Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Amazon Customer Gives Beach Ball 2-Star Rating, Explains Why

Looking for a fun way to kill a few minutes.

Go read some Amazon reviews.

There are few better sources of hilarious material than seeing what average people out there think of various products.

We have a case in point below.

Scroll down to read one man"s hilarious account of his ENORMOUS beach ball and find out why he gave it a mere two stars…

1. It’s a Behemoth!

Its a behemoth

This is the product in question. It’s the largest beach ball we’ve ever heard of and, frankly, we’re a little frightened of it.

2. This is What It Looks Like

This is what it looks like

It’s a lot taller than the average human being. It’s a lot taller than ANY human being.

3. This is What It Costs

This is what it costs

Include shipping, for those who somehow are not Amazon Prime members, and it comes to over $ 100. For a beach ball.

4. This Guy Purchased the Ball… and Almost Immediately Regretted It

This guy purchased the ball and almost immediately regretted it

It costs $ 100 and it took two hours to inflate. Already seems like a huge waste of money, even before the whole wind-picking-up thing happened.

5. There It Goes!

There it goes

We’re sorry for this guy that he had a bad experience with the ball, but we’re glad for the sake of the Internet, which was treated to this beautiful prose in his review.

6. The Ball is Durable

The ball is durable

This guy can say that much. But durability only goes so far if one can’t play with the toy, you know?

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