Showing posts with label Staffer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Staffer. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

UFC"s Brian Ortega Chokes Out TMZ Staffer ... Again


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UFC"s Brian Ortega Chokes Out TMZ Staffer ... Again

Monday, October 22, 2018

Anthony Kiedis Flipped Off, Cussed Out Rockets Staffer During Lakers Brawl

Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis LOST HIS DAMN MIND at the Lakers game on Saturday — cussing out a Rockets staffer following the brawl on the court … and TMZ Sports has the video.  As Chris Paul was being escorted off the…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

McDonald"s Staffer Pummels Customer in Crazy Fight

One McDonald’s customer learned a tough lesson: DO NOT try to steal from the soda machine, and definitely don’t pick a fight with employees, ‘cause ya might get your ass mopped. A video posted Wednesday night shows a young lady getting into a…


McDonald"s Staffer Pummels Customer in Crazy Fight

One McDonald’s customer learned a tough lesson: DO NOT try to steal from the soda machine, and definitely don’t pick a fight with employees, ‘cause ya might get your ass mopped. A video posted Wednesday night shows a young lady getting into a…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Washington Capitals Staffer Brings Stanley Cup to Capital Gazette Office

Several survivors of the Capital Gazette shooting got to spend some time with the Stanley Cup on Tuesday … thanks to the Washington Capitals equipment manager.  The story is heartbreaking … Capitals staffer Craig Leydig had just finished a…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

UFC"s Brian Ortega to TMZ Staffer, Cool If I Choke You Out?

Brian Ortega isn’t just puttin’ a hurtin’ on other UFC fighters … he’ll also choke out a TMZ staffer.  The UFC superstar joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) — where one of our producers (Lucas) asked Ortega…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham Arrested for Striking Beverly Hills Hotel Staffer

Farrah Abraham got busted at the Beverly Hills Hotel for fighting with an employee … TMZ has learned. The ex-‘Teen Mom” and sometimes porn star was at the schmancy hotel Tuesday night, and according to law enforcement sources she got into an…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Former Today Show Staffer Details Affair with Matt Lauer

Addie Zinone, a former Today Show production assistant, has given a detailed account to Variety of her affair with Matt Lauer.

In a lengthy interview with the publication, Zinone says she was 24 when she started sleeping with Lauer in 2000.

The host was recently married at the time to his current wife, Annette Roque.

After serving as an intern at the morning program, Zinone tells Variety she was offered an anchor position back in her home state of West Virginia.

Upon learning she was leaving, Lauer began to come on to Zinone.

In June of 2000, Lauer allegedly wrote the staffer a text that read:

“Hey, I hope you won’t drag me to personnel for saying this, but you look fantastic…

“I don’t know what you have done, or what is going on in your life … but it’s agreeing with you.”

Zinone says she thanked him and asked if the two could meet in order for her to gather “a little advice” from the veteran journalist.

Lauer agreed and met Zinone for lunch.

This is how she described the situation to Variety:

“My intentions were purely professional. I thought this was a way to get real-world constructive advice. What that turned into was an opportunity for him to come on to me.

“It was flattering, confusing, overwhelming. I was nervous. I didn’t know what to do with it. He was clearly trying to guide the conversation.

“He was there to hit on me and manipulate the situation, and I fell for it.

“Here’s how I should have known what I was getting myself into. When we left, he told me: ‘You leave first, and I’ll leave after.’

“In no lunch I’d ever had at Today had anyone suggested we leave separately, as if something was up.”

Confused over what was going on and feeling uneasy about how Lauer acted toward her, Zinone says she asked the host to get together for a discussion.

He requested the pair meet in his dressing room above studio 1A.

According to her account, she reminded him he was married, but…

“He opens the door. There you go. It crossed the line. It was a consensual encounter. It happened in his dressing room above studio 1A, which was empty in the afternoons.

“He got in his car and I had to go back to work, and now my life had completely changed.”

Lauer, of course, was fired late last month due to accusations of sexual misconduct and harassment.

Follow-up stories claimed he sent co-workers sex toys, demanded sexual favors of underlings and even raped an employee in his office.

In this case, Zinone acknowledges the relationship was consensual and that the two “met several [more] times” after this initial sexual encounter.

There was even one time, she claims, that Lauer used a button under his desk to lock his office door because he wanted them to have sex right then and there.

“It was embarrassing, because his secretary was sitting outside,” she says, adding:

“He wanted to do stuff. I was like, ‘No. I’m so in over my head. I’m not a performance artist."”

The last time that Zinone says she saw Lauer was at the 2000 Democratic National Convention in California, when he supposedly told her to meet him in a nearby bathroom, where they proceeded to have “an encounter.”

