Showing posts with label HookUp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HookUp. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Drake Is Suing a Former Hookup Who Claimed He Raped, Impregnated Her

He may have quashed his beef with Meek Mill, but Drake is now in another battle with a woman who once claimed that he’d gotten her pregnant.

Drake says that, in addition to this baby scam, this woman made false rape allegations against him and demanded that he buy her silence.

He is suing her for extortion and for defamation.

According to court documents filed by Drake’s team and obtained by TMZ, Drake met Layla Lace at one of his concerts in early 2017.

Specifically, he met the curvaceous Instagram model while he was on his Boy Meets World Tour in Manchester, England.

In February of 2017, Drake says that he and Layla had a consensual hookup.

The sexual activity is said to have taken place in his hotel room.

According to Drake’s team, “Layla also voluntarily and seemingly happily performed oral sex.”

Drake’s attorney, celebrity lawyer Larry Stein, says that Layla was fine with the hookup — but enraged when Drake left it at that.

Apparently, she had been hoping that Drake would take her on tour with him, and did not take it well when he did not.

Though Drake and Layla continued to text, evidence contained within the lawsuit shows that Layla was more demanding of Drake’s attention.

Documents claim that Layla began to imagine a relationship beyond a hookup and flirtatious texts — that she came to believe that the two of them were dating.

That, the lawsuit says, was a factor when she claimed in April of 2017 that Drake had gotten her pregnant and then ghosted her.

Things got worse from there.

Drake’s team alleges that, when Layla was unable to get anything out of him or produce any evidence of an actual pregnancy or child, she changed tactics.

It was then that Layla allegedly accused Drake of rape — which was investigated by police and then cleared.

While police failing to find evidence of sexual assault is not the same thing as proving that it never happened, Drake’s team has that text messaging history.

With those text messages as evidence demonstrating Layla’s desperation to see him, they hope to prove defamation.

Sexual assault allegations should always be taken seriously, in part because the number of false reports are dwarfed by real ones, which are in turn dwarfed by the number of survivors who never come forward.

But that does not mean that there are never false reports. While it’s rare for a jilted ex to go to such extremes, it sounds like Layla was not even an ex.

Based upon these documents, it sounds like Layla was a hookup with whom Drake later flirted in text messages before they became too much.

Unless there is more to this story that we’re not seeing, it sounds like she may have become a stalker.

Not all stalkers are deranged fans. Some stalkers imagine an elaborate relationship with a celebrity, and then become enraged when the celebrity does not share their delusion.

Drake says that, when the sexual assault claim fell through, she tried to demand money to keep her from going public.

That said, so far, we have not heard Layla’s team’s side of the story.

We know that Drake fathered one secret love child in the past. Let’s not pretend that he isn’t capable of being shady.

But if she really did try to extort money and make false claims about Drake in the process, he may have a very solid case for defamation and extortion.

We’ll be sure to keep an eye on this case as it develops.


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Master P Believes He"s Found Hollywood"s Next Comedic Duo for "Hook-Up" Sequel

Master P thinks a couple of young guys who are huge online will be mainstream stars in no time … and his upcoming movie’s going to be the catalyst. We broke the story in December — P was planning to cast some raw and unknown talent for the…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Pete Davidson and Cazzie David Were "On a Break" When Ariana Grande Hookup Started

Pete Davidson was technically single when he started dating Ariana Grande … TECHNICALLY, but “Friends” fans might not agree. Sources close to the newly engaged couple say Pete and his ex-gf, Cazzie David, were “on a break” in early May…


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Confesses to Javi Marroquin Hook-Up (EEEK!)

It turns out, you actually can believe some things you read on the Internet.

Over the past couple weeks, plenty of rumors have been circulating around the Internet based on what went down at the Teen Mom 2 reunion taping in New York City last month.

Did Kailyn Lowry try to fight Briana DeJesus?

Yes, Kailin herself has admitted.

But Lowry didn"t really hook up with ex-husband Javi Marroquin at some point in the past few months, as was apparently revealed on stage at this gathering…

… did she?!?

YES, Kailyn herself has also now revealed.

Read all about this stunning (and sexy!) bombshell below:

1. Quite the History

Javi and kail image split

Javi and Kailyn were married for four years and filed for divorce in 2016. They share an adorable son named Lincoln… and quite the sordid history.

