Showing posts with label Customer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Post Malone is Postmate"s Top Customer, Spending More Than $40,000 This Past Year

If you’re worried about how much you’re spending on getting food and booze delivered, you can breathe easier, because we’ve learned Post Malone left everyone in the dust! The rapper is Postmates’ most dedicated customer … ordering nearly…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Nike"s Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Nike didn’t just embrace Colin Kaepernick because of his views … its market research was clear — the race, age and political views of most Nike customers are in sync with the new ad campaign. Sources with direct knowledge of Nike’s demographics…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

McDonald"s Workers Pummel Customer in Brutal Beatdown Video!

If you buy a water cup, you"re really not supposed to get soda with it. Anywhere, including McDonald"s.

Some employees, it seems, take this policy much more seriously than others.

Because soda-theft is apparently what prompted a couple of McDonald"s employees to deliver an epic beatdown to a customer. And you can see it all in the video and .gifs that we"ve included.

Mcdonalds fight still

(Note: this still image is worth seeing on its own, but we made .gifs of some highlights below)

In a video posted on Wednesday night, several unidentified persons were involved in a brawl at an undisclosed McDonald"s.

A customer runs, tossing what appears to be a milkshake and then a tray behind her, perhaps in an effort to slow or deter the tall employee who is pursuing her.

Her efforts are unsuccessful.

The taller employee appears to corner her against a table and, as they say, wail on her with her fists.

The customer"s efforts to fight back do not appear to be successful. She gets flung across the aisle and onto a table like a rag doll.

Mcdonalds fight 02

We have to show you the censored version of this brutal pummeling, folks. 

The obscenities are one thing, but the unidentified customer gets such a thrashing that her boob pops out and flops around everywhere.

(Since we do not know her identity, we also cannot verify her age)

Her breast popped out because her top, appropriate for this unspeakably hot summer weather, is less than ideal for a knock-down, drag-out fight.

Comics artists who like to draw superheroes wearing what looks like a few ribbons should take note: it is not realistic combat attire.

Mcdonalds fight 03

TMZ reports that this McDonald"s fight was apparently all started after the customer tried to use a water cup to steal soda from the soda dispenser.

We have to assume that there was some escalation between "ma"am you need to buy a soda" and the absolutely ghastly display of violence caught on video.

It sounds like the customer may have insulted the taller employee"s mother, though honestly, a lot of what"s said in the video is difficult if not impossible to understand.

We"re hesitant to say who started it without knowing the whole story, especially since it appears that people are committing some crimes — in addition to workplace violations.

Mcdonalds fight 04

Most of us, if we were lifted into the air and slammed into a table, might try to end the fight.

A couple of others try to intervene, and another employee moves the customer away while also restraining her.

The customer, who is tiny but appears to be 100% ready to fight, struggles to escape the shorter employee"s grasp.

It appears that the shorter employee loses her patience because she responds with some hair-pulling and is shown delivering some blows of her own.

Mcdonalds fight 05

Even after things appear to be settled — again — the customer grabs what looks to be an aluminum chair and begins to charge towards the taller employee.

Folks, please do not get into fights. And if you just escaped a fight in which you were decidedly on the losing side, do not try to start things up again.

McDonald"s is not a buffet — do not go back for seconds.

Thankfully, the taller employee is able to diffuse this situation — sort of — by confiscating the chair.

(She just takes it from her)

Mcdonalds fight 06

Again, there is so much that we do not know. There is even — as always — technically a possibility that a group of friends staged all of this to go viral.

But … we somehow doubt it. This looks very real.

Fight choreographers for television shows should take note.

We want to stress again that we do not know who the original aggressor may have been in this conflict.

We can only imagine what is going through the minds of McDonald"s corporate as they watch this video go viral.

Hey, it"s not the worst McDonald"s content that"s ever spread over social media.

