Showing posts with label McGowan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McGowan. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

Rose McGowan: The #MeToo Movement is a Useless Fraud!

If you see everyone around you as your enemy, pretty soon, your perception will become reality.

That is what Rose McGowen is experiencing right now. As Rose lashes out at “fake” Hollywood activism, she is now taking aim at the #MeToo movement.

She’s skewering friends and allies and saying that #MeToo is just a bunch of lies.

In a no-holds-barred interview with The Sunday Times, Rose McGowan puts #MeToo on blast. And she doesn’t mince words about her “friends,” either.

“It’s all bulls–t,” Rose says dismissively.

When it comes to Hollywood’s activism against the pervasive issue of sexual assault, she says: “It’s a lie.”

“They’re not champions” of anything, Rose claims.

As Rose sees the #MeToo movement, “It’s a Band-Aid lie to make them feel better.”

“I know these people,” Rose reminds readers.

“I know they’re lily-livered,” Rose continues. “And as long as it looks good on the surface, to them, that’s enough.”

(Not to distract from this very serious topic and her criticisms, but … we haven’t heard anyone in real life unironically say lily-livered since … ever)

Rose continues to disparage the most outspoken voices of #MeToo and #TimesUp.

“I just think they’re losers,” Rose says.

Rose McGowan was one of the first to come forward, publicly, about Harvey Weinstein.

Even before that, she told the world that she had been sexually assaulted by a then-unnamed Hollywood executive.

Rose also accused others of having known, even though public figures such as Meryl Streep assured her that she didn’t know about Weinstein.

Well, Rose isn’t buying Meryl’s denial.

Rose claims that it is “literally impossible” for Meryl to have not known about Weinstein’s crimes.

That sounds a little hypocritical from the woman who’s just recently tried to distance herself from Asia Argento.

Not everyone knows what their friends are up to.

Rose even sides with Trump supporters, of all people, on one issue — Hollywood.

“They hate Hollywood for being faux liberals,” Rose says. “And they’re 100 percent right about that.”

(Just a quick point of order — we somehow doubt that Trump’s crowd has issues with Hollywood being inauthentic liberals)

“It’s a bunch of faux liberals,” Rose continues. “It’s crap, and they know it is deep down.”

“But they’re living an empty life, and to me that’s their punishment,” Rose says. “They get to live the lives they live.”

Plenty of people would happily trade authenticity for glamor and millions.

Rose also discussed Alyssa Milano in a Nightline interview.

Once upon a time, the two of them were co-stars on Charmed. And Alyssa has been an outspoken participant in #MeToo and #TimesUp.

“I don’t like her,” Rose said simply.

She explains — sort of — why she’s eager to throw her former co-star and fellow activist under the proverbial bus.

Rose explained: “Because I think she’s a lie.”

“Do you think I don’t know these people?” Rose said. “Do the math.”

She is referring to Alyssa’s husband, Hollywood agent David Bugliari. 

“Who’s behind Time’s Up? CAA,” Rose said. “Where do they meet? CAA?”

“Who needs good PR? CAA,” Rose continued. “Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.”

She seems to be portraying Alyssa’s activism — perhaps everyone’s activism — as a front to avoid truly addressing the issues.

Alyssa Milano responded to Rose’s hurtful words.

“I am and always have been completely supportive of Rose and admire her bravery and speaking out about her experiences,” Alyssa said.

“My goal throughout the past few months with both #MeToo and the TimesUp movement,” she explained. “Has been to use my platform to give others a voice.”

Alyssa concluded that she does this “so we can all work together to stamp out sexual harassment and sexual assault.”

Rose McGowan is such a complicated person. You feel sympathy for the horrors that she endured, but she sometimes seems to find unfair targets in her zeal.

We don’t mean that she falsely accuses people of sexual assault — but that some perceive her as being too quick to point the finger at alleged conspirators.

As we said about Meryl and about Rose herself where Asia Argento is concerned, not everyone knows what their friends are up to.

