Showing posts with label Dismiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dismiss. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Asks Judge to Dismiss Case Entirely

Harvey Weinstein’s legal team is going for the kill amid a crumbling criminal case against their client — now asking a judge to toss the remaining charges against HW.  Weinstein’s lawyer, Ben Brafman, filed a new motion Monday in Weinstein’s…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Kim Kardashian and SnapLight Dismiss LuMee Lawsuit

Kim Kardashian has one less legal headache to worry about after apparently striking a settlement with SnapLight over illuminated phone cases. SnapLight and Kim’s company — Kimsaprincess, Inc. — filed docs to have the lawsuit tossed out of court.…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rose McGowan, Dismiss My Cocaine Case Because I Was Framed ... Maybe By Weinstein

Rose McGowan wants her felony cocaine possession case tossed because she says the coke may well have been planted … and she points to Harvey Weinstein. McGowan has pled not guilty to cocaine possession after cocaine was found in the wallet she…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mark Salling Child Porn Case, Prosecutors Move to Dismiss Case After Suicide

Mark Salling’s child pornography case will come to an abrupt halt after his suicide, because prosecutors just filed legal docs asking the judge to dismiss the case. The documents are short and to the point … they are asking the federal judge who…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mary Kay Letourneau Says Not So Fasts Vili, Moves to Dismiss His Separation Docs

Mary Kay Letourneau is nothing if not true to form … she’s now filed a bizarre petition with the court to have her husband’s separation case dismissed. TMZ has obtained a document filed just hours after we broke the story Vili Fualaau filed…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Chris Soules Asks Judge to Dismiss Criminal Charge in Fatal Car Accident

Chris Soules says he did everything he was legally required to do at the scene of his fatal accident, and his lawyers have just filed legal docs asking the judge to dismiss the felony charge of leaving the scene of an accident that results in death.…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aaron Hernandez"s Lawyers File Motion to Dismiss Murder Conviction

That was quick! Just days after Aaron Hernandez’s death, his legal team has already filed a motion to have his murder conviction officially dismissed … as part of a Massachusetts law that everyone’s talking about.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Vanessa Grimaldi and Nick Viall Dismiss Critics, Insist They Really Are Happy

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimadli are tuning out critics after a widely panned debut as a couple on The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special.

As The Bachelor spoilers predicted, Nick proposed, she said yes … and predictions of their imminent demise also didn’t look far off.

Suffice it to say, alumni of Bachelor Nation and fans alike were far from confident in Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi‘s future Monday.

Past stars from Sean Lowe and Catherine Guidici to J.P. Rosenbaum and Trista Sutter all took to social media to voice their skepticism.

Typically you’d see a united front, with the alumni rallying around the couple, but Viall and Grimaldi’s interaction was just that awkward.

Yet despite the negative commentary from critics doubting their love for one another, the couple are focusing on the positive together.

“You can never make people happy. At the end of the day, we are focusing on our relationship,” said Grimaldi, a special ed teacher.

“It’s so easy to focus on the negative, which sometimes I do, and Nick tries to get me out of it. But it’s the world that we’re living in.”

The duo admitted that it’s been a struggle up to this point, and that they are ready to live life together without ABC TV cameras rolling.

“I was excited for it to end, but now I am sad,” Grimaldi said.

“I mean, I’m excited for us to start our real life together.”

(NOTE: Why is she sad about it then? This is confusing.)

“She’s very much looking forward for this to be over,” Viall added, admitting, “It was very difficult for us as a couple at the end.”

While the pair are engaged, they recognize that they “have a long way to go” and “are getting to know each other” these days.

“I don’t think any relationship is perfect,” said Vanessa.

Definitely not, but most Bachelor and Bachelorette couples come out of the finale looking a bit more optimistic than these two lovebirds.

“I hope we came across as in love and passionate tonight,” Nick said, responding to the widespread sentiment that they looked miserable.

“The reality is – we joke about it, but it’s true – we don’t know what it’s like to go to the movies together, to spend time together in the real world.”

“Our relationship has been based off of stressful situations.”

Vanessa, for her part, seconded that notion and said that “I feel like it’s been on standstill for a little bit … I’m ready to move forward.” 

How far forward will they move, though?

Think it’ll last? Vote in our poll below:


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ryan Lochte -- Rio Judge Rejects Bid to Dismiss Case

Ryan Lochte’s lawyers got a double whammy in Brazil — a judge denied their request to have HIS criminal case dismissed … then transferred the case to a higher court.  A rep for the Court of Justice tells TMZ … a Rio judge kicked Ryan’s…