2. Who Cheated on Whom?

Javi and kailyn on mtv

There has never been a fully sufficient answer to this question, as both sides have accused the other of infidelity over the years.

3. But That Was Then

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

Now? Marroquin recently said he and Lowry are on strong terms and have the sort of connection no one else really understands. “We’’e doing a lot better communicating.. We’re doing really well,” he recently told OK! Weekly.

4. Fair Enough. Good, In Fact. But How Well?!?

Javi kailyn and kids

Toward the end of May 2018, Lowry’s ex-girlfriend, Dominique Potter, hinted that Kailyn had cheated on her with Javi, meaning the exes got together (sexually) at some point in the semi-recent past. Could this be true?

5. YES!!!!!

Javi confirm

Lowry has now confirmed this unexpected escapade. She wrote this Tweet in response to the chatter that has emanated from the reunion taping.

6. And Then, Just for Emphasis…


… in case it wasn’t clear, Kailyn linked to an Us Weekly story and said it as plainly as can be: She hooked up with Marroquin long after their divorce.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson: Feuding Over Ex"s Hookup

Kelly Dodd finished her divorce from Michael Dodd, but responded with understandable outrage when Vicki Gunvalson appeared to be playing wingman for Michael and helping him hook up on a Vegas trip.


The upside to this whole messy situation is that we’ll get to see it all play out next season on The Real Housewives of Orange County. But here’s what we know:

There’s some great news in Kelly Dodd’s personal life that she’s been just bursting to share.

On February 23rd, the Real Housewife took to Twitter to make the happy announcement:

“My divorce is final today!! Over the moon happy!”

Divorces are among the most stressful experiences that a person can have — short of staying in a doomed, miserable marriage.

That’s not really a surprise, since we all saw Kelly Dodd’s marriage in shambles on The Real Housewives of Orange County last November.

Some divorces take years of court battles, so it’s wonderful news that Kelly Dodd got her divorce in such a short time.

However, Kelly’s (former?) friend, Vicki Gunvalson, has become the subject of Kelly’s ire over her ex’s hookup.

See, while in Vegas, apparently Vicki and her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, more or less set up Kelly’s ex, Michael, with a mutual friend.

Kelly was furious to see Vicki appear to give Michael aid and comfort. That’s pretty understandable.

RadarOnline has the scoop on this drama that is unfolding between Kelly Dodd and Vicki Gunvalson.

For starters, it sounds like Vicki is denying everything.

“Vicki has tried doing everything she can to back pedal on this one, and she insists that she did not purposely try to set Michael up with her and Steve’s mutual friend.”

So … it just happened?

“She told Kelly that the hookup happened organically while they were on vacation, and that she didn’t mean to hurt her at all.”

We wonder how Kelly took those assurances.

Just kidding — no need to wonder.

“Kelly obviously thinks that Vicki is full of s–t and so does the rest of the cast.”

That’s a bold claim. 

“Vicki was supposed to be her friend, and now Kelly just thinks that she is nothing but a backstabbing b—h.”

There are clearly a lot of emotions at play, here.

“But Kelly is moving on from this and is not going to waste any more time worrying about her ex-husband — and ex-friend!”

Oh goodness. Will this be a new longstanding feud, or will they mend fences at the end of this storyline?

Unfortunately, it sounds like Vicki’s stubbornness might cost her a friendship.

“Vicki isn’t even trying to kiss Kelly’s a– at this point because she really believes that she did not do anything wrong.”

Even if you don’t think that you did anything wrong, sometimes it helps to apologize and take steps in that direction.

It sounds like Vicki’s loyalties are torn.

“Vicki honestly likes Michael, and she cannot change the fact that Michael and Steve are close friends now.”

A lot of people end up being friends with each other’s exes. It’s part of life. Most don’t vacation with them, but still.

And it looks like some are just blaming Steve.

“Kelly knows that the two are friends, so for her to try and put the blame on Vicki is just complete crap!”

It’s worth noting that RadarOnline reports that this drama will play out, on camera, on the next season of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

In other words, viewers and fans will get to see Kelly Dodd explode over this on camera.

Is Kelly Dodd right — did Vicki betray her (and the unwritten “girl code”) by enabling Michael Dodd to hook up?