The #MeToo movement has made tremendous strides in changing the culture in America from one that automatically blames victims of sexual assault.

Many people — especially privileged men — have had their eyes opened by hearing about the horrors that go on that they never personally experience.

It’s Rose’s right to think that it’s not enough. But it may be unfair to question the motives of the courageous women who are leading the charge.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Rose McGowan Challenges Asia Argento to "Be Better" Than Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan is clearly disappointed in Asia Argento for allegedly sexually assaulting Jimmy Bennett but adds, Asia’s case makes her realize even the accused deserved due process.  Rose issued a lengthy statement Monday about…


Monday, June 11, 2018

Rose McGowan: Don"t Blame Asia Argento For Anthony Bourdain"s Death!

Last week, the food world lost a true icon when Anthony Bourdain was found dead of an apparent suicide in a hotel room in France.

He was 61 years old.

Days later, details about the events surrounding Bourdain’s death are slowly beginning to trickle in, but the question of what could have driven one of the most widely-envied men on the planet to take his own life remains unanswered.

Fans and media outlets were quick to point out some unusual social media activity from Bourdain’s longtime girlfriend, Asia Argento, in the hours before the news of his passing became public knowledge.

An image in which the actress is seen wearing a shirt that reads “F-ck Off,” coupled with photos of Argento apparently vacationing with a male friend in France prompted a widespread theory that Bourdain was distraught over relationship problems.

In the final months of his life, Bourdain was an outspoken advocate of the #MeToo movement, and his activism brought him close to some of the most high-profile victims of sexual harassment in Hollywood, including the actress Rose McGowan.

Bourdain and McGowan quickly became close friends, and today, she published an open letter in which she addresses both his death and the rumors about his alleged relationship troubles.

“Sitting across from me is the remarkable human and brave survivor, Asia Argento, who has been through more than most could stand, and yet stand she does,” the letter reads.

“She stood up to her monster rapist and now she has to stand up to yet another monster, suicide. The suicide of her beloved lover and ally, Anthony Bourdain.”

McGowan goes on to claim that Bourdain and Argento were in an open relationship, and she implies he would not have been upset by the sight of Argento with another man:

“Anthony and Asia had a free relationship, they loved without borders of traditional relationships, and they established the parameters of their relationship early on,” McGowan states. 

“Asia is a free bird, and so was Anthony. Was. Such a terrible word to write,” she adds.

“I’ve heard from many that the past two years they were together were some of his happiest and that should give us all solace.”

She later states:

“It is in no way fair or acceptable to blame her or anyone else, not even Anthony.”

McGowan says she’s angry about her friend’s death, but she also pleads for sympathy from those who feel that he took his own life out of selfishness or a lack of concern for his loved ones.

Shortly after learning of Bourdain’s death, Argento addressed the matter on Instagram, writing:

“His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds. He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.”

We’ll have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.


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Rose McGowan Says Don"t Blame Anthony Bourdain"s GF Asia Argento

Rose McGowan is defending her friend, and Anthony Bourdain’s girlfriend, Asia Argento … saying there is NO reason to play the blame game after his suicide. Rose says she knows people who knew Anthony, or just loved him on TV, want to “lash out and…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rose McGowan, Dismiss My Cocaine Case Because I Was Framed ... Maybe By Weinstein

Rose McGowan wants her felony cocaine possession case tossed because she says the coke may well have been planted … and she points to Harvey Weinstein. McGowan has pled not guilty to cocaine possession after cocaine was found in the wallet she…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Jill Messick, Ex-Rose McGowan Manager, Kills Herself; Family Blames Media and Harvey Weinstein

Horrible news out of Hollywood this week:

Jill Messick, a former Miramax producer who once managed actress Rose McGowan, committed suicide suicide on Wednesday, her family has confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

She was 50 years old.

This is terribly sad – but it may have gone largely unnoticed by the mainstream press if Messick’s family had not released a pointed statement in response to the tragedy.