Of the sexual variety, we assume.

She eventually quit her anchor job and joined the Army.

The former PA concludes that her situation was consensual, yes, but she still felt like a victim because she felt he had abused his power.

“He went after the most vulnerable and the least powerful – and those were the production assistants and the interns,” she told Variety.

“I’m putting my name and face out there to squash any doubts about the allegations from other women against Matt Lauer.

“I’m validating their stories because some of our experiences are similar. I want these women to know that I believe them, I want to help empower them and collectively we have a voice to change things.

“I have a 7-year-old daughter. I want to do everything I can to assure this doesn’t happen to her.”

Last we heard, the status of Lauer’s marriage was up in the air.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ted Cruz Says He Did Not Like the Porn Tweet, Staffer Who Did Won"t Be Fired

Ted Cruz is not gonna fire the dude on his staff who liked a porn video on Twitter. Cruz spoke to CNN’s Dana Bash Wednesday, and the elephant in the room was addressed … his official Twitter account had “liked” a porn video on Monday night ……


Friday, August 11, 2017

Usher Exposed by Hotel Staffer Who Witnessed Alleged Hookup!

This is not a good time to be Usher. Not just because Usher’s getting sued for allegedly giving out STIs like party favors.

But also because he’s now paying the price for trying to diss a woman he claims that he never slept with.

It turns out that when you piss people off, it motivates people to tattle on you.

The story of a man’s penis allegedly emitting some sort of green substance sounds like something from a comedy/horror film.

But in Usher’s case, it’s really not funny.

Usher is being sued for allegedly giving a sex partner herpes and for exposing two others to a risk of herpes (and causing emotional distress in that way).

And he apparently already paid out some herpes hush money to another alleged victim.

Despite that knowledge being out there and multiple people (including one man) coming forward with similar stories, Usher tried to laugh off the accusation from a woman named Quantasia Sharpton.

Quantasia, we should note, does not have herpes but says that Usher should have disclosed to her that he did have herpes before they had sex.

Usher suggested that she was making it up, because she isn’t his type.

There are a shockingly large number of people who think that larger women don’t get sex.

Or that they don’t get sex with attractive men.

The fact of that matter is that this is far from the truth.

Women come in all shapes and sizes and yes, all of those shapes and sizes can and do have sex.

Even with attractive men.

Even with attractive celebrity men.

But it sounds like Usher was counting on people’s assumptions about large women to back him up.

It turns out that Usher’s gambit may have backfired pretty spectacularly.

TMZ reports that, first of all, Quantasia’s account of exactly how she met Usher and then slept with him totally checks out — just in terms of times, dates, and her being where she said that she was.

More than that, they report that a hotel staffer confirms that Usher came there.

The staffer wasn’t from a horror movie, so they can’t technically confirm that Usher and Quantasia had sex.

But the staffer did report that Usher arrived in the Days Inn hotel lobby and that Quantasia came out to greet him — and then led him back to her room.

Usher apparently told the staffer that he’d take a selfie with her on his way out … but after waiting more than an hour with no sign of him, she left.

So … we’d be interested to hear Usher’s account of what he did with Quantasia in her hotel room. Maybe they played Mario Kart?

Our favorite part of this story, however, is that the staffer was motivated to come forward with this experience after Usher dissed Quantasia by suggesting that he’d never sleep with her.

Hell hath no fury, you know?

In this case, the staffer was just indignant on Quantasia’s behalf.

And remember, TMZ says that Quantasia’s account seems to match up, in terms of locations and timelines.

This staffer’s story just adds to that.

Usher’s going to need a better contradiction to her story than claiming that he doesn’t sleep with thicc girls.

More to the point: if you have an STI, be honest about it. Plenty of people have them, but you need to be honest and up-front about it.


Usher Hooked Up with Accuser At Days Inn, Hotel Staffer Claims

The woman who is suing Usher, alleging he hooked up with her at a hotel, is telling the truth … so claims a woman who says she worked at the hotel. Quantasia Sharpton appeared at a news conference with lawyer, Lisa…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Senator Tim Kaine Officiates Wedding of Former Staffer in Virginia (PHOTOS)

Senator Tim Kaine has a side hustle that is keeping him super busy on the weekends … he does weddings! The former Dem Veep nom officiated the wedding of Gena Boyle Berger, a former staffer who worked with Kaine when he was Governor of Virginia.…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pacman Jones Arrested ... Allegedly Spit On Jail Staffer

Another off-season … another Pacman Jones run in with police. This time, the Cincinnati Bengals star was arrested Tuesday morning after allegedly getting violent at a Hyatt hotel … and then spitting on a jail staffer. Jones allegedly went…