Mcchicken sex video sends internet over the edge

Mcdonalds workers deliver brutal beatdown to milkshake throwing

McDonald"s Staffer Pummels Customer in Crazy Fight

One McDonald’s customer learned a tough lesson: DO NOT try to steal from the soda machine, and definitely don’t pick a fight with employees, ‘cause ya might get your ass mopped. A video posted Wednesday night shows a young lady getting into a…


McDonald"s Staffer Pummels Customer in Crazy Fight

One McDonald’s customer learned a tough lesson: DO NOT try to steal from the soda machine, and definitely don’t pick a fight with employees, ‘cause ya might get your ass mopped. A video posted Wednesday night shows a young lady getting into a…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

T.I. Calls Out Houston"s Security Guard for Alleged Attack on Female Customer

T.I. is fuming and wants a piece of a Houston’s security guard he claims manhandled an innocent female customer Monday night in Atlanta.  T.I ripped into the security guard and the restaurant in a video he posted … alleging the guard went…


T.I. Calls Out Houston"s Security Guard for Alleged Attack on Female Customer

T.I. is fuming and wants a piece of a Houston’s security guard he claims manhandled an innocent female customer Monday night in Atlanta.  T.I ripped into the security guard and the restaurant in a video he posted … alleging the guard went…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Amazon Customer Gives Beach Ball 2-Star Rating, Explains Why

Looking for a fun way to kill a few minutes.

Go read some Amazon reviews.

There are few better sources of hilarious material than seeing what average people out there think of various products.

We have a case in point below.

Scroll down to read one man"s hilarious account of his ENORMOUS beach ball and find out why he gave it a mere two stars…

1. It’s a Behemoth!

Its a behemoth

This is the product in question. It’s the largest beach ball we’ve ever heard of and, frankly, we’re a little frightened of it.

2. This is What It Looks Like

This is what it looks like

It’s a lot taller than the average human being. It’s a lot taller than ANY human being.

3. This is What It Costs

This is what it costs

Include shipping, for those who somehow are not Amazon Prime members, and it comes to over $ 100. For a beach ball.

4. This Guy Purchased the Ball… and Almost Immediately Regretted It

This guy purchased the ball and almost immediately regretted it

It costs $ 100 and it took two hours to inflate. Already seems like a huge waste of money, even before the whole wind-picking-up thing happened.

5. There It Goes!

There it goes

We’re sorry for this guy that he had a bad experience with the ball, but we’re glad for the sake of the Internet, which was treated to this beautiful prose in his review.

6. The Ball is Durable

The ball is durable

This guy can say that much. But durability only goes so far if one can’t play with the toy, you know?

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Atlantis Resort Sued by Customer Claiming Bed Bug Attack (PHOTO + VIDEO)

A woman is suing the famous Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas over horrific bites she says she got from a bed bug swarm, and she has creepy crawly video to back it up. Cindi Avila claims she checked into the hotel back in January 2016 and woke up…


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Del Taco Grub Put Me in a Coma, O.C. Customer Sues

Del Taco’s claim its food is “Un-Freshing Believable” is un-freaking believable to an Orange County man who says 2 tacos and a quesadilla put him in a coma. The 57-year-old customer is suing over a meal he says left him vomiting and in serious…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mother Rants, Raves Against Kohl"s Customer: WATCH!

We"ve all been there, right?

We"ve all been on line in a department store and in a rush, only to be confused and irritated by the slow customer and/or slow cashier in front of us.

It"s a common problem. It"s one we can all relate to.

But that doesn"t mean many of us have reacted to it the way Amanda Bell reacted to this situation on Snapchat.

The 33-year old mother has gone viral as a result of a hilarious rant in which she uses a Snapchat filer to look like a deer and talk like she imagines a cute little deer would talk.

As she does so, Bell recounts a frustrating incident in which she was trying to make a return at Kohl"s prior to picking up her kids…

… only for a fellow patron to be VERY concerned about the state of her Kohl"s cash.

This woman was asking a million questions, Bell explains in the following footage, with the cashier and eventually the manager not exactly helping to speed things along.

The clip – which the Saline, Michigan resident shared on Facebook page on November 30 – has since been viewed more than four million times.

And we can understand why! Check it out here:

Mother rants raves against kohls customer in hilarious snapchat

Monday, August 8, 2016

Dead Worm in Cucumber Leads to Epic Customer Care Exchange

We don"t want to build too much anticipation for the following story, but…

… it may be the best thing you will ever see on the Internet.

Told via snapshots of a Facebook exchange, the back-and-forth began when a customer of British supermarket Tesco issued a complaint over having found a dead worm in his cucumber.

This led to a funeral for the animal, a couple of poems and an ode to former band Oasis.

Confused? Intrigued? Both?

Scroll down to better understand, and to laugh for the next few hours weeks:

1. Excuse Me, Tesco?

Excuse me tesco

It’s never a good sign when references are made to these these banana spiders.