Released by Messick’s loved ones to The Hollywood Reporter, the statement places the blame for this suicide on Harvey Weinstein… McGowan herself… and members of the press for how they covered the #MeToo movement.

Weinstein, of course, is the former head of Miramax who has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women.

McGowan has claimed for years that she is one of these women, while she’s now a leading voice for the #MeToo movement, which seeks to empower victims of rape and misconduct.

Messick, meanwhile, represented McGowan in 1997, at the time she says she was raped by Weinstein.

The late producer/manager later took an executive position at Miramax, then led by Weinstein.

“Jill was victimized by our new culture of unlimited information sharing and a willingness to accept statement as fact,” reads the emotional statement.

“She became collateral damage in an already horrific story.”

The full statement, which is available at The Hollywood Reporter, goes on to say that Messick was devastated after the film mogul’s attorney released an email in which Messick defended Weinstein.

“The speed of disseminating information has carried mistruths about Jill as a person, which she was unable and unwilling to challenge,” it says.

Messick’s relatives acknowledge that McGown told her about an incident with Weinstein…

… but they insist that Messick “stood up on Rose’s behalf” and “alerted her bosses to the horrific experience which Rose suffered.”

Continues the statement:

“She opted not to add to the feeding frenzy, allowing her name and her reputation to be sullied despite having done nothing wrong.

“She never chose to be a public figure; that choice was taken away from her.”

The family also mentions that Messick was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

After discussing with Messick and her management team what transpired with Weinstein, McGown is on record as saying she did not feel much support.

In their message to the public on Thursday, Messick’s loved ones criticized journalists for publishing the aforementioned ​correspondence between Messick and Weinstein.

“We must take a moment to consider the ramifications and consequences of what we say and what we do,” the family’s statement reads, concluding:

“Words matter. Someone’s life may depend on it.”

McGowan, for her part, has been on a mission to reveal the truth about Weinstein, the culture in Hollywood and everything else related to this ongoing sexual harassment scandal in entertainment.

It has thus far ended the careers of such A-Listers as Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey and Louis C.K., among MANY others.

Weinstein’s attorney, Ben Brafman, previously responded to McGowan’s allegations in a statement to People Magazine that reads:

“Mr. Weinstein denies Rose McGowan’s allegations of non-consensual sexual contact and it is erroneous and irresponsible to conflate claims of inappropriate behavior and consensual sexual contact later regretted, with an untrue claim of rape.”

His spokesperson also has said that McGowan “chose to demand money” from the producer and worked and appeared with him later in her career.

On January 30, Weinstein’s lawyers released an email in which Messick said McGowan had told her she got into a hot tub with Weinstein “consensually” yet “regretted” it.

Her family here says the document was released without Messick’s consent.

“Harvey’s desperate attempt to vindicate himself, was devastating for her. It broke Jill.”

May Jill Messick rest in peace.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Rose McGowan Tears Into Golden Globes, "Fake" Hollywood Activism

The 2018 Golden Globe Awards aired live from Los Angeles on Sunday night.

But talk afterward was less about big wins for Big Little Lies and more about the theme of nearly every speech, not to mention nearly every outfit:

Female empowerment in Hollywood.

As you can see in the photo gallery above, celebrities from all industries walked the red carpet in all-black, coming together to make a statement in support of the #MeToo Movement.

Speech after speech centered on this topic, which has been at the forefront of the entertainment world for months now, ever since producer Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a sexual predator.

There were multiple standing ovations.

There were many tears shed.

There was applause all around for the brave women (and men) who have spoken out against accusers and helped drive terrible people such as Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer out of a job.

In other words:

This was the sort of night Rose McGowan has been waiting for her entire professional life, right?

The actress came out long ago with accusations of rape against Weinstein and has finally seen these allegations proven right.

So, why didn’t she do a figurative victory dance on Sunday?

Because McGowan doesn’t care about symbolism.

She cares about action.

The star took to Twitter to slam her acting peers in response to the following Tweet from Asia Argento, an actress and singer who also says Weinstein raped her.

