Showing posts with label Raped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raped. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Drake Is Suing a Former Hookup Who Claimed He Raped, Impregnated Her

He may have quashed his beef with Meek Mill, but Drake is now in another battle with a woman who once claimed that he’d gotten her pregnant.

Drake says that, in addition to this baby scam, this woman made false rape allegations against him and demanded that he buy her silence.

He is suing her for extortion and for defamation.

According to court documents filed by Drake’s team and obtained by TMZ, Drake met Layla Lace at one of his concerts in early 2017.

Specifically, he met the curvaceous Instagram model while he was on his Boy Meets World Tour in Manchester, England.

In February of 2017, Drake says that he and Layla had a consensual hookup.

The sexual activity is said to have taken place in his hotel room.

According to Drake’s team, “Layla also voluntarily and seemingly happily performed oral sex.”

Drake’s attorney, celebrity lawyer Larry Stein, says that Layla was fine with the hookup — but enraged when Drake left it at that.

Apparently, she had been hoping that Drake would take her on tour with him, and did not take it well when he did not.

Though Drake and Layla continued to text, evidence contained within the lawsuit shows that Layla was more demanding of Drake’s attention.

Documents claim that Layla began to imagine a relationship beyond a hookup and flirtatious texts — that she came to believe that the two of them were dating.

That, the lawsuit says, was a factor when she claimed in April of 2017 that Drake had gotten her pregnant and then ghosted her.

Things got worse from there.

Drake’s team alleges that, when Layla was unable to get anything out of him or produce any evidence of an actual pregnancy or child, she changed tactics.

It was then that Layla allegedly accused Drake of rape — which was investigated by police and then cleared.

While police failing to find evidence of sexual assault is not the same thing as proving that it never happened, Drake’s team has that text messaging history.

With those text messages as evidence demonstrating Layla’s desperation to see him, they hope to prove defamation.

Sexual assault allegations should always be taken seriously, in part because the number of false reports are dwarfed by real ones, which are in turn dwarfed by the number of survivors who never come forward.

But that does not mean that there are never false reports. While it’s rare for a jilted ex to go to such extremes, it sounds like Layla was not even an ex.

Based upon these documents, it sounds like Layla was a hookup with whom Drake later flirted in text messages before they became too much.

Unless there is more to this story that we’re not seeing, it sounds like she may have become a stalker.

Not all stalkers are deranged fans. Some stalkers imagine an elaborate relationship with a celebrity, and then become enraged when the celebrity does not share their delusion.

Drake says that, when the sexual assault claim fell through, she tried to demand money to keep her from going public.

That said, so far, we have not heard Layla’s team’s side of the story.

We know that Drake fathered one secret love child in the past. Let’s not pretend that he isn’t capable of being shady.

But if she really did try to extort money and make false claims about Drake in the process, he may have a very solid case for defamation and extortion.

We’ll be sure to keep an eye on this case as it develops.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tiffany Haddish: I Was Raped by a Police Cadet

Tiffany Haddish may be the funniest woman on the planet.

But the rising superstar shares a story in the latest issue of Glamour that is as serious and as sad as it gets:

She was raped at the age of 17.

The Girls Trip star shared her very personal story with the aforementioned magazine this month, tearfully explaining that she still struggles with the reality of the situation to this day.

“That whole experience put me in such a messed-up place for a long time, and I ended up going to counseling,” Haddish says.

Haddish said that she did report the incident shortly after it transpired, but it continues to be something that takes a heavy toll on her. It’s still something she thinks about constantly.

All the star will really say about the situation at this point is that the rapist was a police cadet.

She won’t really get into any other specifics, for understandable reasons, of course.

However, Haddish does admit that the assault colors her personality a bit and plays a role into how she approaches the opposite sex.

“I notice that men are afraid of women that are aggressive. So to protect myself I become semi-aggressive,” she says.

“You hear about, ‘Tiffany always hitting on somebody,’ but that’s to keep them from hitting on me.”

In that same context, Haddish tells Glamour that she has been as forceful as possible when faced with directors and producers who try to exchange acting roles for sexual favors.

Yes, this really has happened to her.

