Showing posts with label Impregnated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impregnated. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Drake Is Suing a Former Hookup Who Claimed He Raped, Impregnated Her

He may have quashed his beef with Meek Mill, but Drake is now in another battle with a woman who once claimed that he’d gotten her pregnant.

Drake says that, in addition to this baby scam, this woman made false rape allegations against him and demanded that he buy her silence.

He is suing her for extortion and for defamation.

According to court documents filed by Drake’s team and obtained by TMZ, Drake met Layla Lace at one of his concerts in early 2017.

Specifically, he met the curvaceous Instagram model while he was on his Boy Meets World Tour in Manchester, England.

In February of 2017, Drake says that he and Layla had a consensual hookup.

The sexual activity is said to have taken place in his hotel room.

According to Drake’s team, “Layla also voluntarily and seemingly happily performed oral sex.”

Drake’s attorney, celebrity lawyer Larry Stein, says that Layla was fine with the hookup — but enraged when Drake left it at that.

Apparently, she had been hoping that Drake would take her on tour with him, and did not take it well when he did not.

Though Drake and Layla continued to text, evidence contained within the lawsuit shows that Layla was more demanding of Drake’s attention.

Documents claim that Layla began to imagine a relationship beyond a hookup and flirtatious texts — that she came to believe that the two of them were dating.

That, the lawsuit says, was a factor when she claimed in April of 2017 that Drake had gotten her pregnant and then ghosted her.

Things got worse from there.

Drake’s team alleges that, when Layla was unable to get anything out of him or produce any evidence of an actual pregnancy or child, she changed tactics.

It was then that Layla allegedly accused Drake of rape — which was investigated by police and then cleared.

While police failing to find evidence of sexual assault is not the same thing as proving that it never happened, Drake’s team has that text messaging history.

With those text messages as evidence demonstrating Layla’s desperation to see him, they hope to prove defamation.

Sexual assault allegations should always be taken seriously, in part because the number of false reports are dwarfed by real ones, which are in turn dwarfed by the number of survivors who never come forward.

But that does not mean that there are never false reports. While it’s rare for a jilted ex to go to such extremes, it sounds like Layla was not even an ex.

Based upon these documents, it sounds like Layla was a hookup with whom Drake later flirted in text messages before they became too much.

Unless there is more to this story that we’re not seeing, it sounds like she may have become a stalker.

Not all stalkers are deranged fans. Some stalkers imagine an elaborate relationship with a celebrity, and then become enraged when the celebrity does not share their delusion.

Drake says that, when the sexual assault claim fell through, she tried to demand money to keep her from going public.

That said, so far, we have not heard Layla’s team’s side of the story.

We know that Drake fathered one secret love child in the past. Let’s not pretend that he isn’t capable of being shady.

But if she really did try to extort money and make false claims about Drake in the process, he may have a very solid case for defamation and extortion.

We’ll be sure to keep an eye on this case as it develops.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Ariana Grande: Impressed By, Not Yet Impregnated By Pete Davidson Dong

It turns out that Ariana isn’t the only person in her relationship who is, well, Grande.

Ariana Grande responded to an awkwardly phrased fan question by claiming that fiance Pete Davidson’s penis is very large. She got specific.

But she insists that, despite shotgun wedding rumors, her appreciation of what Pete is packing hasn’t gotten her pregnant … yet.

Pete Davidson already has two Ariana tattoos, but that decorative ink might not be the part of him that’s nearest and dearest to Ariana’s heart.

An Arianator on Twitter asked the singer, who has been engaging with fans left and right on social media because she’s a delight, a question:

“How long is Pete?” the fan asked, before quickly clarifying: “Oh, as in the interlude!”

That’s a fair question that’s normal to ask about musical guests. We have no idea if this person’s tweet was intended to begin that way or really was just awkwardly phrased.

Ariana, however, decided to just … blurt out her answer.

Take a look:

Ariana Grande Twitter Comment Pete Davidson Penis

“Like 10 inches?” Ariana replied.

Global averages for penis length tend to hover between 5.5 inches and 6 inches, which would make Pete Davidson very impressive.

Ariana then, within the same tweet so that you know that her reply was deliberate, answered the fan’s real question.

“Oh f–k … I mean like a little over a minute,” Ariana answered, referring to the length of Pete’s interlude.

Do you care to guess which part of Ariana’s reply garnered more attention?

One fan responded by tweeting a still of meme queen Tiffany “New York” Pollard.

In this particular image, the reality star is saying: “I know his dick is big. I know it. I know it’s big! Oh god my heart hurts.”

Arianators are clearly enjoying imagining that Ariana’s statement is true. In fact, many saw it as confirmation of what they already suspected about the 6-foot-3 Saturday Night Live star.

If Pete’s megameat is really 10 inches in length, then that would put it at a whopping one sixth of 5-foot-0 Ariana’s total height.

On that note, another posted a photo of Ariana out and about with Pete.

This fan wrote: “This is how you look at someone that’s taking a battering ram to your cervix.”

The internet is good, actually.

Ariana Grande Fertility tweet

Rumors have been bandied about since news of Ariana’s engagement first broke.

Because it happened so quickly, some fans could not help but wonder if Ariana was pregnant.

One fan parodied this notion, editing Ariana’s album art to show disdain with an eyeroll.

For caption, this fan wrote, using the Spongebob Squarepants mockery meme style of alternating capitalization: “aRiAnNA Is PreGnNanT.”

Ariana responded to this post and a number of follow-up comments.

First, she warned fans that these rumors would be recurring, writing: “oh this s–ts gonna be every other week now enjoy!”

Ariana also tweeted: “mood for the next few years til i’m actually ready #fertilequeen.”

A fan wrote that Ariana and Pete would make the cutest babies.

“Oh absolutely but ……… innnnnnnaaaaawhile,” Ariana replied, followed by a see-no-evil monkey emoji.

That is smart. She’s a smart young woman.

Ariana is such a delightful spirit and she has an amazing sense of humor.

So … there’s no way of knowing whether she’s being serious about how well endowed her fiance might be.

If he really is sporting a 10-incher, that might help explain their warp-speed engagement.

But Ariana is such a savvy Slytherin (just look at her uniform above), and it’s entirely possible that she said this to steer the conversation away from her vacant uterus and towards her fiance’s crotch.

There’s nothing wrong with that. She filled her fans with delight.

Not unlike how Pete presumably fills … you know what? Never mind.

The general Twitter consensus seems towards Ariana seems to be one of celebration with an undercurrent of pics or it didn’t happen.


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Offset Says Woman Claiming He Impregnated Her is a Liar and an Extortionist

Offset is threatening a woman who’s been claiming all over social media he got her pregnant … claiming she’s trying to extort him for a fortune … TMZ has learned. Cardi B’s fiance hired the powerful law firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips,…
