source. 

“She said that he is sabotaging her chances at a real career in acting and she is freaking out!”

But Gaga wasn’t the only one who found herself an unexpected target of Oscar-Winner Leonardo DiCaprio’s wrath:

Leonardo DiCaprio Middle Finger

The above photo of DiCaprio appearing to flip a subtle bird to the Academy has been making the rounds online, and many feel the finger placement was no accident.

After-party attendees say the 41-year-old was also spotted “howling like a wolf” in celebration and his group of assembled bros (formerly known as “the P-ssy Posse”) chanted “wolf pack” in response.

It seems like Leo may have decided to let his douche flag fly now that he’s finally won Hollywood’s top prize, and as long as he keeps being this entertaining about it, that’s fine by us.