Just as it has happened to so many women in Hollywood.

“I’ve had experiences where directors or producers are like, ‘You want this job?’ I might get real bossy and say, ‘First off, don’t nobody want to see your little dick!’ I get loud, all that,” she told Glamour.

Classic Tiffany Haddish, right?

Except now we comprehend a little more why the star can come across as so loud and abrasive.

The result is often hilarious.

But the backstory behind it is anything but.

Haddish went through a divorce from William Stewart In 2013.

He denied claims that he also physically abused her (in her 2017 memoir, the actress wrote that Stewart “got violent” and that Stewart “choked” her)… but Tiffany isn’t about to allow her past experiences keep her from dating and finding the right man.

Which is not to say she’s spoken for at the moment. She’s very single and she’s open to mingling. It’s just…

“I don’t really have time. And I’ve had enough somebodies,” she tells Glamour, hilariously concluding:

“I done ran through 38 dudes, OK? Body count, yeah. Mine is 38. Write it down. Let them know. I’ve had 38 experiences.”


Monday, July 2, 2018

XXXTentacion"s Murder Suspect Was Not Raped or Sexually Assaulted in Jail

XXXTentacion’s murder suspect who is sitting in jail was reported to have been sexually assaulted in a Florida jail – but, that’s just not true … according to Broward County Sheriff’s Office. Law enforcement officials at BSO tell us…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Kellen Winslow Jr. Targeted and Raped Elderly Women, Officials Say

Kellen Winslow Jr. allegedly raped at least 2 women in their 50s — and tried to rape at least two more, including an 86-year-old woman … this according to law enforcement.  As we previously reported, Winslow was arrested Thursday for…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Asia Argento to Cannes: Harvey Weinstein Raped Me and Some of You Knew

The 2018 Cannes Film Festival came to a close, and Asia Argento delivered an incredible and jaw-dropping speech.

She did not mince words when it came to Harvey Weinstein, whom she accuses of rape.

See her powerful speech in the accompanying video and feel the weight of her words.

Asia argento cannes speech 2018

"I have a few words to say," Asia"s speech begins.

Reportedly, the organizers did not know what she planned to say in her speech.

"In 1997, I was raped by Harvey Weinstein, here at Cannes. I was 21 years old."

Asia was one of the very first women to come forward and accuse him of sexual assault.

"This festival was his hunting ground."

According to the accusations — which are numerous — he had a number of hunting grounds.

Asia continues:

"I want to make a prediction."

This is her hope for the future, and she"s displaying an astounding degree of optimism that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

"Harvey Weinstein will never be welcomed here ever again."

The entire world hopes that, at the very least.

Though we should consider, for a moment, how low the bar is set when a woman who accuses a man of one of the most evil deeds possible…

… To be speaking about him facing social and professional consequences instead of expressing the hope that he will spend the rest of his life beyond bars.

Asia continues to describe a better future.

"He will live in disgrace."

And then come the professional consequences:

"Shunned by a film community that once embraced him."

And she"s not afraid to call out the people who were complicit.

"… And covered up for his crimes."

Then she really turns up the heat.

"And even tonight, sitting among you, there are those who still have to be held accountable for their conduct towards women."

She continues:

"For a behavior that does not belong in this industry — does not belong in any industry or workplace."

She is absolutely right.

"You know who you are."

We would point out that perhaps some of them do not know who they are. There are plenty of sexual predators in the world who never realized that their actions have left a trail of suffering behind them.

Perhaps the #MeToo movement has made them realize the harm that they"ve done.

"But most importantly, we know who you are."

That is important, yes.

"And we"re not going to allow you to get away with it any longer."

Asia argento and ava duvernay at cannes 2018

Asia"s speech was met with well-deserved applause.

Sadly, there is a long way to go before people can even hope to see justice for all of the horrible crimes committed within the entertainment industry and beyond.

What"s worse is that some people are already talking about "comebacks."

Surely we can all agree that rapists belong behind bars at the very least.

Surely we can also agree that serial harassers and abusers don"t deserve a "comeback" in an industry that they once treated as a hunting ground.