Is Vicki Gunvalson right — is Kelly freaking out over something that was beyond Vicki’s control, with Vicki merely being polite to her boyfriend’s friend and an organic hookup taking place?

Perhaps, as the storyline plays out on television, we’ll all find out together.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Marlon Brando"s Son, Miko Brando, Denies Richard Pryor Hookup

Marlon Brando’s son says his dad did NOT bang Richard Pryor … even though Pryor’s widow insists he did. Marlon’s oldest living son, Miko Brando, tells TMZ … “The Marlon Brando family has heard the recent comments by Quincy Jones and we are…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Marlon Wayans" Hilarious Take On Richard Pryor and Marlon Brando"s Hookup

Marlon Wayans is taking the news about Richard Pryor and Marlon Brando hooking up in stride — and he’s even got a pretty good idea of how it happened. We got Marlon Wednesday night at Madeo in WeHo and told him Pryor’s widow…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Master P"s Looking for Unknown Talent for "Got the Hook-Up" Sequel

Master P is going back to slangin’ cell phones for the big screen — but this time he wants a bunch of nobodys to join him. P tells us he’s working on the sequel to his 1998 movie, “I Got the Hook-Up” … only now, he’ll be looking to cast some…


Saturday, October 14, 2017

NBC Titan Dick Ebersol and Susan St. James Say Unlike Weinstein Their Hook-Up was Consensual

Dick Ebersol, the legendary co-creator of “SNL” who ran both NBC and NBC Sports, says his story of hooking up with an actress is WAY DIFFERENT from Harvey Weinstein’s, starting with the fact it was consensual. We got Dick, a long-standing show biz…


NBC Titan Dick Ebersol and Susan St. James Say Unlike Weinstein Their Hook-Up was Consensual

Dick Ebersol, the legendary co-creator of “SNL” who ran both NBC and NBC Sports, says his story of hooking up with an actress is WAY DIFFERENT from Harvey Weinstein’s, starting with the fact it was consensual. We got Dick, a long-standing show biz…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson Hookup at Disneyland

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson are making the leap — from showstopping sex in a pool to hand-holding in The Happiest Place on Earth! Yeah, it’s kind of a downgrade. The ex-“Bachelor in Paradise” stars hit up Disneyland on Monday, and the…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Usher Exposed by Hotel Staffer Who Witnessed Alleged Hookup!

This is not a good time to be Usher. Not just because Usher’s getting sued for allegedly giving out STIs like party favors.

But also because he’s now paying the price for trying to diss a woman he claims that he never slept with.

It turns out that when you piss people off, it motivates people to tattle on you.

The story of a man’s penis allegedly emitting some sort of green substance sounds like something from a comedy/horror film.

But in Usher’s case, it’s really not funny.

Usher is being sued for allegedly giving a sex partner herpes and for exposing two others to a risk of herpes (and causing emotional distress in that way).

And he apparently already paid out some herpes hush money to another alleged victim.

Despite that knowledge being out there and multiple people (including one man) coming forward with similar stories, Usher tried to laugh off the accusation from a woman named Quantasia Sharpton.

Quantasia, we should note, does not have herpes but says that Usher should have disclosed to her that he did have herpes before they had sex.

Usher suggested that she was making it up, because she isn’t his type.

There are a shockingly large number of people who think that larger women don’t get sex.

Or that they don’t get sex with attractive men.

The fact of that matter is that this is far from the truth.

Women come in all shapes and sizes and yes, all of those shapes and sizes can and do have sex.

Even with attractive men.

Even with attractive celebrity men.

But it sounds like Usher was counting on people’s assumptions about large women to back him up.

It turns out that Usher’s gambit may have backfired pretty spectacularly.

TMZ reports that, first of all, Quantasia’s account of exactly how she met Usher and then slept with him totally checks out — just in terms of times, dates, and her being where she said that she was.

More than that, they report that a hotel staffer confirms that Usher came there.

The staffer wasn’t from a horror movie, so they can’t technically confirm that Usher and Quantasia had sex.

But the staffer did report that Usher arrived in the Days Inn hotel lobby and that Quantasia came out to greet him — and then led him back to her room.

Usher apparently told the staffer that he’d take a selfie with her on his way out … but after waiting more than an hour with no sign of him, she left.