“No one should forget that you were the first one who broke the silence,” she wrote to McGown, adding:

“Anyone who tries to diminish your work is a troll and an enemy of the movement. You gave me the courage to speak out. I am on your side until I die.”

Replied McGowan:

“And not one of those fancy people wearing black to honor our rapes would have lifted a finger had it not been so. I have no time for Hollywood fakery, but you I love, .@AsiaArgento #RoseArmy.”

Argento went on to note that neither she nor McGowan were invited to attend the Golden Globes.

This isn’t the first time McGowan has been critical of her fellow celebrities. She is nothing if not passionate and outspoken.

Late last year, for example, McGowan Tweeted about the idea for stars to wear black as a fashion/anti-harassment statement in a series of since-deleted posts.

“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem,” she wrote at the time, adding:

“You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy.”

Shortly after McGowan’s comments, Streep told Entertainment Tonight that she was “hurt to be attacked by” McGowan and insisted she knew nothing at all about Weinstein’s bad reputation when it came to women.

“I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the ‘90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others,” Streep said in response.

“I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

For the record, and for what it’s worth, Streep attended Sunday night’s ceremony.

She wore a black gown and she took activist/the Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo, as her date.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Meryl Streep to Rose McGowan: I Didn"t Know About Harvey Weinstein!

Rose McGowan has zero chill, and that’s usually a good thing. We love hearing her tear Harvey Weinstein a new one.

Sometimes, however, that admirable passion gets a little misplaced. The result is Rose McGowan slamming Meryl Streep, of all people, basically accusing her of having been complicit in Weinstein’s monstrous deeds.

Meryl Streep is speaking out, saying that she’s very hurt by Rose’s words, and endeavoring to make things clear.

Rose McGowan was outspoken in accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape — and she’s certainly not alone.

Too many actresses have come forward, identifying Weinstein as their harasser or their rapist.

Salma Hayek spoke of Weinstein as a “monster,” and says that she wonders if it was only her friendships with other influential members of Hollywood that prevented Weinstein from raping her.

Some times, a person escapes from a sexual predator because they have the right friends. Others just get lucky.

And others … unlucky.

Rose McGowan has spoken loud and clear against Weinstein. Unfortunately, some of her ire was misdirected at her fellow actresses.

“Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest.”

We would counter that, surely, they did not know. A lot of people have no idea that there’s a monster in their midst.

“YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change.”

All awards are fake, really.

“I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.”

Marchesa, of course, is the clothing line by Weinstein’s wife. While many feel sorry for the woman who most assume never knew of her husband’s monstrous deeds, Rose McGowan has been less sympathetic.

Rose has since deleted the tweet.

Meryl Streep addressed Rose McGowan’s criticisms in a lengthy letter, published in The Huffington Post.

“It hurt to be attacked by Rose McGowan in banner headlines this weekend, but I want to let her know I did not know about Weinstein’s crimes, not in the ’90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others.”

That’s what we figured.

“I wasn’t deliberately silent. I didn’t know. I don’t tacitly approve of rape. I didn’t know. I don’t like young women being assaulted. I didn’t know this was happening.”

Sexual predators go to great lengths to cover up their crimes.

Meryl then goes on to explain how little contact she’s had with Weinstein.

“I don’t know where Harvey lives, nor has he ever been to my home.”

That’s good for her.

“I have never in my life been invited to his hotel room.”

For many actors, exchanging scripts and even auditioning in hotel rooms isn’t uncommon. Some wonder if, in light of these uncovered abuses, that should now change.

“I have been to his office once, for a meeting with Wes Craven for ‘Mustic of the Heart’ in 1998.”

That’s … nearly 20 years ago.

“HW distributed movies I made with other people.”

“HW was not a filmmaker; he was often a producer, primarily a marketer of films made by other people — some of them great, some not great.”

Weinstein did sometimes assume a hand-on role in films, but that makes him a demanding producer, not a filmmaker.