Harvey Weinstein has always denied the many, many allegations against him, and it is possible that thanks to the passage of time and the woeful inadequacy of the legal system, he will never see the inside of a prison cell.

But perhaps #MeToo and #TimesUp can create a better future. One without sex monsters.

That, we think, is what has Asia Argento filled with optimism.

Asia argento to cannes harvey weinstein raped me here

Monday, April 30, 2018

Bill Cosby Accuser Says He Should be Raped in Prison

Bill Cosby ought to get some “eye-for-an-eye” justice when he goes to prison — he should get raped … so says one of his accusers. Former Playboy model Victoria Valentino didn’t mince words when we asked her what she thinks the…


Paris Hilton: My Sex Tape Leaking Was Like Being Raped

Paris Hilton is known for her looks, her brand, her reality television career, and even for acting and music. Unfortunately, she is also known for a leaked sex tape.

In a new documentary, the businesswoman is opening up about that intensely public violation of her personal sex life.

She says that the feeling was akin to a sexual assault.

For the past few months, Paris Hilton’s fans have been noticing that her account has been tweeting some very on-point, recent memes.

It’s no coincidence that she appears in the documentary, American Meme.

That documentary has now premiered at Tribeca Film Festival.

And in it, she addresses the 2004 leaked sex tape of her with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon. And Paris is not mincing words.

“It was like being raped.”

Leaked sex tapes, like leaked nudes and revenge porn, are a tremendous violation of someone’s privacy and sex life.

“It felt like I’d lost part of my soul and been talked about in such cruel and mean ways.”

She was heartbroken.

“I literally wanted to die at some points. I was like, ‘I just don’t want to live,’ because I thought everything was taken away from me.”

Despite her sexy image, Paris is really not prone to promiscuity, and she worried that the entire world misunderstood her.

“I didn’t want to be known as that.”

At a post-screening Q&A session, Paris talks about how she rose to fame.

“I felt like the world was introduced to me through The Simple Life.

Technically, she first garnered attention thanks to a photoshoot with her sister, but people “got to know” her on reality television.

Which, she reminds us all, was still fairly uncommon at the time.

“There was no reality television back then, so it was very new.”

Reality television really took off during the 2007-2008 writer’s strike that saw many shows canceled before their time, and saw networks eager to fill time slots with programming that did not require writers.

“There was no social media, so I basically created this character that was basically what I thought the audience wanted.”

Paris is both intelligent and talented, but she built her brand on a very different image.

“Like, ‘Oh, she’s rich, so she needs to be a spoiled airhead’ — basically what the producers told me to do.”

Still speaking at the Q&A, Paris says of the director:

“When Bert told me about this film, he basically said, ‘Paris, you’re the O.G. of all this."”

She really is. Remember, Kim Kardashian was once basically just her sidekick.

“I really trusted him and was very vulnerable about things I had never spoken about before.”

Not everyone gets to see the real Paris.

“And basically just wanted to show the real me, because I don’t think I ever have before.”

It’s good that she was able to put herself out there.

During the documentary, Paris reveals the struggles that she has encountered after having risen to fame whens he was so young.

“It’s like I’ve been 21 for the last two decades.”

That might not sound like a curse, but it doesn’t really help people to know or respect her.

Paris also shares little details about herself and her thoughts.

She mentions that she is afraid that there’s no afterlife, which she says would be bad because: “that’d be so boring.”


Paris refers to her engagement to actor Chris Zylka and her enthusiasm for where her life is heading.

“I’m very excited for the next phase of my life and to start a family and find true happiness.”

Given how pampered Paris’ dogs are, she has a nurturing soul and will make a wonderful mother.

“Because yes, this is so much fun — I love what I’m doing, it’s great being in Ibiza every summer DJing until eight in the morning.”

“But sometimes it gets a little tiring.”

Paris is 37. We get it.

“I’m still going to continue being the girl boss I am, but I’m also going to be a mom, and I can’t wait for that day.”

Paris and Chris Zylka have both appeared on The CW as actors.

Zylka was one of the stars of The Secret Circle, a massively underrated series.

