Showing posts with label Conviction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conviction. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2018

Bill Cosby: Headed to Prison For 10 YEARS Following Rape Conviction?

It’s been five months since Bill Cosby was found guilty of raping Andrea Constand in 2004.

Today, a sentencing hearing for the disgraced comedy legend began, and while it looks increasingly likely that Cosby will go to prison for his crimes, many feel that the 81-year-old will likely escape with a much lighter sentence than he deserves.

In a Pennsylvania courtroom today, prosecutor Kevin Steele implored a sentencing judge to throw the book at Cosby with 10 years in prison and a $ 25,000 fine for the crime of drugging and sexually assaulting Constand.

“This is about a person who put himself in a situation of being a mentor,” Steele told the court.

“We know he had other intentions right from the beginning: What he saw in Andrea the first time he laid eyes on her, what his plan was,” he continued.

“He used his fame. He doesn’t recognize that it’s wrong to drug somebody and sexually assault them.”

Those present in the courtroom described Steele as “very emotional” noting that the prosecutor was “almost crying” during his closing statements.

Cosby’s victim also addressed the court, providing a brief statement in what one observer described as a clear, unemotional voice:

“I have testified, I have given you my victim impact statement. You heard me, the jury heard me and Mr. Cosby heard me,” Constand said.

“All I’m asking for is justice as the court sees fit.”

Sentencing has been delayed until at least Tuesday due to the absence of a defense witness who was unable to testify today, but we already have a rough idea of what’s in store for Cosby.

While the TV personality who was once dubbed “America’s dad” could face up to 30 years in prison, the judge in his case informed the courtroom today that Cosby will not serve a sentence of longer than three years.

Sources connected to the case are said to be outraged by the judge’s determination and believe it to be the result of the defense’s assertion that Cosby is too old and infirm to represent a threat to the public.

We will have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meek Mill Rallies Support to Get Conviction Overturned

Meek Mill and his legal team just got a boost from someone who might know more than anyone else about Philly police corruption and people who’ve been wrongly convicted. Bradley Bridge is an attorney for the Defender Association of Philadelphia, and…


Meek Mill Rallies Support to Get Conviction Overturned

Meek Mill and his legal team just got a boost from someone who might know more than anyone else about Philly police corruption and people who’ve been wrongly convicted. Bradley Bridge is an attorney for the Defender Association of Philadelphia, and…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Akon Defends "Hero" Bill Cosby Following Sexual Assault Conviction

Akon’s got Bill Cosby’s back … or so it seems. We got the singer at LAX on Monday and asked him what’s the right prison sentence for the disgraced comedian, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. Our informed…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Philly Prosecutors Want Meek Mill"s Gun Conviction Thrown Out, Judge Shuts Down

Prosecutors in Meek Mill’s case want his original drug conviction to be vacated, which would mean immediate freedom for the rapper — but, once again, the judge is refusing to bend. Philly’s D.A. Office made a rare move Monday morning in court ……


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Meek Mill Says Cop Who Busted Him Is Dirty, Conviction Should Be Overturned

Meek Mill wants out of prison immediately because the Philly police officer who busted him has a history of making dirty arrests … according to new docs filed in his case. Meek says officer Reginald Graham is the cop who arrested him in 2007 for…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

O.J. Simpson Parole Board in the Dark about Spousal Battery Conviction

O.J. Simpson might not have been paroled had the Nevada Parole Board been officially informed that he had been convicted of spousal battery in 1989 … but the board never found out. The Board just said they had never been told that Simpson pled no…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Murder Conviction Officially Dismissed

Aaron Hernandez’s conviction for the murder of Odin Lloyd has officially been dismissed by a judge. The case went before the court in Massachusetts early Tuesday morning where Hernandez’s team argued that the conviction cannot stand because he had…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Prosecutors Fight To Keep Murder Conviction After Death

Prosecutors in Massachusetts don’t think Aaron Hernandez should die an innocent man and just filed a motion to stop his murder conviction from being dismissed. As we previously reported, Hernandez’s legal team asked a judge to throw out his…


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Aaron Hernandez"s Lawyers File Motion to Dismiss Murder Conviction

That was quick! Just days after Aaron Hernandez’s death, his legal team has already filed a motion to have his murder conviction officially dismissed … as part of a Massachusetts law that everyone’s talking about.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dani Mathers Worries Conviction Will Ruin Her Real Estate Career

Dani Mathers is facing way more than a conviction for invasion of privacy for secretly snapping a pic of an elderly woman at a gym … it could ruin what she believes is a promising real estate career. Dani’s lawyer is in court right now,…


NFL"s Will Allen Booted from Florida Home After Ponzi Scheme Conviction

Ex-NFL cornerback Will Allen just kissed his Florida home goodbye … after he was convicted of screwing people out of MILLIONS in an illegal Ponzi scheme. Allen — who played for the Giants, Dolphins and Patriots — pled guilty to running a $ 35…