“But not every actor, actress, and director who made films that HW distributed knew he abused women, or that he raped Rose in the 90s, other women before and others after, until they told us. We did not know that women’s silence was purchased by him and his enablers.”

Sometimes, survivors are shocked to learn that other people didn’t know what happened to them. When something consumes your life, it’s hard to imagine that others could be so blind.

“HW needed us not to know this, because our association with him bought him credibility, an ability to lure young, aspiring women into circumstances where they would be hurt.”

Yes, predators have a vested interest in appearing innocent and personable.

“He needed me much more than I needed him and he made sure I didn’t know. Apparently he hired ex Mossad operators to protect this information from becoming public.”

We’ve heard about that.

“Rose and the scores of other victims of these powerful, moneyed, ruthless men face an adversary for whom Winning, at any and all costs, is the only acceptable outcome.”

Meryl then talks specifically about what people are doing to protect survivors from the wrath of the men who want them silenced.

“That’s why a legal defense fund for victims is currently being assembled to which hundreds of good hearted people in our business will contribute, to bring down the bastards, and help victims fight this scourge within.”

“Rose assumed and broadcast something untrue about me, and I wanted to let her know the truth.”

It’s clear that Meryl is speaking with compassion, here.

“Through friends who know her, I got my home phone number to her the minute I read the headlines.”

That was a good move to make.

“I sat by that phone all day yesterday and this morning, hoping to express both my deep respect for her and others’ bravery in exposing the monsters among us, and my sympathy for the untold, ongoing pain she suffers.”

Perhaps Rose McGowan was following Uma Thurman’s advice about waiting until she calms down before speaking up.

“No one can bring back what entitled bosses like Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes, and HW took from the women who endured attacks on their bodies and their ability to make a living.”

Sad but true.

“And I hoped that she would give me a hearing. She did not, but I hope she reads this.”

Meryl’s statement continues:

“I am truly sorry she sees me as an adversary, because we are both, together with all the women in our business, standing in defiance of the same implacable foe: a status quo that wants so badly to return to the bad old days, the old ways where women were used, abused and refused entry into the decision-making, top levels of the industry.”

And that, she says, is where the real problem lies.

“That’s where the cover-ups convene. Those rooms must be disinfected, and integrated, before anything even begins to change.”

Change can be a lengthy process, but it’s better to take your time than to rush and let horrible people slip through the cracks.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rose McGowan Blasts Harvey Weinstein, Victim Shamers

Harvey Weinstein’s living in the lap of luxury — like nothing ever happened — while sexual harassment victims are facing unfair backlash … according to Weinstein’s archenemy, Rose McGowan. Rose was pretty fired up at LAX when we asked her…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrested on "Drug Charges" While Fans Cry Foul!

One of the biggest fears that kept so many people silent about their experiences before the Harvey Weinstein rape accusations and the numerous outings that have followed was the fear of reprisal.

Well, Rose McGowan spoke up. In fact, she’s been one of the most prominent voices in the efforts to expose and cast out harassers and abusers in the entertainment industry.

And now she’s been arrested … for drug charges that date back to the beginning of 2017.

If you’d told us years ago that Rose McGowan was going to be at the forefront of a chorus of brave voices calling for a shift in the culture that makes women afraid to be alone with their male coworkers …

Actually, we’d have believed you.

It was in 2016 that Rose McGowen revealed that she’d been raped by a Hollywood executive.

We didn’t know by whom, at the time, though rumors have surrounded a number of powerful men in Hollywood for years and even decades.

Almost exactly one year after she revealed her sexual assault, Rose McGowan named Harvey Weinstein as her rapist.

She was, at that point, adding her voice to others — who had accused Weinstein of grotesque harassment as well as sexual assault.

But we still cannot imagine the kind of bravery that she needed to muster in order to speak up.

It appears that Rose McGowan’s outspokenness may have come back to bite her.

We don’t know if this is some sort of reprisal or just a very unfortunate and unjust coincidence.

Just at the end of October, we learned that a warrant for Rose McGowan’s arrest had been issued.