Paris herself was a guest star on Veronica Mars back when it was called The WB, and she later guest starred as an old world god who had shapeshifted into the Paris Hilton on Supernatural, back before the series jumped the shark.

Chris Zylka has also appeared in films, from indie hits like Kaboom to blockbusters like The Amazing Spider-Man.

Paris Hilton has appeared in cameos in films like Zoolander and taken on larger, more involved roles, such as in Repo: The Genetic Opera.

This is a talented couple, and they each deserve happiness.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Azealia Banks Claims She was "Lowkey" Raped on Her Instagram Story

Azealia Banks was breaking down and sobbing on her Instagram story Saturday night, claiming she’d been sexually assaulted … and threatening to quit music over it. In since-deleted Instagram videos posted to the NYC rapper’s Story, Azealia can be…


Azealia Banks Claims She was "Lowkey" Raped on Her Instagram Story

Azealia Banks was breaking down and sobbing on her Instagram story Saturday night, claiming she’d been sexually assaulted … and threatening to quit music over it. In since-deleted Instagram videos posted to the NYC rapper’s Story, Azealia can be…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Amy Schumer: I"ve Been "Flat-Out Raped"

Amy Schumer has made a living joking about sex.

She even got VERY candid about giving her then-boyfriend a blow job last March.

But the comedian is very much aware that sexual assault is no laughing matter, and she’s here to tell her full story about an unfortunate past experience in this realm.

“I’ve been flat-out raped,” Schumer told Katie Couric this week for the reporter’s Wonder Women podcast series.

Such an admission marks the first time Schumer has used this word when describing her troubled history.

In her autobiography, The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo, Schumer did write about how her first sexual encounter was NOT consensual.

She also opened up about the incident to Marie Claire in 2016, telling the magazine at the time:

“My first sexual experience was not a good one.”

Schumer told Howard Stern something similar that same year, saying she fell asleep one night alongside her high school boyfriend and woke up with him inside of her.

She did not press charges.

She even stayed with the boyfriend and found herself comforting him at times over what had happened.

“People, they want you to have been raped perfectly, and they want you to be a perfect victim,” Schumer told Stern, explaining how sexual assaults vary and the types of victims very.

At the end of the day, however, non-consensual sex is non-consensual sex.

“We’re so critical and it makes victims really not wanna speak up,” Schumer added.

That was in 2016.

Fast forward nearly two years and we’re in the middle of a #MeToo movement in which women are finally starting to feel empowered and in which sexual assault is at last being treated like the very serious issue that it is. 

Recalling this same incident with her high school boyfriend, Schumer told Couric:

“I didn’t think about it until I started reading my journal again.

“When it happened, I wrote about it almost like a throwaway. It was like, ‘And then I looked down and realized he was inside of me. He was saying, I’m so sorry and I can’t believe I did this."”

She continued:

“This was 17 years ago. There are just so many factors. I had another time with a boyfriend where I was saying, ‘No, stop,’ and it was just completely ignored.”

Schumer now realizes that none of this was okay.

Moreover, Schumer says flat-out rape or assault is easy to identify.

But there are plenty of other situation that also require women to speak out and men to shape up.

“If you have a doctor that makes you uncomfortable, or you get a massage, or you have a date with someone and they coerce you in a situation like the Aziz [Ansari] one, I don’t think there’s any sort of criminal charge, but I think that it’s good for everybody to learn that that behavior’s not acceptable,” she says.

“It’s not a crime, but it’s not cool. And it can still really mess with a woman.”

In this case, Schumer is referring to Aziz Ansari being accused of sexual misconduct after going on a date with a woman who claims she repeatedly made it clear to the star that she did not want to go as far physically as he wanted to go.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Corey Feldman Mum On Story that Corey Haim was Raped at 13

Corey Feldman says he made the mother of his good friend a promise not to talk about allegations Corey Haim was sexually molested when he was 13 … and he’s sticking to his promise. We got Feldman outside Tao Saturday night, and asked him a story…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Paz de la Huerta: Harvey Weinstein Raped Me Twice

Ever since Harvey Weinstein was accused of rape, following other accusations of sexual harassment, more and more powerful men in Hollywood have been called out and accused of varying levels of disgusting, inexcusable behavior.