So … we’d be interested to hear Usher’s account of what he did with Quantasia in her hotel room. Maybe they played Mario Kart?

Our favorite part of this story, however, is that the staffer was motivated to come forward with this experience after Usher dissed Quantasia by suggesting that he’d never sleep with her.

Hell hath no fury, you know?

In this case, the staffer was just indignant on Quantasia’s behalf.

And remember, TMZ says that Quantasia’s account seems to match up, in terms of locations and timelines.

This staffer’s story just adds to that.

Usher’s going to need a better contradiction to her story than claiming that he doesn’t sleep with thicc girls.

More to the point: if you have an STI, be honest about it. Plenty of people have them, but you need to be honest and up-front about it.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Teases Corinne and DeMario Pool Hookup Footage in Trailer

Corinne Olympios looked more than willing and fully conscious when she led DeMario Jackson into a pool for the hookup that stopped production. A scene from the controversial incident — in which Corinne essentially claimed sexual assault…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

R. Kelly"s Alleged Captive Claiming Dad Orchestrated Her Hookup with Singer

Joycelyn Savage’s father knows EXACTLY who got her involved with R. Kelly, and how she ended up living with the singer … because she claims her dad helped orchestrate the whole thing. Sources close to Joycelyn tell TMZ … the 21-year-old singer’s…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ben Affleck-Lindsay Shookus Timeline: Did They Hookup While He Was Still Married?

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a 37-year-old Saturday Night Live producer, whom he met while preparing for an appearance on the show.

The narrative, as presented by those on Team Affleck, goes something like this:

Jennifer Garner was the woman Ben was supposed to marry.

After that failed experiment, he found love with Lindsay, his bonafide soulmate.

Ben and Lindsay are both Northeasterners (she hails from the frigid climes of Buffalo; Ben, obviously, is from Boston); they’re both showbiz insiders who never fell in love with the glitz and glamour of fame; and their shared love of sarcastic humor helped them to click instantly.

Ben and Lindsay reportedly helped one another rise from the ashes of their respective failed marriages – which may help explain that ill-advised Phoenix tattoo on Ben’s back.

But there are those who claim that that convenient version of events is a fiction created by Ben’s PR team, designed to cover up the ugly truth:

Ben cheated on Garner with Shookus, and the affair led to the end of his marriage.

Entertainment Tonight has assembled a timeline of Ben and Lindsay’s time together, assembled from various reports from reputable sources such as People magazine.

According to ET’s version of events, Ben and Lindsay met in 2013, when Ben hosted the show’s 38th season finale.

Shortly thereafter, Ben and Lindsay were reportedly spotted getting “flirty” with one another at the premiere of the Sandra Bullock-Melissa McCarthy comedy The Heat.

Interestingly, this was the same year that the Affleck-directed drama Argo took home Best Picture at the Oscars, and Ben drew some mild criticism for talking about how “marriage takes work” in his acceptance speech.

Insiders say the relationship between Ben and Lindsay continued, but never progressed beyond the flirtatious stage … until 2015.

It was at that point that Affleck and Shookus “full-on had an affair,” according to a source cited by People.

“They would fly back and forth, but he would mostly visit her in New York. They didn’t hide.”

“Both of them were married at the time. They were having secret rendezvous every time he came in to New York City and other places, too,” claims a second source.

“Both of them were cheating on their spouses so they were very careful about it,” the insider adds.

Us Weekly offers an even more scandalous account, claiming that Ben and Lindsay’s affair began just months after she welcomed her first child with her then-husband, Kevin Miller.

In June of 2015, Affleck and Garner announced their separation.

In April of this year, Jen finally filed for divorce from Ben.

And earlier this month, of course, Affleck went public with his relationship with Shookus.

We may never know for sure if Shookus played a direct role in the end of Ben and Jen’s marriage, but at the very least, it seems she was a willing shoulder for Ben to cry on.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DeMario Jackson Details Corinne Olympios Hook-Up: "We Went For It"

WARNING: The following article contains a few details that may rated NC-17.

Proceed with caution and/or only read after putting all children to bed.

Okay? Ready? Here we go…

On Monday night, DeMario Jackson sat down for his first extended interview since being involved in a controversy that halted production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

As you no doubt have read all about by now, the former Bachelorette contestant was at the center of an investigation by Warner Bros. after a drunken sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios.

