Showing posts with label Favor'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Favor'. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Says Org Bullied, Silenced Her in Favor of Gretchen Carlson

The reigning Miss America is railing on the org, saying they have silenced and ignored her and instead focused all of their attention on former Miss America and whistleblower Gretchen Carlson. Cara Mund is outraged that the Miss America CEO as well…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Audrey Roloff Details "Empowering" Delivery Experience, Asks Fans for a Favor

Audrey Roloff gave birth on Tuesday night.

Okay, not quite.

As all Little People, Big World fans know quite well, Audrey Roloff really gave birth in mid-September.

But the TLC series on which Audrey has risen to fame took fans behind the scenes of this miraculous experience this week, documenting the labor that led to Ember Jean’s entrance into the world.

It was pretty special to watch.

Now, in a new Instagram post, Audrey has provided followers with even more details about what has to be the most memorable day of her existence.

It started with her afraid that she would be so long past her due date that it would be unsafe to have a natural delivery.

“This was the hardest and most empowering day of my life,” opened Amber as a caption to the image above, adding:

“When I went into active labor at 2:30 in the morning I quickly reached into my nightstand drawer, grabbed a sharpie, and wrote ALWAYS MORE on my hand.”

This may sound like a bunch of hooey coming from some people, but we buy it coming from Audrey.

She has never shied away from discussing her faith or from what this saying means to her, as she did again here.

“These words have propelled so much of my life, and they have become my mission – to inspire women to ALWAYS believe in the MORE that is within them. 

“I knew that this day, more than any other day, I needed to be reminded that I ALWAYS had MORE strength, endurance, and hope through Christ.”

Roloff continued to get personal with her Instagram followers, writing:

“During labor, these words increased my faith and permeated my body with unexplainable peace and power.

“Every now and then during contractions I would catch a glimpse of my hand, clenched tightly to Jeremy’s, and I would see those words, blurred by sweat and tears – ALWAYS MORE.”

As any mother knows, there’s nothing that can come close to giving birth.

It’s an experience unlike any other.

And Audrey used this motto to get her through it:

“Always more strength through contractions, always more hope when I felt discouraged, always more purpose through the pain, always more perseverance to endure, always more opportunity to be courageous, always more reason to trust, and always more victory through Christ.

“I remember saying them outloud repeatedly just before I stared to push.”

And then Ember was in her arms.

Amazing. The whole thing really is pretty amazing.

“Guess what you guys….” Ember added. “The hospital room that i delivered Ember in was room 320 are you kidding me God?!? ah. Always more is based on Ephesians 3:20.

“You can’t make this stuff up!!!”

You can try to profit off it, however.

As we’ve cited in the past, Audrey transitioned against here from honesty about her faith to an attempt to sell her followers on something she makes money off.

“Because ALWAYS MORE has helped me through some of the toughest trials in my life, I created a 7 Day Always More Devotional that I hope might encourage you through whatever hard circumstances you might be facing today!” she concluded on her page, adding:

“Click the link in my bio to download it for FREE! ALWAYS believe in the MORE that is with you. #alwaysmore #emberjean.”

Now, yes, the Devotional is free.

But as we point out above, Roloff asks for your personal information in order to send it along.

And you know she’ll use this to include you on her newsletter and to make other offerings, many of which will ask for money.

Is this just an example of Audrey being an entrepreneur and it’s all good?

Is her heart in the right place and she just wants to help your religious efforts.

Or is this pretty tacky, writing a lot about God and then using her birthing experience to build up her email database?


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Summer Zervos: Judge Rules In Favor of Alleged Donald Trump Assault Victim

With all the talk of Stormy Daniels‘ lie detector test and news that the president congratulated a foreign dictator on winning a sham election, you may have forgotten that there are threats to the legitimacy (such as it is) of Donald Trump’s administration that don’t involve porn stars or Russians.

So let’s open the Manhattan yellow pages-sized Big Book of Trump Scandals and turn all the way back to 2007 – a simpler time, when the Donald was just a handsy reality show host, and not the nominal leader of the free world.

Back in 2017, former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos alleged that she had been sexually assaulted by Trump on two separate occasions a decade prior.

When Trump publicly derided Zervos as a liar, she responded by filing a defamation suit.

Naturally, Trump’s lawyers (the hardest-working bastards in the legal biz) did everything they could to have the case thrown out of court.

But today, another item was added to the laughably long list of legal setbacks for 45, as a New York judge denied a movement to dismiss Zervos’ claim, which means the case will now move forward.

The statute of limitations for possible criminal charges has expired, but the defamation lawsuit allows Zervos and famed attorney Gloria Allred to bring Trump to task for his alleged crimes.

“In a defamation action, the question is truth. That’s your defense in defamation: The truth of the matter. So the underlying action of sexual harassment gets litigated in this defamation action,” civil rights attorney Areva Martin recently told CNN.

“It’s a back-door way to talk about the sexual harassment, the groping, the touching.”

Trump’s lawyers tried to convince Judge Jennifer Schecter that sitting judges should be immune from such suits.

The judge wasn’t having it, and she cited a suit against Trump’s second most-hated former president in today’s decision:

“No one is above the law. It is settled that the President of the United States has no immunity and is ‘subject to the laws’ for purely private acts,” Schecter wrote

“For the very same reasons articulated in Clinton v Jones, a stay for the duration of the Trump presidency must be denied.”

More than a dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct, but thus far.