But that doesn’t mean that the world has moved on from Harvey Weinstein. More than 60 women have come forward with horror stories about him.

Yet another woman has come forward, and actress Paz de la Huerta accused Harvey Weinstein of having raped her not once, but twice.

The LAPD is actively investigating Harvey Weinstein, which means that everyone who comes forward with their story about the one-time mega-producer’s story is that much more important.

Among the dozens of women who have told their #MeToo stories specifically about Weinstein were some big names.

Lupita Nyong’o shared details of her Weinstein encounters. This may shock you, but Harvey Weinstein claims through a spokesperson that he remembers things differently.

Game of Thrones star Lena Headey shared a story of narrowly escaping from Weinstein after his keycard miraculously failed to work.

But it doesn’t take a big name to have an impact.

A former assistant has come forward with a chilling story of how her attempts to fend off Weinstein’s alleged advances by telling him that she was on her period didn’t work, and she says that he forced himself on her anyway.

And now Boardwalk Empire actress Paz de la Huerta has come forward with her #MeToo story.

Speaking in a phone interview to Vanity Fair, Paz de la Huerta accuses Harvey Weinstein of raping her twice.

She says that she was 21 years old when Weinstein sent her science fiction novels and said to her that she might be right for a role in one of his projects.

It was in 2010, when de la Huerta was 26, that Weinstein offered her a ride home to Tribeca after a hotel meeting.

(Remember, not that it matters because nothing excuses sexual assault, but hotel meetings are pretty standard in the entertainment industry)

Paz de la Huerta says that Weinstein did more than just give her a ride, but followed her to her apartment and demanded to come inside and have a drink with her.

“Things got very uncomfortable very fast,” de la Huerta told Vanity Fair.

Paz de la Huerta continued her harrowing story:

“Immediately when we got inside the house, he started to kiss me and I kind of brushed [him] away.”

Be warned, folks, this is where it gets worse:

“Then he pushed me onto the bed and his pants were down and he lifted up my skirt. I felt afraid. … It wasn’t consensual … It happened very quickly. …”

That’s a small comfort, if any.

“He stuck himself inside me. … When he was done he said he’d be calling me. I kind of just laid on the bed in shock.”

Tragically, de la Huerta says that this was the first of two assaults.

She since tried to avoid him, but came home from a photoshoot in late 2010 to find that Weinstein arrived at her building’s lobby.

“He hushed me and said, ‘Let’s talk about this in your apartment.’”

We can only imagine how frightened she was in that moment.

“I was in no state. I was so terrified of him. … I did say no, and when he was on top of me I said, ‘I don’t want to do this.’”


“He kept humping me and it was disgusting. He’s like a pig. … He raped me.”

Paz de la Huerta describes how that second encounter ended.

“I laid there feeling sick. He looked at me and said, ‘I’ll put you in a play.’ He left and I never heard from him again. He knew he had done a bad thing.”

This is truly sickening.

De la Huerta showed true bravery for sharing this story.

Not only does Weinstein deny all accusations of rape, but other people will come out of the woodwork to ask stupid, insulting questions intended to place the blame on de la Huerta and not on the man she accuses of rape.

Maybe one of the accusations against Weinstein will stick and, for the first time, he’ll face real consequences.


Paz de la Huerta Claims Harvey Weinstein Raped Her Twice

Harvey Weinstein forced himself on “Boardwalk Empire” star Paz de la Huerta twice in her home … according to the actress, whose allegation has launched a new NYPD investigation. Paz told CBS News the first alleged rape happened in October…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Grindr Sued, Employee Says H.R. Supervisor Drugged, Raped Him at Christmas Party

A former Grindr employee is suing the gay dating service, claiming the Human Resources supervisor slipped him a drug at the company’s 2016 XMAS party and anally raped him. The plaintiff, who is listed as John Doe, claims Daniel Cabanero is the one…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Rose McGowan: Harvey Weinstein RAPED Me! And Amazon Covered It Up!

Now that Rose McGowan has her viral voice back, the actress is using it to make a couple scathing accusations.

