Showing posts with label Silenced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silenced. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Says Org Bullied, Silenced Her in Favor of Gretchen Carlson

The reigning Miss America is railing on the org, saying they have silenced and ignored her and instead focused all of their attention on former Miss America and whistleblower Gretchen Carlson. Cara Mund is outraged that the Miss America CEO as well…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Stormy Daniels Sues Donald Trump: I Won"t Be Silenced!

Back in January, the world heard allegations that Trump had bedded a porn star and paid for her silence while married to Melania.

Stormy Daniels has not been able to discuss the Trump affair because of the non-disclosure agreement. That, however, may change.

Because the porn actress and director is suing Donald Trump and saying that the contract is void.

Stormy daniels donald trump splitStormy daniels avn awards 2018

We"ve all heard very weird details about Donald Trump, thanks to an old interview that predated the "hush agreement."

Namely, that he"s allegedly very afraid of sharks but would watch hours of Shark Week, though this was back when Shark Week was good and before they decided to air fake specials about hypothetical creatures for ratings.

Also, he allegedly had her spank him with a rolled up Forbes magazine. There"s an image that no one ever wanted.

Though Stormy Daniels has been interviewed and asked directly about these accusations, she hasn"t been able to confirm or deny anything thanks to the alleged non-disclosure agreement.

That NDA was accompanied by $ 130,000 and came just weeks before the 2016 election.

Now, however, Stormy is suing Trump. Will she be able to reveal everything?

Stormy daniels pic

CNN reports on the contents of the legal complaint that Stormy Daniels — real name Stephanie Clifford — has filed.

One big issue that her team believes invalidates the agreement is that Trump never signed it.

"Despite Mr. Trump"s failure to sign the Hush Agreement, Mr. Cohen proceeded to cause $ 130,000.00 to be wired to the trust account of Ms. Clifford"s attorney."

Her lawyer says that, without the signatures of both parties, the document is just a piece of paper with ink on it.

"He did so even though there was no legal agreement and thus no written nondisclosure agreement whereby Ms. Clifford was restricted from disclosing the truth about Mr. Trump."

Ms. Daniels" legal complaint goes on to imply that there have been attempts to force her out of the spotlight.

"To be clear, the attempts to intimidate Ms. Clifford into silence and "shut her up" in order to "protect Mr. Trump" continue unabated."

That doesn"t seem to be an empty claim — as the complaint lists an example.

"For example, only days ago on or about February 27, 2018, Mr. Trump"s attorney Mr. Cohen surreptitiously initiated a bogus arbitration proceeding against Ms. Clifford in Los Angeles."


"Remarkably, he did so without even providing Ms. Clifford with notice of the proceeding and basic due process."

It looks like Stormy"s lawsuit has multiple goals, and that one of them is to stop this alleged harassment.

Stormy daniels selfie

To hear Cohen tell it, he just woke up one morning and decided to create an LLC and wire $ 130,000 to Ms. Daniels.

"Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly."

While there are plenty of ways to reward or compensate someone without a direct reimbursement, it"s admittedly very funny to imagine a man just deciding to send her, like, half a house"s worth of money for no reason.

Especially since this was a short time before that fateful, dreadful 2016 election.

Cohen"s statement was interpreted by many as a hollow attempt to cover for Trump.

Stormy daniels and donald trump

But Cohen"s statement is coming back to bite him.

Ms. Daniels" lawsuit mentions that Cohen issued that denial "without any consent by Ms. Clifford, thus evidencing Mr. Cohen"s apparent position (at least in that context) that no binding agreement was in place."

So that makes two reasons for which she may be free to tell all.

CNN reports that perhaps Trump didn"t sign so that he would later be able to deny that the agreement — and affair — ever took place.

But some wonder if perhaps he didn"t sign it because the $ 1 million penalty for divulging that the affair took place applies to both of them.

Perhaps he has enough self-awareness to realize that he sometimes just runs his mouth and boasts and might have shared it. Remember, this is a guy whose own lawyers are afraid that he"ll perjure himself if he"s placed under oath.

Stormy daniels on jimmy kimmel live

While no one really envies Stormy Daniels" alleged experience of "generic" sex with Donald Trump, a lot of people want for her to be free to speak up about it.

In part because a lot of NDAs are creepy and the idea of silencing a woman about her own sexual experiences is, well, a source of discomfort.

Mostly, however, because of Agent Orange"s administration, many Americans are getting through the day through schadenfreude and spite, and the idea of embarrassing Trump would bring a small measure of satisfaction to many.