It’s currently unclear if Zervos’ suit will encourage other alleged victims to file suit against Trump, but today, Lisa Bloom, an attorney who has represented several of the women, took to Twitter to encourage “a rich Patriot to step forward and promise to pay all costs, fees and penalties for any Trump accuser who wants to speak out.”

“I applaud the decision to allow Summer’s case to go forward,” Bloom told CNN. “It is clearly the law that a sitting president can sue and be sued. I hope this will encourage other women to come forward.”


Monday, October 2, 2017

LaVar Ball Yanks LaMelo from Chino Hills in Favor of Homeschooling

LaVar Ball is taking his son LaMelo’s hoops career into his own hands — pulling the top prospect out of Chino Hills High School so he can personally train ‘Melo over the next 2 years. “I’m going to make him the best basketball player ever,” LaVar…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Duggar Family: Did One Member Just Come Out in Favor of LGBT Rights?!

Being in the Duggar fertility cult means following a host of deeply fundamentalist beliefs espoused by Jim Bob Duggar, setting men back by decades and women back by a couple of centuries at least.

But the best-laid plans of domineering patriarchs don’t always work out, and it seems almost inevitable that some of the Duggars will break free of their family’s oppression and form their own ideas.

Well one members of the Duggar family is shocking fans — and appears to be warming to the idea of LGBT rights.

Derick Dillard isn’t a Duggar in name or by birth, but he’s undeniably part of the Duggar clan.

As far as that group goes, Derick can come across as almost likable — despite having cut his hair — though his likability may just come from being compared to the likes of Josh Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar.

It’s easy for anyone to look good in that context, you know? But he seems to be an okay guy.

Derick and Jill have been dedicated to their missionary work — which was controversial even among people who think that missionary work is an acceptable thing to do.

Derick and Jill also dedicated parents and generally part of a very conservative subculture.

Which is why this apparent deviatin on Derick’s part sent shockwaves through fans of Counting On.

Richard Grenell, a long-serving spokesman for the United States at the UN, tweeted.

“No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian. We should be able to work through these issues.”

He’s absolutely right, of course.

Don’t get us wrong, because Grenell tweets a lot of absolute nonsense (honestly he tweeted praise about Trump making a “fast and bold move” on foreign policy and it’s like reading something from a parallel universe where Trump isn’t an evil living trashcan fire).

But “No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian,” is a pair of statements with which most people should be able to agree.

Of course, one of those is a real thing that happens all of the time with zero legal reprocussions in many states. The other is so rare that it’s weird that he’d bring it up.

(It’s kind of like hearing a news report about a series of car thefts and tweeting: “Those monsters shouldn’t steal people’s cars! Also, graverobbing is awful.” Maybe he was just trying to appeal to his followers who might hesitate about his first sentence)

One person who liked that tweet, which acknowledged gay rights (admittedly just about the bare minimum in terms of anti-discrimination, but still), was Derick Dillard.

To say that some people were surprised was an understatement.

While it’s not unusual for Ben Seewald to clash with Jim Bob Duggar over theology, you don’t usually think of Derick as being a “radical” by Duggar standards.

And yes, for these folks, acknowledging even basic human rights for LGBT folks is considered radical.

So “liking” that tweet might be a big deal.

(And yes, likes and favorites are publicly visible on almost every social media platform)

Some fans still don’t think that Derick is necessarily deviating from fundamentalist beliefs or supporting LGBT rights.

There were three sentences in that tweet, and Derick may have been focusing on the second.

“And no one should be fired for being a Christian.”

That’s not exactly an epidemic, and anti-discrimination laws tend to include religion already, but we have to remember that for some conservative Christians and especially for fundamentalists, there’s an emphasis on “persecution” and the need to believe that they’re oppressed.

(For the record, there are absolutely places where Christians are oppressed, but in the US they are 70% of the population and hold majorities in every branch of government at every level, and their God is literally mentioned in the Pledge of Allegiance)

So there’s a chance that Derick was not only glossing over the first sentence, but expressing his religiously conservative beliefs.

Still, plenty of conservatives — including Richard Grenell, the man who wrote that tweet — are warming to the idea that gay people exist and might even be treated like people.

Derick Dillard is relatively young and has traveled beyond the isolation of Arkansas.

It’s probably easy for the LGBT community to seem frightening to people who don’t watch television or ever meet people who don’t share their exact same views.

Maybe Derick has seen enough of the world to know better.

One way or the other, it would be nice to see him address the subject of that tweet.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

L.A. Police Commission President In Favor Of Defacing Trump Star on Walk of Fame (VIDEO)

L.A. Police Commission President Matt Johnson is tough on crime … but not when it comes to vandalizing Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We got the Police Commission Prez at Craig’s in WeHo Monday night, and he had no problem…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Metta World Peace Cheers Against His Kid In Favor Of Shaq"s Son (VIDEO)

There’s no beef between Shaq and Metta World Peace over their basketball star kids … matter of fact, Metta says he sometimes pulls for Shareef when he plays against his son. TMZ Sports spoke to Metta about Ron Artest III’s H.S.…


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Jerry Rice"s Daughter Playing Women"s Football ... "Genetics In My Favor" (VIDEO)

Jerry Rice’s daughter says she’s dead serious about joining a professional women’s football league … telling TMZ Sports, “I’ve got genetics in my favor.” We spoke with 29-year-old Jaqui Rice about her upcoming tryout with the L.A. Temptation of…