McGowan was actually kicked off Twitter earlier this week after she shared numerous messages calling out Hollywood for its inaction against Harvey Weinstein after the movie producer was outed for being the person she always claimed him to be:

A sexual predator.

Multiple detailed reports have alleged that Weinstein sexually harassed an endless number of women and even raped a few actresses back in the 1980s and 1990s.

McGowan, meanwhile, has gone on the offense in the wake of these allegations, referring to Ben Affleck as a liar, for example, after he pleaded ignorance over Weinstein’s notorious behavior.

After McGowan’s Twitter account was unlocked on Thursday (the company says she was given the temporary boot for sharing a private phone number), the actress celebrated by sending a series of message at people she believes covered for Weinstein …

… and by accusing the movie mogul of rape.

Addressing all of her Tweets to Jeff Bezos – the founder and CEO of Internet behemoth Amazon – McGowan wrote:

“I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over & over I said. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was proof.”

As part of a New York Times article published last week, it was revealed McGowan was one of eight women who reached a settlement with Weinstein.

In her case, it was for $ 100,000 and it was over a 1997 encounter in a hotel room with the executive producer during the Sundance Film Festival.

The money that changed hands was “not to be construed as an admission” by Weinstein, but intended to “avoid litigation and buy peace,” according to a legal document reportedly reviewed by the aforementioned newspaper.

Continued McGowan in her Twitter explanation last night:

“I had already sold a script I wrote to your studio, it was in development…

“When I heard a Weinstein bailout was in the works I forcefully begged studio head to do the right thing. I was ignored. Deal was done. Amazon won a dirty Oscar.

“I called my attorney & sad I wanted to get my script back, but before I could, #2 @amazonstudios called me to say my show was dead…

“@jeffbezos I am calling on you to stop funding rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers. I love @amazon but there is rot in Hollywood.

“@jeffbezos Be the change you want to see in the world. Stand with truth. #ROSEARMY #Amazon.”

mcgowan vs. amazon

This is not a new claim by McGowan.

Any awful cynic who thinks she’s somehow just trying to take advantage of the publicity surrounding Weinstein need only to CLICK ON THIS LINK.

Last October, McGowan also Tweeted about how a Hollywood executive had raped her – and how others within the industry had helped cover it up.

Using the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan wrote the following one year ago:

“A (female) criminal attorney said because I’d done a sex scene in a film I would never win against the studio head.

“Because it’s been an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She concluded: “It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

Sadly, it wasn’t then.

But maybe it can be now.

We’re most definitely proud members of the #ROSEARMY.


Monday, October 9, 2017

NeNe Leakes: Sorry For Saying I Hope You Get Raped!

NeNe Leakes crossed a serious line, responding to a heckler by declaring that she hoped that she got raped. It was awful and inexcusable.

The only real surprise there, for most people, was the knowledge that NeNe Leakes does stand-up comedy. Because NeNe is no stranger to controversy.

But she realized that she went too far, this time, and has now issued a public apology.

We do not want to in any way understate the degree of awfulness of what NeNe Leakes said to that woman in her audience.

But … we’re having a little bit of trouble getting over the fact that people went into a theater and paid money to see NeNe Leakes do stand-up.

We don’t think that she’s talentless or that Real Housewives stars in general aren’t capable of doing stand-up — far from it.

(NeNe Leakes fat paycheck alone should be enough to convey that she has serious skills when it comes to being an entertainer)

But while we knew that NeNe made for great reality television, not everyone can make the jump from feuding on camera for cash to standing alone on stage and making your audience laugh.

And apparently, some members of NeNe Leakes’ audience agreed.

On Saturday night, NeNe took the stage in Oakland to perform stand-up.

One segment bombed especially hard.

She was trying to tell a joke about Uber drivers attempting to have sex with their passengers, which is already an uncomfortable topic because some of those drivers might just be making a wildly inappropriate pass, but we’ve all heard horror stories of drivers who didn’t take “no” for answer.

That’s probably why her audience wasn’t loving it. Rape is, uh, the absolute opposite of funny. Maybe she was going somewhere funny with that joke, but … yikes.