The warrant was issued in Virginia.

See, Rose McGowan apparently behind a bag on a plane.

(Never do that, folks — you might lose it, and someone might also assume that it’s a bomb and start a panic)

Allegedly, tests showed that there were traces of an illicit substance — cocaine — on the bag.

We’re talking about traces, here, so aside from the fact that every adult has the natural right to put whatever they want to in their bodies, this sounds like pretty thin evidence.

Also, “trace evidence” of drugs is notorious for producing false positives. Most people just don’t have the resources to fight a charge and they cop a plea.

The warrant for her arrest was obtained on February 1st, but apparently nobody bothered to tell Rose McGowan until late October.

Maybe they saw her name in the news and somebody got excited at the idea of arresting a celebrity. But some, Rose included, have wondered if there might have been something more serious at work.

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia,” Rose tweeted. “What a load of HORSES–T!”

But, as ridiculous as the whole situation sounds, Rose McGowan traveled to Virginia and turned herself in.

She was booked, briefly, before being released on $ 5,000 bond.

This is Rose McGowan’s first arrest. She has a reputation for “making trouble,” but that’s only because she calls out people and has zero chill about it.

Is this suddenly revived warrant revenge or an attempt to silence her and others? If so, it’s not working. Women are still coming forward every day.

But with the timing of everything, we can understand why Rose and many of her fans would have their suspicions.

The whole scenario is very weird.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Rose McGowan Surrenders in Felony Cocaine Possession Case

Rose McGowan turned herself into cops in Virginia where she was arrested for an outstanding warrant for possession of cocaine. Back in January, cops say they found a few small bags of cocaine in a wallet McGowan had left behind at the airport. A…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrest Warrant Issued. Is She Being Silenced?

Just a little more than two weeks ago, Rose McGowan accused Harvey Weinstein of having raped her. She was far from Harvey Weinstein’s sole accuser, but she’s one of the bigger names to go public.

And now, very suddenly, we’re finding out that there’s an arrest warrant out for Rose McGowan over alleged drug possession … dating back to the beginning of the year.

What we don’t know is whether this suspicious timing is just a coincidence or some sort of retaliation. But Rose McGowan has a theory.

It was only a year ago when Rose McGowan revealed that she had been raped by a Hollywood executive.

Sexual assault is horrifying, and we absolutely do not blame her for not naming the monster who came after her.

At the time, it would have been her word alone against his.

Following the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal and the multiple women accusing him of rape

As a powerful Hollywood mega-producer, Harvey Weinstein had the money and influence to intimidate countless women into silence.

We may never know the names of all of the women left scarred, traumatized, and ashamed by Weinstein’s alleged actions.

We need to respect the choices of those women, however. Most of us are fortunate enough that we cannot imagine being in that kind of situation.

That Rose McGowan has used her voice, her fame, and her platform to speak out against sexual assault is a sign of real bravery.

And yet … there’s a warrant out for Rose McGowan’s arrest.

The Associated Press reports that the warrant was obtained by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department.

And … it was issued on February 1st of this year.

That’s just about 9 entire months ago.

So … why are we just hearing about this now, we wonder?

We’ll get to that in a moment, because the charges are also pretty weird.

The AP reports:

“An arrest warrant has been obtained for actress Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.”

Okay. Yikes.

“The felony charge stems from a police investigation of personal belongings left behind on a United flight arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 20. Police say the items tested positive for narcotics.”

Our first thought, aside from “it’s literally no one’s business what Rose McGowan allegedly puts in her body,” was to wonder since when, exactly, do random possessions (like a sweater or whatever) get tested for traces of narcotics?

Rose McGowan tweeted out after she heard the news, asking the question that we’ve all been wondering:

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES–T.”

Rose McGowan is a celebrity; Virginia authorities have had an entire pregnancy’s worth of time to tell the Associated Press or the LAPD or … whomever … that they need to speak with Rose McGowan.

They might have mentioned this to Rose, too, you might think.