Due to allegations of misconduct that stemmed from whether or not Corinne had given consent for these naked actions, filming was shut down and all contestants sent home from Mexico just a few days into shooting.

Late last week, the production company announced that video evidence did NOT back up any allegations of inappropriate behavior.

No charges will be filmed. Jackson’s named has been cleared. And Season 4 will even continue filming and air as scheduled this summer.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said in an excerpt from his Q&A with E! News that leaked yesterday, adding:

“It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

That’s the clean part of the interview.

Revealing more sordid details, however, Jackson spoke at length with E! about the hook-up itself.

“That night was probably one of the wildest nights of my entire life,” Jackson told Melanie Bromley first night of filming. “Like, we went for it.”

How did he and Olympios get to that point?

Did producers set them up? How well did they even know each other before their private parts started flying all around in a pool together?

“Our first real conversation was at the bar,” he says below, explaining:

“We were hanging out. We kind of were just complimenting each other on being villains. I was like, ‘Look, I’ve accepted this role.’ We were kind of just laughing, like, ‘Oh, we’re about to dominate Paradise!’

“Like homie stuff, like really, really like friends. And then, you know, we started having a little bit more fun…and had a few drinks.”

Olympios earned a reputation for promiscuity and shamelessness due to her often-topless behavior on The Bachelor this spring.

Jackson, meanwhile, was sent home by Rachel Lindsay after The Bachelorette learned he had a girlfriend while appearing on the show.

“From the bar scene, it got a little hot and heavy,” DeMario says of his interactions with Corinne. “She got in my arms, and we started making out at the bar.”

Did Olympios seem unaware of what was happening?

Was she in control of her decisions?

“She’s like, ‘Let’s go to the pool, let’s go hang out,"” he said, emphasizing that Olympios was the aggressor and adding:

“It’s crazy because when you’re a man – mostly African American man – no matter where you’re at, you always look for things that can help you out. And at that moment, I made sure the cameras followed us.

“It just seemed too perfect in a sense for me, and at the point, that’s when my spidey senses got up.”

Olympios continued from there to push the sexual envelope, according to Jackson.

“[We were] kissing, rubbing, touching. It’s nothing too sexual yet,” he says. “Things got wild because it was more her being the aggressor, which was sexy…

“When you have a very attractive girl telling you what she wants, it’s like a very, like, ‘Wow, OK! This is hot. This is very…I like it."”

Both reality stars were naked at this point, DeMario says.

And Corinne made it clear she wanted some oral sex from her partner at the time.

“I get out of the pool, and I have my legs in the pool, and I’m just hanging out,” he says, referring to his penis and continuing:

“This is when she gets up out of the pool and puts her lady parts right on my face.”

This is similar to the initial accounts of the encounter, as witnesses said soon afterward that Corinne put her vagina right up to Jackson’s mouth and made her desires clear.

Jackson says he saw Corinne the next day, the two hugged, went to breakfast and everything seemed fine.

“She wasn’t mad. We were hanging out. Actually, I offered her a shot, and she said that the production had cut her off from drinking for the day.”

And that’s when he sensed something was wrong.

Two days later, a producer tried to convince Jackson to leave, hinting that something “bad” would happen if he stuck around for the rest of Season 4.

Olympios is still threatening legal action and says her legal team will be conducting its own investigation.

To hear more from Jackson, tune in to E! tonight at 7 p.m. EST.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Alex Woytkiw Shuts Down Corinne Olympios Hookup Rumors!

Of the many, many rumors surrounding Bachelor in Paradise‘s controversial first attempt at a fourth season, one was that Corinne Olympios had hooked up with fellow contestant Alex Woytkiw.

Well, Alex is putting those rumors to rest … and he has a few things that he wants people to know.

We guess that he wants to clear the air before season four resumes filming.

“I have never hooked up with Corinne. I’ve never had any kind of intimate moment with her. We did not kiss.”

Based on this statement to Entertainment Tonight, it’s pretty clear that Alex Woytkiw and Corinne Olympios did not hook up.

But there’s more.

He’s also conscious enough to make it clear that he’s not, like, bragging about his own self-control or virtue or whatever.

And that he’s also not talking about her like she’s some sort of plague-bearer.

“She did not put me in a position where I even had to turn away from her. It never happened.”