Some of the audience members booed, which is fine to do at your television or good-naturedly with a friend, but not polite if you’re somebody’s audience.

But it absolutely did not warrant NeNe Leakes’ response.

“I ain’t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver,” Leakes said, singling out one dissatisfied audience member in particular. “I hope he rape yo’ ass tonight when he take you home, bitch. And steal yo funky hello kitty, bitch.”

Completely unacceptable.

NeNe has issued an apology over multiple social media platforms:

“I truly regret and apologize for what I said from the stage in Oakland over the weekend.”

That’s a good start, but the next line gets … weird.

“Sometimes words can cut deep and hurt when you have no intentions of them doing so.”

How could those words have had no intention of cutting deep, though? A “funny accent” that exploits stereotypes might be made in fun but hurt someone by accident. An expressed desire for someone to be raped? No.

“As a woman and someone who has survived abuse, I regret the words that I used.”

Some might accuse NeNe of hiding behind her status as an abuse survivor. Others would say that she mentions this because she wants people to understand how sincerely she understands her mistake.

We do believe that she regrets the words that she used.

“I made a mistake and I should have known better. I hope people accept my deepest and sincerest apologies. I am sorry.”

That last line is good, though. Overall, it’s a pretty good apology.

This isn’t the first time that NeNe Leakes has crossed a line, even in the past couple of weeks.

She recently went off on Brielle Biermann, daughter of her costar and rival, Kim Zolciak.

NeNe told Brielle that she “will never be Kylie Jenner,” telling her to stop changing her face’s appearance.

Now, Brielle is an adult (a young adult, but still), but many still consider feuding with someone’s children to be unethical. For a host of reasons.

NeNe has a reputation for speaking her mind in the most direct way possible, so it’s not a surprise that she’d go off on a 20-year-old or on a member of her own audience.

We just, you know, wish that she’d be a little better.


Wendy Williams Blames Nelly Accuser for Possibly Being Raped

Wendy Williams just blamed the alleged victim.

On Monday morning’s edition of her bizarrely popular talk show, the host took it upon herself to address Nelly and the disturbing allegation that he raped a fan on board a tour bus last week.

Nelly was arrested for this reported act, which supposedly took place on Friday night in Washington after the rapper performed on stage with Florida Georgia Line.

According to a statement from local police, “at 3:48 AM, a female called 911 to report that she was sexually assaulted by a male, who is known as the rapper ‘Nelly.’

“The alleged assault was reported to occur on the tour bus that was parked at the listed location. Nelly had performed at the White River Amphitheater just hours before.”

The artist was taken into custody an hour after this call was made and then released around 8 a.m.

He has vehemently denied all charges.

That’s all we know about the incident, and we’d never dare to speculate any further when it comes to something as sensitive and dangerous as rape.

But the same can’t be said for Wendy Williams.

Once again sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, while lacking any kind of pertinent information about what transpired, Williams went off today on both Nelly… and his accuser.

“If she did not put herself in that situation, this wouldn’t have happened,” Williams actually said in front of a studio audience, jumping up on her inappropriate high horse and addressing the alleged victim as follows:

“Young lady, you’ve got to stay out of tour buses.”

Wow. She really did go there.

Is this any different than telling a college student that she really should stay out of fraternities if she wants to avoid a sexual assault?

Can you imagine if it comes out that Nelly really did rape this person… and Williams is on record as saying she has any blame whatsoever for what happened?

The awful human being talk show host then turned her attention to Nelly.

Referencing songs of the singer’s in which he sings about sex and partying and how women should take their clothes off, Williams said:

“The problem is, you can’t party the way you write about. You didn’t grow up in Rolling Stones times.”

Right. Sure. Okay.

So it’s the accuser’s fault for wanting to party on a tour bus and it’s Nelly’s fault for hosting a party on a tour bus? Got it, Wendy!

Upon his release from custody on Saturday, Nelly Tweeted the following:

“Let me say that I am beyond shocked that I have been targeted with this false allegation. I am completely innocent.

“I am confident that once the facts are looked at, it will be very clear that I am the victim of a false allegation.”

Unlike Williams, we’re just gonna wait and see for those facts to come out before we offer up any sort of opinion.