Virginia-based charges seem like a bit of a reach for Harvey Weinstein.

And, unless all of the women who’ve accused him also start suddenly getting bombarded by frivolous charges, the conspiracy angle doesn’t make much sense.

Do you know what our theory is?

As weird as the timing of it all might be, Rose McGowan making headlines over Harvey Weinstein might be what prompted Virginia authorities to make their warrant public.

We fully believe that Rose McGowan had no idea (authorities allegedly tried to get in touch with her … which leaves us with a lot of questions over how a simple notification could be so difficult).

We don’t know whether Rose McGowan’s alleged possession stems from, like, a baggie of weed in a purse or microscopic traces on a sweater or what.

Proving that she had continuous possession of whatever item that got left behind sounds tricky for prosecutors.

(We can only imagine that the item got tested either because of a drug-sniffing dog or because it was left behind on a plane or at an airport and therefore became a “suspicious” package … we just don’t know)

Even if Rose McGowen really was in possession of a controlled substance, and that’s a big if, it shouldn’t matter because, again, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business what an adult puts in their own body.

Unless they’re, like, driving or performing surgery.

Still, even with this totally plausible scenario of coincidental timing, something about this really rubs us the wrong way.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rose McGowan Says She Was Offered $1 Million in Hush Money from Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan says Harvey Weinstein offered her $ 1 million to keep her mouth shut before his 1st sexual harassment story broke — which she countered for far higher before ultimately shooting him down. Rose told the NYT someone in Weinstein’s camp…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Rose McGowan: Harvey Weinstein RAPED Me! And Amazon Covered It Up!

Now that Rose McGowan has her viral voice back, the actress is using it to make a couple scathing accusations.

McGowan was actually kicked off Twitter earlier this week after she shared numerous messages calling out Hollywood for its inaction against Harvey Weinstein after the movie producer was outed for being the person she always claimed him to be:

A sexual predator.

Multiple detailed reports have alleged that Weinstein sexually harassed an endless number of women and even raped a few actresses back in the 1980s and 1990s.

McGowan, meanwhile, has gone on the offense in the wake of these allegations, referring to Ben Affleck as a liar, for example, after he pleaded ignorance over Weinstein’s notorious behavior.

After McGowan’s Twitter account was unlocked on Thursday (the company says she was given the temporary boot for sharing a private phone number), the actress celebrated by sending a series of message at people she believes covered for Weinstein …

… and by accusing the movie mogul of rape.

Addressing all of her Tweets to Jeff Bezos – the founder and CEO of Internet behemoth Amazon – McGowan wrote:

“I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over & over I said. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was proof.”

As part of a New York Times article published last week, it was revealed McGowan was one of eight women who reached a settlement with Weinstein.

In her case, it was for $ 100,000 and it was over a 1997 encounter in a hotel room with the executive producer during the Sundance Film Festival.

The money that changed hands was “not to be construed as an admission” by Weinstein, but intended to “avoid litigation and buy peace,” according to a legal document reportedly reviewed by the aforementioned newspaper.

Continued McGowan in her Twitter explanation last night:

“I had already sold a script I wrote to your studio, it was in development…

“When I heard a Weinstein bailout was in the works I forcefully begged studio head to do the right thing. I was ignored. Deal was done. Amazon won a dirty Oscar.

“I called my attorney & sad I wanted to get my script back, but before I could, #2 @amazonstudios called me to say my show was dead…

“@jeffbezos I am calling on you to stop funding rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers. I love @amazon but there is rot in Hollywood.

“@jeffbezos Be the change you want to see in the world. Stand with truth. #ROSEARMY #Amazon.”

mcgowan vs. amazon

This is not a new claim by McGowan.

Any awful cynic who thinks she’s somehow just trying to take advantage of the publicity surrounding Weinstein need only to CLICK ON THIS LINK.

Last October, McGowan also Tweeted about how a Hollywood executive had raped her – and how others within the industry had helped cover it up.

