Monday, September 24, 2018

Bill Cosby: Headed to Prison For 10 YEARS Following Rape Conviction?

It’s been five months since Bill Cosby was found guilty of raping Andrea Constand in 2004.

Today, a sentencing hearing for the disgraced comedy legend began, and while it looks increasingly likely that Cosby will go to prison for his crimes, many feel that the 81-year-old will likely escape with a much lighter sentence than he deserves.

In a Pennsylvania courtroom today, prosecutor Kevin Steele implored a sentencing judge to throw the book at Cosby with 10 years in prison and a $ 25,000 fine for the crime of drugging and sexually assaulting Constand.

“This is about a person who put himself in a situation of being a mentor,” Steele told the court.

“We know he had other intentions right from the beginning: What he saw in Andrea the first time he laid eyes on her, what his plan was,” he continued.

“He used his fame. He doesn’t recognize that it’s wrong to drug somebody and sexually assault them.”

Those present in the courtroom described Steele as “very emotional” noting that the prosecutor was “almost crying” during his closing statements.

Cosby’s victim also addressed the court, providing a brief statement in what one observer described as a clear, unemotional voice:

“I have testified, I have given you my victim impact statement. You heard me, the jury heard me and Mr. Cosby heard me,” Constand said.

“All I’m asking for is justice as the court sees fit.”

Sentencing has been delayed until at least Tuesday due to the absence of a defense witness who was unable to testify today, but we already have a rough idea of what’s in store for Cosby.

While the TV personality who was once dubbed “America’s dad” could face up to 30 years in prison, the judge in his case informed the courtroom today that Cosby will not serve a sentence of longer than three years.

Sources connected to the case are said to be outraged by the judge’s determination and believe it to be the result of the defense’s assertion that Cosby is too old and infirm to represent a threat to the public.

We will have further details on this developing story as more information becomes available.