Seriously, Wendy. Just shut the eff up sometimes.


Nene Leakes to Fan: I Hope You Get Raped!

Fans love Nene Leakes for her straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is persona, but there"s a fine line between being outspoken and being the worst kind of bully.

A good way to know you"ve crossed the line is if you find yourself standing on stage in front of a large crowd and telling an audience member that you hope she gets raped.

For reasons that remain unclear, people paid to see Nene perform standup comedy in Oakland on Saturday night.

Perhaps we should"ve put "comedy" in quotes, because by all accounts, the set did not go well.

Nene joked about Uber drivers attempting to have sex with their female passengers, and apparently, the joke was so lame she was loudly booed by the crowd.

That"s when things really got ugly.

Leakes singled out one displeased audience member in particular, saying:

"I ain"t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver. I hope he rape yo" ass tonight when he take you home, bitch."

"And steal yo" funky hello kitty, bitch," she added for good measure.

It"s the second high-profile conflict in as many weeks for Nene.

Last week, Leakes clashed with Brelle Biermann, daughter of her former co-star Kim Zolciak-Birermann.

Leakes slammed Biermann as "racist trash" and a Kylie Jenner wannabe in a rant that left fans divided.

Watch Nene"s bizarre rant in the clip below:

Nene leakes to fan i hope you get raped

Nene Leakes Tells Audience Member She Hopes She Gets Raped By Uber Driver

Nene Leakes held nothing back in lashing out at a heckler … telling the female audience member she hoped she’d get raped by an Uber driver on her trip back home. Leakes was performing standup at a show in Oakland Saturday night and the crowd…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Nelly: I"m Innocent, I Swear I Never Raped Anyone!

Time has not been kind to Nelly.

And, if we’re to believe recent accusations against him, Nelly has not been kind to others in return.

Early yesterday morning, he was arrested for allegedly raping a woman on his tour bus.

He’s currently on tour with Florida Georgia Line, and the arrest happened a few hours after a show in Washington on Friday night.

According to a statement from local police, a woman called 911 at nearly 4:00 AM and reported that Nelly had sexually assaulted her.

After officers arrived on the scene and did some investigating, there was apparently enough evidence to make an arrest, and Nelly was taken into custody.

There wasn’t enough evidence to hold him though, and a few hours later he was released.

His lawyer then made a statement saying that “Nelly is the victim of a completely fabricated allegation.”

“Our initial investigation,” he explained, “clearly establishes the allegation is devoid of credibility and is motivated by greed and vindictiveness.”

“I am confident, once the scurrilous accusation is thoroughly investigated, there will be no charges.”

The lawyer added that “Nelly is prepared to pursue all legal avenues to redress any damage caused by this clearly false allegation.”

So far it’s obviously a pretty serious case of he-said, she-said, right?

But now Nelly is speaking on his own behalf.

Shortly after the news broke of his arrest, he hopped on Twitter to defend himself.

“Let me say that I am beyond shocked that I have been targeted with this false allegation,” he began. “I am completely innocent.”

“I am confident that once the facts are looked at, it will be very clear that I am the victim of a false allegation.”

“I do want to apologize to my loved ones for the embarrassment and for putting myself in a situation where I could be victimized by this false and defaming allegation,” he wrote.

Nelly also thought it was important “to thank my fans for their unwavering support.”

“They know me,” he said. “I assure you I will be vindicated. And I assure you, I will pursue every legal option to address this defaming claim.”

“Thank you.”

And just in case you didn’t follow that statement his lawyer wrote for him, he added “In other words y’all know damm well I ain’t do no dumm S^*t like this..!! Love ..!!!!”

About an hour after making those tweets, he logged back on to clear up an extra bit of confusion.

“To be absolutely clear,” he wrote, “I have not been charged with a crime therefore no bail was required. I was released, pending further investigation.”

At this point, it’s hard to say who’s telling the truth.

Nelly and his team could be right, this woman could have made up this whole story.

But then again, Nelly could be doing his best to cover up his crimes — let’s be real, it’s not exactly unprecedented for a celebrity to use his fame as a way to prey on women like this.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.