Using the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan wrote the following one year ago:

“A (female) criminal attorney said because I’d done a sex scene in a film I would never win against the studio head.

“Because it’s been an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She concluded: “It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

Sadly, it wasn’t then.

But maybe it can be now.

We’re most definitely proud members of the #ROSEARMY.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rose McGowan Back On Twitter and Ripping into Amazon"s Jeff Bezos

Rose McGowan is wasting no time — shortly after getting back on Twitter she launched an attack on Jeff Bezos and Amazon Studios … but it’s still all about Harvey Weinstein. Rose posted a pic of a female samurai with the caption “it’s on” then…


Rose McGowan Back On Twitter and Ripping into Amazon"s Jeff Bezos

Rose McGowan is wasting no time — shortly after getting back on Twitter she launched an attack on Jeff Bezos and Amazon Studios … but it’s still all about Harvey Weinstein. Rose posted a pic of a female samurai with the caption “it’s on” then…


Rose McGowan Suspended from Twitter Over Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck Attacks

Rose McGowan has been booted from Twitter for tweets attacking Ben Affleck and Harvey Weinstein. Rose went wild on Twitter, telling Affleck to “f*** off,” and going after the honchos at The Weinstein Co., saying, “Every man there has the blood of…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck: You LIE About Harvey Weinstein!

Following a few days of silence, Ben Affleck spoke out on Tuesday about Harvey Weinstein.

The actor, who has worked many times in the past with the disgraced film producer, took to Facebook and wrote the following:

I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades.

The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick. This is completely unacceptable, and I find myself asking what I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to others.

We need to do better at protecting our sisters, friends, co-workers and daughters.

We must support those who come forward, condemn this type of behavior when we see it and help ensure there are more women in positions of power.

Many had been waiting to hear from Affleck (and Matt Damon) after Weinstein played a major role in their careers by producing Good Will Hunting.

affleck statement

Late last week, however, a bombshell report revealed that Weinstein has paid off eight women over the years in exchange for their silence regarding his alleged sexual misconduct.

Then, a follow-up report claimed Weinstein has actually raped multiple young actresses and associates.

He’s been fired from his company and his wife just announced she’s leaving him.

The reverberations extend far beyond just Weinstein, however, as his behavior with women has been an open secret in Hollywood for decades.

Who’s been helping him keep his horrible actions quiet? How deep does the cover-up go?

We may find out more each day, but Rose McGowan has been one of the few people leading the charge against Weinstein from the beginning.

She’s been outspoken on social media about his reputation and his inexcusable treatment of women… and now she’s here to call out Affleck.

Shortly after Affleck issued the statement above, McGowan responded on Twitter.

She flat out called Affleck a liar because she said she had a conversation with him many years ago in which she explained how Weinstein had sexually harassed her.

Affleck’s supposed response?

“Goddamnit! I told him to stop doing that.”

The actress says this interaction took place while she and Affleck were at a press conference in promotion of a movie they did together, one she was “made” to attend even after an “assault” at the hands of Weinstein.

McGowan concluded her Tweet in simple, straightforward fashion, by addressing Affleck with two damning words:

You lie.

rose tweet

Previously, McGowan called for all members of The Weinstein Company board to resign due to their silence over Weinstein’s treatment of women over the years.

She’s doing all she can to lead this fight and to expose the rampant sexism in Hollywood.

This is also known as doing the opposite of what Donna Karan is doing, as the fashion designer stepped into scalding hot water this week for suggesting Weinstein’s victims were to blame due to how they acted and dressed.

more rose tweets

Will Affleck response to McGowan’s harsh assertion?

Will he have anything else to say on this controversial topic?

And what disturbing piece of information will we learn next about Harvey Weinstein and/or those who know him well?


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck for Denying He Knew About Weinstein

Ben Affleck is flat out lying if he wants people to think he didn’t know about Harvey Weinstein … at least according to Rose McGowan who says she told Ben face-to-face. Shortly after Ben issued his first comments about…
