Showing posts with label Woytkiw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woytkiw. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Alex Woytkiw Shuts Down Corinne Olympios Hookup Rumors!

Of the many, many rumors surrounding Bachelor in Paradise‘s controversial first attempt at a fourth season, one was that Corinne Olympios had hooked up with fellow contestant Alex Woytkiw.

Well, Alex is putting those rumors to rest … and he has a few things that he wants people to know.

We guess that he wants to clear the air before season four resumes filming.

“I have never hooked up with Corinne. I’ve never had any kind of intimate moment with her. We did not kiss.”

Based on this statement to Entertainment Tonight, it’s pretty clear that Alex Woytkiw and Corinne Olympios did not hook up.

But there’s more.

He’s also conscious enough to make it clear that he’s not, like, bragging about his own self-control or virtue or whatever.

And that he’s also not talking about her like she’s some sort of plague-bearer.

“She did not put me in a position where I even had to turn away from her. It never happened.”

He probably didn’t have to include that clarification, but he did.

He kinda seems like a good guy, you know?

We’re guessing that the rumors about them hooking up came from Corinne’s “wild girl” TV persona and the fact that Alex is an attractive man with a pulse.

Unfortunately, Corinne’s reputation as a party girl with a platinum vagine might make her a first-rate reality personality, but it can lead to slut-shaming.

Because society’s awful to women, basically.

And slut-shaming leads to still more rumors.

Honestly, if you believed every ridiculous rumor that’s come out of Bachelor in Paradise since the pool sex scandal, Corinne wouldn’t have had time to drink or get into a pool because she’d be too busy bouncing from male costar to male costar.

Again, that’s just, you know, people using her reputation against her.

Alex, however, is pretty diplomatic about his denial.

“I never saw any of that happen with my own two eyes. I’ve heard about that being a thing, but while we were filming, that was never a thing.”

He’s clearly not going to bat for Corinne, here — it sounds like he’s just being honest.

While making sure that nobody thinks that he’s speaking for someone else.

“I don’t know what the deal is with the other guys.”

Maybe Entertainment Tonight will just get literally every guy to sit down for an interview.

That would clear up some things, anyway.

To be clear, hookups are totally allowed on Bachelor in Paradise.

Hell, that’s all part of the show.

But they have to be consensual, and Corinne has made it very clear that the pool sex romp was not consensual.

Corinne has a boyfriend, which might seem like a waste when she’s going on a show like that.

But sometimes you gotta follow your heart, and it looks like Corinne’s led her to boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky, who’s standing by her through this crisis.

And also led her to, you know, pursue fame and ride the fame train while it lasts.

We hope that this assault that led her to share with the world that she’s a victim doesn’t kill her love for the spotlight.

It’s always sad when dreams die.

Though he says that he has no firsthand eyewitness knowledge of what happened in the pool, Alex generally praised how Warner Bros, ABC, and the producers handled the shutdown.

He also says that his reason for being on the show is to look for a connection.

Coming from him, we actually want to believe him.

Most of them are just there to, you know, get more reality exposure an collect a paycheck and maybe increase how much they can charge for product endorsements on Instagram.

Alex might be doing a little of that, too.