He probably didn’t have to include that clarification, but he did.

He kinda seems like a good guy, you know?

We’re guessing that the rumors about them hooking up came from Corinne’s “wild girl” TV persona and the fact that Alex is an attractive man with a pulse.

Unfortunately, Corinne’s reputation as a party girl with a platinum vagine might make her a first-rate reality personality, but it can lead to slut-shaming.

Because society’s awful to women, basically.

And slut-shaming leads to still more rumors.

Honestly, if you believed every ridiculous rumor that’s come out of Bachelor in Paradise since the pool sex scandal, Corinne wouldn’t have had time to drink or get into a pool because she’d be too busy bouncing from male costar to male costar.

Again, that’s just, you know, people using her reputation against her.

Alex, however, is pretty diplomatic about his denial.

“I never saw any of that happen with my own two eyes. I’ve heard about that being a thing, but while we were filming, that was never a thing.”

He’s clearly not going to bat for Corinne, here — it sounds like he’s just being honest.

While making sure that nobody thinks that he’s speaking for someone else.

“I don’t know what the deal is with the other guys.”

Maybe Entertainment Tonight will just get literally every guy to sit down for an interview.

That would clear up some things, anyway.

To be clear, hookups are totally allowed on Bachelor in Paradise.

Hell, that’s all part of the show.

But they have to be consensual, and Corinne has made it very clear that the pool sex romp was not consensual.

Corinne has a boyfriend, which might seem like a waste when she’s going on a show like that.

But sometimes you gotta follow your heart, and it looks like Corinne’s led her to boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky, who’s standing by her through this crisis.

And also led her to, you know, pursue fame and ride the fame train while it lasts.

We hope that this assault that led her to share with the world that she’s a victim doesn’t kill her love for the spotlight.

It’s always sad when dreams die.

Though he says that he has no firsthand eyewitness knowledge of what happened in the pool, Alex generally praised how Warner Bros, ABC, and the producers handled the shutdown.

He also says that his reason for being on the show is to look for a connection.

Coming from him, we actually want to believe him.

Most of them are just there to, you know, get more reality exposure an collect a paycheck and maybe increase how much they can charge for product endorsements on Instagram.

Alex might be doing a little of that, too.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Cast Member Saw Hookup, Claims Corinne Was "Very With It"

Corinne Olympios was topless in the pool with DeMario Jackson and so aware of her surroundings, she greeted a cast member walking by, showing no signs of distress — but Corinne’s attorney isn’t buying it. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise”…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Bella Hadid Surfaces After The Weeknd and Selena Gomez Hookup (VIDEO)

If Bella Hadid’s pissed about The Weeknd hooking up with Selena Gomez … she’s doing her best not to show it. Bella touched down Thursday at LaGuardia — the first time she’s been seen in public since she unfollowed Selena on…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Drake Heats Up AMAs With Taylor Swift Hookup Hint!

Taylor Swift wasn"t in physical attendance at at last night"s American Music Awards, but that didn"t stop Drake from gettin" it in however he could. 

Drake was nominated in 14 AMA award categories and won the award for Favorite Artist — Rap/Hip-Hop, beating both Fetty Wap and Future — and he didn"t stop there. 

He also won Favorite Song — Rap/Hip-Hop for Hotline Bling, and Favorite Song — R&B for his "work" with Rihanna on Work, as well as Favorite Album — Rap/Hip-Hop for his Views, so it"s safe to say that Drake was last night"s Taylor Swift of awards shows. 

In commemoration, Drake lipsynced Swift"s Bad Blood during a commercial break for Apple, a loving clapback for last year, when Swift lipsynced Drake and Future"s Jumpman

Taylor"s response?  

Absolute gold

Instagramming from home, Swift saw the video, reposted it, and responded, "YES @champagnepapi 👍💪✨ #drakevsbenchpress."  

Similarly to Taylor Swift falling off the treadmill last year, Drake gets distracted by all that Bad Blood, drops his weights and falls off the bench. 

Keeping in line with Apple Music"s "Distractingly Good" schtick, the commercial was an instant — and viral — hit. 

Check out the video below … and then say "Drake and Taylor Swift aren"t boning" with a semi-straight face, okay?  

You just try, and we"ll sit here and … well, we"ll laugh. 

Drake heats up amas with taylor swift hookup hint