But … realistically, in and of itself, this scandal is like a footnote. The Trump administration has a new scandal every day, it seems, with departures from the White House and multiple criminal investigations.

There is one very important detail, which CNN notes:

If these allegations in Stormy"s lawsuit are true, it would reportedly be a violation of federal election laws.

Stormy daniels sues donald trump i wont be silenced

Friday, February 16, 2018

Elton John Stunned and Silenced After Mardi Gras Beads to the Mouth

Elton John was totally down for fighting on a Wednesday night when a fan whacked him in the mouth with some beads … temporarily silencing the legend. Sir Elton was right in the middle of “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” during his…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrest Warrant Issued. Is She Being Silenced?

Just a little more than two weeks ago, Rose McGowan accused Harvey Weinstein of having raped her. She was far from Harvey Weinstein’s sole accuser, but she’s one of the bigger names to go public.

And now, very suddenly, we’re finding out that there’s an arrest warrant out for Rose McGowan over alleged drug possession … dating back to the beginning of the year.

What we don’t know is whether this suspicious timing is just a coincidence or some sort of retaliation. But Rose McGowan has a theory.

It was only a year ago when Rose McGowan revealed that she had been raped by a Hollywood executive.

Sexual assault is horrifying, and we absolutely do not blame her for not naming the monster who came after her.

At the time, it would have been her word alone against his.

Following the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal and the multiple women accusing him of rape

As a powerful Hollywood mega-producer, Harvey Weinstein had the money and influence to intimidate countless women into silence.

We may never know the names of all of the women left scarred, traumatized, and ashamed by Weinstein’s alleged actions.

We need to respect the choices of those women, however. Most of us are fortunate enough that we cannot imagine being in that kind of situation.

That Rose McGowan has used her voice, her fame, and her platform to speak out against sexual assault is a sign of real bravery.

And yet … there’s a warrant out for Rose McGowan’s arrest.

The Associated Press reports that the warrant was obtained by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department.

And … it was issued on February 1st of this year.

That’s just about 9 entire months ago.

So … why are we just hearing about this now, we wonder?

We’ll get to that in a moment, because the charges are also pretty weird.

The AP reports:

“An arrest warrant has been obtained for actress Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.”

Okay. Yikes.

“The felony charge stems from a police investigation of personal belongings left behind on a United flight arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 20. Police say the items tested positive for narcotics.”

Our first thought, aside from “it’s literally no one’s business what Rose McGowan allegedly puts in her body,” was to wonder since when, exactly, do random possessions (like a sweater or whatever) get tested for traces of narcotics?

Rose McGowan tweeted out after she heard the news, asking the question that we’ve all been wondering:

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES–T.”

Rose McGowan is a celebrity; Virginia authorities have had an entire pregnancy’s worth of time to tell the Associated Press or the LAPD or … whomever … that they need to speak with Rose McGowan.

They might have mentioned this to Rose, too, you might think.

Virginia-based charges seem like a bit of a reach for Harvey Weinstein.

And, unless all of the women who’ve accused him also start suddenly getting bombarded by frivolous charges, the conspiracy angle doesn’t make much sense.

Do you know what our theory is?

As weird as the timing of it all might be, Rose McGowan making headlines over Harvey Weinstein might be what prompted Virginia authorities to make their warrant public.

We fully believe that Rose McGowan had no idea (authorities allegedly tried to get in touch with her … which leaves us with a lot of questions over how a simple notification could be so difficult).

We don’t know whether Rose McGowan’s alleged possession stems from, like, a baggie of weed in a purse or microscopic traces on a sweater or what.

Proving that she had continuous possession of whatever item that got left behind sounds tricky for prosecutors.

(We can only imagine that the item got tested either because of a drug-sniffing dog or because it was left behind on a plane or at an airport and therefore became a “suspicious” package … we just don’t know)

Even if Rose McGowen really was in possession of a controlled substance, and that’s a big if, it shouldn’t matter because, again, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business what an adult puts in their own body.

Unless they’re, like, driving or performing surgery.

Still, even with this totally plausible scenario of coincidental timing, something about this really rubs us the wrong way.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Could Be Silenced and Booted from TWC Board Meeting

Harvey Weinstein could be cut off at the knees at Tuesday’s Board of Directors meeting, because there are signs the Board might fire him … which we’re told would guarantee litigation. Harvey, who is still a member of the Board despite being fired…


Harvey Weinstein Could Be Silenced and Booted from TWC Board Meeting

Harvey Weinstein could be cut off at the knees at Tuesday’s Board of Directors meeting, because there are signs the Board might fire him … which we’re told would guarantee litigation. Harvey, who is still a member of the Board despite being fired…