2. A Quick, Understandable Response

A quick understandable response

Tesco didn’t blow off the complaint, that’s for certain. Can this customer service rep get a raise?

3. Things Escated from There

Things escated from there

By which, we mean that Wes organized and executed a funeral for the worm.


Funeral update

Don’t worry. Wes supplied the supermarket chain with more than just a photo of the sad event.

5. An Ode to… Oasis

An ode to oasis

We did NOT see this coming.

6. And… Here Goes!

And here goes

All hail Rob, the greatest customer care person in the history of the universe.

View Slideshow

Dead Worm in Cucumber Leads to Epic Customer Care Exchange

We don"t want to build too much anticipation for the following story, but…

… it may be the best thing you will ever see on the Internet.

Told via snapshots of a Facebook exchange, the back-and-forth began when a customer of British supermarket Tesco issued a complaint over having found a dead worm in his cucumber.

This led to a funeral for the animal, a couple of poems and an ode to former band Oasis.

Confused? Intrigued? Both?

Scroll down to better understand, and to laugh for the next few hours weeks:

1. Excuse Me, Tesco?

Excuse me tesco

It’s never a good sign when references are made to these these banana spiders.

2. A Quick, Understandable Response

A quick understandable response

Tesco didn’t blow off the complaint, that’s for certain. Can this customer service rep get a raise?

3. Things Escated from There

Things escated from there

By which, we mean that Wes organized and executed a funeral for the worm.


Funeral update

Don’t worry. Wes supplied the supermarket chain with more than just a photo of the sad event.

5. An Ode to… Oasis

An ode to oasis

We did NOT see this coming.

6. And… Here Goes!

And here goes

All hail Rob, the greatest customer care person in the history of the universe.

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Domino"s Just Saved the Life of its Most Loyal Customer

Oh, yes, Domino’s just did.

The pizza chain may not be known for making very good pizza, but at least one establishment can now be known for having the best possible customer service any restaurant can have.

Here’s why:

According to Oregon Live, Tracey Hamblen – the assistant  manager of a Domino’s in Salem – recently dialed 911 after she had not heard from Kirk Alexander in 11 days.

What made this so unusual?

Alexander had been more than just a regular customer at the establishment.

He had been ordering pizza from the joint on a nearly daily basis for over a decade.

Concerned over why Alexander had suddenly gone quiet, Hamblen went over to Alexander’s house personally.

The lights were on a television was on, but no one answered the door. She then called Alexander and got his voicemail.

This is when Hamblen called the authorities.

From there, Marion County sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the residence, where they heard a man calling for assistance and found Alexander suffering from medical problems that could have ended his life, said Lt. Chris Baldridge, sheriff’s office spokesman.

Fortunately, medical personnel were able to intervene in time and, as of late Monday morning, Alexander was in stable condition at Salem Hospital.

Jenny Seiber, another assistance manager, said the very loyal customer of the Silverton Road Northeast store sometimes gets pasta… sometimes pizza… sometimes sandwiches… sometimes wings.

She described Alexander as friendly, nice and sort of quiet; and added Domino’s employees were “worried a little bit” after not hearing from him. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Customer Receives Domino"s Delivery of $1,300 in Cash

You"d think someone named Mike Vegas would be all about money.

But not this Mike Vegas.

A bartender at AT&T Park in San Francisco (where Kim Kardashian got engaged to Kanye West!), Vegas recently ordered some chicken wings from Domino’s when he thought he had the night off.

But then Vegas got called in to work, so he placed the unopened box of wings in his refrigerator.

When he pulled it out at 5 a.m. to eat, he was aghast to see that it did not contain any chicken wings… only $ 1,300 in cash!

Turns out, the deliveryman was supposed to bring this box to the bank for a deposit, but he forgot and then spent the night calling Vegas to inform him of the error. But Vegas was at work, unable to hear his phone.

"Of course there"s a long list of people arguing you should keep it, you shouldn"t keep it, you should keep it, you shouldn"t keep it," Vegas told KGO, the local ABC affiliate. "I wanted to keep it, believe me. But I can"t, I can"t do that."

Instead, Vegas returned the cash and was given free pizza for a year by his local Domino’s location.

We"d call this a "Win-Win," except that Domino"s pizza is disgusting.

Customer finds 1300 dollars in dominos take out box